############################################################### # # # (c) Toni Giorgino # # Laboratory for Biomedical Informatics # # University of Pavia - Italy # # www.labmedinfo.org # # # # $Id: globalCostMatrix.R 142 2008-06-09 13:30:53Z tonig $ # # ############################################################### ######################################## ## Compute the cost matrix from a local distance matrix ## Wrapper to the native function `globalCostMatrix` <- function(lm, step.matrix=symmetric1, window.function=noWindow, native=TRUE, ...) { ## sanity check - be extra cautions w/ binary if (!is.stepPattern(step.matrix)) stop("step.matrix is no stepMatrix object"); # i = 1 .. n in query sequence, on first index, ie rows # j = 1 .. m on template sequence, on second index, ie columns # Note: template is usually drawn vertically, up-wise n <- nrow(lm); m <- ncol(lm); # number of individual steps (counting all patterns) nsteps<-dim(step.matrix)[1]; # clear the cost and step matrix # these will be the outputs of the binary cm <- matrix(NA,nrow=n,ncol=m); sm <- matrix(NA,nrow=n,ncol=m); # initializer cm[1,1] <- lm[1,1]; if(is.loaded("computeCM") && native){ ## precompute windowing wm <- matrix(FALSE,nrow=n,ncol=m); wm[window.function(row(wm),col(wm), query.size=n, template.size=m, ...)]<-TRUE; ## this call could be optimized tmp<-.C("computeCM",NAOK=TRUE,PACKAGE="dtw", as.integer(dim(cm)), # s as.logical(wm), # as.double(lm), as.integer(nsteps), as.double(step.matrix), cmo=as.double(cm), # OUT smo=as.integer(sm)); # OUT cm<-matrix(tmp$cmo,nrow=n,ncol=m); sm<-matrix(tmp$smo,nrow=n,ncol=m); } else { #################### ## INTERPRETED PURE-R IMPLEMENTATION warning("Native dtw implementation not available: using (slow) interpreted fallback"); # now walk through the matrix, column-wise and row-wise, # and recursively compute the accumulated distance. Unreachable # elements are handled via NAs (removed) dir <- step.matrix; npats <- attr(dir,"npat"); for (j in 1:m) { for (i in 1:n) { ## It is ok to window on the arrival point (?) if(!window.function(i,j, query.size=n, template.size=m, ...)) { next; } clist<-numeric(npats)+NA; for (s in 1:nsteps) { ## current pattern p<-dir[s,1]; ## ii,jj is the cell from where potentially we could ## have come from. ii<-i-dir[s,2]; # previous step in inp jj<-j-dir[s,3]; # previous step in tpl if(ii>=1 && jj>=1) { # element exists? cc<- dir[s,4]; # step penalty if(cc == -1) { # -1? cumulative cost: clist[p]<-cm[ii,jj]; # there must be exactly 1 per pattern } else { # a cost for clist[p]<-clist[p]+cc*lm[ii,jj]; } } } ## no NAs in clist at this point BUT clist can be empty ## store in cost matrix minc<-which.min(clist); # pick the least cost if(length(minc)>0) { # false if clist has all NAs cm[i,j]<-clist[minc]; sm[i,j]<-minc; # remember the pattern picked } } } } ## END PURE-R IMPLEMENTATION #################### out<-list(); out$costMatrix<-cm; # to get distance out$directionMatrix<-sm; # to backtrack out$stepPattern<-step.matrix; # to backtrack return(out); }