Raw File
#(c) 2013-2015 by Authors
#This file is a part of Ragout program.
#Released under the BSD license (see LICENSE file)

This module resolves repeats so we can
put them into the breakpoint graph.
The underlying intuition is straitforward, however
the code contains a lot of magic. Sorry :(

from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from itertools import chain, product, combinations
from copy import deepcopy, copy
import logging

import networkx as nx

logger = logging.getLogger()

class Context:
    def __init__(self, perm, pos, left, right):
        self.perm = perm
        self.pos = pos
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

    def __str__(self):
        block_id = self.perm.blocks[self.pos].block_id
        return "({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})".format(self.perm.chr_name, self.pos,
                                             self.left, self.right)

    def equal(self, other):
        return self.right == other.right and self.left == other.left

MP = namedtuple("MatchPair", ["trg", "prof"])
class MatchPair(MP):
    def __hash__(self):
        return id(self)

def resolve_repeats(ref_perms, target_perms, repeats, phylogeny):
    Does the job
    logger.info("Resolving repeats")

    next_block_id = 0
    for perm in chain(ref_perms, target_perms):
        next_block_id = max(next_block_id,
                            max(map(lambda b: b.block_id, perm.blocks)) + 1)
    first_block_id = next_block_id
    target_name = target_perms[0].genome_name

    ref_contexts = _get_contexts(ref_perms, repeats)
    trg_contexts = _get_contexts(target_perms, repeats)

    #getting matches
    repetitive_matches = []
    unique_matches = []
    for repeat_id, contexts in ref_contexts.items():
        by_genome = defaultdict(list)
        for ctx in contexts:

        logger.debug("==Resolving {0}".format(repeat_id))
        profiles = _split_into_profiles(by_genome, repeats, phylogeny)
        profiles = list(filter(lambda p: _parsimony_test(p, phylogeny,
                                        target_name), profiles))
        unique_m, repetitive_m = _match_target_contexts(profiles,
                                            trg_contexts[repeat_id], repeats)

        for matches in [unique_m, repetitive_m]:
            for trg_ctx, profile in matches:
                logger.debug("T: {0}".format(trg_ctx))
                for ref_ctx in profile:
                    logger.debug("R: {0}".format(ref_ctx))

    ##resolving unique
    for trg_ctx, profile in unique_matches:
        for ref_ctx in profile:
            assert (trg_ctx.perm.blocks[trg_ctx.pos].block_id ==
            ref_ctx.perm.blocks[ref_ctx.pos].block_id = next_block_id
        trg_ctx.perm.blocks[trg_ctx.pos].block_id = next_block_id
        next_block_id += 1

    #resolving repetitive
    by_target_perm = defaultdict(list)
    for match in repetitive_matches:
    to_remove = set()
    new_contigs = 0
    for perm, matches in by_target_perm.items():
        groups = _split_by_instance(matches)

        for group in groups:
            new_perm = deepcopy(perm)
            for trg_ctx, profile in group:
                for ref_ctx in profile:
                    assert (new_perm.blocks[trg_ctx.pos].block_id ==
                    ref_ctx.perm.blocks[ref_ctx.pos].block_id = next_block_id
                new_perm.blocks[trg_ctx.pos].block_id = next_block_id
                next_block_id += 1
            new_contigs += 1

        if groups:
    target_perms = list(filter(lambda p: p not in to_remove, target_perms))

    logger.debug("Resolved {0} unique repeat instances"
                        .format(next_block_id - first_block_id))
    logger.debug("Added {0} extra contigs".format(new_contigs))

def _parsimony_test(profile, phylogeny, target_name):
    Determines if the given uniqe instance of a repeat exists in target genome
    states = {g : False for g in phylogeny.terminals_dfs_order()}
    for ctx in profile:
        states[ctx.perm.genome_name] = True

    score_without = phylogeny.estimate_tree(states)
    states[target_name] = True
    score_with = phylogeny.estimate_tree(states)
    return score_with < score_without

def _split_into_profiles(contexts_by_genome, repeats, phylogeny):
    Given repeat contexts in each of reference genomes,
    joins them into "profiles" -- sets of matched contexts
    across different genomes (like an alignemnt column in MSA)
    references = set(contexts_by_genome.keys())
    genomes = filter(lambda g: g in references,
    profiles  = map(lambda c: [c], contexts_by_genome[genomes[0]])

    for genome in genomes[1:]:
        #finding a matching between existing profiles and a new genome
        genome_ctxs = contexts_by_genome[genome]
        graph = nx.Graph()
        for (pr_id, prof), (ctx_id, ctx) in product(enumerate(profiles),
            node_prof = "profile" + str(pr_id)
            node_genome = "genome" + str(ctx_id)
            graph.add_node(node_prof, profile=True, prof=prof)
            graph.add_node(node_genome, profile=False, ctx=ctx)

            score = _profile_similarity(prof, ctx, repeats, same_len=True)
            if score > 0:
                graph.add_edge(node_prof, node_genome, weight=score)

        edges = _max_weight_matching(graph)
        for edge in edges:
            prof_node, genome_node = edge
            if graph.node[genome_node]["profile"]:
                prof_node, genome_node = genome_node, prof_node


    return profiles

def _match_target_contexts(profiles, target_contexts, repeats):
    Tries to find a mapping between reference profiles and target contexts
    def is_unique(context):
        return any(b not in repeats for b in
                   map(lambda b: b.block_id, context.perm.blocks))

    unique_matches = []
    repetitive_matches = []

    t_unique = [c for c in target_contexts if is_unique(c)]
    t_repetitive = [c for c in target_contexts if not is_unique(c)]

    #create bipartie graph
    graph = nx.Graph()

    #add unique contexts
    for (pr_id, prof), (ctx_id, ctx) in product(enumerate(profiles),
        node_prof = "profile" + str(pr_id)
        node_genome = "target" + str(ctx_id)
        graph.add_node(node_prof, profile=True, prof=prof)
        graph.add_node(node_genome, profile=False, ctx=ctx)

        score = _profile_similarity(prof, ctx, repeats, same_len=False)
        if score > 0:
            graph.add_edge(node_prof, node_genome, weight=score, match="unq")

    #repetetive ones
    different = all(not c_1.equal(c_2) for c_1, c_2 in
                    combinations(t_repetitive, 2))
    if different:
        many_rep = t_repetitive * len(profiles)
        for (pr_id, prof), (ctx_id, ctx) in product(enumerate(profiles),
            node_prof = "profile" + str(pr_id)
            node_genome = "rep_target" + str(ctx_id)
            graph.add_node(node_prof, profile=True, prof=prof)
            graph.add_node(node_genome, profile=False, ctx=ctx)

            score = _profile_similarity(prof, ctx, repeats, same_len=False)
            if score >= 0:
                graph.add_edge(node_prof, node_genome, weight=score,

    #get matching
    edges = _max_weight_matching(graph)
    for edge in edges:
        prof_node, genome_node = edge
        if graph.node[genome_node]["profile"]:
            prof_node, genome_node = genome_node, prof_node

        profile = graph.node[prof_node]["prof"]
        trg_ctx = graph.node[genome_node]["ctx"]

        if graph[prof_node][genome_node]["match"] == "unq":
            unique_matches.append(MatchPair(trg_ctx, profile))
            repetitive_matches.append(MatchPair(trg_ctx, profile))

    return unique_matches, repetitive_matches

def _split_by_instance(matches):
    Given matched contexts within a single contig,
    split them into groups where each group corresponds
    to a unique instance of this contig
    target_perm = matches[0][0].perm
    if len(target_perm.blocks) == 1:    #trivial case
        return list(map(lambda m: [m], matches))


    by_pos = defaultdict(list)
    for match in matches:
    positions = sorted(by_pos.keys())

    def prof_agreement(match_1, match_2):
        index_1 = {ctx.perm.genome_name : ctx for ctx in match_1.prof}
        index_2 = {ctx.perm.genome_name : ctx for ctx in match_2.prof}
        shared_genomes = set(index_1.keys()) & set(index_2.keys())
        if not len(shared_genomes):
            return False
        for genome in shared_genomes:
            if index_1[genome].perm.chr_name != index_2[genome].perm.chr_name:
                return False
            sign_1 = (target_perm.blocks[match_1.trg.pos].sign *
            sign_2 = (target_perm.blocks[match_2.trg.pos].sign *
            if sign_1 != sign_2:
                return False
            shift = (index_2[genome].pos - index_1[genome].pos) * sign_1
            if shift != match_2.trg.pos - match_1.trg.pos:
                return False
        return True

    groups = map(lambda x: [x], by_pos[positions[0]])
    #now try to extend each group
    for pos in positions[1:]:
        unused_matches = set(by_pos[pos])
        for group in groups:
            prev_match = group[-1]
            for next_match in by_pos[pos]:
                if (next_match in unused_matches and
                        prof_agreement(prev_match, next_match)):
        groups.extend([[m] for m in unused_matches])

    #min_group = max(2, (len(target_perm.blocks) + 1) / 2)
    min_group = len(target_perm.blocks) / 2 + 1
    for group in groups:
        if len(group) < min_group:
        for match in group:
            logger.debug("####profile pos {0}".format(match.trg.pos))
            for ctx in match.prof:

    return list(filter(lambda g: len(g) >= min_group, groups))

def _context_similarity(ctx_ref, ctx_trg, repeats, same_len):
    Compute similarity between two contexts
    def alignment(ref, trg):
        Computes global alignment
        GAP = -1
        def match(a, b):
            if a != b:
                return -2
            if abs(a) in repeats:
                return 1
            return 2

        l1, l2 = len(ref) + 1, len(trg) + 1
        table = [[0 for _ in xrange(l2)] for _ in xrange(l1)]
        if same_len:
            for i in xrange(l1):
                table[i][0] = i * GAP
            for i in xrange(l2):
                table[0][i] = i * GAP

        for i, j in product(xrange(1, l1), xrange(1, l2)):
            table[i][j] = max(table[i-1][j] + GAP, table[i][j-1] + GAP,
                              table[i-1][j-1] + match(ref[i-1], trg[j-1]))
        return table[-1][-1]

    if len(ctx_trg.left) + len(ctx_trg.right) == 0:
        return 0

    left = alignment(ctx_ref.left, ctx_trg.left)
    right = alignment(ctx_ref.right[::-1], ctx_trg.right[::-1])
    return left + right

def _profile_similarity(profile, genome_ctx, repeats, same_len):
    Compute similarity of set of contexts vs one context
    scores = list(map(lambda c: _context_similarity(c, genome_ctx,
                                    repeats, same_len), profile))
    return float(sum(scores)) / len(scores)

def _max_weight_matching(graph):
    edges = nx.max_weight_matching(graph, maxcardinality=True)
    unique_edges = set()
    for v1, v2 in edges.items():
        if not (v2, v1) in unique_edges:
            unique_edges.add((v1, v2))

    return list(unique_edges)

def _get_contexts(permutations, repeats):
    Get repeats' contexts
    WINDOW = 5

    contexts = defaultdict(list)
    for perm in permutations:
        for pos in xrange(len(perm.blocks)):
            block = perm.blocks[pos]
            if block.block_id not in repeats:

            left_start = max(0, pos - WINDOW)
            left_end = max(0, pos)
            left_context = list(map(lambda b: b.signed_id() * block.sign,

            right_start = min(len(perm.blocks), pos + 1)
            right_end = min(len(perm.blocks), pos + WINDOW + 1)
            right_context = list(map(lambda b: b.signed_id() * block.sign,

            if block.sign < 0:
                left_context, right_context = (right_context[::-1],

            contexts[block.block_id].append(Context(perm, pos, left_context,
    return contexts
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