\name{dppPowerExp} \alias{dppPowerExp} \title{Power Exponential Spectral Determinantal Point Process Model} \description{Function generating an instance of the Power Exponential Spectral determinantal point process model.} \usage{dppPowerExp(\dots)} \arguments{ \item{\dots}{arguments of the form \code{tag=value} specifying the parameters. See Details.} } \details{ The Power Exponential Spectral DPP is defined in (Lavancier, \ifelse{latex}{\out{M\o ller}}{Moller} and Rubak, 2015) The possible parameters are: \itemize{ \item the intensity \code{lambda} as a positive numeric \item the scale parameter \code{alpha} as a positive numeric \item the shape parameter \code{nu} as a positive numeric (artificially required to be less than 20 in the code for numerical stability) \item the dimension \code{d} as a positive integer } } \value{An object of class \code{"detpointprocfamily"}.} \author{ \adrian \rolf and \ege } \references{ Lavancier, F. \ifelse{latex}{\out{M\o ller}}{Moller}, J. and Rubak, E. (2015) Determinantal point process models and statistical inference \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B} \bold{77}, 853--977. } \examples{ m <- dppPowerExp(lambda=100, alpha=.01, nu=1, d=2) } \seealso{ \code{\link{dppBessel}}, \code{\link{dppCauchy}}, \code{\link{dppGauss}}, \code{\link{dppMatern}} }