(* Copyright (c) - 2012-2014 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcUtils (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Map = struct module type OrderedType = Why3.Extmap.OrderedType module type S = sig include Why3.Extmap.S val odup : ('a -> key) -> 'a list -> ('a * 'a) option val to_stream : 'a t -> (key * 'a) Stream.t end module Make(O : OrderedType) : S with type key = O.t = struct include Why3.Extmap.Make(O) let odup (type a) (f : a -> key) (xs : a list) = let module E = struct exception Found of a * a end in try List.fold_left (fun sm x -> let key = f x in match find_opt key sm with | Some y -> raise (E.Found (y, x)) | None -> add (f x) x sm) empty xs |> ignore; None with E.Found (x, y) -> Some (x, y) let to_stream (m : 'a t) = let next = let enum = ref (start_enum m) in fun (_ : int) -> let aout = val_enum !enum in enum := next_enum !enum; aout in Stream.from next end module MakeBase(M : S) : Why3.Extmap.S with type key = M.key and type 'a t = 'a M.t and type 'a enumeration = 'a M.enumeration = struct include M end end module Set = Why3.Extset module EHashtbl = struct module type S = sig include Why3.Exthtbl.S val memo_rec : int -> ((key -> 'a) -> key -> 'a) -> key -> 'a end module Make(T : Why3.Stdlib.OrderedHashedType) = struct include Why3.Exthtbl.Make(T) let memo_rec size f = let h = create size in let rec aux x = try find h x with Not_found -> let r = f aux x in add h x r; r in aux end end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module MakeMSH (X : Why3.Stdlib.TaggedType) : sig module M : Map.S with type key = X.t module S : Set.S with module M = Map.MakeBase(M) module H : EHashtbl.S with type key = X.t end = struct module T = Why3.Stdlib.OrderedHashed(X) module M = Map.Make(T) module S = Set.MakeOfMap(M) module H = EHashtbl.Make(T) end (* --------------------------------------------------------------------*) module Int = struct type t = int let compare = (Pervasives.compare : t -> t -> int) let equal = ((=) : t -> t -> bool) let hash = (fun (x : int) -> x) end module Mint = Map.Make(Int) module Sint = Set.MakeOfMap(Mint) module Hint = EHashtbl.Make(Int) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------*) module Mstr = Map.Make(String) module Sstr = Set.MakeOfMap(Mstr)