# AASRA AASRA the comprehensive solution for small RNA alignment LICENSE AASRA Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Chong Tang, Yeming Xie This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . SYNOPSIS AASRA: a comprehensive solution for small RNA annotation CITATIONS If you use AASRA in your work, please cite one of the following: AASRA: An Anchor Alignment-Based Small RNA Annotation Pipeline Chong Tang, Yeming Xie, Wei Yan bioRxiv 132928; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/132928 INSTALL Dependencies All dependencies must be executable and findable in the user's PATH python (version 2.7.x or higher): Generally installed in linux and mac machines by default. Expected to be installed at /usr/bin/python bowtie2 (version 2.1.0 or higher): Free from https://sourceforge.net/projects/bowtie-bio/files/bowtie2/ note: requires bowtie2 ... NOT bowtie! Bowtie2-build: Free from https://sourceforge.net/projects/bowtie-bio/files/bowtie2/ featureCounts (not required): Free from http://subread.sourceforge.net/ Hassle-free installation: 1.Download AASRA from the Download section of the Github site. 2.Unzip the AASRA package and navigate to the AASRA directory in the terminal. 3.Make the installation file "hassle_free_install_Mac" executable with the command: "sudo chmod 755 hassle_free_install_Mac". 4.Execute the file with the command: "./hassle_free_install_Mac". Xcode required for Mac OS. 5.Add AASRA to the PATH environment with the following command: "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/AASRA". Linux user should use the file "hassle_free_install_Linux" instead for the same procedures described above. AASRA files and all the listed dependencies will be installed under the directory "/usr/local/AASRA". Advanced installation: For advanced users, download AASRA from the Download section of the Github site. Follow the instruction of your operating system to add the directory to your PATH. If you prefer to install AASRA by copying the AASRA files to an existing directory in your PATH and make them executable, make sure you copy all the AASRA files, including AASRA.py, AASRA AASRA-index.py and AASRA-index. By adding the AASRA files to your PATH environment variable, you ensure that whenever you run AASRA-index -h or AASRA -h from the command line, you will get the version you just installed without specifying the entire path. Installation test: Test data and brief instructions are available in the "testData" folder in AASRA packages or at https://github.com/biogramming/AASRA/tree/master/testData USAGE The AASRA-index indexer: Usage: AASRA-index [options] -i -l <5’_anchor_sequence> -r <3’_anchor_sequence> [-s] Default command: AASRA-index -i index.fa -l CCCCCCCCCC -r GGGGGGGGGG -s index.saf OPTIONS -h : print current version of AASRA and a help message -i : input reference file must be a fasta file (.fasta or .fa) -l : 5’ end nucleotide anchor sequence. -r : 3’ end nucleotide anchor sequence. -s : file name of the output SAF file generated by AASRA-index. The AASRA aligner: Usage: AASRA [options] [-h] [-f] -p -i -l <5’_anchor_sequence> -r <3’_anchor_sequence> -b Default command: AASRA -p 4 -i sample.fastq -l CCC -r GGG -b anchored_index.fa OPTIONS -h : print current version of AASRA and a help message -f : the reads input file is fasta file (.fasta or .fa) -i : input reference file must be a fasta or fastq file (.fasta, .fa, .fastq or .fq) -l : 5’ end nucleotide anchor sequence. -r : 3’ end nucleotide anchor sequence. -b : file name of the pre-built bowtie2 index file generated by AASRA-index. SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS AASRA was developed on devices running Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS, 64-bit. It has also been tested on Apple Mac OSX and CentOS. At least 4G memory is suggested. Alignments benefit from multiple processing threads, via specifying the -p option. The AASRA-index portion is single-threaded. At least 50G of hard disk space is recommended to be available, due to the generation of possible large size of the temporary alignment files. The total time of analysis depends on genome size, number of reads analyzed, and your equipment. Excluding building bowtie index, we generally have observed run times for alignment runs to take between 20 minutes and 1 hours using default AASRA settings. ALIGNMENT METHODS Details of alignment methods and performance testing For full details on AASRA’s alignment methods and the results of performance testing, see Chong et al. (2016). This is a pre-print of a manuscript that is under peer review as of this writing (March 17, 2016). Reads pre-processing Reads file formats Small RNA index to be aligned must be in fasta formats. The fasta sequence for each small RNA must be in a SINGLE line (NOT multiple lines of sequence for one small RNA). No paired-end support There is no support for paired-end reads in AASRA. Small RNA data are assumed to be single-ended, and represent the 5'-->3' cDNA sequences of cloned RNAs. Unique read names required The small RNA reads must all have unique names within a given file. If this requirement is not met, alignments will be completely unreliable due to errors in interpreting and handling of multi-mapped reads. Adapter trimming AASRA assumes your reads are already trimmed. Trimming simply looks for the right-most exact match to the given apdater sequence, and when found, chops it off. If a read is smaller than 15nts after trimming, it is discarded. For more sophisticated adapter trimming, consider cutadapt or trimmomatic. Alignment overview AASRA uses bowtie2 to align reads. It first anchors the reference index and generate bowtie2 index accordingly. It then anchors the sample reads file and aligned anchored sample to anchored bowtie2 index. The final output is a single .sam formatted alignment file. mismatches By default, AASRA allows up to 1 mismatch for a valid alignment. This helps with sequencing errors and SNPs. If a read has some alignments with 0 mismatches, and some with 1, only those with 0 mismatches are kept. The option --mismatches controls this threshold, and can be set to 0, 1, or 2. OUTPUT FILES All output files are all put in the same location as the input genome and sample reads files. Results file The file Results.txt is a plain-text tab-delimited file that contains the core results of the analysis. The columns are labeled in the first row, and are: sam file The standard sam formatted alignment will be generated in the AASRA output for downstream analysis. SAF files If -s option is used in AASRA-index, a standard SAF will be generated according to the reference index (fasta). The generated SAF file could serve as the featureCount input reference file to count the alignment results. COUNT READS We suggest to use featureCounts to count the reads, which support the SAF file. See example commands.