Tip revision: af9eede56f27215ca38ddd32564017f1f90417d0 authored by Diana Dima on 20 November 2021, 02:04:32 UTC
final clean up fixes
final clean up fixes
Tip revision: af9eede
% combine video rating data from different video sets
%% set paths
clear; clc
basepath = '/Users/dianadima/OneDrive - Johns Hopkins/Desktop/MomentsInTime/mot_action/results/video_ratings';
stimpath = '/Users/dianadima/OneDrive - Johns Hopkins/Desktop/MomentsInTime/mot_stimuli';
videofile1 = fullfile(basepath,'ratings1','videoset_184.mat');
videofile2 = fullfile(basepath,'ratings2','videoset_307.mat');
videopath1 = fullfile(stimpath, 'initial_curation','set1');
videopath2 = fullfile(stimpath, 'initial_curation','set2');
savefile = fullfile(basepath,'videoset_full.mat');
videolist1 = videolist_renamed;
categories1 = categories;
categories_idx1 = categories_idx;
framearray1 = framearray_mid;
env1 = env;
num_agents1 = num_agents;
watermark1 = watermark;
ratingsZ1 = ratingsZ;
%make sure there are no NaNs/zeros from combining the datasets previously
%(in the first set of ratings there are zeros where there should be NaNs, from concatenating the 2 video sets)
%remove the 2 participants that have only NaNs once that was taken into account (experiment glitch)
ratingsZ1(ratingsZ1==0) = NaN;
idxnan = find(squeeze(nansum(nansum(ratingsZ1,2),1))==0);
ratingsZ1(:,:,idxnan) = [];
videolist2 = videolist;
categories2 = categories;
categories_idx2 = categories_idx;
framearray2 = framearray;
env2 = env;
num_agents2 = num_agents;
watermark2 = watermark;
ratingsZ2 = ratingsZ;
nvid = length(videolist1) + length(videolist2);
ncat = length(categories2); %the 2nd one contains all categories
framearray_mid = cell(1, nvid);
videolist = cell(1, nvid);
fullvideolist = cell(1, nvid);
env = nan(1, nvid);
num_agents = nan(1, nvid);
watermark = nan(1,nvid);
nrat1 = size(ratingsZ1,3);
nrat2 = size(ratingsZ2,3);
ratingsZ = nan(4,nvid,nrat1+nrat2);
categories = categories2;
categories_idx = cell(1,ncat);
categories1 = cellfun(@(x) strrep(x,' ', ''), categories1, 'UniformOutput',false); %remove spaces
%concatenate the two sets, making sure to keep same categories together
%order will be based on categories2 (alphabetical & complete)
cidx = 0;
set_idx1 = [];
for c = 1:ncat
c1 = find(contains(categories1,categories2{c})); %find corresponding category
c2 = c;
categories_idx{c} = [];
if ~isempty(c1) %some missing categories in 1st set
cat_idx1 = categories_idx1{c1}; %video indices for category
frameidx = cidx+1:cidx+length(cat_idx1); %new index, based on continuous counter across categories: we're concatenating 2 sets within each category
categories_idx{c} = frameidx; %store this index: this is how videos are indexed from now on
%assign all variables to the right place in the concatenated sets
framearray_mid(frameidx) = framearray1(cat_idx1);
videolist(frameidx) = videolist1(cat_idx1);
fullvideolist(frameidx) = deal(fullfile(videopath1,videolist1(cat_idx1)));
env(frameidx) = env1(cat_idx1);
num_agents(frameidx) = num_agents1(cat_idx1);
watermark(frameidx) = watermark1(cat_idx1);
ratingsZ(:,frameidx,1:nrat1) = ratingsZ1(:,cat_idx1,:);
%increment counter to prepare for next category
cidx = cidx+length(cat_idx1);
set_idx1 = [set_idx1 frameidx];
%same procedure for set 2, but increment the counter since we have more videos within a single category
cat_idx2 = categories_idx2{c2};
frameidx = cidx+1:cidx+length(cat_idx2);
categories_idx{c} = [categories_idx{c} frameidx];
framearray_mid(frameidx) = framearray2(cat_idx2);
videolist(frameidx) = videolist2(cat_idx2);
fullvideolist(frameidx) = deal(fullfile(videopath2,videolist2(cat_idx2)));
env(frameidx) = env2(cat_idx2);
num_agents(frameidx) = num_agents2(cat_idx2);
watermark(frameidx) = watermark2(cat_idx2);
ratingsZ(:,frameidx,nrat1+1:nrat1+nrat2) = ratingsZ2(:,cat_idx2,:);
cidx = cidx+length(cat_idx2);
%make a videolist with the final stimulus names (combined)
for i = 1:numel(videolist)
vidname = videolist{i};
dirname = fullvideolist{i};
if contains(dirname,'/set1/')
vidname = strrep(vidname,'.mp4','_1.mp4');
vidname = strrep(vidname,'.mp4','_2.mp4');
videolist{i} = vidname;