% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/oc_manual.R \name{oc_manual} \alias{oc_manual} \title{Set a manual cutpoint for use with cutpointr} \usage{ oc_manual(cutpoint, ...) } \arguments{ \item{cutpoint}{(numeric) The fixed cutpoint.} \item{...}{To capture further arguments that are always passed to the method function by cutpointr. The cutpointr function passes data, x, class, metric_func, direction, pos_class and neg_class to the method function.} } \description{ This function simply returns \code{cutpoint} as the optimal cutpoint. Mainly useful if bootstrap estimates of the out-of-bag performance of a given cutpoint are desired, e.g. taking a cutpoint value from the literature. } \examples{ cutpointr(suicide, dsi, suicide, method = oc_manual, cutpoint = 4) } \seealso{ Other method functions: \code{\link{maximize_boot_metric}}, \code{\link{maximize_gam_metric}}, \code{\link{maximize_loess_metric}}, \code{\link{maximize_metric}}, \code{\link{maximize_spline_metric}}, \code{\link{oc_mean}}, \code{\link{oc_median}}, \code{\link{oc_youden_kernel}}, \code{\link{oc_youden_normal}} }