/* * error.c logo error module dvb * * Copyright (C) 1993 by the Regents of the University of California * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #define WANT_EVAL_REGS 1 #include "logo.h" #include "globals.h" #ifdef HAVE_TERMIO_H #ifdef HAVE_WX #include #else #include #endif #else #ifdef HAVE_SGTTY_H #include #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef mac #include #endif NODE *throw_node = NIL; NODE *err_mesg = NIL; ERR_TYPES erract_errtype; char *message_texts[MAX_MESSAGE+NUM_WORDS]; void err_print(char *buffer) { int save_flag = stopping_flag; int errtype; NODE *errargs, *oldfullp; FILE *fp; char *old_stringptr = print_stringptr; int old_stringlen = print_stringlen; if (err_mesg == NIL) return; if (buffer == NULL) { fp = stdout; } else { if (writestream == NULL) lsetwrite(the_generation); /* setwrite [] */ print_stringptr = buffer; print_stringlen = 200; fp = NULL; } stopping_flag = RUN; oldfullp = valnode__caseobj(Fullprintp); setvalnode__caseobj(Fullprintp, TrueName()); errtype = getint(car(err_mesg)); errargs = cadr(err_mesg); force_printdepth = 5; force_printwidth = 80; if (errargs == NIL) ndprintf(fp, message_texts[errtype]); else if (cdr(errargs) == NIL) ndprintf(fp, message_texts[errtype], car(errargs)); else ndprintf(fp, message_texts[errtype], car(errargs), cadr(errargs)); if (car(cddr(err_mesg)) != NIL && buffer == NULL) { ndprintf(fp, message_texts[ERROR_IN], car(cddr(err_mesg)), cadr(cddr(err_mesg))); } err_mesg = NIL; if (buffer == NULL) new_line(fp); else { *print_stringptr = '\0'; print_stringptr = old_stringptr; print_stringlen = old_stringlen; } setvalnode__caseobj(Fullprintp, oldfullp); stopping_flag = save_flag; } NODE *err_logo(ERR_TYPES error_type, NODE *error_desc) { BOOLEAN recoverable = FALSE, warning = FALSE, uplevel = FALSE; NODE *err_act, *val = UNBOUND; switch(error_type) { case FATAL: prepare_to_exit(FALSE); ndprintf(stdout,"%t\n",message_texts[FATAL]); exit(1); case OUT_OF_MEM_UNREC: prepare_to_exit(FALSE); ndprintf(stdout,"%t\n",message_texts[OUT_OF_MEM_UNREC]); exit(1); case OUT_OF_MEM: use_reserve_tank(); break; case DIDNT_OUTPUT: if (didnt_output_name != NIL) { last_call = didnt_output_name; } if (error_desc == NIL) { error_desc = car(didnt_get_output); ufun = cadr(didnt_get_output); this_line = cadr(cdr(didnt_get_output)); } err_mesg = cons_list(0, last_call, error_desc, END_OF_LIST); recoverable = TRUE; break; case NOT_ENOUGH: if (error_desc == NIL) err_mesg = cons_list(0, fun, END_OF_LIST); else err_mesg = cons_list(0, error_desc, END_OF_LIST); break; case BAD_DATA: recoverable = TRUE; case BAD_DATA_UNREC: err_mesg = cons_list(0, fun, error_desc, END_OF_LIST); break; case DK_WHAT_UP: uplevel = TRUE; case DK_WHAT: err_mesg = cons_list(0, error_desc, END_OF_LIST); break; case DK_HOW: case APPLY_BAD_DATA: case NO_VALUE: recoverable = TRUE; case DK_HOW_UNREC: case NO_CATCH_TAG: case ALREADY_DEFINED: case FILE_ERROR: case IS_PRIM: case AT_TOPLEVEL: case ERR_MACRO: case RUNNABLE_ARG: case TOO_MUCH: case DEEPEND: case BAD_DEFAULT: case CANT_OPEN_ERROR: case ALREADY_OPEN_ERROR: case NOT_OPEN_ERROR: err_mesg = cons_list(0, error_desc, END_OF_LIST); break; case SHADOW_WARN: err_mesg = cons_list(0, error_desc, END_OF_LIST); case IF_WARNING: warning = TRUE; break; case MISSING_SPACE: warning = TRUE; err_mesg = error_desc; break; case USER_ERR_MESSAGE: uplevel = TRUE; err_mesg = cons_list(0, error_desc, END_OF_LIST); break; case NO_TEST: err_mesg = cons_list(0, fun, END_OF_LIST); break; case NO_WXWIDGETS: err_mesg = cons_list(0, fun, END_OF_LIST); break; default: err_mesg = NIL; } didnt_output_name = NIL; if (uplevel && ufun != NIL) { ufun = last_ufun; this_line = last_line; } if (ufun != NIL) err_mesg = cons_list(0, err_mesg, ufun, this_line, END_OF_LIST); else err_mesg = cons_list(0, err_mesg, NIL, NIL, END_OF_LIST); err_mesg = cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)error_type), err_mesg); if (warning) { err_print(NULL); return(UNBOUND); } err_act = valnode__caseobj(Erract); if (err_act != NIL && err_act != UNDEFINED) { if (error_type != erract_errtype) { erract_errtype = error_type; setvalnode__caseobj(Erract, NIL); val = err_eval_driver(err_act, recoverable); setvalnode__caseobj(Erract, err_act); if (recoverable == TRUE && val != UNBOUND) { return(val); } else if (recoverable == FALSE && val != UNBOUND) { ndprintf(stdout, message_texts[DK_WHAT], val); ndprintf(stdout, "\n"); val = UNBOUND; throw_node = theName(Name_toplevel); } else { /* if (err_mesg != NIL) */ { /* is this ever wrong? */ throw_node = theName(Name_error); stopping_flag = THROWING; output_node = UNBOUND; } return(UNBOUND); } } else { ndprintf(stdout,"%t\n", message_texts[ERRACT_LOOP]); throw_node = theName(Name_toplevel); } } else { /* no erract */ throw_node = theName(Name_error); } stopping_flag = THROWING; output_node = UNBOUND; return(val); } NODE *lerror(NODE *args) { NODE *val, *save_err = err_mesg; char buffer[200]; if (err_mesg == NIL) return NIL; err_print(buffer); err_mesg = save_err; setcar(cdr(err_mesg), make_strnode(buffer, (struct string_block *)NULL, strlen(buffer), STRING, strnzcpy)); val = err_mesg; err_mesg = NIL; return(val); } /* #ifndef HAVE_MEMCPY void memcpy(char *to, char *from, size_t len) { while (--len >= 0) *to++ = *from++; } #endif */ NODE *lpause(NODE *args) { NODE *elist = NIL, *val = UNBOUND, *uname = NIL; int sav_input_blocking; #ifndef TIOCSTI jmp_buf sav_iblk; #endif if (err_mesg != NIL) err_print(NULL); ndprintf(stdout, "%t\n", message_texts[PAUS_ING]); if (inside_evaluator) { uname = ufun; ufun = NIL; #ifndef TIOCSTI memcpy((char *)(&sav_iblk), (char *)(&iblk_buf), sizeof(jmp_buf)); #endif sav_input_blocking = input_blocking; input_blocking = 0; #ifdef mac csetmode(C_ECHO, stdin); fflush(stdin); #endif while (RUNNING) { if (uname != NIL) print_node(stdout, uname); elist = reader(stdin, "? "); if (NOT_THROWING) elist = parser(elist, TRUE); else elist = NIL; #ifndef WIN32 if (feof(stdin) && !isatty(0)) lbye(NIL); #endif #ifdef __RZTC__ if (feof(stdin)) rewind(stdin); #endif if (elist != NIL) eval_driver(elist); if (stopping_flag == THROWING) { if (compare_node(throw_node, Pause, TRUE) == 0) { val = output_node; output_node = UNBOUND; stopping_flag = RUN; #ifndef TIOCSTI memcpy((char *)(&iblk_buf), (char *)(&sav_iblk), sizeof(jmp_buf)); #endif input_blocking = sav_input_blocking; if (uname != NIL) { ufun = uname; } return(val); } else if (isName(throw_node, Name_error)) { err_print(NULL); stopping_flag = RUN; } } } #ifndef TIOCSTI memcpy((char *)(&iblk_buf), (char *)(&sav_iblk), sizeof(jmp_buf)); #endif input_blocking = sav_input_blocking; unblock_input(); if (uname != NIL) { ufun = uname; } /* } else { stopping_flag = THROWING; throw_node = theName(Name_toplevel); */ } else { ndprintf(stdout, "? "); #ifdef HAVE_WX flushFile(stdout); #else fflush(stdout); #endif } return(val); } NODE *lcontinue(NODE *args) { stopping_flag = THROWING; throw_node = Pause; if (args != NIL) output_node = car(args); else output_node = UNBOUND; return(UNBOUND); }