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Tip revision: f97ae655a50bdbd6dac1923a3471ee4dae178fbd authored by Eric Heien on 15 October 2014, 00:59:55 UTC
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Tip revision: f97ae65



\author{Rajesh Kommu}
\title{PETSc in CitcomS}

PETSc is used for solving the
Stokes equations in CitcomS. Currently, this is handled in the \code{solve\_Ahat\_p\_fhat} function. This 
function lets the user choose between either the Conjugate Gradient (CG) or the BiConjugate Gradient
Stabilized (BiCGStab) Krylov methods to solve the Stokes equations, or the Schur complement reduction 

\section{Stokes Equation}
Our primary goal is to solve the following set of equations:

K & G \\ 
G^T & 0
V \\ 
F \\ 

Here $u$ is the velocity field and $p$ is the pressure field.

$K$ corresponds to the discrete Laplacian of the velocity field, and is 
currently implemented by the function \K in CitcomS. \K takes a $(neq\times1)$ 
velocity vector $u$ and returns a $(neq\times1)$ vector $\nabla^2u$. Thus
$K$ is a $(neq\times neq)$ matrix operator. $neq$ is the number of equations,
which is equal to the number of nodes, $nno$ times the number of spatial
dimensions, $nsd$.

$G$ corresponds to the discrete gradient of the pressure field, and is 
currently implemented by the function \G in CitcomS. \G takes a $(nel\times1)$ 
pressure vector $p$ and returns a $(neq\times1)$ vector $\nabla p$. Thus
$G$ is a $(neq\times nel)$ matrix operator. $nel$ is the number of elements.

$G^T$ corresponds to the discrete divergence of the velocity field, and is 
currently implemented by the function \D in CitcomS. \D takes a $(neq\times1)$ 
velocity vector $u$ and returns a $(nel\times1)$ vector $\nabla\cdot u$. Thus
$G^T$ is a $(nel\times neq)$ matrix operator.

Consistency requires that the 0 block be of dimension $(nel\times nel)$.

\subsection{Uzawa Algorithm}
Equation (\ref{eqn-stokes-block}) can be solved using the \textit{Uzawa 
algorithm}, in which the block matrix equation is broken into two coupled
systems of equations
KV + GP = F
G^TV = 0
The Schur complement system for pressure is formed by combining the two
equations and eliminating $V$ using equation (\ref{eqn-49})
where $\hat{K}=G^TK^{-1}G$. The presence of $K^{-1}$ makes the direct
solution of equation unfeasible. However Krylov (iterative) methods can be
used to solve the system of equations without computing any inverses.

First, with an initial guess pressure $P_0=0$, the initial velocity $V_0$
can be obtained by solving
and the initial pressure residual is computed as
This is also the initial ``search direction'' $(s_1=r_0)$. 

To compute the search step $\alpha_k$ in the conjugate gradient algorithm,
we need to compute the product of search direction $s_k$ and $\hat{K}$,
$s_k^T\hat{K}s_k$. This product can be computed without explicitly evaluating
$\hat{K}$ as follows:

Next we define $u_k$ as the solution of
which means $u_k=K^{-1}Gs_k$. Substituting this in equation (\ref{eqn-52}),
we get
Similarly, the product $\hat{K}s_k$, needed to update the residual $r_k$,
can be computed as

Pressure and velocity are updated as:
P_k &=& P_{k-1}+\alpha_ks_k\\
V_k &=& V_{k-1}-\alpha_ku_k

All of the above steps are summarized below
\begin{lstlisting}[frame=tb,mathescape,caption=Uzawa algorithm]
Solve $KV_0=F$
while $|r_k|>\epsilon$ 
  if $k>1$
  Solve $Ku_k=Gs_k$
  $P_k = P_{k-1}+\alpha_ks_k$
  $V_k = V_{k-1}-\alpha_ku_k$

\subsection{Schur Complement Reduction}
Applying block Gaussian elimination to equation (\ref{eqn-stokes-block}), we

K & G \\ 
0 & S
V \\ 
F \\ 
where $H=G^TK^{-1}F$ and the Schur complement $S$ is given by $S=G^TK^{-1}G$.
$V$ and $P$ are obtained by solving the following systems for $P$ and $V$,

The explicit construction of $S$ is difficult, due to difficulties computing
$K^{-1}$. Hence we adopt a \textbf{matrix-free} representation for $S$, which
basically means the matrix-vector product $y=Sx$ needs to be somehow defined
without actually computing the elements of $S$. To compute the matrix-vector
product $y=Sx$, the following steps are carried out:


which implies $\hat{u}=K^{-1}\hat{f}$

which implies $y=G^TK^{-1}\hat{f}=G^TK^{-1}Gx=Sx$ as desired.

The method used to obtain $\hat{u}$ in equation (\ref{eqn-g4.25}) is called
the \textbf{inner solver} while the method applied to obtain $P$ in equation
(\ref{eqn-g4.22}) is called the \textbf{outer solver}.

Preconditioning equation (\ref{eqn-g4.22}) is essential to minimize the number
of outer iterations required for convergence.

\section{PETSc Implementation}
\subsection{The Uzawa algorithm}
The PETSc version of the Uzawa algorithm can be turned on by the following settings

The following listing shows an overview of this implementation:
\begin{lstlisting}[frame=tb,mathescape,caption=Uzawa Algorithm]

  // Create the force Vec
  ierr = VecCreateMPI( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, neq, PETSC_DECIDE, &FF ); 
  double *F_tmp;
  ierr = VecGetArray( FF, &F_tmp ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
  for( i = 0; i < neq; i++ )
    F_tmp[i] = F[i];
  ierr = VecRestoreArray( FF, &F_tmp ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

  // create the pressure vector and initialize it to zero
  ierr = VecCreateMPI( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, nel, PETSC_DECIDE, &P_k ); 
  ierr = VecSet( P_k, 0.0 ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

  // create the velocity vector
  ierr = VecCreateMPI( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, neq, PETSC_DECIDE, &V_k ); 

  // Copy the contents of V into V_k
  PetscScalar *V_k_tmp;
  ierr = VecGetArray( V_k, &V_k_tmp ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
  for( i = 0; i < neq; i++ )
    V_k_tmp[i] = V[i];
  ierr = VecRestoreArray( V_k, &V_k_tmp ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
 /* initial residual r1 = div(V) */
  ierr = MatMult( E->D, V_k, r_1 ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

  /* add the contribution of compressibility to the initial residual */
  if( E->control.inv_gruneisen != 0 ) {
    // r_1 += cu
    ierr = VecAXPY( r_1, 1.0, cu ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

  E->monitor.vdotv = global_v_norm2_PETSc( E, V_k );
  E->monitor.incompressibility = sqrt( global_div_norm2_PETSc( E, r_1 ) / (1e-32 + E->monitor.vdotv) ); 

  r0dotz0 = 0;
  ierr = VecNorm( r_1, NORM_2, &r_1_norm ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

  while( (r_1_norm > E->control.petsc_uzawa_tol) && (count < *steps_max) )
      /* preconditioner BPI ~= inv(K), z1 = BPI*r1 */
      ierr = VecPointwiseMult( z_1, BPI, r_1 ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

      /* r1dotz1 = <r1, z1> */
      ierr = VecDot( r_1, z_1, &r1dotz1 ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
      assert( r1dotz1 != 0.0  /* Division by zero in head of incompressibility
                                 iteration */);

      /* update search direction */
      if( count == 0 )
	      // s_2 = z_1
	      ierr = VecCopy( z_1, s_2 ); CHKERRQ( ierr ); // s2 = z1
	      // s2 = z1 + s1 * <r1,z1>/<r0,z0>
	      delta = r1dotz1 / r0dotz0;
	      ierr = VecWAXPY( s_2, delta, s_1, z_1 ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

      // Solve K*u_k = grad(s_2) for u_k
      ierr = MatMult( E->G, s_2, Gsk ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
      ierr = KSPSolve( E->ksp, Gsk, u_k ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
      strip_bcs_from_residual_PETSc( E, u_k, lev );

      // Duk = D*u_k ( D*u_k is the same as div(u_k) )
      ierr = MatMult( E->D, u_k, Duk ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

      // alpha = <r1,z1> / <s2,F>
      ierr = VecDot( s_2, Duk, &s_2_dot_F ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
      alpha = r1dotz1 / s_2_dot_F;

      // r2 = r1 - alpha * div(u_k)
      ierr = VecWAXPY( r_2, -1.0*alpha, Duk, r_1 ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

      // P = P + alpha * s_2
      ierr = VecAXPY( P_k, 1.0*alpha, s_2 ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
      // V = V - alpha * u_1
      ierr = VecAXPY( V_k, -1.0*alpha, u_k ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
      //strip_bcs_from_residual_PETSc( E, V_k, E->mesh.levmax );

      /* compute velocity and incompressibility residual */
      E->monitor.vdotv = global_v_norm2_PETSc( E, V_k );
      E->monitor.pdotp = global_p_norm2_PETSc( E, P_k );
      v_norm = sqrt( E->monitor.vdotv );
      p_norm = sqrt( E->monitor.pdotp );
      dvelocity = alpha * sqrt( global_v_norm2_PETSc( E, u_k ) / (1e-32 + E->monitor.vdotv) );
      dpressure = alpha * sqrt( global_p_norm2_PETSc( E, s_2 ) / (1e-32 + E->monitor.pdotp) );

      // compute the updated value of z_1, z1 = div(V) 
      ierr = MatMult( E->D, V_k, z_1 ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
      if( E->control.inv_gruneisen != 0 )
        // z_1 += cu
        ierr = VecAXPY( z_1, 1.0, cu ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

      E->monitor.incompressibility = sqrt( global_div_norm2_PETSc( E, z_1 ) / (1e-32 + E->monitor.vdotv) );


      if( E->control.print_convergence && E-> == 0 ) {
        print_convergence_progress( E, count, time0,
                                    v_norm, p_norm,
                                    dvelocity, dpressure,
                                    E->monitor.incompressibility );

      /* shift array pointers */
      ierr = VecSwap( s_2, s_1 ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
      ierr = VecSwap( r_2, r_1 ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

      /* shift <r0, z0> = <r1, z1> */
      r0dotz0 = r1dotz1;

      // recompute the norm
      ierr = VecNorm( r_1, NORM_2, &r_1_norm ); CHKERRQ( ierr );

    } /* end loop for conjugate gradient */


\subsection{Schur Complement Reduction}
Schur complement reduction be turned on by the following settings

The following listing shows an overview of Schur complement reduction implementation:
\begin{lstlisting}[frame=tb,mathescape,caption=Schur Complement Reduction]
  /* Define a Schur complement matrix */
  ierr = MatCreateSchurComplement(E->K,E->K,E->G,E->D,PETSC_NULL, &S); 
  ierr = MatSchurComplementGetKSP(S, &inner_ksp); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPGetPC(inner_ksp, &inner_pc); CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* Build the RHS of the Schur Complement Reduction */
  ierr = MatGetVecs(S, PETSC_NULL, &fhat); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPSolve(inner_ksp, FF, t1); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPGetIterationNumber(inner_ksp, &inner1); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatMult(E->D, t1, fhat); CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* Build the solver for the Schur complement */
  ierr = KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &S_ksp); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPSetOperators(S_ksp, S, S); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPSetType(S_ksp, "cg"); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(S_ksp, PETSC_TRUE); CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* Solve for pressure */
  ierr = KSPSolve(S_ksp, fhat, PVec); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPGetIterationNumber(inner_ksp, &outer); CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* Solve for velocity */
  ierr = MatGetVecs(E->K, PETSC_NULL, &fstar); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatMult(E->G, PVec, fstar); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecAYPX(fstar, 1.0, FF); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(inner_ksp, PETSC_TRUE); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPSolve(inner_ksp, fstar, VVec); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPGetIterationNumber(inner_ksp, &inner2); CHKERRQ(ierr);


\subsection{Shell Matrices in PETSc}
PETSc allows us to define matrices of type \code{MATSHELL} which are matrices
for which various matrix operations are defined without first actually having 
to compute each element of the matrix. This is identical to the matrix-free
approach we discussed earlier. 

For example, $K$ corresponds to the discrete Laplacian of the velocity field, 
and is currently implemented by the function \K in CitcomS. The matrix
corresponding to $K$ will be implemented as follows in CitcomS.

First we create a shell matrix:
\begin{lstlisting}[frame=tb,mathescape,caption=Creating a shell matrix]
// stores all the matrix specific information
struct MatMultShell mtx;
mtx.E = E;
mtx.level = E->mesh.levmax;
mtx.neq = E->lmesh.neq;
mtx.nel = E->lmesh.nel;

Mat K;
// create K as a shell matrix
MatCreateShell( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, 
                neq, neq, // local dims
                PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE, // global dims
                (void *)&mtx, &K );

Next we define all the desired operations for our shell matrix. In CitcomS,
we only need to define the multiplication operation.
\begin{lstlisting}[frame=tb,mathescape,caption=Matrix operations for shell matrix]
MatShellSetOperation( K, MATOP_MULT, 
                        (void(*)(void))MatShellMult_del2_u );

Here \code{MATOP\_MULT} means we are defining the matrix multiplication 
operation for $K$, and \code{MatShellMult\_del2\_u} is the actual function that 
defines the matrix multiplication. Anytime $y=Kx$ needs to be computed, PETSc
will call \code{MatShellMult\_del2\_u(K,x,y)} where \code{x} and \code{y} are 
PETSc vectors (\code{Vec}). The definition of \code{MatShellMult\_del2\_u} 
is as follows
PetscErrorCode MatShellMult_del2_u( Mat K, Vec X, Vec Y )
  int i, j, neq, nel;
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  // recover the matrix specific information
  struct MatMultShell *ctx;
  MatShellGetContext( K, (void **)&ctx );
  neq = ctx->neq;
  nel = ctx->nel;
  // transfer data from PETSc to CitcomS
  for( i = 1; i <= ctx->E->sphere.caps_per_proc; i++ ) {
    // first neq elements of X are copied into ctx->u
    for( j = 0; j < neq; j++ ) {
      ierr = VecGetValues( X, 1, &j, &ctx->u[i][j] );
      CHKERRQ( ierr );

  // carry out the actual CitcomS operation
  assemble_del2_u( ctx->E, ctx->u, ctx->Ku, ctx->level, 1 );

  // Transfer data from CitcomS to PETSc
  for( j = 0; j < neq; j++ ) {
    ierr = VecSetValues( Y, 1, &j, &ctx->Ku[1][j], INSERT_VALUES );
    CHKERRQ( ierr );
  VecAssemblyBegin( Y );
  VecAssemblyEnd( Y );
We can similarly define \code{MatShellMult\_grad\_p} for $G$ and
\code{MatShellMult\_div\_u} for $G^T$. Once these have been defined, we can
implement the Uzawa algorithm and the Schur complement reduction approach using

%KSP ksp;
%KSPCreate( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp ); 
%KSPSetFromOptions( ksp );
%KSPSolve( ksp, b, x );

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