/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * *===================================================================== * * CitcomS * --------------------------------- * * Authors: * Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi * (c) California Institute of Technology 1994-2005 * * By downloading and/or installing this software you have * agreed to the CitcomS.py-LICENSE bundled with this software. * Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY. * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever. * *===================================================================== * * Copyright June 2005, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship Acknowledged. * * Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office of Technology * Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. This software * may be subject to U.S. export control laws and regulations. By * accepting this software, the user agrees to comply with all * applicable U.S. export laws and regulations, including the * International Traffic and Arms Regulations, 22 C.F.R. 120-130 and * the Export Administration Regulations, 15 C.F.R. 730-744. User has * the responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export * authority as may be required before exporting such information to * foreign countries or providing access to foreign nationals. In no * event shall the California Institute of Technology be liable to any * party for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential * damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this * software and its documentation, even if the California Institute of * Technology has been advised of the possibility of such damage. * * The California Institute of Technology specifically disclaims any * warranties, including the implied warranties or merchantability and * fitness for a particular purpose. The software and documentation * provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and the California * Institute of Technology has no obligations to provide maintenance, * support, updates, enhancements or modifications. * *===================================================================== * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #include #include "global_defs.h" #include "parallel_related.h" // Setup global mesh parameters // void global_derived_values(E) struct All_variables *E; { int d,lx,lz,ly,i,nox,noz,noy; void parallel_process_termination(); E->mesh.levmax = E->mesh.levels-1; nox = (E->mesh.mgunitx * (int) pow(2.0,((double)E->mesh.levmax)))*E->parallel.nprocx + 1; noy = (E->mesh.mgunity * (int) pow(2.0,((double)E->mesh.levmax)))*E->parallel.nprocy + 1; if (E->control.NMULTIGRID||E->control.EMULTIGRID) { E->mesh.levmax = E->mesh.levels-1; E->mesh.gridmax = E->mesh.levmax; E->mesh.nox = (E->mesh.mgunitx * (int) pow(2.0,((double)E->mesh.levmax)))*E->parallel.nprocx + 1; E->mesh.noy = (E->mesh.mgunity * (int) pow(2.0,((double)E->mesh.levmax)))*E->parallel.nprocy + 1; E->mesh.noz = (E->mesh.mgunitz * (int) pow(2.0,((double)E->mesh.levmax)))*E->parallel.nprocz + 1; } else { if (nox!=E->mesh.nox || noy!=E->mesh.noy) { if (E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(stderr,"inconsistent mesh for interpolation, quit the run\n"); parallel_process_termination(); } E->mesh.gridmax = E->mesh.levmax; E->mesh.gridmin = E->mesh.levmax; } if(E->mesh.nsd != 3) E->mesh.noy = 1; E->mesh.nnx[1] = E->mesh.nox; E->mesh.nnx[2] = E->mesh.noy; E->mesh.nnx[3] = E->mesh.noz; E->mesh.elx = E->mesh.nox-1; E->mesh.ely = E->mesh.noy-1; E->mesh.elz = E->mesh.noz-1; E->mesh.nno = E->sphere.caps; for(d=1;d<=E->mesh.nsd;d++) E->mesh.nno *= E->mesh.nnx[d]; /* E->mesh.nel = E->sphere.caps*E->mesh.elx*E->mesh.elz*E->mesh.ely; */ E->mesh.nel = E->mesh.elx*E->mesh.elz*E->mesh.ely; E->mesh.nnov = E->mesh.nno; E->mesh.neq = E->mesh.nnov*E->mesh.nsd; E->mesh.npno = E->mesh.nel; E->mesh.nsf = E->mesh.nox*E->mesh.noy; for(i=E->mesh.levmax;i>=E->mesh.levmin;i--) { if (E->control.NMULTIGRID||E->control.EMULTIGRID) { nox = (E->mesh.mgunitx * (int) pow(2.0,(double)i))*E->parallel.nprocx + 1; noy = (E->mesh.mgunity * (int) pow(2.0,(double)i))*E->parallel.nprocy + 1; noz = (E->mesh.mgunitz * (int) pow(2.0,(double)i))*E->parallel.nprocz + 1; } else { noz = E->mesh.noz; nox = (E->mesh.mgunitx * (int) pow(2.0,(double)i))*E->parallel.nprocx + 1; noy = (E->mesh.mgunity * (int) pow(2.0,(double)i))*E->parallel.nprocy + 1; if (imesh.levmax) noz=2; } E->mesh.ELX[i] = nox-1; E->mesh.ELY[i] = noy-1; E->mesh.ELZ[i] = noz-1; E->mesh.NNO[i] = nox * noz * noy; E->mesh.NEL[i] = (nox-1) * (noz-1) * (noy-1); E->mesh.NPNO[i] = E->mesh.NEL[i] ; E->mesh.NOX[i] = nox; E->mesh.NOZ[i] = noz; E->mesh.NOY[i] = noy; E->mesh.NNOV[i] = E->mesh.NNO[i]; E->mesh.NEQ[i] = E->mesh.nsd * E->mesh.NNOV[i] ; lx--; lz--; ly--; } E->sphere.elx = E->sphere.nox-1; E->sphere.ely = E->sphere.noy-1; E->sphere.snel = E->sphere.ely*E->sphere.elx; E->sphere.nsf = E->sphere.noy*E->sphere.nox; /* Scaling from dimensionless units to Millions of years for input velocity and time, timdir is the direction of time for advection. CPC 6/25/00 */ // Myr E->data.scalet = (E->data.layer_km*1e3*E->data.layer_km*1e3/E->data.therm_diff)/(1.e6*365.25*24*3600); // cm/yr E->data.scalev = (E->data.layer_km*1e3/E->data.therm_diff)/(100*365.25*24*3600); E->data.timedir = E->control.Atemp / fabs(E->control.Atemp); if(E->control.print_convergence && E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(stderr,"Problem has %d x %d x %d nodes\n",E->mesh.nox,E->mesh.noz,E->mesh.noy); return; } /* ================================================= Standard node positions including mesh refinement ================================================= */ void node_locations(E) struct All_variables *E; { int i,j,k,lev; double ro,dr,*rr,*RR,fo; float tt1; int nox,noy,noz,step; int nn; char output_file[255]; char a[100]; FILE *fp1; void coord_of_cap(); void rotate_mesh (); void compute_angle_surf_area (); void parallel_process_termination(); rr = (double *) malloc((E->mesh.noz+1)*sizeof(double)); RR = (double *) malloc((E->mesh.noz+1)*sizeof(double)); nox=E->mesh.nox; noy=E->mesh.noy; noz=E->mesh.noz; if(E->control.coor==1) { sprintf(output_file,"%s",E->control.coor_file); fp1=fopen(output_file,"r"); if (fp1 == NULL) { fprintf(E->fp,"(Nodal_mesh.c #1) Cannot open %s\n",output_file); exit(8); } fscanf(fp1,"%s %d",a,&i); for(i=1;i<=nox;i++) fscanf(fp1,"%d %f",&nn,&tt1); fscanf(fp1,"%s %d",a,&i); for(i=1;i<=noy;i++) fscanf(fp1,"%d %f",&nn,&tt1); fscanf(fp1,"%s %d",a,&i); for (k=1;k<=E->mesh.noz;k++) { fscanf(fp1,"%d %f",&nn,&tt1); rr[k]=tt1; } E->sphere.ri = rr[1]; E->sphere.ro = rr[E->mesh.noz]; fclose(fp1); } else { dr = (E->sphere.ro-E->sphere.ri)/(E->mesh.noz-1); for (k=1;k<=E->mesh.noz;k++) { rr[k] = E->sphere.ri + (k-1)*dr; } } for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.noz;i++) { k = E->lmesh.nzs+i-1; RR[i] = rr[k]; } for (lev=E->mesh.levmin;lev<=E->mesh.levmax;lev++) { if (E->control.NMULTIGRID||E->control.EMULTIGRID) step = (int) pow(2.0,(double)(E->mesh.levmax-lev)); else step = 1; for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NOZ[lev];i++) E->sphere.R[lev][i] = RR[(i-1)*step+1]; } /* lev */ /* do not need to rotate for the mesh grid for one regional problem */ ro = -0.5*(M_PI/4.0)/E->lmesh.elx; fo = 0.0; E->sphere.dircos[1][1] = cos(ro)*cos(fo); E->sphere.dircos[1][2] = cos(ro)*sin(fo); E->sphere.dircos[1][3] = -sin(ro); E->sphere.dircos[2][1] = -sin(fo); E->sphere.dircos[2][2] = cos(fo); E->sphere.dircos[2][3] = 0.0; E->sphere.dircos[3][1] = sin(ro)*cos(fo); E->sphere.dircos[3][2] = sin(ro)*sin(fo); E->sphere.dircos[3][3] = cos(ro); for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { coord_of_cap(E,j,0); } if (E->control.verbose) for (lev=E->mesh.levmin;lev<=E->mesh.levmax;lev++) { fprintf(E->fp_out,"output_coordinates before rotation %d \n",lev); for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { fprintf(E->fp_out,"output_coordinates for cap %d %d\n",j,E->lmesh.NNO[lev]); for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NNO[lev];i++) if(i%E->lmesh.NOZ[lev]==1) fprintf(E->fp_out,"%d %d %g %g %g\n",j,i,E->SX[lev][j][1][i],E->SX[lev][j][2][i],E->SX[lev][j][3][i]); } } /* rotate the mesh to avoid two poles on mesh points */ /* for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { rotate_mesh(E,j,0); } */ compute_angle_surf_area (E); /* used for interpolation */ for (lev=E->mesh.levmin;lev<=E->mesh.levmax;lev++) for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NNO[lev];i++) { E->SinCos[lev][j][0][i] = sin(E->SX[lev][j][1][i]); E->SinCos[lev][j][1][i] = sin(E->SX[lev][j][2][i]); E->SinCos[lev][j][2][i] = cos(E->SX[lev][j][1][i]); E->SinCos[lev][j][3][i] = cos(E->SX[lev][j][2][i]); } /* if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==E->parallel.nprocz-1) { sprintf(output_file,"coord.%d",E->parallel.me); fp=fopen(output_file,"w"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(E->fp,"(Nodal_mesh.c #2) Cannot open %s\n",output_file); exit(8); } for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.noy;i++) { for(j=1;j<=E->lmesh.nox;j++) { node=1+(j-1)*E->lmesh.noz+(i-1)*E->lmesh.nox*E->lmesh.noz; t1 = 90.0-E->sx[m][1][node]/M_PI*180.0; f1 = E->sx[m][2][node]/M_PI*180.0; fprintf(fp,"%f %f\n",t1,f1); } fprintf(fp,">\n"); } for(j=1;j<=E->lmesh.nox;j++) { for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.noy;i++) { node=1+(j-1)*E->lmesh.noz+(i-1)*E->lmesh.nox*E->lmesh.noz; t1 = 90.0-E->sx[m][1][node]/M_PI*180.0; f1 = E->sx[m][2][node]/M_PI*180.0; fprintf(fp,"%f %f\n",t1,f1); } fprintf(fp,">\n"); } } fclose(fp); } */ if (E->control.verbose) for (lev=E->mesh.levmin;lev<=E->mesh.levmax;lev++) { fprintf(E->fp_out,"output_coordinates after rotation %d \n",lev); for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NNO[lev];i++) if(i%E->lmesh.NOZ[lev]==1) fprintf(E->fp_out,"%d %d %g %g %g\n",j,i,E->SX[lev][j][1][i],E->SX[lev][j][2][i],E->SX[lev][j][3][i]); } free((void *)rr); free((void *)RR); return; } void construct_tic_from_input(struct All_variables *E) { double modified_plgndr_a(int, int, double); void temperatures_conform_bcs(); int i, j ,k , kk, m, p, node, nodet; int nox, noy, noz, gnoz; double r1, f1, t1; int mm, ll; double con, temp; double tlen = M_PI / (E->control.theta_max - E->control.theta_min); double flen = M_PI / (E->control.fi_max - E->control.fi_min); noy=E->lmesh.noy; nox=E->lmesh.nox; noz=E->lmesh.noz; gnoz=E->mesh.noz; if (E->convection.tic_method == 0) { /* set up a linear temperature profile first */ for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=1;i<=noy;i++) for(j=1;j<=nox;j++) for(k=1;k<=noz;k++) { node=k+(j-1)*noz+(i-1)*nox*noz; r1=E->sx[m][3][node]; E->T[m][node] = E->control.TBCbotval - (E->control.TBCtopval + E->control.TBCbotval)*(r1 - E->sphere.ri)/(E->sphere.ro - E->sphere.ri); } /* This part put a temperature anomaly at depth where the global node number is equal to load_depth. The horizontal pattern of the anomaly is given by spherical harmonic ll & mm. */ for (p=0; pconvection.number_of_perturbations; p++) { mm = E->convection.perturb_mm[p]; ll = E->convection.perturb_ll[p]; con = E->convection.perturb_mag[p]; kk = E->convection.load_depth[p]; if ( (kk < 1) || (kk >= gnoz) ) continue; k = kk - E->lmesh.nzs + 1; if ( (k < 1) || (k >= noz) ) continue; // if layer k is not inside this proc. if (E->parallel.me_loc[1] == 0 && E->parallel.me_loc[2] == 0) for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=1;i<=noy;i++) for(j=1;j<=nox;j++) { node=k+(j-1)*noz+(i-1)*nox*noz; t1 = (E->sx[m][1][node] - E->control.theta_min) * tlen; f1 = (E->sx[m][2][node] - E->control.fi_min) * flen; E->T[m][node] += con*cos(ll*t1)*cos(mm*f1); /* t1=E->sx[m][1][node]; f1=E->sx[m][2][node]; E->T[m][node] += con*modified_plgndr_a(ll,mm,t1)*cos(mm*f1); */ } } } else if (E->convection.tic_method == 1) { } else if (E->convection.tic_method == 2) { double temp; double theta_center = E->convection.blob_center[0]; double fi_center = E->convection.blob_center[1]; double r_center = E->convection.blob_center[2]; double radius = E->convection.blob_radius; double amp = E->convection.blob_dT; double x_center,y_center,z_center; double theta,fi,r,x,y,z,distance; fprintf(stderr,"center=%e %e %e radius=%e dT=%e\n",theta_center,fi_center,r_center,radius,amp); /* set up a thermal boundary layer first */ for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=1;i<=noy;i++) for(j=1;j<=nox;j++) for(k=1;k<=noz;k++) { node=k+(j-1)*noz+(i-1)*nox*noz; r1=E->sx[m][3][node]; temp = 0.2*(E->sphere.ro-r1) * 0.5/sqrt(E->convection.half_space_age/E->data.scalet); E->T[m][node] = E->control.TBCbotval*erf(temp); } x_center = r_center * sin(fi_center) * cos(theta_center); y_center = r_center * sin(fi_center) * sin(theta_center); z_center = r_center * cos(fi_center); // compute temperature field according to nodal coordinate for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(k=1;k<=E->lmesh.noy;k++) for(j=1;j<=E->lmesh.nox;j++) for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.noz;i++) { node = i + (j-1)*E->lmesh.noz + (k-1)*E->lmesh.noz*E->lmesh.nox; theta = E->sx[m][1][node]; fi = E->sx[m][2][node]; r = E->sx[m][3][node]; distance = sqrt((theta - theta_center)*(theta - theta_center) + (fi - fi_center)*(fi - fi_center) + (r - r_center)*(r - r_center)); if (distance < radius) E->T[m][node] += amp * exp(-1.0*distance/radius); } } temperatures_conform_bcs(E); return; } /* setup boundary node and element arrays for bookkeeping */ void construct_boundary( struct All_variables *E) { const int dims=E->mesh.nsd; int m, i, j, k, d, el, count; int isBoundary; int normalFlag[4]; /* boundary = all - interior */ int max_size = E->lmesh.elx*E->lmesh.ely*E->lmesh.elz - (E->lmesh.elx-2)*(E->lmesh.ely-2)*(E->lmesh.elz-2) + 1; for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { E->boundary.element[m] = (int *)malloc(max_size*sizeof(int)); for(d=1; d<=dims; d++) E->boundary.normal[m][d] = (int *)malloc(max_size*sizeof(int)); } for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { count = 1; for(k=1; k<=E->lmesh.ely; k++) for(j=1; j<=E->lmesh.elx; j++) for(i=1; i<=E->lmesh.elz; i++) { isBoundary = 0; for(d=1; d<=dims; d++) normalFlag[d] = 0; if((E->parallel.me_loc[1] == 0) && (j == 1)) { isBoundary = 1; normalFlag[1] = -1; } if((E->parallel.me_loc[1] == E->parallel.nprocx - 1) && (j == E->lmesh.elx)) { isBoundary = 1; normalFlag[1] = 1; } if((E->parallel.me_loc[2] == 0) && (k == 1)) { isBoundary = 1; normalFlag[2] = -1; } if((E->parallel.me_loc[2] == E->parallel.nprocy - 1) && (k == E->lmesh.ely)) { isBoundary = 1; normalFlag[2] = 1; } if((E->parallel.me_loc[3] == 0) && (i == 1)) { isBoundary = 1; normalFlag[3] = -1; } if((E->parallel.me_loc[3] == E->parallel.nprocz - 1) && (i == E->lmesh.elz)) { isBoundary = 1; normalFlag[3] = 1; } if(isBoundary) { el = i + (j-1)*E->lmesh.elz + (k-1)*E->lmesh.elz*E->lmesh.elx; E->boundary.element[m][count] = el; for(d=1; d<=dims; d++) E->boundary.normal[m][d][count] = normalFlag[d]; ++count; } } /* end for i, j, k */ E->boundary.nel = count - 1; } /* end for m */ }