\name{estSSMittnik} \alias{estSSMittnik} \title{Estimate a State Space Model} \description{Estimate a state space model using Mittnik's markov parameter estimation. } \usage{ estSSMittnik(data, max.lag=6, n=NULL, subtract.means=FALSE, normalize=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A TSdata object.} \item{max.lag}{The number of markov parameters to estimate.} \item{n}{The state dimension.} \item{subtract.means}{If TRUE subtract the means from the data before estimation.} \item{normalize}{If TRUE normalize the data before estimation.} } \value{A state space model in an object of class \code{TSestModel}.} \details{ Estimate a nested-balanced state space model by svd from least squares estimate of markov parameters a la \cite{Mittnik (1989, p1195)}. The quality of the estimate seems to be quite sensitive to \code{max.lag}, and this is not properly resolved yet. If \code{n} is not supplied the svd criteria will be printed and \code{n} prompted for. If \code{subtract.means=T} then the sample mean is subtracted. If \code{normalize} is \code{T} the lsfit estimation is done with outputs normalize to cov=I (There still seems to be something wrong here!!). The model is then re-transformed to the original scale. See \code{MittnikReduction} and references cited there. If the state dimension is not specified then the singular values of the Hankel matrix are printed and the user is prompted for the state dimension. } \references{ See references for \code{\link{MittnikReduction}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{MittnikReduction}} \code{\link{estVARXls}} \code{\link{bft}} } \examples{ data("egJofF.1dec93.data", package="dse") # this prints information about singular values and prompts with #Enter the number of singular values to use for balanced model: \donttest{model <- estSSMittnik(egJofF.1dec93.data)} # the choice is difficult in this example. model <- estSSMittnik(egJofF.1dec93.data, n=3) } \concept{DSE} \keyword{ts}