var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var prependFile = require('prepend-file'); var falafel = require('falafel'); var glob = require('glob'); var constants = require('./util/constants'); // add headers to dist files var pathsDist = [ constants.pathToPlotlyDistMin, constants.pathToPlotlyDist, constants.pathToPlotlyDistWithMeta, constants.pathToPlotlyGeoAssetsDist ]; function headerLicense(path) { prependFile(path, constants.licenseDist + '\n', function(err) { if(err) throw err; }); } pathsDist.forEach(headerLicense); // add or update header to src files // remove leading '/*' and trailing '*/' for comparison with falafel output var licenseSrc = constants.licenseSrc; var licenseStr = licenseSrc.substring(2, licenseSrc.length - 2); var srcGlob = path.join(constants.pathToSrc, '**/*.js'); var libGlob = path.join(constants.pathToLib, '**/*.js'); glob('{' + srcGlob + ',' + libGlob + '}', function(err, files) { files.forEach(function(file) { fs.readFile(file, 'utf-8', function(err, code) { // parse through code string while keeping track of comments var comments = []; falafel(code, {onComment: comments, locations: true}, function() {}); var header = comments[0]; // error out if no header is found if(!header || header.loc.start.line > 1) { throw new Error(file + ' : has no header information.'); } // if header and license are the same, do nothing if(isCorrect(header)) return; // if header and license only differ by date, update header else if(hasWrongDate(header)) { var codeLines = code.split('\n'); codeLines.splice(header.loc.start.line - 1, header.loc.end.line); var newCode = licenseSrc + '\n' + codeLines.join('\n'); fs.writeFile(file, newCode, function(err) { if(err) throw err; }); } else { // otherwise, throw an error throw new Error(file + ' : has wrong header information.'); } }); }); }); function isCorrect(header) { return (header.value === licenseStr); } function hasWrongDate(header) { var regex = /Copyright 20[0-9][0-9]-20[0-9][0-9]/g; return (header.value.replace(regex, '') === licenseStr.replace(regex, '')); }