################################################################### PyCBC inference documentation (``pycbc.inference``) ################################################################### .. Following are useful substituions for classes and modules .. GaussianNoise: .. |GaussianNoise| replace:: :py:class:`GaussianNoise ` .. MarginalizedPhaseGaussianNoise: .. |MarginalizedPhaseGaussianNoise| replace:: :py:class:`MarginalizedPhaseGaussianNoise ` =================== Introduction =================== This page gives details on how to use the various parameter estimation executables and modules available in PyCBC. The ``pycbc.inference`` subpackage contains classes and functions for evaluating probability distributions, likelihoods, and running Bayesian samplers. ================================================== Sampling the parameter space (``pycbc_inference``) ================================================== -------- Overview -------- The executable ``pycbc_inference`` is designed to sample the parameter space and save the samples in an HDF file. A high-level description of the ``pycbc_inference`` algorithm is #. Read priors from a configuration file. #. Setup the model to use. If the model uses data, then: * Read gravitational-wave strain from a gravitational-wave model or use recolored fake strain. * Estimate a PSD. #. Run a sampler to estimate the posterior distribution of the model. #. Write the samples and metadata to an HDF file. The model, data, sampler, parameters to vary and their priors are specified in one or more configuration files, which are passed to the program using the ``--config-file`` option. Other command-line options determine what parallelization settings to use. For a full listing of all options run ``pycbc_inference --help``. Below, we give details on how to set up a configuration file and provide examples of how to run ``pycbc_inference``. ------------------------------------------------ Configuring the model, sampler, priors, and data ------------------------------------------------ The configuration file(s) uses :py:class:`WorkflowConfigParser ` syntax. The required sections are: ``[model]``, ``[sampler]``, and ``[variable_params]``. In addition, multiple ``[prior]`` sections must be provided that define the prior distribution to use for the parameters in ``[variable_params]``. If a model uses data a ``[data]`` section must also be provided. These sections may be split up over multiple files. In that case, all of the files should be provided as space-separated arguments to the ``--config-file``. Providing multiple files is equivalent to providing a single file with everything across the files combined. If the same section is specified in multiple files, the all of the options will be combined. Configuration files allow for referencing values in other sections using the syntax ``${section|option}``. See the examples below for an example of this. When providing multiple configuration files, sections in other files may be referenced, since in the multiple files are combined into a single file in memory when the files are loaded. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuring the model ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``[model]`` section sets up what model to use for the analysis. At minimum, a ``name`` argument must be provided, specifying which model to use. For example: .. code-block:: ini [model] name = gaussian_noise In this case, the |GaussianNoise| model would be used. (Examples of using this model on a BBH injection and on GW150914 are given below.) Other arguments to configure the model may also be set in this section. The recognized arguments depend on the model. The currently available models are: .. include:: _include/models-table.rst Refer to the models' ``from_config`` method to see what configuration arguments are available. Any model name that starts with ``test_`` is an analytic test distribution that requires no data or waveform generation. See the section below on running on an analytic distribution for more details. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuring the sampler ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``[sampler]`` section sets up what sampler to use for the analysis. As with the ``[model]`` section, a ``name`` must be provided to specify which sampler to use. The currently available samplers are: .. include:: _include/samplers-table.rst See :ref:`example of trying different samplers` Configuration options for the sampler should also be specified in the ``[sampler]`` section. For example: .. code-block:: ini [sampler] name = emcee nwalkers = 5000 niterations = 1000 checkpoint-interval = 100 This would tell ``pycbc_inference`` to run the :py:class:`EmceeEnsembleSampler ` with 5000 walkers for 1000 iterations, checkpointing every 100th iteration. Refer to the samplers' ``from_config`` method to see what configuration options are available. Burn-in tests may also be configured for MCMC samplers in the config file. The options for the burn-in should be placed in ``[sampler-burn_in]``. At minimum, a ``burn-in-test`` argument must be given in this section. This argument specifies which test(s) to apply. Multiple tests may be combined using standard python logic operators. For example: .. code-block:: ini [sampler-burn_in] burn-in-test = nacl & max_posterior In this case, the sampler would be considered to be burned in when both the ``nacl`` *and* ``max_posterior`` tests were satisfied. Setting this to ``nacl | max_postrior`` would instead consider the sampler to be burned in when either the ``nacl`` *or* ``max_posterior`` tests were satisfied. For more information on what tests are available, see the :py:mod:`pycbc.inference.burn_in` module. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thinning samples (MCMC only) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The default behavior for the MCMC samplers (``emcee``, ``emcee_pt``) is to save every iteration of the Markov chains to the output file. This can quickly lead to very large files. For example, a BBH analysis (~15 parameters) with 200 walkers, 20 temperatures may take ~50 000 iterations to acquire ~5000 independent samples. This will lead to a file that is ~ 50 000 iterations x 200 walkers x 20 temperatures x 15 parameters x 8 bytes ~ 20GB. Quieter signals can take an order of magnitude more iterations to converge, leading to O(100GB) files. Clearly, since we only obtain 5000 independent samples from such a run, the vast majority of these samples are of little interest. To prevent large file size growth, samples may be thinned before they are written to disk. Two thinning options are available, both of which are set in the ``[sampler]`` section of the configuration file. They are: * ``thin-interval``: This will thin the samples by the given integer before writing the samples to disk. File sizes can still grow unbounded, but at a slower rate. The interval must be less than the checkpoint interval. * ``max-samples-per-chain``: This will cap the maximum number of samples per walker and per temperature to the given integer. This ensures that file sizes never exceed ~ ``max-samples-per-chain`` x ``nwalkers`` x ``ntemps`` x ``nparameters`` x 8 bytes. Once the limit is reached, samples will be thinned on disk, and new samples will be thinned to match. The thinning interval will grow with longer runs as a result. To ensure that enough samples exist to determine burn in and to measure an autocorrelation length, ``max-samples-per-chain`` must be greater than or equal to 100. The thinned interval that was used for thinning samples is saved to the output file's ``thinned_by`` attribute (stored in the HDF file's ``.attrs``). Note that this is not the autocorrelation length (ACL), which is the amount that the samples need to be further thinned to obtain independent samples. .. note:: In the output file creates by the MCMC samplers, we adopt the convention that "iteration" means iteration of the sampler, not index of the samples. For example, if a burn in test is used, ``burn_in_iteration`` will be stored to the ``sampler_info`` group in the output file. This gives the iteration of the sampler at which burn in occurred, not the sample on disk. To determine which samples an iteration corresponds to in the file, divide iteration by ``thinned_by``. Likewise, we adopt the convention that autocorrelation **length** (ACL) is the autocorrelation length of the thinned samples (the number of samples on disk that you need to skip to get independent samples) whereas autocorrelation **time** (ACT) is the autocorrelation length in terms of iteration (it is the number of **iterations** that you need to skip to get independent samples); i.e., ``ACT = thinned_by x ACL``. The ACT is (up to measurement resolution) independent of the thinning used, and thus is useful for comparing the performance of the sampler. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuring the prior ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What parameters to vary to obtain a posterior distribution are determined by ``[variable_params]`` section. For example: .. code-block:: ini [variable_params] x = y = This would tell ``pycbc_inference`` to sample a posterior over two parameters called ``x`` and ``y``. A prior must be provided for every parameter in ``[variable_params]``. This is done by adding sections named ``[prior-{param}]`` where ``{param}`` is the name of the parameter the prior is for. For example, to provide a prior for the ``x`` parameter in the above example, you would need to add a section called ``[prior-x]``. If the prior couples more than one parameter together in a joint distribution, the parameters should be provided as a ``+`` separated list, e.g., ``[prior-x+y+z]``. The prior sections specify what distribution to use for the parameter's prior, along with any settings for that distribution. Similar to the ``model`` and ``sampler`` sections, each ``prior`` section must have a ``name`` argument that identifies the distribution to use. Distributions are defined in the :py:mod:`pycbc.distributions` module. The currently available distributions are: .. include:: _include/distributions-table.rst ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Static parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A ``[static_params]`` section may be provided to list any parameters that will remain fixed throughout the run. For example: .. code-block:: ini [static_params] approximant = IMRPhenomPv2 f_lower = 18 In the example above, we choose the waveform model 'IMRPhenomPv2'. PyCBC comes with access to waveforms provided by the lalsimulation package. If you'd like to use a custom waveform outside of what PyCBC currently supports, see :ref:`documentation on creating a plugin for PyCBC` ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Setting data ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Many models, such as the |GaussianNoise| model, require data to be provided. To do so, a ``[data]`` section must be included that provides information about what data to load, and how to condition it. The type of data to be loaded depends on the model. For example, if you are using the |GaussianNoise| or |MarginalizedPhaseGaussianNoise| models (the typical case), one will need to load gravitational-wave data. This is accomplished using tools provided in the :py:mod:`pycbc.strain` module. The full set of options are: .. include:: _include/inference_data_opts-table.rst As indicated in the table, the ``psd-model`` and ``fake-strain`` options can accept an analytical PSD as an argument. The available PSD models are: .. include:: _include/psd_models-table.rst ------------------------------- Advanced configuration settings ------------------------------- The following are additional settings that may be provided in the configuration file, in order to do more sophisticated analyses. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sampling transforms ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ One or more of the ``variable_params`` may be transformed to a different parameter space for purposes of sampling. This is done by specifying a ``[sampling_params]`` section. This section specifies which ``variable_params`` to replace with which parameters for sampling. This must be followed by one or more ``[sampling_transforms-{sampling_params}]`` sections that provide the transform class to use. For example, the following would cause the sampler to sample in chirp mass (``mchirp``) and mass ratio (``q``) instead of ``mass1`` and ``mass2``: .. code-block:: ini [sampling_params] mass1, mass2: mchirp, q [sampling_transforms-mchirp+q] name = mass1_mass2_to_mchirp_q Transforms are provided by the :py:mod:`pycbc.transforms` module. The currently available transforms are: .. include:: _include/transforms-table.rst .. note:: Both a ``jacobian`` and ``inverse_jacobian`` must be defined in order to use a transform class for a sampling transform. Not all transform classes in :py:mod:`pycbc.transforms` have these defined. Check the class documentation to see if a Jacobian is defined. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Waveform transforms ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There can be any number of ``variable_params`` with any name. No parameter name is special (with the exception of parameters that start with ``calib_``; see below). However, when doing parameter estimation with CBC waveforms, certain parameter names must be provided for waveform generation. The parameter names recognized by the CBC waveform generators are: .. include:: _include/waveform-parameters.rst It is possible to specify a ``variable_param`` that is not one of these parameters. To do so, you must provide one or more ``[waveforms_transforms-{param}]`` section(s) that define transform(s) from the arbitrary ``variable_params`` to the needed waveform parameter(s) ``{param}``. For example, in the following we provide a prior on ``chirp_distance``. Since ``distance``, not ``chirp_distance``, is recognized by the CBC waveforms module, we provide a transform to go from ``chirp_distance`` to ``distance``: .. code-block:: ini [variable_params] chirp_distance = [prior-chirp_distance] name = uniform min-chirp_distance = 1 max-chirp_distance = 200 [waveform_transforms-distance] name = chirp_distance_to_distance A useful transform for these purposes is the :py:class:`CustomTransform `, which allows for arbitrary transforms using any function in the :py:mod:`pycbc.conversions`, :py:mod:`pycbc.coordinates`, or :py:mod:`pycbc.cosmology` modules, along with numpy math functions. For example, the following would use the I-Love-Q relationship :py:meth:`pycbc.conversions.dquadmon_from_lambda` to relate the quadrupole moment of a neutron star ``dquad_mon1`` to its tidal deformation ``lambda1``: .. code-block:: ini [variable_params] lambda1 = [waveform_transforms-dquad_mon1] name = custom inputs = lambda1 dquad_mon1 = dquadmon_from_lambda(lambda1) .. note:: A Jacobian is not necessary for waveform transforms, since the transforms are only being used to convert a set of parameters into something that the waveform generator understands. This is why in the above example we are able to use a custom transform without needing to provide a Jacobian. Some common transforms are pre-defined in the code. These are: the mass parameters ``mass1`` and ``mass2`` can be substituted with ``mchirp`` and ``eta`` or ``mchirp`` and ``q``. The component spin parameters ``spin1x``, ``spin1y``, and ``spin1z`` can be substituted for polar coordinates ``spin1_a``, ``spin1_azimuthal``, and ``spin1_polar`` (ditto for ``spin2``). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Calibration parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If any calibration parameters are used (prefix ``calib_``), a ``[calibration]`` section must be included. This section must have a ``name`` option that identifies what calibration model to use. The models are described in :py:mod:`pycbc.calibration`. The ``[calibration]`` section must also include reference values ``fc0``, ``fs0``, and ``qinv0``, as well as paths to ASCII transfer function files for the test mass actuation, penultimate mass actuation, sensing function, and digital filter for each IFO being used in the analysis. E.g. for an analysis using H1 only, the required options would be ``h1-fc0``, ``h1-fs0``, ``h1-qinv0``, ``h1-transfer-function-a-tst``, ``h1-transfer-function-a-pu``, ``h1-transfer-function-c``, ``h1-transfer-function-d``. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Constraints ^^^^^^^^^^^ One or more constraints may be applied to the parameters; these are specified by the ``[constraint]`` section(s). Additional constraints may be supplied by adding more ``[constraint-{tag}]`` sections. Any tag may be used; the only requirement is that they be unique. If multiple constraint sections are provided, the union of all constraints is applied. Alternatively, multiple constraints may be joined in a single argument using numpy's logical operators. The parameter that constraints are applied to may be any parameter in ``variable_params`` or any output parameter of the transforms. Functions may be applied to these parameters to obtain constraints on derived parameters. Any function in the conversions, coordinates, or cosmology module may be used, along with any numpy ufunc. So, in the following example, the mass ratio (q) is constrained to be <= 4 by using a function from the conversions module. .. code-block:: ini [variable_params] mass1 = mass2 = [prior-mass1] name = uniform min-mass1 = 3 max-mass1 = 12 [prior-mass2] name = uniform min-mass2 = 1 min-mass2 = 3 [constraint-1] name = custom constraint_arg = q_from_mass1_mass2(mass1, mass2) <= 4 ------------------------------ Checkpointing and output files ------------------------------ While ``pycbc_inference`` is running it will create a checkpoint file which is named ``{output-file}.checkpoint``, where ``{output-file}`` was the name of the file you specified with the ``--output-file`` command. When it checkpoints it will dump results to this file; when finished, the file is renamed to ``{output-file}``. A ``{output-file}.bkup`` is also created, which is a copy of the checkpoint file. This is kept in case the checkpoint file gets corrupted during writing. The ``.bkup`` file is deleted at the end of the run, unless ``--save-backup`` is turned on. When ``pycbc_inference`` starts, it checks if either ``{output-file}.checkpoint`` or ``{output-file}.bkup`` exist (in that order). If at least one of them exists, ``pycbc_inference`` will attempt to load them and continue to run from the last checkpoint state they were in. The output/checkpoint file are HDF files. To peruse the structure of the file you can use the `h5ls` command-line utility. More advanced utilities for reading and writing from/to them are provided by the sampler IO classes in :py:mod:`pycbc.inference.io`. To load one of these files in python do: .. code-block:: python from pycbc.inference import io fp = io.loadfile(filename, "r") Here, ``fp`` is an instance of a sampler IO class. Basically, this is an instance of an :py:mod:`h5py.File ` handler, with additional convenience functions added on top. For example, if you want all of the samples of all of the variable parameters in the file, you can do: .. code-block:: python samples = fp.read_samples(fp.variable_params) This will return a :py:class:`FieldArray ` of all of the samples. Each sampler has it's own sampler IO class that adds different convenience functions, depending on the sampler that was used. For more details on these classes, see the :py:mod:`pycbc.inference.io` module. =============================================== Examples =============================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 inference/examples/sampler_platter.rst inference/examples/analytic.rst inference/examples/bbh.rst inference/examples/gw150914.rst inference/examples/single.rst inference/examples/relative.rst =============================================== Visualizing the Posteriors =============================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 inference/viz.rst =============================================== Workflows =============================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 workflow/pycbc_make_inference_workflow workflow/pycbc_make_inference_inj_workflow =============================================== For Developers =============================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 inference/sampler_api.rst inference/io.rst