CMP0011 ------- Included scripts do automatic :command:`cmake_policy` PUSH and POP. In CMake 2.6.2 and below, CMake Policy settings in scripts loaded by the :command:`include` and :command:`find_package` commands would affect the includer. Explicit invocations of ``cmake_policy(PUSH)`` and ``cmake_policy(POP)`` were required to isolate policy changes and protect the includer. While some scripts intend to affect the policies of their includer, most do not. In CMake 2.6.3 and above, :command:`include` and :command:`find_package` by default ``PUSH`` and ``POP`` an entry on the policy stack around an included script, but provide a ``NO_POLICY_SCOPE`` option to disable it. This policy determines whether or not to imply ``NO_POLICY_SCOPE`` for compatibility. The ``OLD`` behavior for this policy is to imply ``NO_POLICY_SCOPE`` for :command:`include` and :command:`find_package` commands. The ``NEW`` behavior for this policy is to allow the commands to do their default cmake_policy ``PUSH`` and ``POP``. .. |INTRODUCED_IN_CMAKE_VERSION| replace:: 2.6.3 .. |WARNS_OR_DOES_NOT_WARN| replace:: warns .. include:: STANDARD_ADVICE.txt .. include:: DEPRECATED.txt