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Tip revision: a14e0e626fb952d032bedb2dbaf6b59ae5dd954d authored by Gustavo Delerue on 20 March 2024, 18:19:01 UTC
Converted precondition to circuit (working for polycompress)
Tip revision: a14e0e6
pragma +implicits.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
require import Core Int AlgTactic.
require (*--*) Monoid.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abstract theory ZModule.

  type t.

  op zeror : t.
  op ( + ) : t -> t -> t.
  op [ - ] : t -> t.

  axiom nosmt addrA: associative   (+).
  axiom nosmt addrC: commutative   (+).
  axiom nosmt add0r: left_id zeror (+).
  axiom nosmt addNr: left_inverse  zeror [-] (+).

  clone Monoid as AddMonoid with
    type t   <- t,
      op idm <- zeror,
      op (+) <- (+)
    proof *.

  realize Axioms.addmA by apply/addrA.
  realize Axioms.addmC by apply/addrC.
  realize Axioms.add0m by apply/add0r.

  clear [AddMonoid.Axioms.*].

  abbrev ( - ) (x y : t) = x + -y.

  lemma nosmt addr0: right_id zeror (+).
  proof. by move=> x; rewrite addrC add0r. qed.

  lemma nosmt addrN: right_inverse zeror [-] (+).
  proof. by move=> x; rewrite addrC addNr. qed.

  lemma nosmt addrCA: left_commutative (+).
  proof. by move=> x y z; rewrite !addrA (@addrC x y). qed.

  lemma nosmt addrAC: right_commutative (+).
  proof. by move=> x y z; rewrite -!addrA (@addrC y z). qed.

  lemma nosmt addrACA: interchange (+) (+).
  proof. by move=> x y z t; rewrite -!addrA (addrCA y). qed.

  lemma nosmt subrr (x : t): x - x = zeror.
  proof. by rewrite addrN. qed.

  lemma nosmt addKr: left_loop [-] (+).
  proof. by move=> x y; rewrite addrA addNr add0r. qed.

  lemma nosmt addNKr: rev_left_loop [-] (+).
  proof. by move=> x y; rewrite addrA addrN add0r. qed.

  lemma nosmt addrK: right_loop [-] (+).
  proof. by move=> x y; rewrite -addrA addrN addr0. qed.

  lemma nosmt addrNK: rev_right_loop [-] (+).
  proof. by move=> x y; rewrite -addrA addNr addr0. qed.

  lemma nosmt subrK x y: (x - y) + y = x.
  proof. by rewrite addrNK. qed.

  lemma nosmt addrI: right_injective (+).
  proof. by move=> x y z h; rewrite -(@addKr x z) -h addKr. qed.

  lemma nosmt addIr: left_injective (+).
  proof. by move=> x y z h; rewrite -(@addrK x z) -h addrK. qed.

  lemma nosmt opprK: involutive [-].
  proof. by move=> x; apply (@addIr (-x)); rewrite addNr addrN. qed.

  lemma oppr_inj : injective [-].
  proof. by move=> x y eq; apply/(addIr (-x)); rewrite subrr eq subrr. qed.

  lemma nosmt oppr0: -zeror = zeror.
  proof. by rewrite -(@addr0 (-zeror)) addNr. qed.

  lemma oppr_eq0 x : (- x = zeror) <=> (x = zeror).
  proof. by rewrite (inv_eq opprK) oppr0. qed.

  lemma nosmt subr0 (x : t): x - zeror = x.
  proof. by rewrite oppr0 addr0. qed.

  lemma nosmt sub0r (x : t): zeror - x = - x.
  proof. by rewrite add0r. qed.

  lemma nosmt opprD (x y : t): -(x + y) = -x + -y.
  proof. by apply (@addrI (x + y)); rewrite addrA addrN addrAC addrK addrN. qed.

  lemma nosmt opprB (x y : t): -(x - y) = y - x.
  proof. by rewrite opprD opprK addrC. qed.

  lemma nosmt subrACA: interchange (-) (+).
  proof. by move=> x y z t; rewrite addrACA opprD. qed.

  lemma nosmt subr_eq (x y z : t):
    (x - z = y) <=> (x = y + z).
    move: (can2_eq (fun x, x - z) (fun x, x + z) _ _ x y) => //=.
    by move=> {x} x /=; rewrite addrNK.
    by move=> {x} x /=; rewrite addrK.

  lemma nosmt subr_eq0 (x y : t): (x - y = zeror) <=> (x = y).
  proof. by rewrite subr_eq add0r. qed.

  lemma nosmt addr_eq0 (x y : t): (x + y = zeror) <=> (x = -y).
  proof. by rewrite -(@subr_eq0 x) opprK. qed.

  lemma nosmt eqr_opp (x y : t): (- x = - y) <=> (x = y).
  proof. by apply/(@can_eq _ _ opprK x y). qed.

  lemma eqr_oppLR x y : (- x = y) <=> (x = - y).
  proof. by apply/(@inv_eq _ opprK x y). qed.

  lemma nosmt eqr_sub (x y z t : t) : (x - y = z - t) <=> (x + t = z + y).
  rewrite -{1}(addrK t x) -{1}(addrK y z) -!addrA.
  by rewrite (addrC (-t)) !addrA; split=> [/addIr /addIr|->//].

  lemma subr_add2r (z x y : t): (x + z) - (y + z) = x - y.
  proof. by rewrite opprD addrACA addrN addr0. qed.

  op intmul (x : t) (n : int) =
    (* (signz n) * (iterop `|n| ZModule.(+) x zeror) *)
    if n < 0
    then -(iterop (-n) ZModule.(+) x zeror)
    else  (iterop   n  ZModule.(+) x zeror).

  lemma intmulpE z c : 0 <= c =>
    intmul z c = iterop c ZModule.(+) z zeror.
  proof. by rewrite /intmul lezNgt => ->. qed.

  lemma mulr0z (x : t): intmul x 0 = zeror.
  proof. by rewrite /intmul /= iterop0. qed.

  lemma mulr1z (x : t): intmul x 1 = x.
  proof. by rewrite /intmul /= iterop1. qed.

  lemma mulr2z (x : t): intmul x 2 = x + x.
  proof. by rewrite /intmul /= (@iteropS 1) // (@iterS 0) // iter0. qed.

  lemma mulrNz (x : t) (n : int): intmul x (-n) = -(intmul x n).
  case: (n = 0)=> [->|nz_c]; first by rewrite oppz0 mulr0z oppr0.
  rewrite /intmul oppz_lt0 oppzK ltz_def nz_c lezNgt /=.
  by case: (n < 0); rewrite ?opprK.

  lemma mulrS (x : t) (n : int): 0 <= n =>
    intmul x (n+1) = x + intmul x n.
  move=> ge0n; rewrite !intmulpE 1:addz_ge0 //.
  by rewrite !AddMonoid.iteropE iterS.

  lemma mulNrz x n : intmul (- x) n = - (intmul x n).
  elim/intwlog: n => [n h| | n ge0_n ih].
  + by rewrite -(@oppzK n) !(@mulrNz _ (- n)) h.
  + by rewrite !mulr0z oppr0.
  + by rewrite !mulrS // ih opprD.

  lemma mulNrNz x (n : int) : intmul (-x) (-n) = intmul x n.
  proof. by rewrite mulNrz mulrNz opprK. qed.

  lemma mulrSz x n : intmul x (n + 1) = x + intmul x n.
  case: (0 <= n) => [/mulrS ->//|]; rewrite -ltzNge => gt0_n.
  case: (n = -1) => [->/=|]; 1: by rewrite mulrNz mulr1z mulr0z subrr.
  move=> neq_n_N1; rewrite -!(@mulNrNz x).
  rewrite (_ : -n = -(n+1) + 1) 1:/# mulrS 1:/#.
  by rewrite addrA subrr add0r.

  lemma mulrDz (x : t) (n m : int) : intmul x (n + m) = intmul x n + intmul x m.
  wlog: n m / 0 <= m => [wlog|].
  + case: (0 <= m) => [/wlog|]; first by apply.
    rewrite -ltzNge => lt0_m; rewrite (_ : n + m = -(-m - n)) 1:/#.
    by rewrite mulrNz addzC wlog 1:/# !mulrNz -opprD opprK.
  elim: m => /= [|m ge0_m ih]; first by rewrite mulr0z addr0.
  by rewrite addzA !mulrSz ih addrCA.

end ZModule.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abstract theory ComRing.

  clone include ZModule.

  op   oner  : t.
  op   ( * ) : t -> t -> t.
  op   invr  : t -> t.
  pred unit  : t.

  abbrev ( / ) (x y : t) = x * (invr y).

  axiom nosmt oner_neq0 : oner <> zeror.
  axiom nosmt mulrA     : associative ( * ).
  axiom nosmt mulrC     : commutative ( * ).
  axiom nosmt mul1r     : left_id oner ( * ).
  axiom nosmt mulrDl    : left_distributive ( * ) (+).
  axiom nosmt mulVr     : left_inverse_in unit oner invr ( * ).
  axiom nosmt unitP     : forall (x y : t), y * x = oner => unit x.
  axiom nosmt unitout   : forall (x : t), !unit x => invr x = x.

  clone Monoid as MulMonoid with
    type t     <- t,
      op idm   <- oner,
      op ( + ) <- ( * )
    proof *.

  realize Axioms.addmA by apply/mulrA.
  realize Axioms.addmC by apply/mulrC.
  realize Axioms.add0m by apply/mul1r.

  clear [MulMonoid.Axioms.*].

  lemma nosmt mulr1: right_id oner ( * ).
  proof. by move=> x; rewrite mulrC mul1r. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrCA: left_commutative ( * ).
  proof. by move=> x y z; rewrite !mulrA (@mulrC x y). qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrAC: right_commutative ( * ).
  proof. by move=> x y z; rewrite -!mulrA (@mulrC y z). qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrACA: interchange ( * ) ( * ).
  proof. by move=> x y z t; rewrite -!mulrA (mulrCA y). qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrSl x y : (x + oner) * y = x * y + y.
  proof. by rewrite mulrDl mul1r. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrDr: right_distributive ( * ) (+).
  proof. by move=> x y z; rewrite mulrC mulrDl !(@mulrC _ x). qed.

  lemma nosmt mul0r: left_zero zeror ( * ).
  proof. by move=> x; apply: (@addIr (oner * x)); rewrite -mulrDl !add0r mul1r. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulr0: right_zero zeror ( * ).
  proof. by move=> x; apply: (@addIr (x * oner)); rewrite -mulrDr !add0r mulr1. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrN (x y : t): x * (- y) = - (x * y).
  proof. by apply: (@addrI (x * y)); rewrite -mulrDr !addrN mulr0. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulNr (x y : t): (- x) * y = - (x * y).
  proof. by apply: (@addrI (x * y)); rewrite -mulrDl !addrN mul0r. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrNN (x y : t): (- x) * (- y) = x * y.
  proof. by rewrite mulrN mulNr opprK. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulN1r (x : t): (-oner) * x = -x.
  proof. by rewrite mulNr mul1r. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrN1 x: x * -oner = -x.
  proof. by rewrite mulrN mulr1. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrBl: left_distributive ( * ) (-).
  proof. by move=> x y z; rewrite mulrDl !mulNr. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrBr: right_distributive ( * ) (-).
  proof. by move=> x y z; rewrite mulrDr !mulrN. qed.

  lemma mulrnAl x y n : 0 <= n => (intmul x n) * y = intmul (x * y) n.
    elim: n => [|n ge0n ih]; rewrite !(mulr0z, mulrS) ?mul0r //.
    by rewrite mulrDl ih.

  lemma mulrnAr x y n : 0 <= n => x * (intmul y n) = intmul (x * y) n.
    elim: n => [|n ge0n ih]; rewrite !(mulr0z, mulrS) ?mulr0 //.
    by rewrite mulrDr ih.

  lemma mulrzAl x y z : (intmul x z) * y = intmul (x * y) z.
    case: (lezWP 0 z)=> [|_] le; first by rewrite mulrnAl.
    by rewrite -oppzK mulrNz mulNr mulrnAl -?mulrNz // oppz_ge0.

  lemma mulrzAr x y z : x * (intmul y z) = intmul (x * y) z.
    case: (lezWP 0 z)=> [|_] le; first by rewrite mulrnAr.
    by rewrite -oppzK mulrNz mulrN mulrnAr -?mulrNz // oppz_ge0.

  lemma nosmt mulrV: right_inverse_in unit oner invr ( * ).
  proof. by move=> x /mulVr; rewrite mulrC. qed.

  lemma nosmt divrr (x : t): unit x => x / x = oner.
  proof. by apply/mulrV. qed.

  lemma nosmt invr_out (x : t): !unit x => invr x = x.
  proof. by apply/unitout. qed.

  lemma nosmt unitrP (x : t): unit x <=> (exists y, y * x = oner).
  proof. by split=> [/mulVr<- |]; [exists (invr x) | case=> y /unitP]. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulKr: left_loop_in unit invr ( * ).
  proof. by move=> x un_x y; rewrite mulrA mulVr // mul1r. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrK: right_loop_in unit invr ( * ).
  proof. by move=> y un_y x; rewrite -mulrA mulrV // mulr1. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulVKr: rev_left_loop_in unit invr ( * ).
  proof. by move=> x un_x y; rewrite mulrA mulrV // mul1r. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrVK: rev_right_loop_in unit invr ( * ).
  proof. by move=> y nz_y x; rewrite -mulrA mulVr // mulr1. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulrI: right_injective_in unit ( * ).
  proof. by move=> x Ux; have /can_inj h := mulKr _ Ux. qed.

  lemma nosmt mulIr: left_injective_in unit ( * ).
  proof. by move=> x /mulrI h y1 y2; rewrite !(@mulrC _ x) => /h. qed.

  lemma nosmt unitrE (x : t): unit x <=> (x / x = oner).
    split=> [Ux|xx1]; 1: by apply/divrr.
    by apply/unitrP; exists (invr x); rewrite mulrC.

  lemma nosmt invrK: involutive invr.
    move=> x; case: (unit x)=> Ux; 2: by rewrite !invr_out.
    rewrite -(mulrK _ Ux (invr (invr x))) -mulrA.
    rewrite (@mulrC x) mulKr //; apply/unitrP.
    by exists x; rewrite mulrV.

  lemma nosmt invr_inj: injective invr.
  proof. by apply: (can_inj _ _ invrK). qed.

  lemma nosmt unitrV x: unit (invr x) <=> unit x.
  proof. by rewrite !unitrE invrK mulrC. qed.

  lemma nosmt unitr1: unit oner.
  proof. by apply/unitrP; exists oner; rewrite mulr1. qed.

  lemma nosmt invr1: invr oner = oner.
  proof. by rewrite -{2}(mulVr _ unitr1) mulr1. qed.

  lemma nosmt div1r x: oner / x = invr x.
  proof. by rewrite mul1r. qed.

  lemma nosmt divr1 x: x / oner = x.
  proof. by rewrite invr1 mulr1. qed.

  lemma nosmt unitr0: !unit zeror.
  proof. by apply/negP=> /unitrP [y]; rewrite mulr0 eq_sym oner_neq0. qed.

  lemma nosmt invr0: invr zeror = zeror.
  proof. by rewrite invr_out ?unitr0. qed.

  lemma nosmt unitrN1: unit (-oner).
  proof. by apply/unitrP; exists (-oner); rewrite mulrNN mulr1. qed.

  lemma nosmt invrN1: invr (-oner) = -oner.
  proof. by rewrite -{2}(divrr unitrN1) mulN1r opprK. qed.

  lemma nosmt unitrMl x y : unit y => (unit (x * y) <=> unit x).
  proof.                        (* FIXME: wlog *)
    move=> uy; case: (unit x)=> /=; last first.
      apply/contra=> uxy; apply/unitrP; exists (y * invr (x * y)).
      apply/(mulrI (invr y)); first by rewrite unitrV.
      rewrite !mulrA mulVr // mul1r; apply/(mulIr y)=> //.
      by rewrite -mulrA mulVr // mulr1 mulVr.
    move=> ux; apply/unitrP; exists (invr y * invr x).
    by rewrite -!mulrA mulKr // mulVr.

  lemma nosmt unitrMr x y : unit x => (unit (x * y) <=> unit y).
    move=> ux; split=> [uxy|uy]; last by rewrite unitrMl.
    by rewrite -(mulKr _ ux y) unitrMl ?unitrV.

  lemma nosmt unitrM x y : unit (x * y) <=> (unit x /\ unit y).
  case: (unit x) => /=; first by apply: unitrMr.
  apply: contra => /unitrP[z] zVE; apply/unitrP.
  by exists (y * z); rewrite mulrAC (@mulrC y) (@mulrC _ z).

  lemma nosmt unitrN x : unit (-x) <=> unit x.
  proof. by rewrite -mulN1r unitrMr // unitrN1. qed.

  lemma nosmt invrM x y : unit x => unit y => invr (x * y) = invr y * invr x.
    move=> Ux Uy; have Uxy: unit (x * y) by rewrite unitrMl.
    by apply: (mulrI _ Uxy); rewrite mulrV ?mulrA ?mulrK ?mulrV.

  lemma nosmt invrN (x : t) : invr (- x) = - (invr x).
    case: (unit x) => ux; last by rewrite !invr_out ?unitrN.
    by rewrite -mulN1r invrM ?unitrN1 // invrN1 mulrN1.

  lemma nosmt invr_neq0 x : x <> zeror => invr x <> zeror.
    move=> nx0; case: (unit x)=> Ux; last by rewrite invr_out ?Ux.
    by apply/negP=> x'0; move: Ux; rewrite -unitrV x'0 unitr0.

  lemma nosmt invr_eq0 x : (invr x = zeror) <=> (x = zeror).
  proof. by apply/iff_negb; split=> /invr_neq0; rewrite ?invrK. qed.

  lemma nosmt invr_eq1 x : (invr x = oner) <=> (x = oner).
  proof. by rewrite (inv_eq invrK) invr1. qed.

  op ofint n = intmul oner n.

  lemma ofint0: ofint 0 = zeror.
  proof. by apply/mulr0z. qed.

  lemma ofint1: ofint 1 = oner.
  proof. by apply/mulr1z. qed.

  lemma ofintS (i : int): 0 <= i => ofint (i+1) = oner + ofint i.
  proof. by apply/mulrS. qed.

  lemma ofintN (i : int): ofint (-i) = - (ofint i).
  proof. by apply/mulrNz. qed.

  lemma mul1r0z x: x * ofint 0 = zeror.
  proof. by rewrite ofint0 mulr0. qed.

  lemma mul1r1z x : x * ofint 1 = x.
  proof. by rewrite ofint1 mulr1. qed.

  lemma mul1r2z x : x * ofint 2 = x + x.
  proof. by rewrite /ofint mulr2z mulrDr mulr1. qed.

  lemma mulr_intl x z : (ofint z) * x = intmul x z.
  proof. by rewrite mulrzAl mul1r. qed.

  lemma mulr_intr x z : x * (ofint z) = intmul x z.
  proof. by rewrite mulrzAr mulr1. qed.

  lemma fracrDE (n1 n2 d1 d2 : t):
    unit d1 => unit d2 =>
      n1 / d1 + n2 / d2 = (n1 * d2 + n2 * d1) / (d1 * d2).
  move=> inv_d1 inv_d2; rewrite mulrDl [n1 * d2]mulrC.
  by rewrite !invrM //; congr; rewrite mulrACA divrr // ?(mul1r, mulr1).

  op exp (x : t) (n : int) =
    if   n < 0
    then invr (iterop (-n) ComRing.( * ) x oner)
    else iterop n ComRing.( * ) x oner.

  lemma expr0 x: exp x 0 = oner.
  proof. by rewrite /exp /= iterop0. qed.

  lemma expr1 x: exp x 1 = x.
  proof. by rewrite /exp /= iterop1. qed.

  lemma exprS (x : t) i: 0 <= i => exp x (i+1) = x * (exp x i).
    move=> ge0i; rewrite /exp !ltzNge ge0i addz_ge0 //=.
    by rewrite !MulMonoid.iteropE iterS.

  lemma expr_pred (x : t) i : 0 < i => exp x i = x * (exp x (i - 1)).
  proof. smt(exprS). qed.

  lemma exprSr (x : t) i: 0 <= i => exp x (i+1) = (exp x i) * x.
  proof. by move=> ge0_i; rewrite exprS // mulrC. qed.

  lemma expr2 x: exp x 2 = x * x.
  proof. by rewrite (@exprS _ 1) // expr1. qed.

  lemma exprN (x : t) (i : int): exp x (-i) = invr (exp x i).
    case: (i = 0) => [->|]; first by rewrite oppz0 expr0 invr1.
    rewrite /exp oppz_lt0 ltzNge lez_eqVlt oppzK=> -> /=.
    by case: (_ < _)%Int => //=; rewrite invrK.

  lemma exprN1 (x : t) : exp x (-1) = invr x.
  proof. by rewrite exprN expr1. qed.

  lemma unitrX x m : unit x => unit (exp x m).
  move=> invx; wlog: m / (0 <= m) => [wlog|].
  + (have [] : (0 <= m \/ 0 <= -m) by move=> /#); first by apply: wlog.
    by move=> ?; rewrite -oppzK exprN unitrV &(wlog).
  elim: m => [|m ge0_m ih]; first by rewrite expr0 unitr1.
  by rewrite exprS // &(unitrMl).

  lemma unitrX_neq0 x m : m <> 0 => unit (exp x m) => unit x.
  wlog: m / (0 < m) => [wlog|].
  + case: (0 < m); [by apply: wlog | rewrite ltzNge /= => le0_m nz_m].
    by move=> h; (apply: (wlog (-m)); 1,2:smt()); rewrite exprN unitrV.
  by move=> gt0_m _; rewrite (_ : m = m - 1 + 1) // exprS 1:/# unitrM.

  lemma exprV (x : t) (i : int): exp (invr x) i = exp x (-i).
  wlog: i / (0 <= i) => [wlog|]; first by smt(exprN).
  elim: i => /= [|i ge0_i ih]; first by rewrite !expr0.
  case: (i = 0) => [->|] /=; first by rewrite exprN1 expr1.
  move=> nz_i; rewrite exprS // ih !exprN.
  case: (unit x) => [invx|invNx].
  + by rewrite -invrM ?unitrX // exprS // mulrC.
  rewrite !invr_out //; last by rewrite exprS.
  + by apply: contra invNx; apply: unitrX_neq0 => /#.
  + by apply: contra invNx; apply: unitrX_neq0 => /#.

  lemma exprVn (x : t) (n : int) : 0 <= n => exp (invr x) n = invr (exp x n).
  elim: n => [|n ge0_n ih]; first by rewrite !expr0 invr1.
  case: (unit x) => ux.
  - by rewrite exprSr -1:exprS // invrM ?unitrX // ih -invrM // unitrX.
  - by rewrite !invr_out //; apply: contra ux; apply: unitrX_neq0 => /#.

  lemma exprMn (x y : t) (n : int) : 0 <= n => exp (x * y) n = exp x n * exp y n.
  elim: n => [|n ge0_n ih]; first by rewrite !expr0 mulr1.
  by rewrite !exprS // mulrACA ih.

  lemma exprD_nneg x (m n : int) : 0 <= m => 0 <= n =>
    exp x (m + n) = exp x m * exp x n.
    move=> ge0_m ge0_n; elim: m ge0_m => [|m ge0_m ih].
      by rewrite expr0 mul1r.
    by rewrite addzAC !exprS ?addz_ge0 // ih mulrA.

  lemma exprD x (m n : int) : unit x => exp x (m + n) = exp x m * exp x n.
  wlog: m n x / (0 <= m + n) => [wlog invx|].
  + case: (0 <= m + n); [by move=> ?; apply: wlog | rewrite lezNgt /=].
    move=> lt0_mDn; rewrite -(@oppzK (m + n)) -exprV.
    rewrite -{2}(@oppzK m) -{2}(@oppzK n) -!(@exprV _ (- _)%Int).
    by rewrite -wlog 1:/# ?unitrV //#.
  move=> ge0_mDn invx; wlog: m n ge0_mDn / (m <= n) => [wlog|le_mn].
  + by case: (m <= n); [apply: wlog | rewrite mulrC addzC /#].
  (have ge0_n: 0 <= n by move=> /#); elim: n ge0_n m le_mn ge0_mDn.
  + by move=> n _ _ /=; rewrite expr0 mulr1.
  move=> n ge0_n ih m le_m_Sn ge0_mDSn; move: ge0_mDSn.
  rewrite lez_eqVlt => -[?|]; first have->: n+1 = -m by move=> /#.
  + by rewrite subzz exprN expr0 divrr // unitrX.
  move=> gt0_mDSn; move: le_m_Sn; rewrite lez_eqVlt.
  case=> [->>|lt_m_Sn]; first by rewrite exprD_nneg //#.
  by rewrite addzA exprS 1:/# ih 1,2:/# exprS // mulrCA.

  lemma exprM x (m n : int) :
    exp x (m * n) = exp (exp x m) n.
  wlog : n / 0 <= n.
  + move=> h; case: (0 <= n) => hn; 1: by apply h.
    by rewrite -{1}(@oppzK n) (_: m * - -n = -(m * -n)) 1:/#
      exprN h 1:/# exprN invrK.
  wlog : m / 0 <= m.
  + move=> h; case: (0 <= m) => hm hn; 1: by apply h.
    rewrite -{1}(@oppzK m) (_: (- -m) * n = - (-m) * n) 1:/#.
    by rewrite exprN h 1:/# // exprN exprV exprN invrK.
  elim/natind: n => [|n hn ih hm _]; 1: smt (expr0).
  by rewrite mulzDr exprS //= mulrC exprD_nneg 1:/# 1:// ih.

  lemma expr0n n : 0 <= n => exp zeror n = if n = 0 then oner else zeror.
  elim: n => [|n ge0_n _]; first by rewrite expr0.
  by rewrite exprS // mul0r addz1_neq0.

  lemma expr0z z : exp zeror z = if z = 0 then oner else zeror.
  case: (0 <= z) => [/expr0n // | /ltzNge lt0_z].
  rewrite -{1}(@oppzK z) exprN; have ->/=: z <> 0 by smt().
  rewrite invr_eq0 expr0n ?oppz_ge0 1:ltzW //.
  by have ->/=: -z <> 0 by smt().

  lemma expr1z z : exp oner z = oner.
  elim/intwlog: z.
  + by move=> n h; rewrite -(@oppzK n) exprN h invr1.
  + by rewrite expr0.
  + by move=> n ge0_n ih; rewrite exprS // mul1r ih.

  lemma sqrrD x y :
    exp (x + y) 2 = exp x 2 + intmul (x * y) 2 + exp y 2.
  by rewrite !expr2 mulrDl !mulrDr mulr2z !addrA (@mulrC y x).

  lemma sqrrN x : exp (-x) 2 = exp x 2.
  proof. by rewrite !expr2 mulrNN. qed.

  lemma sqrrB x y :
    exp (x - y) 2 = exp x 2 - intmul (x * y) 2 + exp y 2.
  proof.   by rewrite sqrrD sqrrN mulrN mulNrz. qed.

  lemma signr_odd n : 0 <= n => exp (-oner) (b2i (odd n)) = exp (-oner) n.
    elim: n => [|n ge0_nih]; first by rewrite odd0 expr0 expr0.
    rewrite !(iterS, oddS) // exprS // -/(odd _) => <-.
    by case: (odd _); rewrite /b2i /= !(expr0, expr1) mulN1r ?opprK.

  lemma subr_sqr_1 x : exp x 2 - oner = (x - oner) * (x + oner).
  rewrite mulrBl mulrDr !(mulr1, mul1r) expr2 -addrA.
  by congr; rewrite opprD addrA addrN add0r.

  op lreg (x : t) = injective (fun y => x * y).

  lemma mulrI_eq0 x y : lreg x => (x * y = zeror) <=> (y = zeror).
  proof. by move=> reg_x; rewrite -{1}(mulr0 x) (inj_eq reg_x). qed.

  lemma lreg_neq0 x : lreg x => x <> zeror.
  apply/contraL=> ->; apply/negP => /(_ zeror oner).
  by rewrite (@eq_sym _ oner) oner_neq0 /= !mul0r.

  lemma mulrI0_lreg x : (forall y, x * y = zeror => y = zeror) => lreg x.
  by move=> reg_x y z eq; rewrite -subr_eq0 &(reg_x) mulrBr eq subrr.

  lemma lregN x : lreg x => lreg (-x).
  proof. by move=> reg_x y z; rewrite !mulNr => /oppr_inj /reg_x. qed.

  lemma lreg1 : lreg oner.
  proof. by move=> x y; rewrite !mul1r. qed.

  lemma lregM x y : lreg x => lreg y => lreg (x * y).
  proof. by move=> reg_x reg_y z t; rewrite -!mulrA => /reg_x /reg_y. qed.

  lemma lregXn x n : 0 <= n => lreg x => lreg (exp x n).
  move=> + reg_x; elim: n => [|n ge0_n ih].
  - by rewrite expr0 &(lreg1).
  - by rewrite exprS // &(lregM).

  instance ring with t
    op rzero = zeror
    op rone  = oner
    op add   = ( + )
    op mul   = ( * )
    op opp   = [ - ]
    op expr  = exp
    op ofint = ofint

    proof oner_neq0 by exact oner_neq0
    proof addr0     by exact addr0
    proof addrA     by exact addrA
    proof addrC     by exact addrC
    proof addrN     by exact addrN
    proof mulr1     by exact mulr1
    proof mulrA     by exact mulrA
    proof mulrC     by exact mulrC
    proof mulrDl    by exact mulrDl
    proof expr0     by exact expr0
    proof exprS     by exact exprS
    proof ofint0    by exact ofint0
    proof ofint1    by exact ofint1
    proof ofintS    by exact ofintS
    proof ofintN    by exact ofintN.

end ComRing.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abstract theory ComRingDflInv.
  clone include ComRing with
    pred unit (x : t) = exists y, y * x = oner,
    op   invr (x : t) = choiceb (fun y => y * x = oner) x

    proof mulVr, unitP, unitout.

  realize mulVr.
  move=> x ^ un_x [y ^ -> <-] @/invr_.
  by have /= -> := choicebP _ x un_x.

  realize unitP.
  proof. by move=> x y eq; exists y. qed.

  realize unitout.
  by move=> x; rewrite /unit_ negb_exists => /choiceb_dfl /(_ x).
end ComRingDflInv.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abstract theory BoolRing.

  clone include ComRing.

  axiom mulrr : forall (x : t), x * x = x.

  lemma nosmt addrr (x : t): x + x = zeror.
    apply (@addrI (x + x)); rewrite addr0 -{1 2 3 4}mulrr.
    by rewrite -mulrDr -mulrDl mulrr.

  lemma oppr_id (x : t) : -x = x by rewrite -opprK -addr_eq0 opprK addrr.

  instance bring with t
    op rzero = zeror
    op rone  = oner
    op add   = ( + )
    op mul   = ( * )
    op opp   = [ - ]

    proof oner_neq0 by exact oner_neq0
    proof addr0     by exact addr0
    proof addrA     by exact addrA
    proof addrC     by exact addrC
    proof addrK     by exact addrr
    proof mulrK     by exact mulrr
    proof mulr1     by exact mulr1
    proof mulrA     by exact mulrA
    proof mulrC     by exact mulrC
    proof mulrDl    by exact mulrDl
    proof oppr_id   by exact oppr_id.

end BoolRing.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abstract theory IDomain.

  clone include ComRing.

  axiom mulf_eq0:
    forall (x y : t), x * y = zeror <=> x = zeror \/ y = zeror.

  lemma mulf_neq0 (x y : t): x <> zeror => y <> zeror => x * y <> zeror.
  proof. by move=> nz_x nz_y; apply/negP; rewrite mulf_eq0 /#. qed.

  lemma expf_eq0 x n : (exp x n = zeror) <=> (n <> 0 /\ x = zeror).
  elim/intwlog: n => [n| |n ge0_n ih].
  + by rewrite exprN invr_eq0 /#.
  + by rewrite expr0 oner_neq0.
  by rewrite exprS // mulf_eq0 ih addz1_neq0 ?andKb.

  lemma mulfI (x : t): x <> zeror => injective (( * ) x).
    move=> ne0_x y y'; rewrite -(opprK (x * y')) -mulrN -addr_eq0.
    by rewrite -mulrDr mulf_eq0 ne0_x /= addr_eq0 opprK.

  lemma mulIf x: x <> zeror => injective (fun y => y * x).
  proof. by move=> nz_x y z; rewrite -!(@mulrC x); exact: mulfI. qed.

  lemma sqrf_eq1 x : (exp x 2 = oner) <=> (x = oner \/ x = -oner).
  proof. by rewrite -subr_eq0 subr_sqr_1 mulf_eq0 subr_eq0 addr_eq0. qed.

  lemma lregP x : lreg x <=> x <> zeror.
  proof. by split=> [/lreg_neq0//|/mulfI]. qed.

  lemma eqr_div (x1 y1 x2 y2 : t) : unit y1 => unit y2 =>
    (x1 / y1 = x2 / y2) <=> (x1 * y2 = x2 * y1).
  move=> Nut1 Nut2; rewrite -{1}(@mulrK y2 _ x1) //.
  rewrite  -{1}(@mulrK y1 _ x2) // -!mulrA (@mulrC (invr y1)) !mulrA.
  split=> [|->] //;
    (have nz_Vy1: unit (invr y1) by rewrite unitrV);
    (have nz_Vy2: unit (invr y2) by rewrite unitrV).
  by move/(mulIr _ nz_Vy1)/(mulIr _ nz_Vy2).

end IDomain.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abstract theory Field.

  clone include IDomain with pred unit (x : t) <- x <> zeror.

  lemma mulfV (x : t): x <> zeror => x * (invr x) = oner.
  proof. by apply/mulrV. qed.

  lemma mulVf (x : t): x <> zeror => (invr x) * x = oner.
  proof. by apply/mulVr. qed.

  lemma nosmt divff (x : t): x <> zeror => x / x = oner.
  proof. by apply/divrr. qed.

  lemma nosmt invfM (x y : t) : invr (x * y) = invr x * invr y.
  case: (x = zeror) => [->|nz_x]; first by rewrite !(mul0r, invr0).
  case: (y = zeror) => [->|nz_y]; first by rewrite !(mulr0, invr0).
  by rewrite invrM // mulrC.

  lemma invf_div x y : invr (x / y) = y / x.
  proof. by rewrite invfM invrK mulrC. qed.

  lemma eqf_div (x1 y1 x2 y2 : t) : y1 <> zeror => y2 <> zeror =>
    (x1 / y1 = x2 / y2) <=> (x1 * y2 = x2 * y1).
  proof. by apply: eqr_div. qed.

  lemma expfM x y n : exp (x * y) n = exp x n * exp y n.
  elim/intwlog: n => [n h | | n ge0_n ih].
  + by rewrite -(@oppzK n) !(@exprN _ (-n)) h invfM.
  + by rewrite !expr0 mulr1.
  + by rewrite !exprS // mulrCA -!mulrA -ih mulrCA.

  instance field with t
    op rzero = zeror
    op rone  = oner
    op add   = ( + )
    op mul   = ( * )
    op opp   = [ - ]
    op expr  = exp
    op inv   = invr

    proof oner_neq0 by exact oner_neq0
    proof addr0     by exact addr0
    proof addrA     by exact addrA
    proof addrC     by exact addrC
    proof addrN     by exact addrN
    proof mulr1     by exact mulr1
    proof mulrA     by exact mulrA
    proof mulrC     by exact mulrC
    proof mulrDl    by exact mulrDl
    proof expr0     by exact expr0
    proof exprS     by exact exprS
    proof mulrV     by exact mulrV
    proof exprN     by smt(exprN).

end Field.

(* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abstract theory Additive.

  type t1, t2.

  clone import Self.ZModule as ZM1 with type t <- t1.
  clone import Self.ZModule as ZM2 with type t <- t2.

  pred additive (f : t1 -> t2) =
    forall (x y : t1), f (x - y) = f x - f y.

  op f : { t1 -> t2 | additive f } as f_is_additive.

  lemma raddf0: f ZM1.zeror = ZM2.zeror.
  proof. by rewrite -ZM1.subr0 f_is_additive ZM2.subrr. qed.

  lemma raddfB (x y : t1): f (x - y) = f x - f y.
  proof. by apply/f_is_additive. qed.

  lemma raddfN (x : t1): f (- x) = - (f x).
  proof. by rewrite -ZM1.sub0r raddfB raddf0 ZM2.sub0r. qed.

  lemma raddfD (x y : t1): f (x + y) = f x + f y.
  proof. by rewrite -{1}(@ZM1.opprK y) raddfB raddfN ZM2.opprK. qed.

end Additive.

(* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abstract theory Multiplicative.

  type t1, t2.

  clone import Self.ComRing as ZM1 with type t <- t1.
  clone import Self.ComRing as ZM2 with type t <- t2.

  pred multiplicative (f : t1 -> t2) =
       f ZM1.oner = ZM2.oner
    /\ forall (x y : t1), f (x * y) = f x * f y.

end Multiplicative.

(* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Rewrite database for algebra tactic                                   *)

hint rewrite rw_algebra  : .
hint rewrite inj_algebra : .

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
theory IntID.

clone include IDomain with
  type t <- int,
  pred unit (z : int) <- (z = 1 \/ z = -1),
  op   zeror <- 0,
  op   oner  <- 1,
  op   ( + ) <- Int.( + ),
  op   [ - ] <- Int.([-]),
  op   ( * ) <- Int.( * ),
  op   invr  <- (fun (z : int) => z)
  proof unitP
  proof * by smt()
  remove abbrev (-)
  remove abbrev (/)
  rename "ofint" as "ofint_id".

realize unitP.
  move => ? y ?; have /# : 1 <= `|y| by smt().

abbrev (^) = exp.

lemma intmulz z c : intmul z c = z * c.
have h: forall cp, 0 <= cp => intmul z cp = z * cp.
  elim=> /= [|cp ge0_cp ih]; first by rewrite mulr0z.
  by rewrite mulrS // ih mulrDr /= addrC.
smt(opprK mulrNz opprK).

lemma poddX n x : 0 < n => odd (exp x n) = odd x.
rewrite ltz_def => - [] + ge0_n; elim: n ge0_n => // + + _ _.
elim=> [|n ge0_n ih]; first by rewrite expr1.
by rewrite exprS ?addz_ge0 // oddM ih andbb.

lemma oddX n x : 0 <= n => odd (exp x n) = (odd x \/ n = 0).
rewrite lez_eqVlt; case: (n = 0) => [->// _|+ h].
+ by rewrite expr0 odd1.
+ by case: h => [<-//|] /poddX ->.

end IntID.
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