Raw File
  Smoothing Estimate of Covariate Transformation
  Computes a smoothing estimate of the intensity of a point process,
  as a function of a (continuous) spatial covariate.
rhohat(object, covariate, ...)

\method{rhohat}{ppp}(object, covariate, ...,
       method=c("ratio", "reweight", "transform"),
       smoother=c("kernel", "local"),
       dimyx=NULL, eps=NULL,
       n = 512, bw = "nrd0", adjust=1, from = NULL, to = NULL,
       covname, confidence=0.95)

\method{rhohat}{quad}(object, covariate, ...,
       method=c("ratio", "reweight", "transform"),
       smoother=c("kernel", "local"),
       dimyx=NULL, eps=NULL,
       n = 512, bw = "nrd0", adjust=1, from = NULL, to = NULL,
       covname, confidence=0.95)

\method{rhohat}{ppm}(object, covariate, ...,
       method=c("ratio", "reweight", "transform"),
       smoother=c("kernel", "local"),
       dimyx=NULL, eps=NULL,
       n = 512, bw = "nrd0", adjust=1, from = NULL, to = NULL,
       covname, confidence=0.95)
    A point pattern (object of class \code{"ppp"}),
    a quadrature scheme (object of class \code{"quad"})
    or a fitted point process model (object of class \code{"ppm"}).
    Either a \code{function(x,y)} or a pixel image (object of
    class \code{"im"}) providing the values of the covariate at any
    Alternatively one of the strings \code{"x"} or \code{"y"}
    signifying the Cartesian coordinates.
    Character string determining the smoothing method. See Details.
    Character string determining the smoothing algorithm. See Details.
    Arguments passed to \code{\link{as.mask}} to control the pixel
    resolution at which the covariate will be evaluated.
    Smoothing bandwidth or bandwidth rule
    (passed to \code{\link{density.default}}).
    Smoothing bandwidth adjustment factor
    (passed to \code{\link{density.default}}).
  \item{n, from, to}{
    Arguments passed to \code{\link{density.default}} to
    control the number and range of values at which the function
    will be estimated.
    Optional. An alternative value of \code{bw} to use when smoothing
    the reference density (the density of the covariate values
    observed at all locations in the window).
    Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{density.default}}
    or \code{\link[locfit]{locfit}}.
    Optional. Character string to use as the name of the covariate.
    Confidence level for confidence intervals.
    A number between 0 and 1.
  If \code{object} is a point pattern, this command assumes that
  \code{object} is a realisation of a Poisson point process with
  intensity function \eqn{\lambda(u)}{lambda(u)} of the form
  \deqn{\lambda(u) = \rho(Z(u))}{lambda(u) = rho(Z(u))} where
  \eqn{Z} is the spatial covariate function given by \code{covariate},
  and \eqn{\rho(z)}{rho(z)} is a function to be estimated. 
  This command computes estimators of \eqn{\rho(z)}{rho(z)}
  proposed by Baddeley and Turner (2005)
  and Baddeley et al (2012).

  The covariate \eqn{Z} must have continuous values.

  If \code{object} is a fitted point process model, suppose \code{X} is
  the original data point pattern to which the model was fitted. Then
  this command assumes \code{X} is a realisation of a Poisson point
  process with intensity function of the form
    \lambda(u) = \rho(Z(u)) \kappa(u)
    lambda(u) = rho(Z(u)) * kappa(u)
  where \eqn{\kappa(u)}{kappa(u)} is the intensity of the fitted model
  \code{object}. A smoothing estimator of \eqn{\rho(z)}{rho(z)} is computed.

  The estimation procedure is determined by the character strings
  \code{method} and \code{smoother}.
  The estimation procedure involves computing several density estimates
  and combining them. 
  The algorithm used to compute density estimates is 
  determined by \code{smoother}:
    \item If \code{smoother="kernel"},
    each the smoothing procedure is based on
    fixed-bandwidth kernel density estimation,
    performed by \code{\link{density.default}}.
    \item If \code{smoother="local"}, the smoothing procedure
    is based on local likelihood density estimation, performed by
  The \code{method} determines how the density estimates will be
  combined to obtain an estimate of \eqn{\rho(z)}{rho(z)}:
    If \code{method="ratio"}, then \eqn{\rho(z)}{rho(z)} is
    estimated by the ratio of two density estimates.
    The numerator is a (rescaled) density estimate obtained by
    smoothing the values \eqn{Z(y_i)}{Z(y[i])} of the covariate
    \eqn{Z} observed at the data points \eqn{y_i}{y[i]}. The denominator
    is a density estimate of the reference distribution of \eqn{Z}.
    If \code{method="reweight"}, then \eqn{\rho(z)}{rho(z)} is
    estimated by applying density estimation to the 
    values \eqn{Z(y_i)}{Z(y[i])} of the covariate
    \eqn{Z} observed at the data points \eqn{y_i}{y[i]},
    with weights inversely proportional to the reference density of
    If \code{method="transform"},
    the smoothing method is variable-bandwidth kernel
    smoothing, implemented by applying the Probability Integral Transform
    to the covariate values, yielding values in the range 0 to 1,
    then applying edge-corrected density estimation on the interval
    \eqn{[0,1]}, and back-transforming.
  A function value table (object of class \code{"fv"})
  containing the estimated values of \eqn{\rho}{rho} for a sequence
  of values of \eqn{Z}.
  Also belongs to the class \code{"rhohat"}
  which has special methods for \code{print}, \code{plot}
  and \code{predict}.
\section{Categorical and discrete covariates}{
  This technique assumes that the covariate has continuous values.
  It is not applicable to covariates with categorical (factor) values
  or discrete values such as small integers.
  For a categorical covariate, use
  \code{\link{quadratcount}(X, tess=covariate)}
  Baddeley, A., Chang, Y.-M., Song, Y. and Turner, R. (2012)
  Nonparametric estimation of the dependence of a point
  process on spatial covariates.
  \emph{Statistics and Its Interface} \bold{5} (2), 221--236.
  Baddeley, A. and Turner, R. (2005)
  Modelling spatial point patterns in R.
  In: A. Baddeley, P. Gregori, J. Mateu, R. Stoica, and D. Stoyan,
  editors, \emph{Case Studies in Spatial Point Pattern Modelling},
  Lecture Notes in Statistics number 185. Pages 23--74.
  Springer-Verlag, New York, 2006. 
  ISBN: 0-387-28311-0.  
  Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
  X <-  rpoispp(function(x,y){exp(3+3*x)})
  rho <- rhohat(X, "x")
  rho <- rhohat(X, function(x,y){x})
  curve(exp(3+3*x), lty=3, col=2, add=TRUE)

  rhoB <- rhohat(X, "x", method="reweight")
  rhoC <- rhohat(X, "x", method="transform")

  fit <- ppm(X, ~x)
  rr <- rhohat(fit, "y")

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