Tip revision: a34738fe34a051760b4042dc9d740231e511fec1 authored by Nico Schertler on 31 October 2020, 07:04:57 UTC
Updated access token
Updated access token
Tip revision: a34738f
#pragma once
#include "common.h"
#include "MotorcycleGraph.h"
#include "FencedRegion.h"
#include "MotorcycleOptionsInPatch.h"
//Calculates the representative singular point for a fenced region along with the initial paths.
class FencedRegionRepresentativeCalculator
//Run motorcycles from the patch boundary to the inside of the patch and find a good point where
//all motorcycles meet.
FencedRegionRepresentativeCalculator(const HEMesh& mesh, const FencedRegion& patch, const OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool>& isOriginalEdgeProp);
//Calculates the representative for a fenced region and returns the corresponding cost.
float CalculateRepresentative();
//Fills a vector with the path of the motorcycle with the given orientation until it leaves the fenced region.
//Returns if the resulting motorcycle will be active.
bool FillWithSolution(int orientation, std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& result) const;
struct CycleAdditionalData
//The orientation through which the motorcycle entered/leaves the fenced region
int orientation;
//The first edge outside of the fenced region, oriented outwards
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle firstEdgeOutside;
//the index of the motorcycle's entry point on the patch's boundary
size_t entryPoint;
CycleAdditionalData() = default;
CycleAdditionalData(int orientation, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle firstEdgeOutside, size_t entryPoint)
: orientation(orientation), firstEdgeOutside(firstEdgeOutside), entryPoint(entryPoint)
{ }
//Record of a motorcycle passing through a vertex
struct PassedThroughMotorcycle
//The index of the motorcycle
size_t motorcycleIdx;
//The length of the motorcycle path at the time of pass-through
size_t lengthofMotorcyclePath;
//The cost of the path up to the pass-through
float cost;
PassedThroughMotorcycle() { }
PassedThroughMotorcycle(size_t motorcycleIdx, size_t lengthOfMotorcyclePath, float cost)
: motorcycleIdx(motorcycleIdx), lengthofMotorcyclePath(lengthOfMotorcyclePath), cost(cost)
{ }
bool operator<(const PassedThroughMotorcycle& other) const { return cost < other.cost; }
//Information stored for a vertex in the fenced region
struct VertexInfo
//a vector with an entry for each possible color
//entry: a list of motorcycles that passed through this vertex sorted by their cost
std::vector<std::set<PassedThroughMotorcycle>> possiblePaths;
//Number of edges of the shortest path from the region's fence to the vertex
int distanceFromBoundary;
const HEMesh& mesh;
const FencedRegion& patch;
const OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool>& isOriginalEdgeProp;
//degree of the fenced region
size_t distinctOrientations;
//simulated motorcycle within the fenced region
MotorcycleOptionsInPatch<CycleAdditionalData> cycles;
//key: vertex that lies within the patch
std::map<HEMesh::VertexHandle, VertexInfo> vertexInfo;
//For every orientation, references the motorcycle that had the best emanating path.
std::vector<PassedThroughMotorcycle> bestPaths;
//Initializes motorcycles on the boundary of the fenced region and calculates vertex distances
//from the boundary.
void InitializeMotorcyclesAndDistances();
//Advances the motorcycles until they leave the fenced region.
void FindAllPossibleMotorcyclePaths();
//Calculates the best set of emanating motorcycles for the entire fenced region. Returns
//the respective cost.
float CalculateBestEmanatingPaths();
//Calculates the centeredness energy for a given distance of a vertex from the region fence.
float GetCenterednessEnergy(int distanceFromBoundary) const;
//Calculates the perpendicularity energy between two motorcycles
float GetAngleEnergy(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h1, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h2) const;
//Calculates the the set of emanating motorcycles for a given vertex by updating bestPaths.
//Returns the respective cost.
virtual float CalculateBestEmanatingPathsForVertex(HEMesh::VertexHandle v, const VertexInfo&, float bestCostSoFar) = 0;
//Returns the first halfedge on the path of an emanating motorcycle (starting at the representative, going outwards)
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle GetFirstPathEdge(const PassedThroughMotorcycle& motorcycle) const;
//Simple brute force calculation of the representative. May yield invalid results.
class SimpleFencedRegionRepresentativeCalculator : public FencedRegionRepresentativeCalculator
SimpleFencedRegionRepresentativeCalculator(const HEMesh& mesh, const FencedRegion& patch, const OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool>& isOriginalEdgeProp);
float CalculateBestEmanatingPathsForVertex(HEMesh::VertexHandle v, const VertexInfo&, float bestCostSoFar);
//Dynamic Programming calculation of the representative as presented in the paper.
class DPFencedRegionRepresentativeCalculator : public FencedRegionRepresentativeCalculator
DPFencedRegionRepresentativeCalculator(const HEMesh& mesh, const FencedRegion& patch, const OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool>& isOriginalEdgeProp);
float CalculateBestEmanatingPathsForVertex(HEMesh::VertexHandle v, const VertexInfo&, float bestCostSoFar);