#' @title Kendall's tau of a copula #' #' @description This function computes the Kendall's tau of a copula family for a given a unconstrainted parameter alpha. #' #' @param family "Gaussian" , "t" , "Clayton" , "Frank" , "Gumbel" #' @param alpha unconstrainted parameters of the copula family #' #' @return \item{tau}{estimated Kendall's tau} #' @return \item{theta}{estimated copula parameter (constrained)} #' #' @author Bouchra R. Nasri, August 14, 2019 #' #' @examples KendallTau('Clayton',0) #' #' @export #' KendallTau<- function(family,alpha){ theta = ParamCop(family,alpha); switch(family, "Gaussian" = { tau = copula::tau(normalCopula(theta[1])); }, "t" = { tau = copula::tau(tCopula(theta[1])); }, "Clayton" = { tau = copula::tau(claytonCopula(theta[1])); }, "Frank" = { tau = copula::tau(frankCopula(theta[1])); }, "Gumbel" = { tau = copula::tau(gumbelCopula(theta[1])); } ) out=list(tau=tau,theta=theta) }