% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/figure.R \name{fig_settings} \alias{fig_settings} \title{Get current settings for figures} \usage{ fig_settings() } \value{ A list containing the entries from the \code{figures} field in \verb{_pkgdown.yaml} (see \code{\link[=build_reference]{build_reference()}}), with default values added. Computed \code{width} and \code{height} values (in pixels) are also included. } \description{ You will generally not need to use this function unless you are handling custom plot output. Packages needing custom parameters should ask users to place them within the \code{other.parameters} entry under the package name, e.g.\preformatted{figures: other.parameters: rgl: fig.asp: 1 } } \keyword{internal}