/*jshint nonew: false */ (function() { "use strict"; var runner; var testharness_properties = {output:false, timeout_multiplier:1}; function Manifest(path) { this.data = null; this.path = path; this.num_tests = null; } Manifest.prototype = { load: function(loaded_callback) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState !== 4) { return; } if (!(xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0)) { throw new Error("Manifest " + this.path + " failed to load"); } this.data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); loaded_callback(); }.bind(this); xhr.open("GET", this.path); xhr.send(null); }, by_type:function(type) { if (this.data.items.hasOwnProperty(type)) { return this.data.items[type]; } else { return []; } } }; function ManifestIterator(manifest, path, test_types) { this.manifest = manifest; this.path = path; this.test_types = test_types; this.test_types_index = -1; this.test_list = null; this.test_index = null; } ManifestIterator.prototype = { next: function() { if (this.test_types.length === 0) { return null; } while (this.test_list === null || this.test_index === this.test_list.length) { this.test_types_index++; if (this.test_types_index >= this.test_types.length) { return null; } this.test_index = 0; this.test_list = this.manifest.by_type(this.test_types[this.test_types_index]); } var manifest_item = this.test_list[this.test_index++]; while (manifest_item && !this.matches(manifest_item)) { manifest_item = this.test_list[this.test_index++]; } if (!manifest_item) { return null; } return this.to_test(manifest_item); }, matches: function(manifest_item) { return manifest_item.url.indexOf(this.path) === 0; }, to_test: function(manifest_item) { var test = { type: this.test_types[this.test_types_index], url: manifest_item.url }; if (manifest_item.hasOwnProperty("ref_url")) { test.ref_type = manifest_item.ref_type; test.ref_url = manifest_item.ref_url; } return test; }, count: function() { return this.test_types.reduce(function(prev, current) { var matches = this.manifest.by_type(current).filter(function(x) { return this.matches(x); }.bind(this)); return prev + matches.length; }.bind(this), 0); } }; function VisualOutput(elem, runner) { this.elem = elem; this.runner = runner; this.results_table = null; this.section_wrapper = null; this.results_table = this.elem.querySelector(".results > table"); this.section = null; this.progress = this.elem.querySelector(".summary .progress"); this.meter = this.progress.querySelector(".progress-bar"); this.result_count = null; this.elem.style.display = "none"; this.runner.start_callbacks.push(this.on_start.bind(this)); this.runner.result_callbacks.push(this.on_result.bind(this)); this.runner.done_callbacks.push(this.on_done.bind(this)); } VisualOutput.prototype = { clear: function() { this.result_count = {"PASS":0, "FAIL":0, "ERROR":0, "TIMEOUT":0}; for (var p in this.result_count) { if (this.result_count.hasOwnProperty(p)) { this.elem.querySelector("td." + p).textContent = 0; } } this.elem.querySelector(".jsonResults").style.display = "none"; this.results_table.removeChild(this.results_table.tBodies[0]); this.results_table.appendChild(document.createElement("tbody")); }, on_start: function() { this.clear(); this.elem.style.display = "block"; this.meter.classList.add("progress-striped", "active"); }, on_result: function(test, status, message, subtests) { var row = document.createElement("tr"); var subtest_pass_count = subtests.reduce(function(prev, current) { return (current.status === "PASS") ? prev + 1 : prev; }, 0); var subtests_count = subtests.length; var test_status; if (subtest_pass_count === subtests_count && (status == "OK" || status == "PASS")) { test_status = "PASS"; } else if (subtests_count > 0 && status === "OK") { test_status = "FAIL"; } else { test_status = status; } subtests.forEach(function(subtest) { if (this.result_count.hasOwnProperty(subtest.status)) { this.result_count[subtest.status] += 1; } }.bind(this)); if (this.result_count.hasOwnProperty(status)) { this.result_count[status] += 1; } var name_node = row.appendChild(document.createElement("td")); name_node.appendChild(this.test_name_node(test)); var status_node = row.appendChild(document.createElement("td")); status_node.textContent = test_status; status_node.className = test_status; var message_node = row.appendChild(document.createElement("td")); message_node.textContent = message || ""; var subtests_node = row.appendChild(document.createElement("td")); if (subtests_count) { subtests_node.textContent = subtest_pass_count + "/" + subtests_count; } else { subtests_node.textContent = "1/1"; } this.elem.querySelector("td." + test_status).textContent = this.result_count[test_status]; this.results_table.tBodies[0].appendChild(row); this.update_meter(this.runner.progress(), this.runner.results.count(), this.runner.test_count()); }, on_done: function() { this.meter.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", this.meter.getAttribute("aria-valuemax")); this.meter.style.width = "100%"; this.meter.textContent = "Done!"; this.meter.classList.remove("progress-striped", "active"); //add the json serialization of the results var a = this.elem.querySelector(".jsonResults"); var json = this.runner.results.to_json(); var ta = this.elem.querySelector("textarea"); if (ta) { ta.parentNode.removeChild(ta); } if (document.getElementById("dumpit").checked) { ta = document.createElement("textarea"); ta.style.width = "100%"; ta.setAttribute("rows", "50"); this.elem.appendChild(ta); ta.textContent = json; } var blob = new Blob([json], { type: "application/json" }); a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); a.download = "runner-results.json"; a.textContent = "Download JSON results"; if (!a.getAttribute("download")) a.textContent += " (right-click and save as to download)"; a.style.display = "inline"; }, test_name_node: function(test) { if (!test.hasOwnProperty("ref_url")) { return this.link(test.url); } else { var wrapper = document.createElement("span"); wrapper.appendChild(this.link(test.url)); wrapper.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" " + test.ref_type + " ")); wrapper.appendChild(this.link(test.ref_url)); return wrapper; } }, link: function(href) { var link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = this.runner.server + href; link.textContent = href; return link; }, update_meter: function(progress, count, total) { this.meter.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", count); this.meter.setAttribute("aria-valuemax", total); this.meter.textContent = this.meter.style.width = (progress * 100).toFixed(1) + "%"; } }; function ManualUI(elem, runner) { this.elem = elem; this.runner = runner; this.pass_button = this.elem.querySelector("button.pass"); this.fail_button = this.elem.querySelector("button.fail"); this.ref_buttons = this.elem.querySelector(".reftestUI"); this.ref_type = this.ref_buttons.querySelector(".refType"); this.test_button = this.ref_buttons.querySelector("button.test"); this.ref_button = this.ref_buttons.querySelector("button.ref"); this.hide(); this.runner.test_start_callbacks.push(this.on_test_start.bind(this)); this.runner.done_callbacks.push(this.on_done.bind(this)); this.pass_button.onclick = function() { this.runner.on_result("PASS", "", []); this.disable_buttons(); setTimeout(this.enable_buttons.bind(this), 200); }.bind(this); this.fail_button.onclick = function() { this.runner.on_result("FAIL", "", []); }.bind(this); } ManualUI.prototype = { show: function() { this.elem.style.display = "block"; }, hide: function() { this.elem.style.display = "none"; }, show_ref: function() { this.ref_buttons.style.display = "block"; this.test_button.onclick = function() { this.runner.load(this.runner.current_test.url); }.bind(this); this.ref_button.onclick = function() { this.runner.load(this.runner.current_test.ref_url); }.bind(this); }, hide_ref: function() { this.ref_buttons.style.display = "none"; }, disable_buttons: function() { this.pass_button.disabled = true; this.fail_button.disabled = true; }, enable_buttons: function() { this.pass_button.disabled = false; this.fail_button.disabled = false; }, on_test_start: function(test) { if (test.type == "manual" || test.type == "reftest") { this.show(); } else { this.hide(); } if (test.type == "reftest") { this.show_ref(); this.ref_type.textContent = test.ref_type === "==" ? "equal" : "unequal"; } else { this.hide_ref(); } }, on_done: function() { this.hide(); } }; function TestControl(elem, runner) { this.elem = elem; this.path_input = this.elem.querySelector(".path"); this.pause_button = this.elem.querySelector("button.togglePause"); this.start_button = this.elem.querySelector("button.toggleStart"); this.type_checkboxes = Array.prototype.slice.call( this.elem.querySelectorAll("input[type=checkbox].test-type")); this.timeout_input = this.elem.querySelector(".timeout_multiplier"); this.render_checkbox = this.elem.querySelector(".render"); this.runner = runner; this.runner.done_callbacks.push(this.on_done.bind(this)); this.set_start(); } TestControl.prototype = { set_start: function() { this.start_button.disabled = false; this.pause_button.disabled = true; this.start_button.textContent = "Start"; this.path_input.disabled = false; this.type_checkboxes.forEach(function(elem) { elem.disabled = false; }); this.start_button.onclick = function() { var path = this.get_path(); var test_types = this.get_test_types(); var settings = this.get_testharness_settings(); this.runner.start(path, test_types, settings); this.set_stop(); this.set_pause(); }.bind(this); }, set_stop: function() { clearTimeout(this.runner.timeout); this.pause_button.disabled = false; this.start_button.textContent = "Stop"; this.path_input.disabled = true; this.type_checkboxes.forEach(function(elem) { elem.disabled = true; }); this.start_button.onclick = function() { this.runner.done(); }.bind(this); }, set_pause: function() { this.pause_button.textContent = "Pause"; this.pause_button.onclick = function() { this.runner.pause(); this.set_resume(); }.bind(this); }, set_resume: function() { this.pause_button.textContent = "Resume"; this.pause_button.onclick = function() { this.runner.unpause(); this.set_pause(); }.bind(this); }, get_path: function() { return this.path_input.value; }, get_test_types: function() { return this.type_checkboxes.filter(function(elem) { return elem.checked; }).map(function(elem) { return elem.value; }); }, get_testharness_settings: function() { return {timeout_multiplier: parseFloat(this.timeout_input.value), output: this.render_checkbox.checked}; }, on_done: function() { this.set_pause(); this.set_start(); } }; function Results(runner) { this.test_results = null; this.runner = runner; this.runner.start_callbacks.push(this.on_start.bind(this)); } Results.prototype = { on_start: function() { this.test_results = []; }, set: function(test, status, message, subtests) { this.test_results.push({"test":test, "subtests":subtests, "status":status, "message":message}); }, count: function() { return this.test_results.length; }, to_json: function() { var data = { "results": this.test_results.map(function(result) { var rv = {"test":(result.test.hasOwnProperty("ref_url") ? [result.test.url, result.test.ref_type, result.test.ref_url] : result.test.url), "subtests":result.subtests, "status":result.status, "message":result.message}; return rv; }) }; return JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); } }; function Runner(manifest_path) { this.server = location.protocol + "//" + location.host; this.manifest = new Manifest(manifest_path); this.path = null; this.test_types = null; this.manifest_iterator = null; this.test_window = null; this.current_test = null; this.timeout = null; this.num_tests = null; this.pause_flag = false; this.start_callbacks = []; this.test_start_callbacks = []; this.result_callbacks = []; this.done_callbacks = []; this.results = new Results(this); this.start_after_manifest_load = false; this.manifest.load(this.manifest_loaded.bind(this)); } Runner.prototype = { test_timeout: 20000, //ms currentTest: function() { return this.manifest[this.mTestCount]; }, open_test_window: function() { this.test_window = window.open("about:blank", 800, 600); window.focus(); }, manifest_loaded: function() { if (this.start_after_manifest_load) { this.do_start(); } }, start: function(path, test_types, testharness_settings) { this.pause_flag = false; this.path = path; this.test_types = test_types; window.testharness_properties = testharness_settings; this.manifest_iterator = new ManifestIterator(this.manifest, this.path, this.test_types); this.num_tests = null; if (this.manifest.data === null) { this.start_after_manifest_load = true; } else { this.do_start(); } }, do_start: function() { this.open_test_window(); this.start_callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback(); }); this.run_next_test(); }, pause: function() { this.pause_flag = true; }, unpause: function() { this.pause_flag = false; this.run_next_test(); }, on_result: function(status, message, subtests) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.results.set(this.current_test, status, message, subtests); this.result_callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback(this.current_test, status, message, subtests); }.bind(this)); this.run_next_test(); }, on_timeout: function() { this.on_result("TIMEOUT", "", []); }, done: function() { if (this.test_window) { this.test_window.close(); } this.done_callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback(); }); }, run_next_test: function() { if (this.pause_flag) { return; } var next_test = this.manifest_iterator.next(); if (next_test === null) { this.done(); return; } this.current_test = next_test; if (next_test.type === "testharness") { this.timeout = setTimeout(this.on_timeout.bind(this), this.test_timeout * window.testharness_properties.timeout_multiplier); } this.load(this.current_test.url); this.test_start_callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback(this.current_test); }.bind(this)); }, load: function(path) { if (this.test_window.location === null) { this.open_test_window(); } this.test_window.location.href = this.server + path; }, progress: function() { return this.results.count() / this.test_count(); }, test_count: function() { if (this.num_tests === null) { this.num_tests = this.manifest_iterator.count(); } return this.num_tests; } }; function parseOptions() { var options = { test_types: ["testharness", "reftest", "manual"] }; var optionstrings = location.search.substring(1).split("&"); for (var i = 0, il = optionstrings.length; i < il; ++i) { var opt = optionstrings[i]; //TODO: fix this for complex-valued options options[opt.substring(0, opt.indexOf("="))] = opt.substring(opt.indexOf("=") + 1); } return options; } function setup() { var options = parseOptions(); if (options.path) { document.getElementById('path').value = options.path; } runner = new Runner("/MANIFEST.json", options); var test_control = new TestControl(document.getElementById("testControl"), runner); new ManualUI(document.getElementById("manualUI"), runner); new VisualOutput(document.getElementById("output"), runner); if (options.autorun === "1") { runner.start(test_control.get_path(), test_control.get_test_types(), test_control.get_testharness_settings()); return; } } window.completion_callback = function(tests, status) { var harness_status_map = {0:"OK", 1:"ERROR", 2:"TIMEOUT"}; var subtest_status_map = {0:"PASS", 1:"FAIL", 2:"TIMEOUT", 3:"NOTRUN"}; // this ugly hack is because IE really insists on holding on to the objects it creates in // other windows, and on losing track of them when the window gets closed var subtest_results = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify( tests.map(function (test) { return {name: test.name, status: subtest_status_map[test.status], message: test.message}; }) )); runner.on_result(harness_status_map[status.status], status.message, subtest_results); }; window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", setup, false); })();