\name{math-fun} \alias{A..Z} \alias{sinc} \title{Sinc, Zolotarev's, and Other Mathematical Utility Functions} \description{ \code{sinc(x)} computes the \dQuote{sinc} function \eqn{s(x)=\sin(x)/x}{s(x) = sin(x)/x} for \eqn{x\ne 0}{x != 0} and \eqn{s(0) = 1}, such that \eqn{s()} is continuous, also at \eqn{x = 0}. \code{A..Z(x, a)} computes Zolotarev's function to the power \code{1-a}. } \usage{ sinc(x) A..Z(x, alpha, I.alpha = 1 - alpha) } \arguments{ \item{x}{\code{\link{numeric}} argument in \eqn{[0,\pi]}{[0,pi]}, typically a vector.} \item{alpha}{parameter in (0,1].} \item{I.alpha}{must be \code{ = 1 - alpha}, maybe more accurately when \code{alpha} is very close to 1.} } \details{ For more details about Zolotarev's function, see, e.g., Devroye (2009). } \value{ \code{A..Z(x,alpha)} is \eqn{\tilde A_{Z}(x,\alpha)}{A~Z(x,alpha)}, defined as \deqn{\frac{\sin(\alpha x)^\alpha\sin((1-\alpha)x)^{1-\alpha}}{\sin(x)},\ x\in[0,\pi],}{sin(alpha*x)^alpha * sin((1-alpha)*x)^(1-alpha) / sin(x), x in [0,pi],} where \eqn{\alpha\in(0,1]}{alpha in (0,1]} is \code{alpha}. } \author{Martin Maechler} \seealso{ \code{\link{retstable}} internally makes use of these functions. } \references{ Devroye, L. (2009) Random variate generation for exponentially and polynomially tilted stable distributions, \emph{ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation} \bold{19}, 18, 1--20. } \examples{ curve(sinc, -15,25); abline(h=0,v=0, lty=2) curve(A..Z(x, 0.25), xlim = c(-4,4), main = "Zolotarev's function A(x) ^ 1-alpha") } \keyword{math}