;; Operator precedence table, lowest at top ; for most operators X there is a .X "elementwise" equivalent (define (add-dots ops) (append! ops (map (lambda (op) (symbol (string "." op))) ops))) ;; note: there are some strange-looking things in here because ;; the way the lexer works, every prefix of an operator must also ;; be an operator. (define prec-assignment (append! (add-dots '(= += -= *= /= //= |\\=| ^= ÷= %= <<= >>= >>>= |\|=| &= ⊻= ≔ ⩴ ≕)) '(:= ~ $=))) ;; comma - higher than assignment outside parentheses, lower when inside (define prec-pair (add-dots '(=>))) (define prec-conditional '(?)) (define prec-arrow (append! '(-- -->) (add-dots '(← → ↔ ↚ ↛ ↞ ↠ ↢ ↣ ↦ ↤ ↮ ⇎ ⇍ ⇏ ⇐ ⇒ ⇔ ⇴ ⇶ ⇷ ⇸ ⇹ ⇺ ⇻ ⇼ ⇽ ⇾ ⇿ ⟵ ⟶ ⟷ ⟹ ⟺ ⟻ ⟼ ⟽ ⟾ ⟿ ⤀ ⤁ ⤂ ⤃ ⤄ ⤅ ⤆ ⤇ ⤌ ⤍ ⤎ ⤏ ⤐ ⤑ ⤔ ⤕ ⤖ ⤗ ⤘ ⤝ ⤞ ⤟ ⤠ ⥄ ⥅ ⥆ ⥇ ⥈ ⥊ ⥋ ⥎ ⥐ ⥒ ⥓ ⥖ ⥗ ⥚ ⥛ ⥞ ⥟ ⥢ ⥤ ⥦ ⥧ ⥨ ⥩ ⥪ ⥫ ⥬ ⥭ ⥰ ⧴ ⬱ ⬰ ⬲ ⬳ ⬴ ⬵ ⬶ ⬷ ⬸ ⬹ ⬺ ⬻ ⬼ ⬽ ⬾ ⬿ ⭀ ⭁ ⭂ ⭃ ⭄ ⭇ ⭈ ⭉ ⭊ ⭋ ⭌ ← → ⇜ ⇝ ↜ ↝ ↩ ↪ ↫ ↬ ↼ ↽ ⇀ ⇁ ⇄ ⇆ ⇇ ⇉ ⇋ ⇌ ⇚ ⇛ ⇠ ⇢)))) (define prec-lazy-or '(|\|\||)) (define prec-lazy-and '(&&)) (define prec-comparison (append! '(|<:| |>:| in isa) (add-dots '(> < >= ≥ <= ≤ == === ≡ != ≠ !== ≢ ∈ ∉ ∋ ∌ ⊆ ⊈ ⊂ ⊄ ⊊ ∝ ∊ ∍ ∥ ∦ ∷ ∺ ∻ ∽ ∾ ≁ ≃ ≄ ≅ ≆ ≇ ≈ ≉ ≊ ≋ ≌ ≍ ≎ ≐ ≑ ≒ ≓ ≖ ≗ ≘ ≙ ≚ ≛ ≜ ≝ ≞ ≟ ≣ ≦ ≧ ≨ ≩ ≪ ≫ ≬ ≭ ≮ ≯ ≰ ≱ ≲ ≳ ≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊀ ⊁ ⊃ ⊅ ⊇ ⊉ ⊋ ⊏ ⊐ ⊑ ⊒ ⊜ ⊩ ⊬ ⊮ ⊰ ⊱ ⊲ ⊳ ⊴ ⊵ ⊶ ⊷ ⋍ ⋐ ⋑ ⋕ ⋖ ⋗ ⋘ ⋙ ⋚ ⋛ ⋜ ⋝ ⋞ ⋟ ⋠ ⋡ ⋢ ⋣ ⋤ ⋥ ⋦ ⋧ ⋨ ⋩ ⋪ ⋫ ⋬ ⋭ ⋲ ⋳ ⋴ ⋵ ⋶ ⋷ ⋸ ⋹ ⋺ ⋻ ⋼ ⋽ ⋾ ⋿ ⟈ ⟉ ⟒ ⦷ ⧀ ⧁ ⧡ ⧣ ⧤ ⧥ ⩦ ⩧ ⩪ ⩫ ⩬ ⩭ ⩮ ⩯ ⩰ ⩱ ⩲ ⩳ ⩵ ⩶ ⩷ ⩸ ⩹ ⩺ ⩻ ⩼ ⩽ ⩾ ⩿ ⪀ ⪁ ⪂ ⪃ ⪄ ⪅ ⪆ ⪇ ⪈ ⪉ ⪊ ⪋ ⪌ ⪍ ⪎ ⪏ ⪐ ⪑ ⪒ ⪓ ⪔ ⪕ ⪖ ⪗ ⪘ ⪙ ⪚ ⪛ ⪜ ⪝ ⪞ ⪟ ⪠ ⪡ ⪢ ⪣ ⪤ ⪥ ⪦ ⪧ ⪨ ⪩ ⪪ ⪫ ⪬ ⪭ ⪮ ⪯ ⪰ ⪱ ⪲ ⪳ ⪴ ⪵ ⪶ ⪷ ⪸ ⪹ ⪺ ⪻ ⪼ ⪽ ⪾ ⪿ ⫀ ⫁ ⫂ ⫃ ⫄ ⫅ ⫆ ⫇ ⫈ ⫉ ⫊ ⫋ ⫌ ⫍ ⫎ ⫏ ⫐ ⫑ ⫒ ⫓ ⫔ ⫕ ⫖ ⫗ ⫘ ⫙ ⫷ ⫸ ⫹ ⫺ ⊢ ⊣ ⟂)))) (define prec-pipe< '(|.<\|| |<\||)) (define prec-pipe> '(|.\|>| |\|>|)) (define prec-colon (append! '(: |..|) (add-dots '(… ⁝ ⋮ ⋱ ⋰ ⋯)))) (define prec-plus (append! '($) (add-dots '(+ - |\|| ⊕ ⊖ ⊞ ⊟ |++| ∪ ∨ ⊔ ± ∓ ∔ ∸ ≂ ≏ ⊎ ⊻ ⊽ ⋎ ⋓ ⧺ ⧻ ⨈ ⨢ ⨣ ⨤ ⨥ ⨦ ⨧ ⨨ ⨩ ⨪ ⨫ ⨬ ⨭ ⨮ ⨹ ⨺ ⩁ ⩂ ⩅ ⩊ ⩌ ⩏ ⩐ ⩒ ⩔ ⩖ ⩗ ⩛ ⩝ ⩡ ⩢ ⩣)))) (define prec-bitshift (add-dots '(<< >> >>>))) (define prec-times (add-dots '(* / ÷ % & ⋅ ∘ × |\\| ∩ ∧ ⊗ ⊘ ⊙ ⊚ ⊛ ⊠ ⊡ ⊓ ∗ ∙ ∤ ⅋ ≀ ⊼ ⋄ ⋆ ⋇ ⋉ ⋊ ⋋ ⋌ ⋏ ⋒ ⟑ ⦸ ⦼ ⦾ ⦿ ⧶ ⧷ ⨇ ⨰ ⨱ ⨲ ⨳ ⨴ ⨵ ⨶ ⨷ ⨸ ⨻ ⨼ ⨽ ⩀ ⩃ ⩄ ⩋ ⩍ ⩎ ⩑ ⩓ ⩕ ⩘ ⩚ ⩜ ⩞ ⩟ ⩠ ⫛ ⊍ ▷ ⨝ ⟕ ⟖ ⟗))) (define prec-rational (add-dots '(//))) ;; `where` ;; unary (define prec-power (add-dots '(^ ↑ ↓ ⇵ ⟰ ⟱ ⤈ ⤉ ⤊ ⤋ ⤒ ⤓ ⥉ ⥌ ⥍ ⥏ ⥑ ⥔ ⥕ ⥘ ⥙ ⥜ ⥝ ⥠ ⥡ ⥣ ⥥ ⥮ ⥯ ↑ ↓))) (define prec-decl '(|::|)) ;; `where` occurring after `::` (define prec-dot '(|.|)) (define prec-names '(prec-assignment prec-pair prec-conditional prec-lazy-or prec-lazy-and prec-arrow prec-comparison prec-pipe< prec-pipe> prec-colon prec-plus prec-bitshift prec-times prec-rational prec-power prec-decl prec-dot)) (define trans-op (string->symbol ".'")) (define ctrans-op (string->symbol "'")) (define vararg-op (string->symbol "...")) (define (Set l) ;; construct a length-specialized membership tester (cond ((length= l 1) (eval `(lambda (x) (,(if (symbol? (car l)) 'eq? 'eqv?) x (quote ,(car l)))))) ((not (length> l 8)) (eval `(lambda (x) (not (not (,(if (every symbol? l) 'memq 'memv) x (quote ,l))))))) ((and (every symbol? l) (not (length> l 20))) (eval `(lambda (x) (not (not (memq x (quote ,l))))))) (else (let ((t (table))) (for-each (lambda (x) (put! t x #t)) l) (lambda (x) (has? t x)))))) ; only allow/strip suffixes for some operators (define no-suffix? (Set (append prec-assignment prec-conditional prec-lazy-or prec-lazy-and prec-colon prec-decl prec-dot '(-- --> -> |<:| |>:| in isa $) (list ctrans-op trans-op vararg-op)))) (define (maybe-strip-op-suffix op) (if (symbol? op) (let ((op_ (strip-op-suffix op))) (if (or (eq? op op_) (no-suffix? op_)) op op_)) op)) ; like Set, but strip operator suffixes before testing membership (define (SuffSet l) (let ((S (Set l))) (if (every no-suffix? l) S ; suffixes not allowed for anything in l (lambda (op) (S (maybe-strip-op-suffix op)))))) ;; for each prec-x generate an is-prec-x? procedure (for-each (lambda (name) (eval `(define ,(symbol (string "is-" name "?")) (SuffSet ,name)))) prec-names) ;; hash table of binary operators -> precedence (define prec-table (let ((t (table))) (define (pushprec L prec) (if (not (null? L)) (begin (for-each (lambda (x) (put! t x prec)) (car L)) (pushprec (cdr L) (+ prec 1))))) (pushprec (map eval prec-names) 1) t)) (define (operator-precedence op) (get prec-table (maybe-strip-op-suffix op) 0)) (define unary-ops (append! '(|<:| |>:|) (add-dots '(+ - ! ~ ¬ √ ∛ ∜)))) (define unary-op? (Set unary-ops)) ; operators that are both unary and binary (define unary-and-binary-ops '(+ - $ & ~ |.+| |.-|)) (define unary-and-binary-op? (Set unary-and-binary-ops)) ; operators that are special forms, not function names (define syntactic-operators (append! (add-dots '(= += -= *= /= //= |\\=| ^= ÷= %= <<= >>= >>>= |\|=| &= ⊻=)) '(:= --> $= && |\|\|| |.| ... ->))) (define syntactic-unary-operators '($ & |::|)) (define syntactic-op? (Set syntactic-operators)) (define syntactic-unary-op? (Set syntactic-unary-operators)) (define (symbol-or-interpolate? ex) (or (symbol? ex) (and (pair? ex) (eq? '$ (car ex))))) (define (is-word-operator? op) (every identifier-start-char? (string->list (symbol->string op)))) (define operators (filter (lambda (x) (not (is-word-operator? x))) (delete-duplicates (list* '-> ctrans-op trans-op vararg-op (append unary-ops (apply append (map eval prec-names))))))) (define op-chars (delete-duplicates (apply append (map string->list (map symbol->string operators))))) ;; characters that can be in an operator (define opchar? (Set op-chars)) ;; characters that can follow . in an operator (define dot-opchar? (Set (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (op) (string.char (string op) 1)) (cons `|..| (filter dotop? operators)))))) (define operator? (SuffSet operators)) (define initial-reserved-words '(begin while if for try return break continue function macro quote let local global const do struct type immutable importall ;; to be deprecated module baremodule using import export)) (define initial-reserved-word? (Set initial-reserved-words)) (define reserved-words (append initial-reserved-words '(end else catch finally true false))) ;; todo: make this more complete (define reserved-word? (Set reserved-words)) (define closing-token? (let ((closer? (Set '(else elseif catch finally #\, #\) #\] #\} #\;)))) (lambda (tok) (or (and (eq? tok 'end) (not end-symbol)) (closer? tok) (eof-object? tok))))) ;; Parser state variables ; disable range colon for parsing ternary conditional operator (define range-colon-enabled #t) ; in space-sensitive mode "x -y" is 2 expressions, not a subtraction (define space-sensitive #f) ; seeing `for` stops parsing macro arguments and makes a generator (define for-generator #f) ; treat 'end' like a normal symbol instead of a reserved word (define end-symbol #f) ; treat newline like ordinary whitespace instead of as a potential separator (define whitespace-newline #f) ; enable parsing `where` with high precedence (define where-enabled #t) ; allow (x...), parsed as (... x). otherwise a deprecation warning is given (#24452) (define accept-dots-without-comma #f) (define current-filename 'none) (define-macro (with-normal-ops . body) `(with-bindings ((range-colon-enabled #t) (space-sensitive #f) (where-enabled #t)) ,@body)) (define-macro (with-normal-context . body) `(with-bindings ((range-colon-enabled #t) (space-sensitive #f) (where-enabled #t) (for-generator #f) (end-symbol #f) (whitespace-newline #f)) ,@body)) (define-macro (without-range-colon . body) `(with-bindings ((range-colon-enabled #f)) ,@body)) (define-macro (with-space-sensitive . body) `(with-bindings ((space-sensitive #t) (whitespace-newline #f)) ,@body)) (define-macro (with-end-symbol . body) `(with-bindings ((end-symbol #t)) ,@body)) (define-macro (with-whitespace-newline . body) `(with-bindings ((whitespace-newline #t)) ,@body)) (define-macro (without-whitespace-newline . body) `(with-bindings ((whitespace-newline #f)) ,@body)) ;; --- lexer --- (define (newline? c) (eqv? c #\newline)) (define (skip-to-eol port) (let ((c (peek-char port))) (cond ((eof-object? c) c) ((eqv? c #\newline) c) (else (read-char port) (skip-to-eol port))))) (define (op-or-sufchar? c) (or (op-suffix-char? c) (opchar? c))) (define (read-operator port c) (if (and (eqv? c #\*) (eqv? (peek-char port) #\*)) (error "use \"^\" instead of \"**\"")) (if (or (eof-object? (peek-char port)) (not (op-or-sufchar? (peek-char port)))) (symbol (string c)) ; 1-char operator (let ((str (let loop ((str (string c)) (c (peek-char port)) (in-suffix? #f)) (if (eof-object? c) str (let ((sufchar? (op-suffix-char? c))) (if (if in-suffix? sufchar? (or sufchar? (opchar? c))) (let* ((newop (string str c)) (opsym (string->symbol newop))) (if (operator? opsym) (begin (read-char port) (loop newop (peek-char port) sufchar?)) str)) str)))))) (if (equal? str "--") (error (string "invalid operator \"" str "\""))) (string->symbol str)))) (define (accum-digits c pred port _-digit-sep) (let loop ((str '()) (c c)) (if (and _-digit-sep (eqv? c #\_)) (begin (read-char port) (let ((c (peek-char port))) (if (and (not (eof-object? c)) (pred c)) (loop str c) (begin (io.ungetc port #\_) (list->string (reverse str)))))) (if (and (not (eof-object? c)) (pred c)) (begin (read-char port) (loop (cons c str) (peek-char port))) (list->string (reverse str)))))) (define (char-hex? c) (or (char-numeric? c) (and (>= c #\a) (<= c #\f)) (and (>= c #\A) (<= c #\F)))) (define (char-oct? c) (and (>= c #\0) (<= c #\7))) (define (char-bin? c) (or (eqv? c #\0) (eqv? c #\1))) (define (string-to-number s r is-float32) (let ((ans (if is-float32 (float (string->number (string.map (lambda (c) (if (eqv? c #\f) #\e c)) s) r)) (string->number s r)))) (and ans (if (or (= ans +inf.0) (= ans -inf.0)) (error (string "overflow in numeric constant \"" s "\"")) ans)))) (define (numchk n s) (or n (error (string "invalid numeric constant \"" s "\"")))) (define (read-number port leadingdot neg) (let ((str (open-output-string)) (pred char-numeric?) (is-float32-literal #f) (is-hex-float-literal #f) (leadingzero #f)) (define (allow ch) (let ((c (peek-char port))) (and (eqv? c ch) (begin (write-char (read-char port) str) #t)))) (define (disallow-dot) (if (eqv? (peek-char port) #\.) (begin (read-char port) (if (dot-opchar? (peek-char port)) (io.ungetc port #\.) (error (string "invalid numeric constant \"" (get-output-string str) #\. "\"")))))) (define (read-digs lz _-digit-sep) (let ((c (peek-char port))) (if (and (not lz) _-digit-sep (eqv? c #\_)) (error (string "invalid numeric constant \"" (get-output-string str) c "\""))) (let ((d (accum-digits c pred port _-digit-sep))) (and (not (equal? d "")) (not (eof-object? d)) (display d str) #t)))) (if neg (write-char #\- str)) (if leadingdot (write-char #\. str) (if (eqv? (peek-char port) #\0) (begin (write-char (read-char port) str) (set! leadingzero #t) (cond ((allow #\x) (begin (set! leadingzero #f) (set! pred char-hex?))) ((allow #\o) (begin (set! leadingzero #f) (set! pred char-oct?))) ((allow #\b) (begin (set! leadingzero #f) (set! pred char-bin?))))) (allow #\.))) (read-digs leadingzero #t) (if (eqv? (peek-char port) #\.) (begin (read-char port) (if (dot-opchar? (peek-char port)) (begin (if (not (eqv? (peek-char port) #\.)) (let ((num (get-output-string str))) (parser-depwarn port (string num #\. (peek-char port)) (string num " ." (peek-char port))))) (io.ungetc port #\.)) (begin (write-char #\. str) (read-digs #f #t) (if (eq? pred char-hex?) (set! is-hex-float-literal #t)) (disallow-dot))))) (let* ((c (peek-char port)) (ispP (or (eqv? c #\p) (eqv? c #\P)))) (if (or (and is-hex-float-literal (or ispP (error "hex float literal must contain \"p\" or \"P\""))) (and (eq? pred char-hex?) ispP) (memv c '(#\e #\E #\f))) (begin (read-char port) (let ((d (peek-char port))) (if (and (not (eof-object? d)) (or (char-numeric? d) (eqv? d #\+) (eqv? d #\-))) (begin (set! is-float32-literal (eqv? c #\f)) (set! is-hex-float-literal ispP) (write-char c str) (write-char (read-char port) str) (read-digs #t #f) (disallow-dot)) (io.ungetc port c))))) (if (and (char? c) (or (eq? pred char-bin?) (eq? pred char-oct?) (and (eq? pred char-hex?) (not is-hex-float-literal))) (or (char-numeric? c) (and (identifier-start-char? c) (parser-depwarn port ;; remove after v0.7 (string (get-output-string str) c) (string (get-output-string str) " * " c)) #f))) ;; remove after v0.7 ;; disallow digits after binary or octal literals, e.g., 0b12 ;; and disallow identifier chars after hex literals. (error (string "invalid numeric constant \"" (get-output-string str) c "\"")))) (let* ((s (get-output-string str)) (r (cond ((eq? pred char-hex?) 16) ((eq? pred char-oct?) 8) ((eq? pred char-bin?) 2) (else 10))) (n (string-to-number ;; for an unsigned literal starting with -, remove the - and ;; parse instead as a call to unary - (if (and neg (not (= r 10)) (not is-hex-float-literal)) (string.sub s 1) s) r is-float32-literal))) (if (and (eqv? #\. (string.char s (string.dec s (length s)))) (let ((nxt (peek-char port))) (and (not (eof-object? nxt)) (or (identifier-start-char? nxt) (memv nxt '(#\( #\[ #\{ #\@ #\` #\~ #\")))))) (error (string "numeric constant \"" s "\" cannot be implicitly multiplied because it ends with \".\""))) ;; n is #f for integers > typemax(UInt64) (cond (is-hex-float-literal (numchk n s) (double n)) ((eq? pred char-hex?) (fix-uint-neg neg (sized-uint-literal n s 4))) ((eq? pred char-oct?) (fix-uint-neg neg (sized-uint-oct-literal n s))) ((eq? pred char-bin?) (fix-uint-neg neg (sized-uint-literal n s 1))) (is-float32-literal (numchk n s) (float n)) (n (if (and (integer? n) (> n 9223372036854775807)) `(macrocall @int128_str (null) ,s) n)) ((within-int128? s) `(macrocall @int128_str (null) ,s)) (else `(macrocall @big_str (null) ,s)))))) (define (fix-uint-neg neg n) (if neg (if (large-number? n) `(call - ,(maybe-negate '- n)) `(call - ,n)) n)) (define (sized-uint-literal n s b) (let* ((i (if (eqv? (string.char s 0) #\-) 4 3)) (l (+ (* (- (length s) i) b) 1))) (cond ((<= l 8) (numchk n s) (uint8 n)) ((<= l 16) (numchk n s) (uint16 n)) ((<= l 32) (numchk n s) (uint32 n)) ((<= l 64) (numchk n s) (uint64 n)) ((<= l 128) `(macrocall @uint128_str (null) ,s)) (else (error "Hex or binary literal too large for UInt128"))))) (define (sized-uint-oct-literal n s) (if (string.find s "o0") (sized-uint-literal n s 3) (if n (cond ((< n 256) (uint8 n)) ((< n 65536) (uint16 n)) ((< n 4294967296) (uint32 n)) (else (uint64 n))) (begin (if (equal? s "0o") (numchk n s)) (if (oct-within-uint128? s) `(macrocall @uint128_str (null) ,s) (error "Octal literal too large for UInt128")))))) (define (strip-leading-0s s) (define (loop i) (if (eqv? (string.char s i) #\0) (loop (+ i 1)) (string.tail s i))) (if (eqv? (string.char s 0) #\-) (string #\- (loop 1)) (loop 0))) (define (compare-num-strings s1 s2) (let ((s1 (strip-leading-0s s1)) (s2 (strip-leading-0s s2))) (if (= (string-length s1) (string-length s2)) (compare s1 s2) (compare (string-length s1) (string-length s2))))) (define (oct-within-uint128? s) (let ((s (if (eqv? (string.char s 0) #\-) (string.tail s 1) s))) (>= 0 (compare-num-strings s "0o3777777777777777777777777777777777777777777")))) (define (within-int128? s) (if (eqv? (string.char s 0) #\-) (>= 0 (compare-num-strings s "-170141183460469231731687303715884105728")) (>= 0 (compare-num-strings s "170141183460469231731687303715884105727")))) (define (large-number? t) (and (pair? t) (eq? (car t) 'macrocall) (memq (cadr t) '(@int128_str @uint128_str @big_str)))) ;; skip to end of comment, starting at #: either #... or #= .... =#. (define (skip-comment port) (define (skip-multiline-comment port count) (let ((c (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? c) (error "incomplete: unterminated multi-line comment #= ... =#") ; NOTE: changing this may affect code in base/client.jl (begin (if (eqv? c #\=) (let ((c (peek-char port))) (if (eqv? c #\#) (begin (read-char port) (if (> count 1) (skip-multiline-comment port (- count 1)))) (skip-multiline-comment port count))) (if (eqv? c #\#) (skip-multiline-comment port (if (eqv? (peek-char port) #\=) (begin (read-char port) (+ count 1)) count)) (skip-multiline-comment port count))))))) (read-char port) ; read # that was already peeked (if (eqv? (peek-char port) #\=) (begin (read-char port) ; read initial = (skip-multiline-comment port 1)) (skip-to-eol port))) (define (skip-ws-and-comments port) (skip-ws port #t) (if (eqv? (peek-char port) #\#) (begin (skip-comment port) (skip-ws-and-comments port))) #t) (define (zero-width-space? c) (memv c '(#\u200b #\u2060 #\ufeff))) (define (default-ignorable-char? c) (or (zero-width-space? c) (and (char>=? c #\u200c) (char<=? c #\u200f)) (memv c '(#\u00ad #\u2061 #\u115f)))) (define (next-token port s) (aset! s 2 (eq? (skip-ws port whitespace-newline) #t)) (let ((c (peek-char port))) (cond ((or (eof-object? c) (eqv? c #\newline)) (read-char port)) ((identifier-start-char? c) (accum-julia-symbol c port)) ((string.find "()[]{},;\"`@" c) (read-char port)) ((string.find "0123456789" c) (read-number port #f #f)) ((eqv? c #\#) (skip-comment port) (next-token port s)) ;; . is difficult to handle; it could start a number or operator ((and (eqv? c #\.) (let ((c (read-char port)) (nextc (peek-char port))) (cond ((eof-object? nextc) '|.|) ((char-numeric? nextc) (read-number port #t #f)) ((opchar? nextc) (let ((op (read-operator port c))) (if (and (eq? op '..) (opchar? (peek-char port))) (error (string "invalid operator \"" op (peek-char port) "\""))) op)) (else '|.|))))) ((opchar? c) (read-operator port (read-char port))) (else (read-char port) (if (default-ignorable-char? c) (error (string "invisible character \\u" (number->string (fixnum c) 16))) (error (string "invalid character \"" c "\""))))))) ;; --- token stream --- (define (make-token-stream s) (vector #f s #t #f #f)) (define-macro (ts:port s) `(aref ,s 1)) (define-macro (ts:last-tok s) `(aref ,s 0)) (define-macro (ts:set-tok! s t) `(aset! ,s 0 ,t)) (define-macro (ts:pbtok s) `(aref ,s 3)) (define (ts:space? s) (aref s (if (ts:pbtok s) 4 2))) (define (ts:put-back! s t spc) (if (ts:pbtok s) (error "too many pushed-back tokens (internal error)") (begin (aset! s 3 t) (aset! s 4 spc)))) (define (peek-token s) (or (ts:pbtok s) (ts:last-tok s) (begin (ts:set-tok! s (next-token (ts:port s) s)) (ts:last-tok s)))) (define (require-token s) (let ((t (or (ts:pbtok s) (ts:last-tok s) (next-token (ts:port s) s)))) (if (eof-object? t) (error "incomplete: premature end of input") ; NOTE: changing this may affect code in base/client.jl (if (newline? t) (begin (take-token s) (require-token s)) (begin (if (not (ts:pbtok s)) (ts:set-tok! s t)) t))))) (define (take-token s) (or (begin0 (ts:pbtok s) (aset! s 3 #f)) (begin0 (ts:last-tok s) (ts:set-tok! s #f)))) ;; --- misc --- ; Log a syntax deprecation, attributing it to current-filename and the line ; number of the stream `s` (define (parser-depwarn s what instead) (let ((line (if (number? s) s (input-port-line (if (port? s) s (ts:port s))))) (file current-filename)) (frontend-depwarn (format-syntax-deprecation what instead file line #t) file line))) ;; --- parser --- ;; parse left-to-right binary operator ;; produces structures like (+ (+ (+ 2 3) 4) 5) (define-macro (parse-LtoR s down ops) `(let loop ((ex (,down ,s)) (t (peek-token ,s))) (if (,ops t) (begin (take-token ,s) (loop (list 'call t ex (,down ,s)) (peek-token ,s))) ex))) ;; parse right-to-left binary operator ;; produces structures like (= a (= b (= c d))) (define-macro (parse-RtoL s down ops syntactic self) `(let* ((ex (,down ,s)) (t (peek-token ,s))) (if (,ops t) (begin (take-token ,s) (if ,syntactic (list t ex (,self ,s)) (list 'call t ex (,self ,s)))) ex))) (define (line-number-node s) `(line ,(input-port-line (ts:port s)) ,current-filename)) ;; parse a@b@c@... as (@ a b c ...) for some operator @ ;; ops: operators to look for ;; head: the expression head to yield in the result, e.g. "a;b" => (block a b) ;; closer?: predicate to identify tokens that stop parsing ;; however, this doesn't consume the closing token, just looks at it ;; ow, my eyes!! (define (parse-Nary s down ops head closer? add-linenums) (let ((t (require-token s))) (if (closer? t) (if add-linenums ;; empty block (list head (line-number-node s)) (list head)) (let loop ((ex ;; skip leading runs of operator (if (memv t ops) (if add-linenums (list (line-number-node s)) '()) (if add-linenums (let ((loc (line-number-node s))) ;; note: line-number must happen before (down s) (list (down s) loc)) (list (down s))))) (first? #t) (t (peek-token s))) (if (not (memv t ops)) (begin (if (not (or (eof-object? t) (eqv? t #\newline) (closer? t))) (error (string "extra token \"" t "\" after end of expression"))) (if (or (null? ex) (pair? (cdr ex)) (not first?)) ;; () => (head) ;; (ex2 ex1) => (head ex1 ex2) ;; (ex1) if operator appeared => (head ex1) (handles "x;") (cons head (reverse! ex)) ;; (ex1) => ex1 (car ex))) (begin (take-token s) ;; allow input to end with the operator, as in a;b; (if (or (eof-object? (peek-token s)) (closer? (peek-token s)) (memv (peek-token s) ops)) (loop ex #f (peek-token s)) (if (and add-linenums (not (linenum? (car ex)))) (let ((loc (line-number-node s))) (loop (list* (down s) loc ex) #f (peek-token s))) (loop (cons (down s) ex) #f (peek-token s)))))))))) ;; the principal non-terminals follow, in increasing precedence order (define (parse-block s (down parse-eq)) (parse-Nary s down '(#\newline #\;) 'block (lambda (x) (memq x '(end else elseif catch finally))) #t)) ;; ";" at the top level produces a sequence of top level expressions (define (parse-stmts s) (let ((ex (parse-Nary s (lambda (s) (parse-docstring s parse-eq)) '(#\;) 'toplevel (lambda (x) (eqv? x #\newline)) #f))) ;; check for unparsed junk after an expression (let ((t (peek-token s))) (if (not (or (eof-object? t) (eqv? t #\newline) (eq? t #f))) (error (string "extra token \"" t "\" after end of expression")))) ex)) (define (parse-eq s) (parse-assignment s parse-comma)) ;; symbol tokens that do not simply parse to themselves when appearing alone as ;; an element of an argument list (define non-standalone-symbol-token? (Set (append operators reserved-words '(.... mutable primitive abstract)))) ; parse-eq* is used where commas are special, for example in an argument list (define (parse-eq* s) (let* ((t (peek-token s)) (spc (ts:space? s))) ;; optimization: skip checking the whole precedence stack if we have a simple ;; token followed by a common closing token (if (or (number? t) (and (symbol? t) (not (non-standalone-symbol-token? t)))) (begin (take-token s) (let ((nxt (peek-token s))) (if (or (eqv? nxt #\,) (eqv? nxt #\) ) (eqv? nxt #\}) (eqv? nxt #\])) t (begin (ts:put-back! s t spc) (parse-assignment s parse-pair))))) (parse-assignment s parse-pair)))) (define (eventually-call? ex) (and (pair? ex) (or (eq? (car ex) 'call) (and (or (eq? (car ex) 'where) (eq? (car ex) '|::|)) (eventually-call? (cadr ex)))))) (define (short-form-function-loc ex lno) (if (eventually-call? (cadr ex)) `(= ,(cadr ex) (block (line ,lno ,current-filename) ,(caddr ex))) ex)) (define (parse-assignment s down) (let loop ((ex (down s)) (t (peek-token s))) (if (not (is-prec-assignment? t)) ex (begin (take-token s) (cond ((eq? t '~) ;; ~ is the only non-syntactic assignment-precedence operators (if (and space-sensitive (ts:space? s) (not (eqv? (peek-char (ts:port s)) #\ ))) (begin (ts:put-back! s t (ts:space? s)) ex) (list 'call t ex (parse-assignment s down)))) ((eq? t '=) ;; insert line/file for short-form function defs, otherwise leave alone (let ((lno (input-port-line (ts:port s)))) (short-form-function-loc (list t ex (parse-assignment s down)) lno))) (else (list t ex (parse-assignment s down)))))))) ; parse-comma is needed for commas outside parens, for example a = b,c (define (parse-comma s) (let loop ((ex (list (parse-pair s))) (first? #t) (t (peek-token s))) (if (not (eqv? t #\,)) (if (or (pair? (cdr ex)) (not first?)) ;; () => (tuple) ;; (ex2 ex1) => (tuple ex1 ex2) ;; (ex1,) => (tuple ex1) (cons 'tuple (reverse! ex)) ;; (ex1) => ex1 (car ex)) (begin (take-token s) (if (or (eof-object? (peek-token s)) (eq? (peek-token s) '=)) (loop ex #f (peek-token s)) (loop (cons (parse-pair s) ex) #f (peek-token s))))))) (define (parse-pair s) (parse-RtoL s parse-cond is-prec-pair? #f parse-pair)) (define (parse-cond s) (let ((ex (parse-arrow s))) (cond ((eq? (peek-token s) '?) (begin (if (not (ts:space? s)) (parser-depwarn s (string (deparse ex) "?") (string (deparse ex) " ?"))) (take-token s) ; take the ? (let ((t (with-whitespace-newline (without-range-colon (peek-token s))))) (if (not (ts:space? s)) (parser-depwarn s (string (deparse ex) " ?" (deparse t)) (string (deparse ex) " ? " (deparse t))))) (let ((then (without-range-colon (parse-eq* s)))) (if (not (eq? (peek-token s) ':)) (error "colon expected in \"?\" expression")) (if (not (ts:space? s)) (parser-depwarn s (string (deparse ex) " ? " (deparse then) ":") (string (deparse ex) " ? " (deparse then) " :"))) (take-token s) ; take the : (let ((t (with-whitespace-newline (peek-token s)))) (if (not (ts:space? s)) (parser-depwarn s (string (deparse ex) " ? " (deparse then) " :" t) (string (deparse ex) " ? " (deparse then) " : " t)))) (list 'if ex then (parse-eq* s))))) (else ex)))) (define (parse-arrow s) (parse-RtoL s parse-or is-prec-arrow? (eq? t '-->) parse-arrow)) (define (parse-or s) (parse-RtoL s parse-and is-prec-lazy-or? #t parse-or)) (define (parse-and s) (parse-RtoL s parse-comparison is-prec-lazy-and? #t parse-and)) (define (parse-comparison s) (let loop ((ex (parse-pipe< s)) (first #t)) (let ((t (peek-token s))) (cond ((is-prec-comparison? t) (begin (take-token s) (if first (loop (list 'comparison ex t (parse-pipe< s)) #f) (loop (append ex (list t (parse-pipe< s))) #f)))) (first ex) ((length= ex 4) ;; only a single comparison; special chained syntax not required (let ((op (caddr ex)) (arg1 (cadr ex)) (arg2 (cadddr ex))) (if (or (eq? op '|<:|) (eq? op '|>:|)) `(,op ,arg1 ,arg2) `(call ,op ,arg1 ,arg2)))) (else ex))))) (define (parse-pipe< s) (parse-RtoL s parse-pipe> is-prec-pipe s) (parse-LtoR s parse-range is-prec-pipe>?)) ;; parse ranges and postfix ... ;; colon is strange; 3 arguments with 2 colons yields one call: ;; 1:2 => (call : 1 2) ;; 1:2:3 => (call : 1 2 3) (define (parse-range s) (let loop ((ex (parse-expr s)) (first? #t)) (let* ((t (peek-token s)) (spc (ts:space? s))) (cond ((and first? (eq? t '|..|)) (take-token s) `(call ,t ,ex ,(parse-expr s))) ((and range-colon-enabled (eq? t ':)) (take-token s) (if (and space-sensitive spc (or (peek-token s) #t) (not (ts:space? s))) ;; "a :b" in space sensitive mode (begin (ts:put-back! s ': spc) ex) (let ((argument (cond ((closing-token? (peek-token s)) (error (string "missing last argument in \"" (deparse ex) ":\" range expression "))) ((newline? (peek-token s)) (error "line break in \":\" expression")) (else (parse-expr s))))) (if (and (not (ts:space? s)) (or (eq? argument '<) (eq? argument '>))) (error (string "\":" argument "\" found instead of \"" argument ":\""))) (if first? (loop (list 'call t ex argument) #f) (loop (append ex (list argument)) #t))))) ((eq? t '...) (take-token s) (list '... ex)) (else ex))))) ;; parse left to right chains of a certain binary operator ;; returns a list of arguments (define (parse-chain s down op) (let loop ((chain (list (down s)))) (let ((t (peek-token s))) (if (not (eq? t op)) (reverse! chain) (let ((spc (ts:space? s))) (take-token s) (cond ((and space-sensitive spc (memq t unary-and-binary-ops) (not (eqv? (peek-char (ts:port s)) #\ ))) ;; here we have "x -y" (ts:put-back! s t spc) (reverse! chain)) (else (loop (cons (down s) chain))))))))) ;; parse left to right, combining chains of a certain operator into 1 call ;; e.g. a+b+c => (call + a b c) (define (parse-with-chains s down ops chain-ops) (let loop ((ex (down s))) (let ((t (peek-token s))) (if (not (ops t)) ex (let ((spc (ts:space? s))) (take-token s) (cond ((and space-sensitive spc (memq t unary-and-binary-ops) (not (eqv? (peek-char (ts:port s)) #\ ))) ;; here we have "x -y" (ts:put-back! s t spc) ex) ((memq t chain-ops) (loop (list* 'call t ex (parse-chain s down t)))) (else (loop (list 'call t ex (down s)))))))))) (define (parse-with-chains-warn s down ops chain-ops) (let loop ((ex (down s)) (got #f)) (let ((t (peek-token s))) (if (not (ops t)) (cons ex got) (let ((spc (ts:space? s))) (take-token s) (cond ((and space-sensitive spc (memq t unary-and-binary-ops) (not (eqv? (peek-char (ts:port s)) #\ ))) ;; here we have "x -y" (ts:put-back! s t spc) (cons ex got)) ((memq t chain-ops) (loop (list* 'call t ex (parse-chain s down t)) #t)) (else (loop (list 'call t ex (down s)) got)))))))) (define (parse-expr s) (parse-with-chains s parse-shift is-prec-plus? '(+ ++))) (define (bitshift-warn s) (parser-depwarn s (string "call to `*` inside call to bitshift operator") "parenthesized call to `*`")) (define (parse-shift s) #;(parse-LtoR s parse-term is-prec-bitshift?) (let loop ((ex (parse-term s)) (t (peek-token s)) (warn1 #f)) (let ((ex (car ex)) (warn (cdr ex))) (if (is-prec-bitshift? t) (begin (if warn (bitshift-warn s)) (take-token s) (let ((nxt (parse-term s))) (loop (cons (list 'call t ex (car nxt)) (cdr nxt)) (peek-token s) (cdr nxt)))) (begin (if warn1 (bitshift-warn s)) ex))))) (define (parse-term s) (parse-with-chains-warn s parse-rational is-prec-times? '(*))) (define (parse-rational s) (parse-LtoR s parse-unary-subtype is-prec-rational?)) ;; parse `<: A where B` as `<: (A where B)` (issue #21545) (define (parse-unary-subtype s) (let* ((op (require-token s)) (spc (ts:space? s))) (if (or (eq? op '|<:|) (eq? op '|>:|)) (begin (take-token s) (let ((next (peek-token s))) (cond ((or (closing-token? next) (newline? next) (eq? next '=)) op) ; return operator by itself, as in (<:) ;; parse <:{T}(x::T) or <:(x::T) like other unary operators ((or (eqv? next #\{) (eqv? next #\( )) (ts:put-back! s op spc) (parse-where s parse-unary)) (else (let ((arg (parse-where s parse-unary))) (if (and (pair? arg) (eq? (car arg) 'tuple)) (cons op (cdr arg)) (list op arg))))))) (parse-where s parse-unary)))) (define (parse-where-chain s first) (with-bindings ((where-enabled #f)) (let loop ((ex first) (t 'where)) (if (eq? t 'where) (begin (take-token s) (let ((var (parse-comparison s))) (loop (if (and (pair? var) (eq? (car var) 'braces)) (list* 'where ex (cdr var)) ;; form `x where {T,S}` (list 'where ex var)) (peek-token s)))) ex)))) (define (parse-where s down) ;; `where` needs to be below unary for `+(x::T,y::T) where {T} = ...` to work (let ((ex (down s))) (if (and where-enabled (eq? (peek-token s) 'where)) (parse-where-chain s ex) ex))) (define (maybe-negate op num) (if (eq? op '-) (if (large-number? num) (if (eqv? (cadddr num) "-170141183460469231731687303715884105728") `(macrocall @big_str (null) "170141183460469231731687303715884105728") `(,(car num) ,(cadr num) ,(caddr num) ,(string.tail (cadddr num) 1))) (if (= num -9223372036854775808) `(macrocall @int128_str (null) "9223372036854775808") (- num))) num)) ;; operators handled by parse-unary at the start of an expression (define initial-operator? ;; TODO: ? should probably not be listed here except for the syntax hack in osutils.jl (Set (diff operators (append '(: |'| ?) syntactic-unary-operators syntactic-operators)))) (define (parse-unary s) (let* ((op (require-token s)) (spc (ts:space? s))) (if (initial-operator? op) (begin (take-token s) (if (or (eq? op '-) (eq? op '+)) (let ((nch (peek-char (ts:port s)))) (if (or (and (char? nch) (char-numeric? nch)) (and (eqv? nch #\.) (read-char (ts:port s)))) (let ((num (read-number (ts:port s) (eqv? nch #\.) (eq? op '-)))) (if (or (memv (peek-token s) '(#\[ #\{)) (is-prec-power? (peek-token s))) ;; `[`, `{` (issue #18851) and `^` have higher precedence than ;; unary negation; -2^x parsed as (- (^ 2 x)). (begin (ts:put-back! s (maybe-negate op num) spc) (list 'call op (parse-factor s))) (parse-juxtapose num s))) (parse-unary-call s op #t spc))) (parse-unary-call s op (unary-op? op) spc))) (parse-juxtapose (parse-factor s) s)))) (define (fix-syntactic-unary e) (let ((ce (car e))) (if (or (eq? ce '|<:|) (eq? ce '|>:|)) e (cons 'call e)))) (define (parse-unary-call s op un spc) (let ((next (peek-token s))) (cond ((or (closing-token? next) (newline? next) (eq? next '=)) op) ; return operator by itself, as in (+) ((or (eqv? next #\{) ;; this case is +{T}(x::T) = ... (and (not un) (eqv? next #\( ))) (ts:put-back! s op spc) (parse-factor s)) ((eqv? next #\( ) (take-token s) (let* ((opspc (ts:space? s)) (parens (with-bindings ((accept-dots-without-comma #t)) (parse-paren- s #t)))) (if (cdr parens) ;; found an argument list (if opspc (disallowed-space op #\( ) (parse-juxtapose (parse-factor-with-initial-ex s (fix-syntactic-unary (cons op (tuple-to-arglist (car parens))))) s)) (fix-syntactic-unary (list op (parse-juxtapose (parse-factor-with-initial-ex s (car parens)) s)))))) ((not un) (error (string "\"" op "\" is not a unary operator"))) (else (let ((arg (with-bindings ((accept-dots-without-comma #t)) (parse-unary s)))) (fix-syntactic-unary (list op arg))))))) (define block-form? (Set '(block quote if for while let function macro abstract primitive struct try module))) ;; given an expression and the next token, is there a juxtaposition ;; operator between them? (define (juxtapose? s expr t) (and (or (number? expr) (large-number? expr) (and (not (number? t)) ;; disallow "x.3" and "sqrt(2)2" (not (eqv? t #\@)) ;; disallow "x@time" ;; issue #16427, disallow juxtaposition with block forms (not (and (pair? expr) (or (block-form? (car expr)) (syntactic-unary-op? (car expr)) (initial-reserved-word? (car expr)))))) ;; to allow x'y as a special case #;(and (pair? expr) (memq (car expr) '(|'| |.'|)) (not (memv t '(#\( #\[ #\{)))) ) (not (ts:space? s)) (not (operator? t)) (not (closing-token? t)) (not (newline? t)) (or (and (not (string? expr)) (not (eqv? t #\"))) ;; issue #20575 (error "cannot juxtapose string literal")) (not (initial-reserved-word? t)) ;; TODO: this would disallow juxtaposition with 0, which is ambiguous ;; with e.g. hex literals `0x...`. however this is used for `0im`, which ;; we might not want to break. #;(or (not (and (eq? expr 0) (symbol? t))) (error (string "invalid numeric constant \"" expr t "\""))))) (define (parse-juxtapose ex s) (let ((next (peek-token s))) ;; numeric literal juxtaposition is a unary operator (cond ((juxtapose? s ex next) (begin #;(if (and (number? ex) (= ex 0)) (error "juxtaposition with literal \"0\"")) `(call * ,ex ,(parse-unary s)))) (else ex)))) ;; handle ^ and .^ ;; -2^3 is parsed as -(2^3), so call parse-decl for the first argument, ;; and parse-unary from then on (to handle 2^-3) (define (parse-factor s) (parse-factor-with-initial-ex s (parse-unary-prefix s))) (define (parse-factor-with-initial-ex s ex0) (let* ((ex (parse-decl-with-initial-ex s (parse-call-with-initial-ex s ex0))) (t (peek-token s))) (if (is-prec-power? t) (begin (take-token s) (list 'call t ex (parse-factor-after s))) ex))) (define (parse-factor-after s) (parse-RtoL s parse-unary is-prec-power? #f parse-factor-after)) (define (parse-decl s) (parse-decl-with-initial-ex s (parse-call s))) (define (parse-decl-with-initial-ex s ex) (let loop ((ex ex)) (let ((t (peek-token s))) (case t ((|::|) (take-token s) (loop (list t ex (parse-where s parse-call)))) ((->) (take-token s) ;; -> is unusual: it binds tightly on the left and ;; loosely on the right. (let ((lno (line-number-node s))) `(-> ,ex (block ,lno ,(parse-eq* s))))) (else ex))))) ;; parse function call, indexing, dot, and transpose expressions ;; also handles looking for syntactic reserved words (define (parse-call s) (parse-call-with-initial-ex s (parse-unary-prefix s))) (define (parse-call-with-initial-ex s ex) (if (or (initial-reserved-word? ex) (eq? ex 'mutable) (eq? ex 'primitive) (eq? ex 'abstract)) (parse-resword s ex) (parse-call-chain s ex #f))) (define (parse-unary-prefix s) (let ((op (peek-token s))) (if (syntactic-unary-op? op) (begin (take-token s) (cond ((and (memq op '(& $)) (let ((next (peek-token s))) (or (closing-token? next) (newline? next)))) op) ((memq op '(& |::|)) (list op (parse-where s parse-call))) (else (list op (with-bindings ((accept-dots-without-comma #t)) (parse-unary-prefix s)))))) (parse-atom s)))) (define (parse-def s is-func anon) (let* ((ex (with-bindings ((accept-dots-without-comma anon)) (parse-unary-prefix s))) (sig (if (or (and is-func (reserved-word? ex)) (initial-reserved-word? ex)) (error (string "invalid name \"" ex "\"")) (parse-call-chain s ex #f))) (decl-sig (if (and is-func (eq? (peek-token s) '|::|)) (begin (take-token s) `(|::| ,sig ,(parse-call s))) sig))) (if (eq? (peek-token s) 'where) (parse-where-chain s decl-sig) decl-sig))) (define (disallowed-space ex t) (error (string "space before \"" t "\" not allowed in \"" (deparse ex) " " t "\""))) ;; string macro suffix for given delimiter t (define (macsuffix t) (case t ((#\") '_str) ((#\`) '_cmd))) (define (parse-call-chain s ex macrocall?) (let loop ((ex ex)) (let ((t (peek-token s))) (if (or (and space-sensitive (ts:space? s) (memv t '(#\( #\[ #\{ |'| #\" #\`))) (and (or (number? ex) ;; 2(...) is multiply, not call (large-number? ex)) (eqv? t #\())) ex (case t ((#\( ) (if (ts:space? s) (disallowed-space ex t)) (take-token s) (let ((c (let ((al (parse-call-arglist s #\) ))) (receive (params args) (separate (lambda (x) (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'parameters))) al) (if (eq? (peek-token s) 'do) (begin (take-token s) `(do (call ,ex ,@params ,@args) ,(parse-do s))) `(call ,ex ,@al)))))) (if macrocall? (map (lambda (x) ;; parse `a=b` as `=` instead of `kw` in macrocall (if (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'kw)) `(= ,@(cdr x)) x)) c) (loop c)))) ((#\[ ) (if (ts:space? s) (disallowed-space ex t)) (take-token s) ;; ref is syntax, so we can distinguish ;; a[i] = x from ;; ref(a,i) = x (let* ((es end-symbol) (al (with-end-symbol (parse-cat s #\] es)))) (if macrocall? (list 'call ex al) (if (null? al) (loop (list 'ref ex)) (case (car al) ((vect) (loop (list* 'ref ex (cdr al)))) ((hcat) (loop (list* 'typed_hcat ex (cdr al)))) ((vcat) (loop (list* 'typed_vcat ex (cdr al)))) ((comprehension) (loop (list* 'typed_comprehension ex (cdr al)))) (else (error "unknown parse-cat result (internal error)"))))))) ((|.|) (if (ts:space? s) (disallowed-space ex t)) (take-token s) (loop (cond ((eqv? (peek-token s) #\() (begin (take-token s) `(|.| ,ex (tuple ,@(parse-call-arglist s #\) ))))) ((eqv? (peek-token s) ':) (begin (take-token s) (if (or (eqv? (peek-token s) #\newline) (ts:space? s)) ;; uses side effect of previous peek-token (error "space not allowed after \":\" used for quoting")) `(|.| ,ex (quote ,(parse-atom s #f))))) ((eq? (peek-token s) '$) (take-token s) (let ((dollarex (parse-atom s))) `(|.| ,ex (inert ($ ,dollarex))))) (else (let ((name (parse-atom s #f))) (if (and (pair? name) (eq? (car name) 'macrocall)) `(macrocall (|.| ,ex (quote ,(cadr name))) ; move macrocall outside by rewriting A.@B as @A.B ,@(cddr name)) `(|.| ,ex (quote ,name)))))))) ((|.'| |'|) (if (ts:space? s) (error (string "space not allowed before \"" t "\""))) (take-token s) (loop (list t ex))) ((#\{ ) (if (ts:space? s) (disallowed-space ex t)) (take-token s) (loop (list* 'curly ex (parse-call-arglist s #\} )))) ((#\" #\`) (if (and (or (symbol? ex) (valid-modref? ex)) (not (operator? ex)) (not (ts:space? s))) ;; custom string and command literals; x"s" => @x_str "s" (let* ((startloc (line-number-node s)) (macstr (begin (take-token s) (parse-raw-literal s t))) (nxt (peek-token s)) (macname (macroify-name ex (macsuffix t)))) (if (and (symbol? nxt) (not (operator? nxt)) (not (ts:space? s))) ;; string literal suffix, "s"x (loop `(macrocall ,macname ,startloc ,macstr ,(string (take-token s)))) (loop `(macrocall ,macname ,startloc ,macstr)))) ex)) (else ex)))))) (define expect-end-current-line 0) (define (expect-end s word) (let ((t (peek-token s))) (cond ((eq? t 'end) (take-token s)) ((eof-object? t) (error (string "incomplete: \"" word "\" at " ; NOTE: changing this may affect code in base/client.jl current-filename ":" expect-end-current-line " requires end"))) (else (error (string "\"" word "\" at " current-filename ":" expect-end-current-line " expected \"end\", got \"" t "\"")))))) (define (parse-subtype-spec s) (parse-comparison s)) (define (valid-func-sig? paren sig) (and (pair? sig) (or (eq? (car sig) 'call) (eq? (car sig) 'tuple) (and paren (eq? (car sig) 'block)) (and paren (eq? (car sig) '...)) (and (eq? (car sig) '|::|) (pair? (cadr sig)) (eq? (car (cadr sig)) 'call)) (and (eq? (car sig) 'where) (valid-func-sig? paren (cadr sig)))))) (define (valid-1arg-func-sig? sig) (or (symbol? sig) (and (pair? sig) (eq? (car sig) '|::|) (symbol? (cadr sig))))) (define (unwrap-where x) (if (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'where)) (unwrap-where (cadr x)) x)) (define (rewrap-where x w) (if (and (pair? w) (eq? (car w) 'where)) (list 'where (rewrap-where x (cadr w)) (caddr w)) x)) (define (parse-struct-def s mut? word) (if (reserved-word? (peek-token s)) (error (string "invalid type name \"" (take-token s) "\""))) (let ((sig (parse-subtype-spec s))) (begin0 (list 'struct (if mut? 'true 'false) sig (parse-block s)) (expect-end s word)))) ;; consume any number of line endings from a token stream (define (take-lineendings s) (let ((nt (peek-token s))) (if (or (newline? nt) (eqv? nt #\;)) (begin (take-token s) (take-lineendings s)) s))) ;; parse expressions or blocks introduced by syntactic reserved words (define (parse-resword s word) (if (and (eq? word 'begin) end-symbol) (parser-depwarn s "\"begin\" inside indexing expression" "")) (with-bindings ((expect-end-current-line (input-port-line (ts:port s)))) (with-normal-context (begin (case word ((begin quote) (let ((loc (begin (skip-ws-and-comments (ts:port s)) (line-number-node s))) (blk (parse-block s (lambda (s) (parse-docstring s parse-eq))))) (expect-end s word) (let ((blk (if (and (length> blk 1) (linenum? (cadr blk))) (list* 'block loc (cddr blk)) blk))) (if (eq? word 'quote) (list 'quote blk) blk)))) ((while) (begin0 (list 'while (parse-cond s) (parse-block s)) (expect-end s word))) ((for) (let* ((ranges (parse-comma-separated-iters s)) (body (parse-block s))) (expect-end s word) `(for ,(if (length= ranges 1) (car ranges) (cons 'block ranges)) ,body))) ((let) (let ((binds (if (memv (peek-token s) '(#\newline #\;)) '() (parse-comma-separated-assignments s)))) (if (not (or (eof-object? (peek-token s)) (memv (peek-token s) '(#\newline #\; end)))) (error "let variables should end in \";\" or newline")) (let* ((ex (begin0 (parse-block s) (expect-end s word))) (ex (if (and (length= ex 2) (linenum? (cadr ex))) `(block) ;; don't need line info in an empty let block ex))) `(let ,(if (and (length= binds 1) (or (assignment? (car binds)) (decl? (car binds)) (symbol? (car binds)))) (car binds) (cons 'block binds)) ,ex)))) ((if elseif) (if (newline? (peek-token s)) (error (string "missing condition in \"if\" at " current-filename ":" (- (input-port-line (ts:port s)) 1)))) (let* ((lno (line-number-node s)) ;; line number for elseif condition (test (parse-cond s)) (test (if (eq? word 'elseif) `(block ,lno ,test) test)) (then (if (memq (require-token s) '(else elseif)) '(block) (parse-block s))) (nxt (require-token s))) (take-token s) (case nxt ((end) (list word test then)) ((elseif) (if (newline? (peek-token s)) (error (string "missing condition in \"elseif\" at " current-filename ":" (- (input-port-line (ts:port s)) 1)))) `(,word ,test ,then ,(parse-resword s 'elseif))) ((else) (if (eq? (peek-token s) 'if) (error "use \"elseif\" instead of \"else if\"")) (begin0 (list word test then (parse-block s)) (expect-end s 'if))) (else (error (string "unexpected \"" nxt "\"")))))) ((global local) (let* ((const (and (eq? (peek-token s) 'const) (take-token s))) (assgn (parse-eq s)) (expr (if (and (pair? assgn) (eq? (car assgn) 'tuple)) (cons word (cdr assgn)) (list word assgn)))) (if const `(const ,expr) expr))) ((const) (let ((assgn (parse-eq s))) (if (not (and (pair? assgn) (or (eq? (car assgn) '=) (eq? (car assgn) 'global) (eq? (car assgn) 'local)))) (error "expected assignment after \"const\"") `(const ,assgn)))) ((function macro) (let* ((paren (eqv? (require-token s) #\()) (sig (parse-def s (eq? word 'function) paren))) (if (and (not paren) (symbol-or-interpolate? sig)) (begin (if (not (eq? (require-token s) 'end)) (error (string "expected \"end\" in definition of " word " \"" sig "\""))) (take-token s) `(,word ,sig)) (let* ((usig (unwrap-where sig)) (def (if (or (valid-1arg-func-sig? usig) (and (assignment? usig) (valid-1arg-func-sig? (cadr usig)))) (if paren ;; in "function (x)" the (x) is a tuple (rewrap-where `(tuple ,usig) sig) ;; function foo => syntax error (error (string "expected \"(\" in " word " definition"))) (if (not (valid-func-sig? paren sig)) (error (string "expected \"(\" in " word " definition")) sig))) (body (parse-block s))) (expect-end s word) (list word def body))))) ((abstract) (if (not (eq? (peek-token s) 'type)) (parse-call-chain s word #f) (begin (take-token s) (let ((spec (parse-subtype-spec s))) (begin0 (list 'abstract spec) (expect-end (take-lineendings s) "abstract type")))))) ((struct) (begin (take-token s) (parse-struct-def s #f word))) ((mutable) (if (not (eq? (peek-token s) 'struct)) (parse-call-chain s word #f) (begin (take-token s) (parse-struct-def s #t word)))) ((primitive) (if (not (eq? (peek-token s) 'type)) (parse-call-chain s word #f) (begin (take-token s) (let* ((spec (with-space-sensitive (parse-subtype-spec s))) (nb (with-space-sensitive (parse-cond s)))) (begin0 (list 'primitive spec nb) (expect-end (take-lineendings s) "primitive type")))))) ;; deprecated type keywords ((type) (parser-depwarn s "type" "mutable struct") ;; retain in 0.7 (parse-struct-def s #t word)) ((immutable) (parser-depwarn s "immutable" "struct") ;; retain in 0.7 (parse-struct-def s #f word)) ((try) (let ((try-block (if (memq (require-token s) '(catch finally)) '(block) (parse-block s)))) (let loop ((nxt (require-token s)) (catchb #f) (catchv #f) (finalb #f)) (take-token s) (cond ((eq? nxt 'end) (list* 'try try-block (or catchv 'false) ;; default to empty catch block in `try ... end` (or catchb (if finalb 'false (begin (parser-depwarn s "try without catch or finally" "") '(block)))) (if finalb (list finalb) '()))) ((and (eq? nxt 'catch) (not catchb)) (let ((nl (memv (peek-token s) '(#\newline #\;)))) (if (eqv? (peek-token s) #\;) (take-token s)) (if (memq (require-token s) '(end finally)) (loop (require-token s) '(block) #f finalb) (let* ((loc (line-number-node s)) (var (if nl #f (parse-eq* s))) (var? (and (not nl) (or (and (symbol? var) (not (eq? var 'false)) (not (eq? var 'true))) (and (length= var 2) (eq? (car var) '$)) (and (parser-depwarn s (string "catch " (deparse var) "") (string "catch; " (deparse var) "")) #f)))) (catch-block (if (eq? (require-token s) 'finally) `(block ,(line-number-node s)) (parse-block s)))) (loop (require-token s) (if (or var? (not var)) catch-block `(block ,loc ,var ,@(if (and (length= catch-block 2) (linenum? (cadr catch-block))) '() (cdr catch-block)))) (if var? var 'false) finalb))))) ((and (eq? nxt 'finally) (not finalb)) (let ((fb (if (eq? (require-token s) 'catch) '(block) (parse-block s)))) (loop (require-token s) catchb catchv fb))) (else (error (string "unexpected \"" nxt "\""))))))) ((return) (let ((t (peek-token s))) (if (or (eqv? t #\newline) (closing-token? t)) (list 'return '(null)) (list 'return (parse-eq s))))) ((break continue) (let ((t (peek-token s))) (if (or (eof-object? t) (and (eq? t 'end) (not end-symbol)) (memv t '(#\newline #\; #\) :))) (list word) (error (string "unexpected \"" t "\" after " word))))) ((module baremodule) (let* ((name (parse-unary-prefix s)) (loc (line-number-node s)) (body (parse-block s (lambda (s) (parse-docstring s parse-eq))))) (if (reserved-word? name) (error (string "invalid module name \"" name "\""))) (expect-end s word) (list 'module (if (eq? word 'module) 'true 'false) name `(block ,loc ,@(cdr body))))) ((export) (let ((es (map macrocall-to-atsym (parse-comma-separated s parse-unary-prefix)))) (if (not (every symbol-or-interpolate? es)) (error "invalid \"export\" statement")) `(export ,@es))) ((import using importall) (parse-imports s word)) ((do) (error "invalid \"do\" syntax")) (else (error "unhandled reserved word"))))))) (define (parse-do s) (with-bindings ((expect-end-current-line (input-port-line (ts:port s)))) (without-whitespace-newline (let ((doargs (if (memv (peek-token s) '(#\newline #\;)) '() (parse-comma-separated s parse-range)))) `(-> (tuple ,@doargs) ,(begin0 (parse-block s) (expect-end s 'do))))))) (define (macrocall-to-atsym e) (if (and (pair? e) (eq? (car e) 'macrocall)) (cadr e) e)) (define (parse-imports s word) (let* ((first (parse-import s word)) (next (peek-token s)) (from (and (eq? next ':) (not (ts:space? s)))) (done (cond ((or from (eqv? next #\,)) (begin (take-token s) #f)) ((or (eq? next '|.|) (eqv? (string.sub (string next) 0 1) ".")) #f) (else #t))) (rest (if done '() (parse-comma-separated s (lambda (s) (parse-import s word)))))) (if from `(,word (|:| ,first ,@rest)) (list* word first rest)))) (define (parse-import-dots s) (let loop ((l '()) (t (require-token s))) ;; skip newlines (cond ((eq? t '|.|) (begin (take-token s) (loop (list* '|.| l) (peek-token s)))) ((eq? t '..) (begin (take-token s) (loop (list* '|.| '|.| l) (peek-token s)))) ((eq? t '...) (begin (take-token s) (loop (list* '|.| '|.| '|.| l) (peek-token s)))) ((eq? t '....) (begin (take-token s) (loop (list* '|.| '|.| '|.| '|.| l) (peek-token s)))) (else (cons (macrocall-to-atsym (parse-unary-prefix s)) l))))) (define (parse-import s word) (let loop ((path (parse-import-dots s))) (if (not (symbol-or-interpolate? (car path))) (error (string "invalid \"" word "\" statement: expected identifier"))) (let ((nxt (peek-token s))) (cond ((eq? nxt '|.|) (if (ts:space? s) (disallowed-space word nxt)) (take-token s) (loop (cons (macrocall-to-atsym (parse-unary-prefix s)) path))) ((or (memv nxt '(#\newline #\; #\, :)) (eof-object? nxt)) (cons '|.| (reverse path))) ((eqv? (string.sub (string nxt) 0 1) ".") (take-token s) (loop (cons (symbol (string.sub (string nxt) 1)) path))) (else (cons '|.| (reverse path))))))) ;; parse comma-separated assignments, like "i=1:n,j=1:m,..." (define (parse-comma-separated s what) (let loop ((exprs '())) (let ((r (what s))) (case (peek-token s) ((#\,) (take-token s) (loop (cons r exprs))) (else (reverse! (cons r exprs))))))) (define (parse-comma-separated-assignments s) (parse-comma-separated s parse-eq*)) ;; as above, but allows both "i=r" and "i in r" (define (parse-iteration-spec s) (let* ((outer? (if (eq? (peek-token s) 'outer) (begin (take-token s) (let ((nxt (peek-token s))) (if (or (memq nxt '(= in ∈)) (not (symbol? nxt)) (operator? nxt)) (begin (ts:put-back! s 'outer #t) #f) #t))) #f)) (lhs (parse-pipe< s)) (t (peek-token s))) (cond ((memq t '(= in ∈)) (take-token s) (let* ((rhs (parse-pipe< s)) (t (peek-token s))) #;(if (not (or (closing-token? t) (newline? t))) ;; should be: (error "invalid iteration specification") (parser-depwarn s (string "for " (deparse `(= ,lhs ,rhs)) " " t) (string "for " (deparse `(= ,lhs ,rhs)) "; " t))) (if outer? `(= (outer ,lhs) ,rhs) `(= ,lhs ,rhs)))) ((and (eq? lhs ':) (closing-token? t)) ':) (else (error "invalid iteration specification"))))) (define (parse-comma-separated-iters s) (let loop ((ranges '())) (let ((r (parse-iteration-spec s))) (case (peek-token s) ((#\,) (take-token s) (loop (cons r ranges))) (else (reverse! (cons r ranges))))))) (define (parse-space-separated-exprs s) (with-space-sensitive (let loop ((exprs '())) (if (or (closing-token? (peek-token s)) (newline? (peek-token s)) (and for-generator (eq? (peek-token s) 'for))) (reverse! exprs) (let ((e (parse-eq s))) (case (peek-token s) ((#\newline) (reverse! (cons e exprs))) (else (loop (cons e exprs))))))))) (define (has-parameters? lst) (and (pair? lst) (pair? (car lst)) (eq? (caar lst) 'parameters))) (define (to-kws lst) (map (lambda (x) (if (assignment? x) `(kw ,@(cdr x)) x)) lst)) ;; like parse-arglist, but with `for` parsed as a generator (define (parse-call-arglist s closer) (with-bindings ((for-generator #t)) (parse-arglist s closer))) ;; handle function call argument list, or any comma-delimited list. ;; . an extra comma at the end is allowed ;; . expressions after a ; are enclosed in (parameters ...) ;; . an expression followed by ... becomes (... x) (define (parse-arglist s closer (add-linenums #f)) (with-bindings ((range-colon-enabled #t) (space-sensitive #f) (where-enabled #t) (whitespace-newline #t)) (let loop ((lst '())) (let ((t (require-token s))) (if (eqv? t closer) (begin (take-token s) (if (eqv? closer #\) ) ;; (= x y) inside function call is keyword argument (to-kws (reverse! lst)) (reverse! lst))) (if (eqv? t #\;) (begin (take-token s) (require-token s) (let ((loc (line-number-node s)) (params (loop '())) (lst (if (eqv? closer #\) ) (to-kws (reverse lst)) (reverse lst)))) (cons `(parameters ,@(if add-linenums (list loc) '()) ,@params) lst))) (let* ((nxt (parse-eq* s)) (c (require-token s))) (cond ((eqv? c #\,) (take-token s) (loop (cons nxt lst))) ((eqv? c #\;) (loop (cons nxt lst))) ((eqv? c closer) (loop (cons nxt lst))) ((eq? c 'for) (expect-space-before s 'for) (take-token s) (loop (cons (parse-generator s nxt) lst))) ;; newline character isn't detectable here #;((eqv? c #\newline) (error "unexpected line break in argument list")) ((or (eqv? c #\]) (eqv? c #\})) (error (string "unexpected \"" c "\" in argument list"))) (else (error (string "missing comma or " closer " in argument list"))))))))))) (define (parse-vect s first closer) (let loop ((lst '()) (nxt first)) (let ((t (require-token s))) (if (eqv? t closer) (begin (take-token s) (cons 'vect (reverse (cons nxt lst)))) (case t ((#\,) (take-token s) (cond ((eqv? (require-token s) closer) ;; allow ending with , (begin (take-token s) (cons 'vect (reverse (cons nxt lst))))) ((eqv? (require-token s) #\;) ;; [a,; ... (let ((params (parse-arglist s closer))) `(vect ,@params ,@(reverse lst) ,nxt))) (else (loop (cons nxt lst) (parse-eq* s))))) ((#\;) (if (eqv? (require-token s) closer) (loop lst nxt) (let ((params (parse-call-arglist s closer))) (if (or (null? params) (equal? params '((parameters)))) (begin (parser-depwarn s (deparse `(vect (parameters) ,@(reverse lst) ,nxt)) (deparse `(vcat ,@(reverse lst) ,nxt))) ;; TODO: post 0.7, remove deprecation and change parsing to 'vect `(vcat ,@(reverse lst) ,nxt)) `(vect ,@params ,@(reverse lst) ,nxt))))) ((#\] #\}) (error (string "unexpected \"" t "\""))) (else (error "missing separator in array expression"))))))) (define (parse-generator s first) (let ((iters (parse-comma-separated-iters s))) (let ((iters (if (eq? (peek-token s) 'if) (begin (take-token s) (list `(filter ,(parse-cond s) ,@iters))) iters))) (if (eq? (peek-token s) 'for) (begin (expect-space-before s 'for) (take-token s) `(flatten (generator ,(parse-generator s first) ,@iters))) `(generator ,first ,@iters))))) (define (parse-comprehension s first closer) (with-whitespace-newline (let ((gen (parse-generator s first))) (if (not (eqv? (require-token s) closer)) (error (string "expected \"" closer "\"")) (take-token s)) `(comprehension ,gen)))) (define (parse-matrix s first closer gotnewline last-end-symbol) (define (fix head v) (cons head (reverse v))) (define (update-outer v outer) (cond ((null? v) outer) ((null? (cdr v)) (cons (car v) outer)) (else (cons (fix 'row v) outer)))) (define semicolon (eqv? (peek-token s) #\;)) ;; if a [ ] expression is a cat expression, `end` is not special (with-bindings ((end-symbol last-end-symbol)) (let loop ((vec (list first)) (outer '())) (let ((t (if (or (eqv? (peek-token s) #\newline) gotnewline) #\newline (require-token s)))) (if (eqv? t closer) (begin (take-token s) (if (pair? outer) (fix 'vcat (update-outer vec outer)) (if (or (null? vec) (null? (cdr vec))) (fix 'vect vec) ; [x] => (vect x) (fix 'hcat vec)))) ; [x y] => (hcat x y) (case t ((#\; #\newline) (or gotnewline (take-token s)) (set! gotnewline #f) (loop '() (update-outer vec outer))) ((#\,) (error "unexpected comma in matrix expression")) ((#\] #\}) (error (string "unexpected \"" t "\""))) ((for) (if (and (not semicolon) (length= outer 1) (null? vec)) (begin ;; if we get here, there must have been some kind of space or separator ;;(expect-space-before s 'for) (take-token s) (parse-comprehension s (car outer) closer)) (error "invalid comprehension syntax"))) (else (if (and (pair? vec) (not (ts:space? s))) (error (string "expected \"" closer "\" or separator in arguments to \"" (if (eqv? closer #\]) #\[ #\{) " " closer "\"; got \"" (deparse (car vec)) t "\""))) (loop (cons (parse-eq* s) vec) outer)))))))) (define (expect-space-before s t) (if (not (ts:space? s)) (error (string "expected space before \"" t "\"")))) (define (parse-cat s closer last-end-symbol) (with-bindings ((range-colon-enabled #t) (space-sensitive #t) (where-enabled #t) (whitespace-newline #f) (for-generator #t)) (if (eqv? (require-token s) closer) (begin (take-token s) '()) (let* ((first (parse-eq* s)) (t (peek-token s))) (cond ((or (eqv? t #\,) (eqv? t closer)) (parse-vect s first closer)) ((eq? t 'for) (expect-space-before s 'for) (take-token s) (parse-comprehension s first closer)) ((eqv? t #\newline) (take-token s) (if (memv (peek-token s) (list #\, closer)) (parse-vect s first closer) (parse-matrix s first closer #t last-end-symbol))) (else (parse-matrix s first closer #f last-end-symbol))))))) (define (kw-to-= e) (if (kwarg? e) (cons '= (cdr e)) e)) (define (=-to-kw e) (if (assignment? e) (cons 'kw (cdr e)) e)) ;; translate nested (parameters ...) expressions to a statement block if possible ;; this allows us to first parse tuples using parse-arglist (define (parameters-to-block e) (if (and (pair? e) (eq? (car e) 'parameters)) (let ((e2 (filter (lambda (x) (not (linenum? x))) e)) (lnum (if (and (pair? (cdr e)) (linenum? (cadr e))) (cadr e) #f))) (cond ((length= e2 1) '()) ((length= e2 2) (let ((rec (parameters-to-block (cadr e2)))) (if (null? rec) rec (cons lnum rec)))) ((length= e2 3) (let ((fst (cadr e2)) (snd (caddr e2))) (if (and (pair? fst) (eq? (car fst) 'parameters)) (let ((rec (parameters-to-block fst)) (snd (parameters-to-block snd))) (and rec snd (append (if lnum (list lnum) '()) (cons (car snd) rec)))) #f))) (else #f))) (list (kw-to-= e)))) (define (rm-linenums e) (if (atom? e) e (map rm-linenums (if (eq? (car e) 'parameters) (filter (lambda (x) (not (linenum? x))) e) e)))) ;; convert an arglist to a tuple or block expr ;; leading-semi? means we saw (; ...) ;; comma? means there was a comma after the first expression (define (arglist-to-tuple leading-semi? comma? args . first) (if (and (pair? first) (null? args) (not leading-semi?) (not comma?)) `(block ,@first) ;; this case is (x;) (or (and (not comma?) (length= args 1) (pair? (car args)) (eq? (caar args) 'parameters) (let ((blk (parameters-to-block (car args)))) (and blk (or (and (not leading-semi?) `(block ,@first ,@blk)) (and (null? first) (null? blk) `(block)))))) ;; all semicolons inside () (and (null? first) (null? args) (not comma?) `(block)) ;; this case is (;) (rm-linenums (if (and (pair? args) (pair? (car args)) (eq? (caar args) 'parameters)) `(tuple ,(car args) ,@first ,@(map kw-to-= (cdr args))) `(tuple ,@first ,@(map kw-to-= args))))))) (define (tuple-to-arglist e) (cond ((eq? (car e) 'tuple) (map =-to-kw (cdr e))) ((eq? (car e) 'block) (cond ((length= e 1) '()) ((length= e 2) (list (=-to-kw (cadr e)))) ((length= e 3) `((parameters ,(=-to-kw (caddr e))) ,(=-to-kw (cadr e)))) (else (error "more than one semicolon in argument list")))) (else (list (=-to-kw e))))) (define (parse-paren s (checked #t)) (car (parse-paren- s checked))) ;; return (expr . arglist) where arglist is #t iff this isn't just a parenthesized expr (define (parse-paren- s checked) (with-bindings ((range-colon-enabled #t) (space-sensitive #f) (where-enabled #t) (whitespace-newline #t)) (let ((nxt (require-token s))) (cond ((eqv? nxt #\) ) ;; empty tuple () (begin (take-token s) '((tuple) . #t))) ((syntactic-op? nxt) ;; allow (=) etc. (let ((tok (take-token s))) (if (not (eqv? (require-token s) #\) )) (error (string "invalid identifier name \"" tok "\"")) (take-token s)) (if checked (check-identifier tok)) (cons tok #f))) ;; allow :(::) as a special case ((and (not checked) (eq? nxt '|::|) (let ((spc (ts:space? s))) (or (and (take-token s) (eqv? (require-token s) #\) )) (and (ts:put-back! s '|::| spc) #f)))) (take-token s) ;; take #\) '(|::| . #f)) ((eqv? nxt #\;) (let ((ex (arglist-to-tuple #t #f (parse-arglist s #\) )))) (cons ex (eq? (car ex) 'tuple)))) (else ;; here we parse the first subexpression separately, so ;; we can look for a comma to see if it's a tuple. ;; this lets us distinguish (x) from (x,) (let* ((ex (parse-eq* s)) (t (require-token s))) (cond ((eqv? t #\) ) (take-token s) ;; value in parentheses (x) (if (vararg? ex) (let ((lineno (input-port-line (ts:port s)))) (if (or accept-dots-without-comma (eq? (with-bindings ((whitespace-newline #f)) (peek-token s)) '->)) (cons ex #t) (begin (parser-depwarn lineno (string "(" (deparse (cadr ex)) "...)") (string "(" (deparse (cadr ex)) "...,)")) (cons `(tuple ,ex) #t)))) (cons ex #f))) ((eqv? t #\,) ;; tuple (x,) (x,y) etc. (take-token s) (cons (arglist-to-tuple #f #t (parse-arglist s #\) ) ex) #t)) ((eqv? t #\;) (cons (arglist-to-tuple #f ;; consider `(x...; ` the start of an arglist, since it's not useful as a block (vararg? ex) (parse-arglist s #\) #t) ex) (vararg? ex))) ((eq? t 'for) (expect-space-before s 'for) (take-token s) (let ((gen (parse-generator s ex))) (if (eqv? (require-token s) #\) ) (take-token s) (error "expected \")\"")) (cons gen #f))) (else (error "missing comma or ) in argument list"))))))))) (define (not-eof-for delim c) (if (eof-object? c) ;; NOTE: changing this may affect code in base/client.jl (error (case delim ((#\`) "incomplete: invalid \"`\" syntax") ((#\") "incomplete: invalid string syntax"))) c)) (define (take-char p) (begin (read-char p) p)) ;; map the first element of lst (define (map-first f lst) (if (null? lst) () (cons (f (car lst)) (cdr lst)))) ;; map the elements of lst where (pred index) is true ;; e.g., (map-at odd? (lambda (x) 0) '(a b c d)) -> '(a 0 c 0) (define (map-at pred f lst) (define (map-at- pred f lst i r) (if (null? lst) (reverse r) (let* ((x (car lst)) (y (if (pred i) (f x) x))) (map-at- pred f (cdr lst) (+ i 1) (cons y r))))) (map-at- pred f lst 0 ())) (define (parse-raw-literal s delim) (car (parse-string-literal s delim #t))) (define (parse-string-literal s delim raw) (let ((p (ts:port s))) (if (eqv? (peek-char p) delim) (if (eqv? (peek-char (take-char p)) delim) (map-first strip-leading-newline (dedent-triplequoted-string (parse-string-literal- 2 (take-char p) s delim raw))) (list "")) (parse-string-literal- 0 p s delim raw)))) (define (strip-leading-newline s) (let ((n (sizeof s))) (cond ((and (> n 0) (eqv? (string.char s 0) #\newline)) (string.tail s 1)) ((and (> n 1) (eqv? (string.char s 0) #\return) (eqv? (string.char s 1) #\newline)) (string.tail s 2)) (else s)))) (define (dedent-triplequoted-string lst) (let ((prefix (triplequoted-string-indentation lst))) (if (length> prefix 0) (map-at even? (lambda (s) (string-replace s (list->string (cons #\newline prefix)) #\newline)) lst) lst))) (define (triplequoted-string-indentation lst) (longest-common-prefix (apply append (map (lambda (s) (if (string? s) (triplequoted-string-indentation- s) ())) lst)))) (define (triplequoted-string-indentation- s) (let ((p (open-input-string s))) (let loop ((c (read-char p)) (state 0) (prefix ()) (prefixes ())) (cond ((eqv? c #\newline) (loop (read-char p) 1 () prefixes)) ((eqv? state 0) (if (eof-object? c) prefixes (loop (read-char p) 0 () prefixes))) ((memv c '(#\space #\tab)) (loop (read-char p) 2 (cons c prefix) prefixes)) (else (loop (read-char p) 0 () (cons (reverse prefix) prefixes))))))) ;; return the longest common prefix of the elements of l ;; e.g., (longest-common-prefix ((1 2) (1 4))) -> (1) (define (longest-common-prefix l) (let ((len (length l))) (cond ((= len 0) ()) ((= len 1) (car l)) (else (longest-common-prefix (cons (longest-common-prefix2 (car l) (cadr l)) (cddr l))))))) ;; return the longest common prefix of lists a & b (define (longest-common-prefix2 a b) (longest-common-prefix2- a b ())) (define (longest-common-prefix2- a b p) (if (and (length> a 0) (length> b 0) (eqv? (car a) (car b))) (longest-common-prefix2- (cdr a) (cdr b) (cons (car a) p)) (reverse p))) (define (string-split s sep) (string-split- s sep 0 ())) (define (string-split- s sep start splits) (let ((i (string.find s sep start))) (if i (string-split- s sep (+ i (sizeof sep)) (cons (string.sub s start i) splits)) (reverse (cons (string.sub s start (sizeof s)) splits))))) ;; replace all occurrences of a in s with b (define (string-replace s a b) (string.join (string-split s a) b)) (define (ends-interpolated-atom? c) (or (eof-object? c) (opchar? c) (never-identifier-char? c))) (define (parse-interpolate s) (let* ((p (ts:port s)) (c (peek-char p))) (cond ((identifier-start-char? c) (let* ((atom (parse-atom s)) (c (peek-char p))) (if (ends-interpolated-atom? c) atom (error (string "interpolated variable $" atom " ends with invalid character \"" c "\"; use \"$(" atom ")\" instead."))))) ((eqv? c #\() (read-char p) (let ((ex (parse-eq* s)) (t (require-token s))) (cond ((eqv? t #\) ) (take-token s) ex) (else (error "invalid interpolation syntax"))))) (else (error (string "invalid interpolation syntax: \"$" c "\"")))))) (define (tostr raw io) (if raw (io.tostring! io) (let ((str (unescape-string (io.tostring! io)))) str))) ;; raw = raw string literal ;; when raw is #t, unescape only \\ and delimiter ;; otherwise do full unescaping, and parse interpolations too (define (parse-string-literal- n p s delim raw) (let loop ((c (read-char p)) (b (open-output-string)) (e ()) (quotes 0)) (cond ((eqv? c delim) (if (< quotes n) (loop (read-char p) b e (+ quotes 1)) (reverse (cons (tostr raw b) e)))) ((= quotes 1) (if (not raw) (write-char #\\ b)) (write-char delim b) (loop c b e 0)) ((= quotes 2) (if (not raw) (write-char #\\ b)) (write-char delim b) (if (not raw) (write-char #\\ b)) (write-char delim b) (loop c b e 0)) ((eqv? c #\\) (if raw (let backslashes ((count 1) (nxch (not-eof-for delim (read-char p)))) (cond ((eqv? nxch #\\) (backslashes (+ 1 count) (not-eof-for delim (read-char p)))) ((eqv? nxch delim) (io.write b (string.rep "\\" (div count 2))) (if (odd? count) (begin (write-char delim b) (loop (read-char p) b e 0)) (loop nxch b e 0))) (else (io.write b (string.rep "\\" count)) (write-char nxch b) (loop (read-char p) b e 0)))) (let ((nxch (not-eof-for delim (read-char p)))) (write-char #\\ b) (write-char nxch b) (loop (read-char p) b e 0)))) ((and (eqv? c #\$) (not raw)) (let ((ex (parse-interpolate s))) (loop (read-char p) (open-output-string) (list* ex (tostr raw b) e) 0))) ; convert literal \r and \r\n in strings to \n (issue #11988) ((eqv? c #\return) ; \r (begin (if (eqv? (peek-char p) #\linefeed) ; \r\n (read-char p)) (write-char #\newline b) (loop (read-char p) b e 0))) (else (write-char (not-eof-for delim c) b) (loop (read-char p) b e 0))))) (define (not-eof-1 c) (if (eof-object? c) (error "incomplete: invalid character literal") ; NOTE: changing this may affect code in base/client.jl c)) (define (unescape-string s) (with-exception-catcher (lambda (e) (error "invalid escape sequence")) (lambda () ;; process escape sequences using lisp read (read (open-input-string (string #\" s #\")))))) (define-macro (check-identifier ex) `(begin (if (or (syntactic-op? ,ex) (eq? ,ex '....)) (error (string "invalid identifier name \"" ,ex "\""))) (if (eq? ,ex '?) (parser-depwarn s "`?` used as an identifier" "")))) ; merge with above check in v1.0 ;; parse numbers, identifiers, parenthesized expressions, lists, vectors, etc. (define (parse-atom s (checked #t)) (let ((t (require-token s))) (cond ;; char literal ((eq? t '|'|) (take-token s) (let ((firstch (read-char (ts:port s)))) (if (and (not (eqv? firstch #\\)) (not (eof-object? firstch)) (eqv? (peek-char (ts:port s)) #\')) ;; easy case: 1 character, no \ (begin (read-char (ts:port s)) firstch) (let ((b (open-output-string))) (let loop ((c firstch)) (if (not (eqv? c #\')) (begin (if (eqv? c #\") ;; issue 14683 (error "invalid character literal")) (write-char (not-eof-1 c) b) (if (eqv? c #\\) (write-char (not-eof-1 (read-char (ts:port s))) b)) (loop (read-char (ts:port s)))))) (let ((str (tostr #f b))) (if (= (string-length str) 1) (string.char str 0) (error "invalid character literal"))))))) ;; symbol/expression quote ((eq? t ':) (take-token s) (let ((nxt (peek-token s))) (if (and (closing-token? nxt) (or (not (symbol? nxt)) (ts:space? s))) ': (if (or (ts:space? s) (eqv? nxt #\newline)) (error "space not allowed after \":\" used for quoting") (list 'quote (parse-atom s #f)))))) ;; misplaced = ((eq? t '=) (error "unexpected \"=\"")) ;; identifier ((symbol? t) (if checked (begin (check-identifier t) (if (closing-token? t) (error (string "unexpected \"" (take-token s) "\""))))) (take-token s)) ;; parens or tuple ((eqv? t #\( ) (take-token s) (parse-paren s checked)) ;; cat expression ((eqv? t #\[ ) (take-token s) (let ((vex (parse-cat s #\] end-symbol))) (if (null? vex) '(vect) vex))) ((eqv? t #\{ ) (take-token s) (if (eqv? (require-token s) #\}) (begin (take-token s) '(braces)) (let ((vex (parse-cat s #\} end-symbol))) (if (null? vex) '(braces) (case (car vex) ((vect) `(braces ,@(cdr vex))) ((hcat) `(bracescat (row ,@(cdr vex)))) ((comprehension) `(braces ,@(cdr vex))) (else `(bracescat ,@(cdr vex)))))))) ;; string literal ((eqv? t #\") (take-token s) (let ((ps (parse-string-literal s #\" #f))) (if (length> ps 1) `(string ,@(filter (lambda (s) (not (and (string? s) (= (length s) 0)))) ps)) (car ps)))) ;; macro call ((eqv? t #\@) (take-token s) (let ((nxt (peek-token s))) (if (ts:space? s) (disallowed-space '@ nxt))) (with-space-sensitive (let ((startloc (line-number-node s)) (head (if (eq? (peek-token s) '|.|) (begin (take-token s) '__dot__) (parse-atom s #f)))) (peek-token s) (if (ts:space? s) (maybe-docstring s `(macrocall ,(macroify-name head) ,startloc ,@(parse-space-separated-exprs s))) (let ((call (parse-call-chain s head #t))) (macroify-call s call startloc)))))) ;; command syntax ((eqv? t #\`) (take-token s) `(macrocall @cmd ,(line-number-node s) ,(parse-raw-literal s #\`))) ((or (string? t) (number? t) (large-number? t)) (take-token s)) ((closing-token? t) (error (string "unexpected \"" (take-token s) "\""))) (else (error (string "invalid syntax: \"" (take-token s) "\"")))))) (define (valid-modref? e) (and (length= e 3) (eq? (car e) '|.|) (pair? (caddr e)) (eq? (car (caddr e)) 'quote) (symbol? (cadr (caddr e))) (or (symbol? (cadr e)) (valid-modref? (cadr e))))) (define (macroify-name e . suffixes) (cond ((symbol? e) (symbol (apply string #\@ e suffixes))) ((valid-modref? e) `(|.| ,(cadr e) (quote ,(apply macroify-name (cadr (caddr e)) suffixes)))) (else (error (string "invalid macro usage \"@(" (deparse e) ")\"" ))))) (define (macroify-call s call startloc) (cond ((and (pair? call) (eq? (car call) 'call)) `(macrocall ,(macroify-name (cadr call)) ,startloc ,@(cddr call))) ((and (pair? call) (eq? (car call) 'do)) `(do ,(macroify-call s (cadr call) startloc) ,(caddr call))) (else (maybe-docstring s `(macrocall ,(macroify-name call) ,startloc ,@(parse-space-separated-exprs s)))))) (define (called-macro-name e) (if (and (length= e 3) (eq? (car e) '|.|) (pair? (caddr e)) (eq? (car (caddr e)) 'quote)) (called-macro-name (cadr (caddr e))) e)) (define (maybe-docstring s e) (if (and (length= e 4) (eq? (called-macro-name (cadr e)) '@doc)) (let ((arg (cadddr e))) (if (and (pair? arg) (eq? (car arg) '->)) (begin (parser-depwarn s "@doc call with ->" "a line break") e) (let loop ((t (peek-token s)) (nl 0)) (cond ((closing-token? t) e) ((newline? t) (if (> nl 0) e (begin (take-token s) (loop (peek-token s) 1)))) (else `(,@e ,(parse-eq s))))))) e)) (define (simple-string-literal? e) (string? e)) (define (doc-string-literal? s e) (or (simple-string-literal? e) (and (pair? e) (or (eq? (car e) 'string) ; string interpolation (and (eq? (car e) 'macrocall) (or (and (length= e 3) (simple-string-literal? (caddr e))) (and (length= e 4) (simple-string-literal? (cadddr e)))) (eq? (cadr e) '@doc_str) (begin (parser-depwarn s "doc\" \"" "@doc doc\" \"") #t)))))) (define (parse-docstring s production) (let ((startloc (line-number-node s)) ; be sure to use the line number from the head of the docstring (ex (production s))) (if (and (doc-string-literal? s ex) (let loop ((t (peek-token s)) (nl 0)) (cond ((closing-token? t) #f) ((newline? t) (if (= nl 1) ;;#f ;; extra line => not a doc string. enable when deprecation is removed. (begin (parser-depwarn s "multiple line breaks between doc string and object" "at most one line break") (take-token s) (loop (peek-token s) 2)) (begin (take-token s) (loop (peek-token s) 1)))) (else #t)))) `(macrocall (core @doc) ,startloc ,ex ,(production s)) ex))) ;; --- main entry point --- ;; can optionally specify which grammar production to parse. ;; default is parse-stmts. (define (julia-parse s . production) (cond ((string? s) (apply julia-parse (make-token-stream (open-input-string s)) production)) ((port? s) (apply julia-parse (make-token-stream s) production)) ((eof-object? s) s) (else ;; as a special case, allow early end of input if there is ;; nothing left but whitespace (skip-ws-and-comments (ts:port s)) (let skip-loop ((tok (peek-token s))) (if (or (eqv? tok #\newline) ) (begin (take-token s) (skip-loop (peek-token s))))) (if (eof-object? (peek-token s)) (eof-object) ((if (null? production) parse-stmts (car production)) s)))))