UNAME = $(shell uname) THIS_MAKEFILE = $(realpath $(filter %Makefile, $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) ROOT_DIR = $(strip $(shell dirname $(THIS_MAKEFILE))) # These are set by Halide's Makefile when built via that path. HALIDE_PATH ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/.. HALIDE_DISTRIB_PATH ?= $(HALIDE_PATH)/distrib BIN ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/bin # 'python' or 'python3' PYTHON ?= python3 TEST_TMP ?= $(BIN)/tmp ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT) # assume we are building for the MinGW environment FPIC= SHARED_EXT=dll else FPIC=-fPIC ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin) SHARED_EXT=dylib # Note that Python on OSX won't load .dylib; it requires .so SUFFIX=.so else SHARED_EXT=so endif endif LIBHALIDE ?= $(HALIDE_DISTRIB_PATH)/bin/libHalide.$(SHARED_EXT) SUFFIX ?= .$(SHARED_EXT) ifeq ($(PYTHON), python3) SUFFIX = $(shell $(PYTHON)-config --extension-suffix) endif # Discover PyBind path from `python3 -m pybind11 --includes` # if it is pip/conda installed, which is a common case. # Cf. https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/blob/master/docs/compiling.rst#building-manually PYBIND11_CFLAGS = $(shell $(PYTHON) -m pybind11 --includes) ifeq ($(PYBIND11_CFLAGS),) ifndef PYBIND11_PATH $(error PYBIND11_PATH is undefined) endif PYBIND11_PATH ?= /path/to/pybind11 PYBIND11_CFLAGS = -I $(PYBIND11_PATH)/include endif OPTIMIZE ?= -O3 # defining DEBUG + undefining NDEBUG gives extra debug info in PyBind11 # OPTIMIZE ?= -g -DDEBUG=1 -UNDEBUG # Compiling with -fvisibility=hidden saves ~80k on optimized x64 builds CCFLAGS=$(shell $(PYTHON)-config --cflags) $(PYBIND11_CFLAGS) -I $(HALIDE_DISTRIB_PATH)/include -I $(ROOT_DIR) -std=c++11 $(FPIC) -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden $(OPTIMIZE) $(CXXFLAGS) # Filter out a pointless warning present in some Python installs CCFLAGS := $(filter-out -Wstrict-prototypes,$(CCFLAGS)) # DON'T link libpython* - leave those symbols to lazily resolve at load time # Cf. https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/blob/master/docs/compiling.rst#building-manually LDFLAGS=-lz ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin) # Keep OS X builds from complaining about missing libpython symbols LDFLAGS += -undefined dynamic_lookup endif PY_SRCS=$(shell ls $(ROOT_DIR)/src/*.cpp) PY_OBJS=$(PY_SRCS:$(ROOT_DIR)/src/%.cpp=$(BIN)/src/%.o) MODULE=$(BIN)/halide$(SUFFIX) $(MODULE): $(PY_OBJS) $(LIBHALIDE) @mkdir -p $(@D) $(CXX) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o $@ # We don't want any of this auto-deleted .SECONDARY: $(BIN)/src/%.o: $(ROOT_DIR)/src/%.cpp @mkdir -p $(@D) $(CXX) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(BIN)/%_generator.o: $(ROOT_DIR)/correctness/%_generator.cpp $(HALIDE_DISTRIB_PATH)/include/Halide.h @mkdir -p $(@D) $(CXX) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ $(BIN)/PyStubImpl.o: $(ROOT_DIR)/stub/PyStubImpl.cpp $(HALIDE_DISTRIB_PATH)/include/Halide.h @mkdir -p $(@D) $(CXX) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ # Produce a Python extension for the generator by compiling PyStub.cpp # (with HALIDE_PYSTUB_GENERATOR_NAME defined to the Generator's build name), # and linking with the generator's .o file, PyStubImpl.o, plus the same libHalide # being used by halide.so. # # You can optionally also define HALIDE_PYSTUB_MODULE_NAME if you want the Python # module name to be something other than the Generator build name. $(BIN)/%_PyStub.o: $(ROOT_DIR)/stub/PyStub.cpp @mkdir -p $(@D) $(CXX) $(CCFLAGS) -DHALIDE_PYSTUB_GENERATOR_NAME=$* -c $< -o $@ $(BIN)/%.so: $(BIN)/%_PyStub.o $(BIN)/PyStubImpl.o $(BIN)/%_generator.o $(LIBHALIDE) @mkdir -p $(@D) $(CXX) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o $@ # Compile the generators: $(BIN)/%.gen: $(HALIDE_DISTRIB_PATH)/tools/GenGen.cpp correctness/%_generator.cpp $(LIBHALIDE) @mkdir -p $(@D) $(CXX) $(CCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ # Special generator for generating a runtime: $(BIN)/runtime.gen: $(HALIDE_DISTRIB_PATH)/tools/GenGen.cpp $(LIBHALIDE) @mkdir -p $(@D) $(CXX) $(CCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ # Generate a runtime: $(BIN)/runtime.a: $(BIN)/runtime.gen @mkdir -p $(@D) $< -r runtime -o $(BIN) target=host # Which target features to use for which test targets. target_features_addconstant=-legacy_buffer_wrappers-no_runtime target_features_bit=-no_runtime target_features_user_context=-user_context-legacy_buffer_wrappers-no_runtime # Make the generator generate a Python extension: $(BIN)/%.py.c $(BIN)/%.cpp $(BIN)/%.h: $(BIN)/%.gen LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(HALIDE_DISTRIB_PATH)/bin $< -e h,cpp,py.c \ -g $(notdir $(basename $<)) -o $(BIN) \ target=host$(target_features_$(notdir $(basename $<))) # Compile the generated Python extension(s): $(BIN)/%.o: $(BIN)/%.cpp $(CXX) -c $(FPIC) $(CCFLAGS) $^ -o $@ $(BIN)/%.py.o: $(BIN)/%.py.c $(CXX) -c $(FPIC) $(CCFLAGS) $^ -o $@ # The Python extension of the generator is already in $(BIN), and is named # the same, so put the Python extension of the function into ext/. # TODO: Python extensions of generators should have a _generator suffix. $(BIN)/ext/%.so: $(BIN)/%.py.o $(BIN)/%.o $(BIN)/runtime.a @mkdir -p $(BIN)/ext $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -shared -o $@ # Run the Python extension(s): %.run: $(ROOT_DIR)/correctness/%_test.py $(BIN)/ext/%.so PYTHONPATH="$(BIN)/ext:$$PYTHONPATH" $(PYTHON) $< # TODO: In the optimal case, we'd do %.run on all our generators. Unfortunately, # every generator needs its own settings. See https://github.com/halide/Halide/issues/2977. .PHONY: test_correctness_bit_test test_correctness_addconstant_test test_correctness_pystub test_correctness_user_context test_correctness_addconstant_test: addconstant.run ; test_correctness_bit_test: bit.run ; test_correctness_user_context_test: user_context.run ; test_correctness_pystub: $(BIN)/simplestub.so $(BIN)/complexstub.so $(BIN)/partialbuildmethod.so $(BIN)/nobuildmethod.so APPS = $(shell ls $(ROOT_DIR)/apps/*.py) CORRECTNESS = $(shell ls $(ROOT_DIR)/correctness/*.py) TUTORIAL = $(shell ls $(ROOT_DIR)/tutorial/*.py) .PHONY: test_apps test_apps: $(APPS:$(ROOT_DIR)/apps/%.py=test_apps_%) test_apps_%: $(ROOT_DIR)/apps/%.py $(MODULE) @echo Testing $*... @mkdir -p $(TEST_TMP) @# Send stdout (but not stderr) from these to /dev/null to reduce noise @cd $(TEST_TMP); PYTHONPATH="$(BIN):$$PYTHONPATH" $(PYTHON) $< >/dev/null .PHONY: test_correctness test_correctness: $(CORRECTNESS:$(ROOT_DIR)/correctness/%.py=test_correctness_%) test_correctness_%: $(ROOT_DIR)/correctness/%.py $(MODULE) @echo Testing $*... @mkdir -p $(TEST_TMP) @cd $(TEST_TMP); PYTHONPATH="$(BIN):$$PYTHONPATH" $(PYTHON) $< .PHONY: test_tutorial test_tutorial: $(TUTORIAL:$(ROOT_DIR)/tutorial/%.py=test_tutorial_%) test_tutorial_%: $(ROOT_DIR)/tutorial/%.py $(MODULE) @echo Testing $*... @mkdir -p $(TEST_TMP) @# Send stdout (but not stderr) from these to /dev/null to reduce noise @# We need "." in the PYTHONPATH for lesson_10_halide.so. @cd $(TEST_TMP); PYTHONPATH=".:$(BIN):$$PYTHONPATH" $(PYTHON) $< >/dev/null test_tutorial_lesson_10_aot_compilation_run: $(TEST_TMP)/lesson_10_halide.so $(TEST_TMP)/lesson_10_halide.so: test_tutorial_lesson_10_aot_compilation_generate $(CXX) $(CCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(FPIC) -shared \ $(TEST_TMP)/lesson_10_halide.py.c \ $(TEST_TMP)/lesson_10_halide.o \ -I $(TEST_TMP) -o $@ clean: rm -rf $(BIN) test: test_correctness test_apps test_tutorial