'use strict'; // THIS CHECK SHOULD BE THE FIRST THING IN THIS FILE // This is to ensure that we catch env issues before we error while requiring other dependencies. require('./tools/check-environment')({ requiredNpmVersion: '>=3.5.3 <4.0.0', requiredNodeVersion: '>=5.4.1 <7.0.0', }); const gulp = require('gulp'); const path = require('path'); const os = require('os'); // clang-format entry points const srcsToFmt = [ 'modules/@angular/**/*.ts', 'modules/benchmarks/**/*.ts', 'modules/e2e_util/**/*.ts', 'modules/playground/**/*.ts', 'tools/**/*.ts', '!tools/public_api_guard/**/*.d.ts', ]; // Check source code for formatting errors (clang-format) gulp.task('format:enforce', () => { const format = require('gulp-clang-format'); const clangFormat = require('clang-format'); return gulp.src(srcsToFmt).pipe( format.checkFormat('file', clangFormat, {verbose: true, fail: true})); }); // Format the source code with clang-format (see .clang-format) gulp.task('format', () => { const format = require('gulp-clang-format'); const clangFormat = require('clang-format'); return gulp.src(srcsToFmt, { base: '.' }).pipe( format.format('file', clangFormat)).pipe(gulp.dest('.')); }); const entrypoints = [ 'dist/packages-dist/core/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/core/testing/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/common/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/common/testing/index.d.ts', // The API surface of the compiler is currently unstable - all of the important APIs are exposed // via @angular/core, @angular/platform-browser or @angular/platform-browser-dynamic instead. //'dist/packages-dist/compiler/index.d.ts', //'dist/packages-dist/compiler/testing.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/upgrade/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/platform-browser/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/platform-browser/testing/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/platform-browser-dynamic/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/platform-browser-dynamic/testing/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/platform-webworker/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/platform-webworker-dynamic/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/platform-server/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/platform-server/testing/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/http/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/http/testing/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/forms/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/router/index.d.ts', ]; const publicApiDir = path.normalize('tools/public_api_guard'); const publicApiArgs = [ '--rootDir', 'dist/packages-dist', '--stripExportPattern', '^__', '--allowModuleIdentifiers', 'jasmine', '--allowModuleIdentifiers', 'protractor', '--allowModuleIdentifiers', 'angular', '--onStabilityMissing', 'error', ].concat(entrypoints); // Build angular gulp.task('build.sh', (done) => { const childProcess = require('child_process'); childProcess.exec(path.join(__dirname, 'build.sh'), done); }); // Enforce that the public API matches the golden files // Note that these two commands work on built d.ts files instead of the source gulp.task('public-api:enforce', (done) => { const childProcess = require('child_process'); childProcess .spawn( path.join(__dirname, platformScriptPath(`/node_modules/.bin/ts-api-guardian`)), ['--verifyDir', publicApiDir].concat(publicApiArgs), {stdio: 'inherit'}) .on('close', (errorCode) => { if (errorCode !== 0) { done(new Error( 'Public API differs from golden file. Please run `gulp public-api:update`.')); } else { done(); } }); }); // Generate the public API golden files gulp.task('public-api:update', ['build.sh'], (done) => { const childProcess = require('child_process'); childProcess .spawn( path.join(__dirname, platformScriptPath(`/node_modules/.bin/ts-api-guardian`)), ['--outDir', publicApiDir].concat(publicApiArgs), {stdio: 'inherit'}) .on('close', done); }); // Checks tests for presence of ddescribe, fdescribe, fit, iit and fails the build if one of the focused tests is found. // Currently xdescribe and xit are _not_ reported as errors since there are a couple of excluded tests in our code base. gulp.task('check-tests', function() { const ddescribeIit = require('gulp-ddescribe-iit'); return gulp.src([ 'modules/**/*.spec.ts', 'modules/**/*_spec.ts', ]).pipe(ddescribeIit({allowDisabledTests: true})); }); // Check the coding standards and programming errors gulp.task('lint', ['check-tests', 'format:enforce', 'tools:build'], () => { const tslint = require('gulp-tslint'); // Built-in rules are at // https://github.com/palantir/tslint#supported-rules const tslintConfig = require('./tslint.json'); return gulp.src(['modules/@angular/**/*.ts', 'modules/benchpress/**/*.ts']) .pipe(tslint({ tslint: require('tslint').default, configuration: tslintConfig, rulesDirectory: 'dist/tools/tslint', formatter: 'prose', })) .pipe(tslint.report({emitError: true})); }); gulp.task('tools:build', (done) => { tsc('tools/', done); }); // Check for circular dependency in the source code gulp.task('check-cycle', (done) => { const madge = require('madge'); const dependencyObject = madge(['dist/all/'], { format: 'cjs', extensions: ['.js'], onParseFile: function(data) { data.src = data.src.replace(/\/\* circular \*\//g, "//"); } }); const circularDependencies = dependencyObject.circular().getArray(); if (circularDependencies.length > 0) { console.log('Found circular dependencies!'); console.log(circularDependencies); process.exit(1); } done(); }); // Serve the built files gulp.task('serve', () => { const connect = require('gulp-connect'); const cors = require('cors'); connect.server({ root: `${__dirname}/dist`, port: 8000, livereload: false, open: false, middleware: (connect, opt) => [cors()], }); }); // Serve the examples gulp.task('serve-examples', () => { const connect = require('gulp-connect'); const cors = require('cors'); connect.server({ root: `${__dirname}/dist/examples`, port: 8001, livereload: false, open: false, middleware: (connect, opt) => [cors()], }); }); // Update the changelog with the latest changes gulp.task('changelog', () => { const conventionalChangelog = require('gulp-conventional-changelog'); return gulp.src('CHANGELOG.md') .pipe(conventionalChangelog({ preset: 'angular', releaseCount: 1 }, { // Conventional Changelog Context // We have to manually set version number so it doesn't get prefixed with `v` // See https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog-core/issues/10 currentTag: require('./package.json').version })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); }); function tsc(projectPath, done) { const childProcess = require('child_process'); childProcess .spawn( path.normalize(platformScriptPath(`${__dirname}/node_modules/.bin/tsc`)), ['-p', path.join(__dirname, projectPath)], {stdio: 'inherit'}) .on('close', done); } // returns the script path for the current platform function platformScriptPath(path) { return /^win/.test(os.platform()) ? `${path}.cmd` : path; }