// This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license #include "llvm-version.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "llvm/Analysis/CFG.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if JL_LLVM_VERSION < 110000 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if JL_LLVM_VERSION >= 100000 #include #endif #include "codegen_shared.h" #include "julia.h" #include "julia_internal.h" #include "julia_assert.h" #include "llvm-pass-helpers.h" #define DEBUG_TYPE "late_lower_gcroot" using namespace llvm; /* Julia GC Root Placement pass. For a general overview of the design of GC root lowering, see the devdocs. This file is the actual implementation. The actual algorithm is fairly straightforward. First recall the goal of this pass: Minimize the number of needed gc roots/stores to them subject to the constraint that at every safepoint, any live gc-tracked pointer (i.e. for which there is a path after this point that contains a use of this pointer) is in some gc slot. In particular, in order to understand this algorithm, it is important to realize that the only places where rootedness matters is at safepoints. Now, the primary phases of the algorithm are: 1. Local Scan During this step, each Basic Block is inspected and analyzed for local properties. In particular, we want to determine the ordering of any of the following activities: - Any Def of a gc-tracked pointer. In general Defs are the results of calls or loads from appropriate memory locations. Phi nodes and selects do complicate this story slightly as described below. - Any use of a gc-tracked or derived pointer. As described in the devdocs, a use is in general one of a) a load from a tracked/derived value b) a store to a tracked/derived value c) a store OF a tracked/derived value d) a use of a value as a call operand (including operand bundles) - Any safepoint Crucially, we also perform pointer numbering during the local scan, assigning every Def a unique integer and caching the integer for each derived pointer. This allows us to operate only on the set of Defs ( represented by these integers) for the rest of the algorithm. We also maintain some local utility information that is needed by later passes (see the BBState struct for details). 2. Dataflow Computation This computation operates entirely over the function's control flow graph and does not look into a basic block. The algorithm is essentially textbook iterative data flow for liveness computation. However, the data flow equations are slightly more complicated because we also forward propagate rootedness information in addition to backpropagating liveness. 3. Live Set Computation With the liveness information from the previous step, we can now compute, for every safepoint, the set of values live at that particular safepoint. There are three pieces of information being combined here: i. Values that needed to be live due to local analysis (e.g. there was a def, then a safepoint, then a use). This was computed during local analysis. ii. Values that are live across the basic block (i.e. they are live at every safepoint within the basic block). This relies entirely on the liveness information. iii. Values that are now live-out from the basic block (i.e. they are live at every safepoint following their def). During local analysis, we keep, for every safepoint, those values that would be live if they were live out. Here we can check if they are actually live-out and make the appropriate additions to the live set. Lastly, we also explicitly compute, for each value, the list of values that are simultaneously live at some safepoint. This is known as an "interference graph" and is the input to the next step. 4. GC Root coloring Two values which are not simultaneously live at a safepoint can share the same slot. This is an important optimization, because otherwise long functions would have exceptionally large GC slots, reducing performance and bloating the size of the stack. Assigning values to these slots is equivalent to doing graph coloring on the interference graph - the graph where nodes are values and two values have an edge if they are simultaneously live at a safepoint - which we computed in the previous step. Now graph coloring in general is a hard problem. However, for SSA form programs, (and most programs in general, by virtue of their structure), the resulting interference graphs are chordal and can be colored optimally in linear time by performing greedy coloring in a perfect elimination order. Now, our interference graphs are likely not entirely chordal due to some non-SSA corner cases. However, using the same algorithm should still give a very good coloring while having sufficiently low runtime. 5. JLCall frame optimizations Unlike earlier iterations of the gc root placement logic, jlcall frames are no longer treated as a special case and need not necessarily be sunk into the gc frame. Additionally, we now emit lifetime intrinsics, so regular stack slot coloring will merge any jlcall frames not sunk into the gc frame. Nevertheless performing such sinking can still be profitable. Since all arguments to a jlcall are guaranteed to be live at that call in some gc slot, we can attempt to rearrange the slots within the gc-frame, or re-use slots not assigned at that particular location for the gcframe. However, even without this optimization, stack frames are at most two times larger than optimal (because regular stack coloring can merge the jlcall allocas). N.B.: This step is not yet implemented. 6. Root placement This performs the actual insertion of the GCFrame pushes/pops, zeros out the gc frame and creates the stores to the gc frame according to the stack slot assignment computed in the previous step. GC frames stores are generally sunk right before the first safe point that use them (this is beneficial for code where the primary path does not have safepoints, but some other path - e.g. the error path does). However, if the first safepoint is not dominated by the definition (this can happen due to the non-ssa corner cases), the store is inserted right after the definition. 7. Cleanup This step performs necessary cleanup before passing the IR to codegen. In particular, it removes any calls to julia_from_objref intrinsics and removes the extra operand bundles from ccalls. In the future it could also strip the addrspace information from all values as this information is no longer needed. There are a couple important special cases that deserve special attention: A. PHIs and Selects In general PHIs and selects are treated as separate defs for the purposes of the algorithm and their operands as uses of those values. It is important to consider however WHERE the uses of PHI's operands are located. It is neither at the start of the basic block, because the values do not dominate the block (so can't really consider them live-in), nor at the end of the predecessor (because they are actually live out). Instead it is best to think of those uses as living on the edge between the appropriate predecessor and the block containing the PHI. Another concern is PHIs of derived values. Since we cannot simply root these values by storing them to a GC slot, we need to insert a new, artificial PHI that tracks the base pointers for the derived values. E.g. in: A: %Abase = load addrspace(10) *... %Aderived = addrspacecast %Abase to addrspace(11) B: %Bbase = load addrspace(10) *... %Bderived = addrspacecast %Bbase to addrspace(11) C: %phi = phi [%Aderived, %A %Bderived, %B] we will insert another phi in C to track the relevant base pointers: %philift = phi [%Abase, %A %Bbase, %B] We then pretend, for the purposes of numbering that %phi was derived from %philift. Note that in order to be able to do this, we need to be able to perform this lifting either during numbering or instruction scanning. B. Vectors of pointers/Union representations Since this pass runs very late in the pass pipeline, it runs after the various vectorization passes. As a result, we have to potentially deal with vectors of gc-tracked pointers. For the purposes of most of the algorithm, we simply assign every element of the vector a separate number and no changes are needed. However, those parts of the algorithm that look at IR need to be aware of the possibility of encountering vectors of pointers. Similarly, unions (e.g. in call returns) are represented as a struct of a gc-tracked value and an argument selector. We simply assign a single number to this struct and proceed as if it was a single pointer. However, this again requires care at the IR level. C. Non mem2reg'd allocas Under some circumstances, allocas will still be present in the IR when we get to this pass. We don't try very hard to handle this case, and simply sink the alloca into the GCFrame. */ struct BBState { // Uses in this BB // These do not get updated after local analysis BitVector Defs; BitVector PhiOuts; BitVector UpExposedUses; // These get updated during dataflow BitVector LiveIn; BitVector LiveOut; std::vector Safepoints; int TopmostSafepoint = -1; bool HasSafepoint = false; // Have we gone through this basic block in our local scan yet? bool Done = false; }; struct State { Function *const F; DominatorTree *DT; // The maximum assigned value number int MaxPtrNumber; // The maximum assigned safepoint number int MaxSafepointNumber; // Cache of numbers assigned to IR values. This includes caching of numbers // for derived values std::map AllPtrNumbering; std::map> AllCompositeNumbering; // The reverse of the previous maps std::map ReversePtrNumbering; // Neighbors in the coloring interference graph. I.e. for each value, the // indices of other values that are used simultaneously at some safe point. std::vector> Neighbors; // The result of the local analysis std::map BBStates; // Refinement map. If all of the values are rooted // (-1 means an externally rooted value and -2 means a globally/permanently rooted value), // the key is already rooted (but not the other way around). // A value that can be refined to -2 never need any rooting or write barrier. // A value that can be refined to -1 don't need local root but still need write barrier. // At the end of `LocalScan` this map has a few properties // 1. Values are either < 0 or dominates the key // 2. Therefore this is a DAG std::map> Refinements; // GC preserves map. All safepoints dominated by the map key, but not any // of its uses need to preserve the values listed in the map value. std::map> GCPreserves; // The assignment of numbers to safepoints. The indices in the map // are indices into the next three maps which store safepoint properties std::map SafepointNumbering; // Reverse mapping index -> safepoint std::vector ReverseSafepointNumbering; // Instructions that can return twice. For now, all values live at these // instructions will get their own, dedicated GC frame slots, because they // have unobservable control flow, so we can't be sure where they're // actually live. All of these are also considered safepoints. std::vector ReturnsTwice; // The set of values live at a particular safepoint std::vector LiveSets; // Those values that - if live out from our parent basic block - are live // at this safepoint. std::vector> LiveIfLiveOut; // The set of values that are kept alive by the callee. std::vector> CalleeRoots; // We don't bother doing liveness on Allocas that were not mem2reg'ed. // they just get directly sunk into the root array. std::vector Allocas; DenseMap ArrayAllocas; DenseMap ShadowAllocas; std::vector> TrackedStores; State(Function &F) : F(&F), DT(nullptr), MaxPtrNumber(-1), MaxSafepointNumber(-1) {} }; namespace llvm { void initializeLateLowerGCFramePass(PassRegistry &Registry); } struct LateLowerGCFrame: public FunctionPass, private JuliaPassContext { static char ID; LateLowerGCFrame() : FunctionPass(ID) { llvm::initializeDominatorTreeWrapperPassPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry()); } protected: void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override { FunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU); AU.addRequired(); AU.addPreserved(); AU.setPreservesCFG(); } private: CallInst *ptlsStates; void MaybeNoteDef(State &S, BBState &BBS, Value *Def, const std::vector &SafepointsSoFar, SmallVector &&RefinedPtr = SmallVector()); void NoteUse(State &S, BBState &BBS, Value *V, BitVector &Uses); void NoteUse(State &S, BBState &BBS, Value *V) { NoteUse(S, BBS, V, BBS.UpExposedUses); } void LiftPhi(State &S, PHINode *Phi); void LiftSelect(State &S, SelectInst *SI); Value *MaybeExtractScalar(State &S, std::pair ValExpr, Instruction *InsertBefore); std::vector MaybeExtractVector(State &S, Value *BaseVec, Instruction *InsertBefore); Value *GetPtrForNumber(State &S, unsigned Num, Instruction *InsertBefore); int Number(State &S, Value *V); int NumberBase(State &S, Value *Base); std::vector NumberAll(State &S, Value *V); std::vector NumberAllBase(State &S, Value *Base); void NoteOperandUses(State &S, BBState &BBS, User &UI); void MaybeTrackDst(State &S, MemTransferInst *MI); void MaybeTrackStore(State &S, StoreInst *I); State LocalScan(Function &F); void ComputeLiveness(State &S); void ComputeLiveSets(State &S); std::vector ColorRoots(const State &S); void PlaceGCFrameStore(State &S, unsigned R, unsigned MinColorRoot, const std::vector &Colors, Value *GCFrame, Instruction *InsertBefore); void PlaceGCFrameStores(State &S, unsigned MinColorRoot, const std::vector &Colors, Value *GCFrame); void PlaceRootsAndUpdateCalls(std::vector &Colors, State &S, std::map>); bool doInitialization(Module &M) override; bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override; bool CleanupIR(Function &F, State *S=nullptr); void NoteUseChain(State &S, BBState &BBS, User *TheUser); SmallVector GetPHIRefinements(PHINode *phi, State &S); void FixUpRefinements(ArrayRef PHINumbers, State &S); void RefineLiveSet(BitVector &LS, State &S, const std::vector &CalleeRoots); Value *EmitTagPtr(IRBuilder<> &builder, Type *T, Value *V); Value *EmitLoadTag(IRBuilder<> &builder, Value *V); }; static unsigned getValueAddrSpace(Value *V) { return V->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace(); } static bool isTrackedValue(Value *V) { PointerType *PT = dyn_cast(V->getType()->getScalarType()); return PT && PT->getAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Tracked; } static bool isSpecialPtr(Type *Ty) { PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast(Ty); if (!PTy) return false; unsigned AS = PTy->getAddressSpace(); return AddressSpace::FirstSpecial <= AS && AS <= AddressSpace::LastSpecial; } // return how many Special pointers are in T (count > 0), // and if there is anything else in T (all == false) CountTrackedPointers::CountTrackedPointers(Type *T) { if (isa(T)) { if (isSpecialPtr(T)) { count++; if (T->getPointerAddressSpace() != AddressSpace::Tracked) derived = true; } } else if (isa(T) || isa(T) || isa(T)) { for (Type *ElT : T->subtypes()) { auto sub = CountTrackedPointers(ElT); count += sub.count; all &= sub.all; derived |= sub.derived; } if (isa(T)) count *= cast(T)->getNumElements(); else if (isa(T)) count *= cast(T)->getNumElements(); } if (count == 0) all = false; } unsigned getCompositeNumElements(Type *T) { if (auto *ST = dyn_cast(T)) return ST->getNumElements(); else if (auto *AT = dyn_cast(T)) return AT->getNumElements(); else return cast(T)->getNumElements(); } // Walk through a Type, and record the element path to every tracked value inside void TrackCompositeType(Type *T, std::vector &Idxs, std::vector> &Numberings) { if (isa(T)) { if (T->getPointerAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Tracked) Numberings.push_back(Idxs); } else if (isa(T) || isa(T) || isa(T)) { unsigned Idx, NumEl = getCompositeNumElements(T); for (Idx = 0; Idx < NumEl; Idx++) { Idxs.push_back(Idx); #if JL_LLVM_VERSION >= 110000 Type *ElT = GetElementPtrInst::getTypeAtIndex(T, Idx); #else Type *ElT = cast(T)->getTypeAtIndex(Idx); #endif TrackCompositeType(ElT, Idxs, Numberings); Idxs.pop_back(); } } } std::vector> TrackCompositeType(Type *T) { std::vector Idxs; std::vector> Numberings; TrackCompositeType(T, Idxs, Numberings); return Numberings; } // Walk through simple expressions to until we hit something that requires root numbering // If the input value is a scalar (pointer), we may return a composite value as base // in which case the second member of the pair is the index of the value in the vector. static std::pair FindBaseValue(const State &S, Value *V, bool UseCache = true) { Value *CurrentV = V; int fld_idx = -1; while (true) { if (UseCache) { if (CurrentV->getType()->isPointerTy()) { auto it = S.AllPtrNumbering.find(CurrentV); if (it != S.AllPtrNumbering.end()) return std::make_pair(CurrentV, fld_idx); } else { auto it = S.AllCompositeNumbering.find(CurrentV); if (it != S.AllCompositeNumbering.end()) return std::make_pair(CurrentV, fld_idx); } } // Note that this is true: // assert(fld_idx == -1 ? CurrentV->getType()->isPointerTy() : CurrentV->getType()->isVectorPointerTy()); if (isa(CurrentV)) CurrentV = cast(CurrentV)->getOperand(0); else if (isa(CurrentV)) { Value *NewV = cast(CurrentV)->getOperand(0); if (getValueAddrSpace(NewV) == 0) break; CurrentV = NewV; } else if (auto *GEP = dyn_cast(CurrentV)) { CurrentV = GEP->getOperand(0); // GEP can make vectors from a single base pointer if (fld_idx != -1 && !isa(CurrentV->getType())) { fld_idx = -1; } } else if (auto EEI = dyn_cast(CurrentV)) { assert(CurrentV->getType()->isPointerTy() && fld_idx == -1); // TODO: For now, only support constant index. auto IdxOp = cast(EEI->getIndexOperand()); fld_idx = IdxOp->getLimitedValue(INT_MAX); CurrentV = EEI->getVectorOperand(); } else if (auto LI = dyn_cast(CurrentV)) { if (auto PtrT = dyn_cast(LI->getType()->getScalarType())) { if (PtrT->getAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Loaded) { CurrentV = LI->getPointerOperand(); fld_idx = -1; if (!isSpecialPtr(CurrentV->getType())) { // This could really be anything, but it's not loaded // from a tracked pointer, so it doesn't matter what // it is--just pick something simple. CurrentV = ConstantPointerNull::get(Type::getInt8PtrTy(V->getContext())); } continue; } } // In general a load terminates a walk break; } else if (auto II = dyn_cast(CurrentV)) { // Some intrinsics behave like LoadInst followed by a SelectInst // This should never happen in a derived addrspace (since those cannot be stored to memory) // so we don't need to lift these operations, but we do need to check if it's loaded and continue walking the base pointer if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_load || II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_gather) { if (auto VTy = dyn_cast(II->getType())) { if (auto PtrT = dyn_cast(VTy->getElementType())) { if (PtrT->getAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Loaded) { Value *Mask = II->getOperand(2); Value *Passthrough = II->getOperand(3); if (!isa(Mask) || !cast(Mask)->isAllOnesValue()) { assert(isa(Passthrough) && "unimplemented"); (void)Passthrough; } CurrentV = II->getOperand(0); if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_load) { fld_idx = -1; if (!isSpecialPtr(CurrentV->getType())) { CurrentV = ConstantPointerNull::get(Type::getInt8PtrTy(V->getContext())); } } else { if (auto VTy2 = dyn_cast(CurrentV->getType())) { if (!isSpecialPtr(VTy2->getElementType())) { CurrentV = ConstantPointerNull::get(Type::getInt8PtrTy(V->getContext())); fld_idx = -1; } } } continue; } } } // In general a load terminates a walk break; } } else { break; } } assert(isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV)); return std::make_pair(CurrentV, fld_idx); } Value *LateLowerGCFrame::MaybeExtractScalar(State &S, std::pair ValExpr, Instruction *InsertBefore) { Value *V = ValExpr.first; if (isa(V->getType())) { assert(ValExpr.second == -1); if (!isTrackedValue(V)) { int BaseNumber = NumberBase(S, V); if (BaseNumber >= 0) V = GetPtrForNumber(S, BaseNumber, InsertBefore); else V = ConstantPointerNull::get(cast(T_prjlvalue)); } } else if (ValExpr.second != -1) { auto Tracked = TrackCompositeType(V->getType()); auto Idxs = makeArrayRef(Tracked.at(ValExpr.second)); auto IdxsNotVec = Idxs.slice(0, Idxs.size() - 1); Type *FinalT = ExtractValueInst::getIndexedType(V->getType(), IdxsNotVec); bool IsVector = isa(FinalT); PointerType *T = cast( #if JL_LLVM_VERSION >= 110000 GetElementPtrInst::getTypeAtIndex(FinalT, Idxs.back())); #else cast(FinalT)->getTypeAtIndex(Idxs.back())); #endif if (T->getAddressSpace() != AddressSpace::Tracked) { // if V isn't tracked, get the shadow def auto Numbers = NumberAllBase(S, V); int BaseNumber = Numbers.at(ValExpr.second); if (BaseNumber >= 0) V = GetPtrForNumber(S, BaseNumber, InsertBefore); else V = ConstantPointerNull::get(cast(T_prjlvalue)); return V; } if (Idxs.size() > IsVector) V = ExtractValueInst::Create(V, IsVector ? IdxsNotVec : Idxs, "", InsertBefore); if (IsVector) V = ExtractElementInst::Create(V, ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(V->getContext()), Idxs.back()), "", InsertBefore); } return V; } std::vector LateLowerGCFrame::MaybeExtractVector(State &S, Value *BaseVec, Instruction *InsertBefore) { auto Numbers = NumberAllBase(S, BaseVec); std::vector V{Numbers.size()}; Value *V_rnull = ConstantPointerNull::get(cast(T_prjlvalue)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < V.size(); ++i) { if (Numbers[i] >= 0) V[i] = GetPtrForNumber(S, Numbers[i], InsertBefore); else V[i] = V_rnull; } return V; } Value *LateLowerGCFrame::GetPtrForNumber(State &S, unsigned Num, Instruction *InsertBefore) { Value *Val = S.ReversePtrNumbering[Num]; unsigned Idx = -1; if (!isa(Val->getType())) { const std::vector &AllNums = S.AllCompositeNumbering[Val]; for (Idx = 0; Idx < AllNums.size(); ++Idx) { if ((unsigned)AllNums[Idx] == Num) break; } assert(Idx < AllNums.size()); } return MaybeExtractScalar(S, std::make_pair(Val, Idx), InsertBefore); } void LateLowerGCFrame::LiftSelect(State &S, SelectInst *SI) { if (isa(SI->getType()) ? S.AllPtrNumbering.count(SI) : S.AllCompositeNumbering.count(SI)) { // already visited here--nothing to do return; } std::vector Numbers; unsigned NumRoots = 1; if (auto VTy = dyn_cast(SI->getType())) Numbers.resize(VTy->getNumElements(), -1); else assert(isa(SI->getType()) && "unimplemented"); assert(!isTrackedValue(SI)); // find the base root for the arguments Value *TrueBase = MaybeExtractScalar(S, FindBaseValue(S, SI->getTrueValue(), false), SI); Value *FalseBase = MaybeExtractScalar(S, FindBaseValue(S, SI->getFalseValue(), false), SI); std::vector TrueBases; std::vector FalseBases; if (!isa(TrueBase->getType())) { TrueBases = MaybeExtractVector(S, TrueBase, SI); assert(TrueBases.size() == Numbers.size()); NumRoots = TrueBases.size(); } if (!isa(FalseBase->getType())) { FalseBases = MaybeExtractVector(S, FalseBase, SI); assert(FalseBases.size() == Numbers.size()); NumRoots = FalseBases.size(); } if (isa(SI->getType()) ? S.AllPtrNumbering.count(SI) : S.AllCompositeNumbering.count(SI)) { // MaybeExtractScalar or MaybeExtractVector handled this for us (recursively, though a PHINode) return; } // need to handle each element (may just be one scalar) for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumRoots; ++i) { Value *TrueElem; if (isa(TrueBase->getType())) TrueElem = TrueBase; else TrueElem = TrueBases[i]; Value *FalseElem; if (isa(FalseBase->getType())) FalseElem = FalseBase; else FalseElem = FalseBases[i]; Value *Cond = SI->getCondition(); if (isa(Cond->getType())) { Cond = ExtractElementInst::Create(Cond, ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Cond->getContext()), i), "", SI); } if (FalseElem->getType() != TrueElem->getType()) FalseElem = new BitCastInst(FalseElem, TrueElem->getType(), "", SI); SelectInst *SelectBase = SelectInst::Create(Cond, TrueElem, FalseElem, "gclift", SI); int Number = ++S.MaxPtrNumber; S.AllPtrNumbering[SelectBase] = Number; S.ReversePtrNumbering[Number] = SelectBase; if (isa(SI->getType())) S.AllPtrNumbering[SI] = Number; else Numbers[i] = Number; } if (auto VTy = dyn_cast(SI->getType())) { if (NumRoots != Numbers.size()) { // broadcast the scalar root number to fill the vector assert(NumRoots == 1); int Number = Numbers[0]; Numbers.resize(0); Numbers.resize(VTy->getNumElements(), Number); } } if (!isa(SI->getType())) S.AllCompositeNumbering[SI] = Numbers; } void LateLowerGCFrame::LiftPhi(State &S, PHINode *Phi) { if (isa(Phi->getType()) ? S.AllPtrNumbering.count(Phi) : S.AllCompositeNumbering.count(Phi)) return; // need to handle each element (may just be one scalar) SmallVector lifted; std::vector Numbers; unsigned NumRoots = 1; if (auto VTy = dyn_cast(Phi->getType())) { NumRoots = VTy->getNumElements(); Numbers.resize(NumRoots); } else { assert(isa(Phi->getType()) && "unimplemented"); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumRoots; ++i) { PHINode *lift = PHINode::Create(T_prjlvalue, Phi->getNumIncomingValues(), "gclift", Phi); int Number = ++S.MaxPtrNumber; S.AllPtrNumbering[lift] = Number; S.ReversePtrNumbering[Number] = lift; if (!isa(Phi->getType())) S.AllPtrNumbering[Phi] = Number; else Numbers[i] = Number; lifted.push_back(lift); } if (!isa(Phi->getType())) S.AllCompositeNumbering[Phi] = Numbers; for (unsigned i = 0; i < Phi->getNumIncomingValues(); ++i) { Value *Incoming = Phi->getIncomingValue(i); BasicBlock *IncomingBB = Phi->getIncomingBlock(i); Instruction *Terminator = IncomingBB->getTerminator(); Value *Base = MaybeExtractScalar(S, FindBaseValue(S, Incoming, false), Terminator); std::vector IncomingBases; if (!isa(Base->getType())) { IncomingBases = MaybeExtractVector(S, Base, Terminator); assert(IncomingBases.size() == NumRoots); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumRoots; ++i) { PHINode *lift = lifted[i]; Value *BaseElem; if (isa(Base->getType())) BaseElem = Base; else BaseElem = IncomingBases[i]; if (BaseElem->getType() != T_prjlvalue) BaseElem = new BitCastInst(BaseElem, T_prjlvalue, "", Terminator); lift->addIncoming(BaseElem, IncomingBB); } } } int LateLowerGCFrame::NumberBase(State &S, Value *CurrentV) { auto it = S.AllPtrNumbering.find(CurrentV); if (it != S.AllPtrNumbering.end()) return it->second; int Number; if (isa(CurrentV)) { // Perm rooted Number = -2; } else if (isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || (isa(CurrentV) && !isTrackedValue(CurrentV))) { // We know this is rooted in the parent // future note: we could chose to exclude argument of type CalleeRooted here Number = -1; } else if (!isSpecialPtr(CurrentV->getType())) { // Externally rooted somehow hopefully (otherwise there's a bug in the // input IR) Number = -1; } else if (isa(CurrentV) && !isTrackedValue(CurrentV)) { LiftSelect(S, cast(CurrentV)); Number = S.AllPtrNumbering.at(CurrentV); return Number; } else if (isa(CurrentV) && !isTrackedValue(CurrentV)) { LiftPhi(S, cast(CurrentV)); Number = S.AllPtrNumbering.at(CurrentV); return Number; } else if (isa(CurrentV)) { auto Numbers = NumberAllBase(S, CurrentV); assert(Numbers.size() == 1); Number = Numbers[0]; } else { assert((CurrentV->getType()->isPointerTy() && isTrackedValue(CurrentV))); Number = ++S.MaxPtrNumber; S.ReversePtrNumbering[Number] = CurrentV; } S.AllPtrNumbering[CurrentV] = Number; return Number; } int LateLowerGCFrame::Number(State &S, Value *V) { assert(isSpecialPtr(V->getType())); auto CurrentV = FindBaseValue(S, V); int Number; if (CurrentV.second == -1) { Number = NumberBase(S, CurrentV.first); } else { auto Numbers = NumberAllBase(S, CurrentV.first); Number = Numbers.at(CurrentV.second); } if (V != CurrentV.first) S.AllPtrNumbering[V] = Number; return Number; } // assign pointer numbers to a def instruction std::vector LateLowerGCFrame::NumberAllBase(State &S, Value *CurrentV) { if (isa(CurrentV->getType())) { auto it = S.AllPtrNumbering.find(CurrentV); if (it != S.AllPtrNumbering.end()) return std::vector({it->second}); } else { auto it = S.AllCompositeNumbering.find(CurrentV); if (it != S.AllCompositeNumbering.end()) return it->second; } std::vector Numbers; auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(CurrentV->getType()); if (tracked.count == 0) return Numbers; if (isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || (isa(CurrentV) && !isTrackedValue(CurrentV))) { Numbers.resize(tracked.count, -1); } else if (auto *SVI = dyn_cast(CurrentV)) { std::vector Numbers1 = NumberAll(S, SVI->getOperand(0)); std::vector Numbers2 = NumberAll(S, SVI->getOperand(1)); auto Mask = SVI->getShuffleMask(); for (auto idx : Mask) { assert(idx != -1 && "Undef tracked value is invalid"); if ((unsigned)idx < Numbers1.size()) { Numbers.push_back(Numbers1.at(idx)); } else { Numbers.push_back(Numbers2.at(idx - Numbers1.size())); } } } else if (auto *IEI = dyn_cast(CurrentV)) { // TODO: handle non-constant: LiftInsertElement(S, IEI) unsigned idx = cast(IEI->getOperand(2))->getZExtValue(); Numbers = NumberAll(S, IEI->getOperand(0)); int ElNumber = Number(S, IEI->getOperand(1)); Numbers[idx] = ElNumber; } else if (auto *IVI = dyn_cast(CurrentV)) { Numbers = NumberAll(S, IVI->getAggregateOperand()); auto Tracked = TrackCompositeType(IVI->getType()); assert(Tracked.size() == Numbers.size()); std::vector InsertNumbers = NumberAll(S, IVI->getInsertedValueOperand()); auto Idxs = IVI->getIndices(); unsigned j = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < Tracked.size(); ++i) { auto Elem = makeArrayRef(Tracked[i]); if (Elem.size() < Idxs.size()) continue; if (Idxs.equals(Elem.slice(0, Idxs.size()))) // Tracked.startswith(Idxs) Numbers[i] = InsertNumbers[j++]; } assert(j == InsertNumbers.size()); } else if (auto *EVI = dyn_cast(CurrentV)) { auto BaseNumbers = NumberAll(S, EVI->getAggregateOperand()); auto Tracked = TrackCompositeType(EVI->getAggregateOperand()->getType()); assert(Tracked.size() == BaseNumbers.size()); auto Idxs = EVI->getIndices(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < Tracked.size(); ++i) { auto Elem = makeArrayRef(Tracked[i]); if (Elem.size() < Idxs.size()) continue; if (Idxs.equals(Elem.slice(0, Idxs.size()))) // Tracked.startswith(Idxs) Numbers.push_back(BaseNumbers[i]); } assert(CountTrackedPointers(EVI->getType()).count == Numbers.size()); } else if (tracked.derived) { if (isa(CurrentV)) { LiftSelect(S, cast(CurrentV)); } else if (isa(CurrentV)) { LiftPhi(S, cast(CurrentV)); // } else if (isa(CurrentV)) { // TODO: lifting for non constant index } else { CurrentV->print(errs()); llvm_unreachable("Unexpected generating operation for derived values"); } if (isa(CurrentV->getType())) { auto Number = S.AllPtrNumbering.at(CurrentV); Numbers.resize(1, Number); } else { Numbers = S.AllCompositeNumbering.at(CurrentV); } } else { assert((isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV) || isa(CurrentV)) && "unexpected def expression"); // This is simple, we can just number them sequentially for (unsigned i = 0; i < tracked.count; ++i) { int Num = ++S.MaxPtrNumber; Numbers.push_back(Num); S.ReversePtrNumbering[Num] = CurrentV; } } if (isa(CurrentV->getType())) { assert(Numbers.size() == 1); S.AllPtrNumbering[CurrentV] = Numbers[0]; } else { S.AllCompositeNumbering[CurrentV] = Numbers; } return Numbers; } // gets the pointer number for every gc tracked value inside V std::vector LateLowerGCFrame::NumberAll(State &S, Value *V) { if (isa(V->getType())) { auto it = S.AllPtrNumbering.find(V); if (it != S.AllPtrNumbering.end()) return std::vector({it->second}); } else { auto it = S.AllCompositeNumbering.find(V); if (it != S.AllCompositeNumbering.end()) return it->second; } std::vector Numbers; auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(V->getType()); if (tracked.count == 0) return Numbers; auto CurrentV = FindBaseValue(S, V); int Number = -1; if (isa(CurrentV.first->getType())) { // Base turned out to be a single pointer--number it assert(CurrentV.second == -1); Number = NumberBase(S, CurrentV.first); Numbers.resize(tracked.count, Number); } else { // Base turned out to be an aggregate--get all numbers for it, then sub-select Numbers = NumberAllBase(S, CurrentV.first); if (CurrentV.second != -1) { Number = Numbers[CurrentV.second]; // only needed a subset of the values Numbers.resize(tracked.count, Number); } else assert(!isa(V->getType())); } if (CurrentV.first != V) { if (isa(V->getType())) { S.AllPtrNumbering[V] = Number; } else { S.AllCompositeNumbering[V] = Numbers; } } return Numbers; } static void MaybeResize(BBState &BBS, unsigned Idx) { if (BBS.Defs.size() <= Idx) { BBS.Defs.resize(Idx + 1); BBS.UpExposedUses.resize(Idx + 1); BBS.PhiOuts.resize(Idx + 1); } } static bool HasBitSet(const BitVector &BV, unsigned Bit) { return Bit < BV.size() && BV[Bit]; } static void NoteDef(State &S, BBState &BBS, int Num, const std::vector &SafepointsSoFar) { assert(Num >= 0); MaybeResize(BBS, Num); assert(BBS.Defs[Num] == 0 && "SSA Violation or misnumbering?"); BBS.Defs[Num] = 1; BBS.UpExposedUses[Num] = 0; // This value could potentially be live at any following safe point // if it ends up live out, so add it to the LiveIfLiveOut lists for all // following safepoints. for (int Safepoint : SafepointsSoFar) { S.LiveIfLiveOut[Safepoint].push_back(Num); } } void LateLowerGCFrame::MaybeNoteDef(State &S, BBState &BBS, Value *Def, const std::vector &SafepointsSoFar, SmallVector &&RefinedPtr) { Type *RT = Def->getType(); if (isa(RT)) { if (!isSpecialPtr(RT)) return; assert(isTrackedValue(Def) && "Returned value of GC interest, but not tracked?"); int Num = Number(S, Def); NoteDef(S, BBS, Num, SafepointsSoFar); if (!RefinedPtr.empty()) S.Refinements[Num] = std::move(RefinedPtr); } else { std::vector Nums = NumberAll(S, Def); for (int Num : Nums) { NoteDef(S, BBS, Num, SafepointsSoFar); if (!RefinedPtr.empty()) S.Refinements[Num] = RefinedPtr; } } } static int NoteSafepoint(State &S, BBState &BBS, CallInst *CI, std::vector CalleeRoots) { int Number = ++S.MaxSafepointNumber; S.SafepointNumbering[CI] = Number; S.ReverseSafepointNumbering.push_back(CI); // Note which pointers are upward exposed live here. They need to be // considered live at this safepoint even when they have a def earlier // in this BB (i.e. even when they don't participate in the dataflow // computation) S.LiveSets.push_back(BBS.UpExposedUses); S.LiveIfLiveOut.push_back(std::vector{}); S.CalleeRoots.push_back(std::move(CalleeRoots)); return Number; } void LateLowerGCFrame::NoteUse(State &S, BBState &BBS, Value *V, BitVector &Uses) { // Short circuit to avoid having to deal with vectors of constants, etc. if (isa(V)) return; if (isa(V->getType())) { if (isSpecialPtr(V->getType())) { int Num = Number(S, V); if (Num < 0) return; MaybeResize(BBS, Num); Uses[Num] = 1; } } else { std::vector Nums = NumberAll(S, V); for (int Num : Nums) { if (Num < 0) continue; MaybeResize(BBS, Num); Uses[Num] = 1; } } } void LateLowerGCFrame::NoteOperandUses(State &S, BBState &BBS, User &UI) { for (Use &U : UI.operands()) { NoteUse(S, BBS, U); } } template void RecursivelyVisit(callback f, Value *V) { for (Use &VU : V->uses()) { User *TheUser = VU.getUser(); if (isa(TheUser)) f(VU); if (isa(TheUser) || isa(TheUser) || isa(TheUser) || isa(TheUser) || isa(TheUser) || isa(TheUser)) continue; if (isa(TheUser) || isa(TheUser) || isa(TheUser)) { RecursivelyVisit(f, TheUser); continue; } llvm_dump(V); llvm_dump(TheUser); assert(false && "Unexpected instruction"); } } static void dumpBitVectorValues(State &S, BitVector &BV) { bool first = true; for (int Idx = BV.find_first(); Idx >= 0; Idx = BV.find_next(Idx)) { if (!first) dbgs() << ", "; first = false; S.ReversePtrNumbering[Idx]->printAsOperand(dbgs()); } } /* Debugging utility to dump liveness information */ JL_USED_FUNC static void dumpLivenessState(Function &F, State &S) { for (auto &BB : F) { dbgs() << "Liveness analysis for BB " << BB.getName(); dbgs() << "\n\tDefs: "; dumpBitVectorValues(S, S.BBStates[&BB].Defs); dbgs() << "\n\tPhiOuts: "; dumpBitVectorValues(S, S.BBStates[&BB].PhiOuts); dbgs() << "\n\tUpExposedUses: "; dumpBitVectorValues(S, S.BBStates[&BB].UpExposedUses); dbgs() << "\n\tLiveIn: "; dumpBitVectorValues(S, S.BBStates[&BB].LiveIn); dbgs() << "\n\tLiveOut: "; dumpBitVectorValues(S, S.BBStates[&BB].LiveOut); dbgs() << "\n"; } } static bool isTBAA(MDNode *TBAA, std::initializer_list const strset) { if (!TBAA) return false; while (TBAA->getNumOperands() > 1) { TBAA = cast(TBAA->getOperand(1).get()); auto str = cast(TBAA->getOperand(0))->getString(); for (auto str2 : strset) { if (str == str2) { return true; } } } return false; } // Check if this is a load from an immutable value. The easiest // way to do so is to look at the tbaa and see if it derives from // jtbaa_immut. static bool isLoadFromImmut(LoadInst *LI) { if (LI->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_invariant_load)) return true; MDNode *TBAA = LI->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa); if (isTBAA(TBAA, {"jtbaa_immut", "jtbaa_const", "jtbaa_datatype"})) return true; return false; } static bool isConstGV(GlobalVariable *gv) { return gv->isConstant() || gv->getMetadata("julia.constgv"); } static bool isLoadFromConstGV(LoadInst *LI, bool &task_local); static bool isLoadFromConstGV(Value *v, bool &task_local) { v = v->stripInBoundsOffsets(); if (auto LI = dyn_cast(v)) return isLoadFromConstGV(LI, task_local); if (auto gv = dyn_cast(v)) return isConstGV(gv); // null pointer if (isa(v)) return true; // literal pointers if (auto CE = dyn_cast(v)) return (CE->getOpcode() == Instruction::IntToPtr && isa(CE->getOperand(0))); if (auto SL = dyn_cast(v)) return (isLoadFromConstGV(SL->getTrueValue(), task_local) && isLoadFromConstGV(SL->getFalseValue(), task_local)); if (auto Phi = dyn_cast(v)) { auto n = Phi->getNumIncomingValues(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (!isLoadFromConstGV(Phi->getIncomingValue(i), task_local)) { return false; } } return true; } if (auto call = dyn_cast(v)) { auto callee = call->getCalledFunction(); if (callee && callee->getName() == "julia.typeof") { return true; } if (callee && callee->getName() == "julia.ptls_states") { task_local = true; return true; } } if (isa(v)) { task_local = true; return true; } return false; } // Check if this is can be traced through constant loads to an constant global // or otherwise globally rooted value. // Almost all `tbaa_const` loads satisfies this with the exception of // task local constants which are constant as far as the code is concerned but aren't // global constants. For task local constant `task_local` will be true when this function // returns. // // The white list implemented here and above in `isLoadFromConstGV(Value*)` should // cover all the cases we and LLVM generates. static bool isLoadFromConstGV(LoadInst *LI, bool &task_local) { // We only emit single slot GV in codegen // but LLVM global merging can change the pointer operands to GEPs/bitcasts auto load_base = LI->getPointerOperand()->stripInBoundsOffsets(); auto gv = dyn_cast(load_base); if (isTBAA(LI->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa), {"jtbaa_immut", "jtbaa_const", "jtbaa_datatype"})) { if (gv) return true; return isLoadFromConstGV(load_base, task_local); } if (gv) return isConstGV(gv); return false; } static uint64_t getLoadValueAlign(LoadInst *LI) { MDNode *md = LI->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_align); if (!md) return 1; return mdconst::extract(md->getOperand(0))->getLimitedValue(); } static bool LooksLikeFrameRef(Value *V) { if (isSpecialPtr(V->getType())) return false; if (isa(V)) return LooksLikeFrameRef(cast(V)->getOperand(0)); return isa(V); } SmallVector LateLowerGCFrame::GetPHIRefinements(PHINode *Phi, State &S) { // The returned vector can violate the domination property of the Refinements map. // However, we can't know for sure if this is valid here since incoming values // that does not dominate the PHI node may be externally rooted (i.e. can be refined to -1) // We only know that after scanning the whole function so we'll record the possibly invalid // edges here and fix them up at the end of `LocalScan`. (See `FixUpRefinements` below). auto nIncoming = Phi->getNumIncomingValues(); SmallVector RefinedPtr(nIncoming); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nIncoming; ++i) RefinedPtr[i] = Number(S, Phi->getIncomingValue(i)); return RefinedPtr; } JL_USED_FUNC static void DumpRefinements(State *S) { for (auto &kv: S->Refinements) { int Num = kv.first; if (Num < 0) continue; dbgs() << "Refinements for " << Num << " -- "; auto V = S->ReversePtrNumbering[Num]; llvm_dump(V); for (auto refine: kv.second) { if (refine < 0) { dbgs() << " " << (int)refine; continue; } dbgs() << " " << (int)refine << ": "; auto R = S->ReversePtrNumbering[refine]; llvm_dump(R); } } } void LateLowerGCFrame::FixUpRefinements(ArrayRef PHINumbers, State &S) { // Now we have all the possible refinement information, we can remove ones for the invalid // * First find all values that must be externally rooted. // Values may either be obviously externally rooted (e.g. arguments) - (this is indicated by a // value of -1 or -2 in the refinement map), or may be externally rooted by refinement to other // values. Thus a value is not externally rooted if it either: // either: // - Has no refinements (all obiviously externally rooted values are annotated by -1/-2 in the // refinement map). // - Recursively reaches a not-externally rooted value through its refinements // // We compute this set by first assuming all values are externally rooted and then iteratively // removing the ones that are not. BitVector extern_rooted(S.MaxPtrNumber + 1, true); BitVector perm_rooted(S.MaxPtrNumber + 1, true); // * First clear all values that are not derived from anything. // This only needs to be done once. for (int i = 0; i <= S.MaxPtrNumber; i++) { auto it = S.Refinements.find(i); if (it == S.Refinements.end() || it->second.empty()) { extern_rooted[i] = false; perm_rooted[i] = false; } } // * Then remove values reachable from those values recursively bool changed; do { changed = false; for (auto &kv: S.Refinements) { int Num = kv.first; // Already cleared. if (!HasBitSet(extern_rooted, Num)) continue; for (auto refine: kv.second) { if (refine == -2) { continue; } else if (refine == -1) { if (HasBitSet(perm_rooted, Num)) { changed = true; perm_rooted[Num] = false; } continue; } else if (!HasBitSet(extern_rooted, refine)) { changed = true; extern_rooted[Num] = false; perm_rooted[Num] = false; break; } else if (!HasBitSet(perm_rooted, refine)) { if (HasBitSet(perm_rooted, Num)) { changed = true; perm_rooted[Num] = false; } } } } } while (changed); // * Now the `extern_rooted` and `perm_rooted` map is accurate, // normalize all externally rooted values. for (auto &kv: S.Refinements) { int Num = kv.first; if (HasBitSet(perm_rooted, Num)) { // For permanently rooted values, set their refinements simply to `{-2}` kv.second.resize(1); kv.second[0] = -2; continue; } else if (HasBitSet(extern_rooted, Num)) { // For externally rooted values, set their refinements simply to `{-1}` kv.second.resize(1); kv.second[0] = -1; continue; } for (auto &refine: kv.second) { // For other values, // remove all externally rooted values from their refinements (replace with -1) // No need to handle -2 specially since it won't make a difference. if (HasBitSet(extern_rooted, refine)) { refine = -1; } } } // Scan all phi node refinements and remove all invalid ones. // As a generalization to what we did to externally rooted values above, // we can also relax non-dominating (invalid) refinements to the refinements of those values // If all of those values dominate the phi node then the phi node can be refined to // those values instead. // While we recursively relax the refinement, we need to keep track of the values we've // visited in order to not scan them again. BitVector visited(S.MaxPtrNumber + 1, false); for (auto Num: PHINumbers) { // Not sure if `Num` can be `-1` if (Num < 0 || HasBitSet(extern_rooted, Num)) continue; // N.B.: We reset the bit vector below on every iteration visited[Num] = true; auto Phi = cast(S.ReversePtrNumbering[Num]); auto &RefinedPtr = S.Refinements[Num]; unsigned j = 0; // new length for (unsigned i = 0; i < RefinedPtr.size(); i++) { auto refine = RefinedPtr[i]; if (refine < 0 || visited[refine]) continue; visited[refine] = true; if (i != j) RefinedPtr[j] = refine; j++; if (auto inst = dyn_cast(S.ReversePtrNumbering[refine])) { if (!S.DT) S.DT = &getAnalysis().getDomTree(); if (S.DT->dominates(inst, Phi)) continue; // Decrement `j` so we'll overwrite/ignore it. j--; // Non-dominating refinement auto it = S.Refinements.find(refine); if (it != S.Refinements.end() && !it->second.empty()) { // Found a replacement, replace current element. auto &NewRefinedPtr = it->second; unsigned n = NewRefinedPtr.size(); // First fill in the gap between `i` and `j` unsigned k = 0; for (; k < n && i >= j + k; k++) RefinedPtr[i - k] = NewRefinedPtr[k]; i = i - k; if (k < n) RefinedPtr.append(it->second.begin() + k, it->second.end()); continue; } // Invalid - Remove All refinements RefinedPtr.resize(0); break; } } if (!RefinedPtr.empty()) { // `j == 0` here means that everything is externally rooted. // This should have been handled by the first loop above. assert(j != 0 && j <= RefinedPtr.size()); RefinedPtr.resize(j); } visited.reset(); } } State LateLowerGCFrame::LocalScan(Function &F) { State S(F); SmallVector PHINumbers; for (BasicBlock &BB : F) { BBState &BBS = S.BBStates[&BB]; for (auto it = BB.rbegin(); it != BB.rend(); ++it) { Instruction &I = *it; if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast(&I)) { if (isa(CI)) { // Most intrinsics are not gc uses/defs, however some have // memory operands and could thus be GC uses. To be conservative, // we only skip processing for those that we know we emit often // and cannot possibly be GC uses. IntrinsicInst *II = cast(CI); if (isa(CI) || II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::lifetime_start || II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::lifetime_end) { continue; } if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_load || II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_gather) { if (auto VTy = dyn_cast(II->getType())) { if (auto PtrT = dyn_cast(VTy->getElementType())) { if (isSpecialPtr(PtrT)) { // LLVM sometimes tries to materialize these operations with undefined pointers in our non-integral address space. // Hopefully LLVM didn't already propagate that information and poison our users. Set those to NULL now. Value *passthru = II->getArgOperand(3); if (isa(passthru)) { II->setArgOperand(3, Constant::getNullValue(passthru->getType())); } if (PtrT->getAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Loaded) { // These are not real defs continue; } } } } } } auto callee = CI->getCalledFunction(); if (callee && callee == typeof_func) { MaybeNoteDef(S, BBS, CI, BBS.Safepoints, SmallVector{-2}); } else { MaybeNoteDef(S, BBS, CI, BBS.Safepoints); } if (CI->hasStructRetAttr()) { // TODO: get ElT from SRet attribute Type *ElT = (CI->arg_begin()[0])->getType()->getPointerElementType(); auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(ElT); if (tracked.count) { AllocaInst *SRet = dyn_cast((CI->arg_begin()[0])->stripInBoundsOffsets()); assert(SRet); { if (!(SRet->isStaticAlloca() && isa(ElT) && ElT->getPointerAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Tracked)) { assert(!tracked.derived); if (tracked.all) { S.ArrayAllocas[SRet] = tracked.count * cast(SRet->getArraySize())->getZExtValue(); } else { Value *arg1 = (CI->arg_begin()[1])->stripInBoundsOffsets(); AllocaInst *SRet_gc = nullptr; if (PHINode *Phi = dyn_cast(arg1)) { for (Value *V : Phi->incoming_values()) { if (AllocaInst *Alloca = dyn_cast(V->stripInBoundsOffsets())) { if (SRet_gc == nullptr) { SRet_gc = Alloca; } else if (SRet_gc == Alloca) { continue; } else { llvm_dump(Alloca); llvm_dump(SRet_gc); assert(false && "Allocas in Phi node should match"); } } else { llvm_dump(V->stripInBoundsOffsets()); assert(false && "Expected alloca"); } } } else { SRet_gc = dyn_cast(arg1); } if (!SRet_gc) { llvm_dump(CI); llvm_dump(arg1); assert(false && "Expected alloca"); } Type *ElT = SRet_gc->getAllocatedType(); if (!(SRet_gc->isStaticAlloca() && isa(ElT) && ElT->getPointerAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Tracked)) { S.ArrayAllocas[SRet_gc] = tracked.count * cast(SRet_gc->getArraySize())->getZExtValue(); } } } } } } NoteOperandUses(S, BBS, I); if (CI->canReturnTwice()) { S.ReturnsTwice.push_back(CI); } if (callee) { if (callee == gc_preserve_begin_func) { std::vector args; for (Use &U : CI->arg_operands()) { Value *V = U; if (isa(V)) continue; if (isa(V->getType())) { if (isSpecialPtr(V->getType())) { int Num = Number(S, V); if (Num >= 0) args.push_back(Num); } } else { std::vector Nums = NumberAll(S, V); for (int Num : Nums) { if (Num < 0) continue; args.push_back(Num); } } } S.GCPreserves[CI] = args; continue; } // Known functions emitted in codegen that are not safepoints if (callee == pointer_from_objref_func || callee == gc_preserve_begin_func || callee == gc_preserve_end_func || callee == typeof_func || callee == ptls_getter || callee == write_barrier_func || callee->getName() == "memcmp") { continue; } if (callee->hasFnAttribute(Attribute::ReadNone) || callee->hasFnAttribute(Attribute::ReadOnly) || callee->hasFnAttribute(Attribute::ArgMemOnly)) { continue; } if (MemTransferInst *MI = dyn_cast(CI)) { MaybeTrackDst(S, MI); } } if (isa(CI) || CI->hasFnAttr(Attribute::ArgMemOnly) || CI->hasFnAttr(Attribute::ReadNone) || CI->hasFnAttr(Attribute::ReadOnly)) { // Intrinsics are never safepoints. continue; } std::vector CalleeRoots; for (Use &U : CI->arg_operands()) { // Find all callee rooted arguments. // Record them instead of simply remove them from live values here // since they can be useful during refinment // (e.g. to remove roots of objects that are refined to these) Value *V = U; if (isa(V) || !isa(V->getType()) || getValueAddrSpace(V) != AddressSpace::CalleeRooted) continue; V = V->stripPointerCasts(); if (!isTrackedValue(V)) continue; auto Num = Number(S, V); if (Num < 0) continue; CalleeRoots.push_back(Num); } int SafepointNumber = NoteSafepoint(S, BBS, CI, std::move(CalleeRoots)); BBS.HasSafepoint = true; BBS.TopmostSafepoint = SafepointNumber; BBS.Safepoints.push_back(SafepointNumber); } else if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast(&I)) { // If this is a load from an immutable, we know that // this object will always be rooted as long as the // object we're loading from is, so we can refine uses // of this object to uses of the object we're loading // from. SmallVector RefinedPtr{}; Type *Ty = LI->getType()->getScalarType(); bool task_local = false; if (isLoadFromImmut(LI) && isSpecialPtr(LI->getPointerOperand()->getType())) { RefinedPtr.push_back(Number(S, LI->getPointerOperand())); } else if (LI->getType()->isPointerTy() && isSpecialPtr(Ty) && LooksLikeFrameRef(LI->getPointerOperand())) { // Loads from a jlcall argument array RefinedPtr.push_back(-1); } else if (isLoadFromConstGV(LI, task_local)) { // If this is a const load from a global, // we know that the object is a constant as well and doesn't need rooting. // If this is a task local constant, we don't need to root it within the // task but we do need to issue write barriers for when the current task dies. RefinedPtr.push_back(task_local ? -1 : -2); } if (!Ty->isPointerTy() || Ty->getPointerAddressSpace() != AddressSpace::Loaded) { MaybeNoteDef(S, BBS, LI, BBS.Safepoints, std::move(RefinedPtr)); } NoteOperandUses(S, BBS, I); } else if (SelectInst *SI = dyn_cast(&I)) { auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(SI->getType()); if (tracked.count && !tracked.derived) { // record the select definition of these values SmallVector RefinedPtr; if (isa(SI->getType())) { // TODO: Refinements for vector select RefinedPtr = { Number(S, SI->getTrueValue()), Number(S, SI->getFalseValue()) }; } MaybeNoteDef(S, BBS, SI, BBS.Safepoints, std::move(RefinedPtr)); NoteOperandUses(S, BBS, I); } else if (tracked.count) { // We need to insert extra selects for the GC roots LiftSelect(S, SI); } } else if (PHINode *Phi = dyn_cast(&I)) { auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(Phi->getType()); if (tracked.count && !tracked.derived) { // record the phi definition of these values SmallVector PHIRefinements; if (isa(Phi->getType())) // TODO: Vector refinements PHIRefinements = GetPHIRefinements(Phi, S); MaybeNoteDef(S, BBS, Phi, BBS.Safepoints, std::move(PHIRefinements)); if (isa(Phi->getType())) { PHINumbers.push_back(Number(S, Phi)); } else { std::vector Nums = NumberAll(S, Phi); for (int Num : Nums) PHINumbers.push_back(Num); } unsigned nIncoming = Phi->getNumIncomingValues(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nIncoming; ++i) { BBState &IncomingBBS = S.BBStates[Phi->getIncomingBlock(i)]; NoteUse(S, IncomingBBS, Phi->getIncomingValue(i), IncomingBBS.PhiOuts); } } else if (tracked.count) { // We need to insert extra phis for the GC roots LiftPhi(S, Phi); } } else if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast(&I)) { NoteOperandUses(S, BBS, I); MaybeTrackStore(S, SI); } else if (isa(&I)) { NoteOperandUses(S, BBS, I); } else if (auto *ASCI = dyn_cast(&I)) { if (isTrackedValue(ASCI)) { SmallVector RefinedPtr{}; bool task_local = false; auto origin = ASCI->getPointerOperand()->stripPointerCasts(); if (auto LI = dyn_cast(origin)) { if (isLoadFromConstGV(LI, task_local)) { RefinedPtr.push_back(task_local ? -1 : -2); } } MaybeNoteDef(S, BBS, ASCI, BBS.Safepoints, std::move(RefinedPtr)); } } else if (auto *AI = dyn_cast(&I)) { Type *ElT = AI->getAllocatedType(); if (AI->isStaticAlloca() && isa(ElT) && ElT->getPointerAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Tracked) { S.Allocas.push_back(AI); } } } // Pre-seed the dataflow variables; BBS.LiveIn = BBS.UpExposedUses; BBS.Done = true; } FixUpRefinements(PHINumbers, S); return S; } #if JL_LLVM_VERSION >= 110000 static Value *ExtractScalar(Value *V, Type *VTy, bool isptr, ArrayRef Idxs, IRBuilder<> &irbuilder) { #else static Value *ExtractScalar(Value *V, Type *VTy, bool isptr, ArrayRef Idxs, IRBuilder<> irbuilder) { #endif Type *T_int32 = Type::getInt32Ty(V->getContext()); if (isptr) { std::vector IdxList{Idxs.size() + 1}; IdxList[0] = ConstantInt::get(T_int32, 0); for (unsigned j = 0; j < Idxs.size(); ++j) { IdxList[j + 1] = ConstantInt::get(T_int32, Idxs[j]); } Value *GEP = irbuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(VTy, V, IdxList); Type *T = GetElementPtrInst::getIndexedType(VTy, IdxList); assert(T->isPointerTy()); V = irbuilder.CreateAlignedLoad(T, GEP, Align(sizeof(void*))); // since we're doing stack operations, it should be safe do this non-atomically cast(V)->setOrdering(AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic); } else if (isa(V->getType())) { assert(Idxs.empty()); } else if (!Idxs.empty()) { auto IdxsNotVec = Idxs.slice(0, Idxs.size() - 1); Type *FinalT = ExtractValueInst::getIndexedType(V->getType(), IdxsNotVec); bool IsVector = isa(FinalT); if (Idxs.size() > IsVector) V = irbuilder.Insert(ExtractValueInst::Create(V, IsVector ? IdxsNotVec : Idxs)); if (IsVector) V = irbuilder.Insert(ExtractElementInst::Create(V, ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(V->getContext()), Idxs.back()))); } return V; } static unsigned getFieldOffset(const DataLayout &DL, Type *STy, ArrayRef Idxs) { SmallVector IdxList{Idxs.size() + 1}; Type *T_int32 = Type::getInt32Ty(STy->getContext()); IdxList[0] = ConstantInt::get(T_int32, 0); for (unsigned j = 0; j < Idxs.size(); ++j) IdxList[j + 1] = ConstantInt::get(T_int32, Idxs[j]); auto offset = DL.getIndexedOffsetInType(STy, IdxList); assert(offset >= 0); return (unsigned)offset; } #if JL_LLVM_VERSION >= 110000 std::vector ExtractTrackedValues(Value *Src, Type *STy, bool isptr, IRBuilder<> &irbuilder, ArrayRef perm_offsets) { #else std::vector ExtractTrackedValues(Value *Src, Type *STy, bool isptr, IRBuilder<> irbuilder, ArrayRef perm_offsets) { #endif auto Tracked = TrackCompositeType(STy); std::vector Ptrs; unsigned perm_idx = 0; auto ignore_field = [&] (ArrayRef Idxs) { if (perm_idx >= perm_offsets.size()) return false; // Assume the indices returned from `TrackCompositeType` is ordered and do a // single pass over `perm_offsets`. assert(!isptr); auto offset = getFieldOffset(irbuilder.GetInsertBlock()->getModule()->getDataLayout(), STy, Idxs); do { auto perm_offset = perm_offsets[perm_idx]; if (perm_offset > offset) return false; perm_idx++; if (perm_offset == offset) { return true; } } while (perm_idx < perm_offsets.size()); return false; }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < Tracked.size(); ++i) { auto Idxs = makeArrayRef(Tracked[i]); if (ignore_field(Idxs)) continue; Value *Elem = ExtractScalar(Src, STy, isptr, Idxs, irbuilder); Ptrs.push_back(Elem); } return Ptrs; } #if JL_LLVM_VERSION >= 110000 unsigned TrackWithShadow(Value *Src, Type *STy, bool isptr, Value *Dst, IRBuilder<> &irbuilder) { #else unsigned TrackWithShadow(Value *Src, Type *STy, bool isptr, Value *Dst, IRBuilder<> irbuilder) { #endif auto Ptrs = ExtractTrackedValues(Src, STy, isptr, irbuilder); for (unsigned i = 0; i < Ptrs.size(); ++i) { Value *Elem = Ptrs[i]; Type *ET = Dst->getType()->getPointerElementType(); // Dst has type `[n x {}*]*` Value *Slot = irbuilder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_32(ET, Dst, 0, i); StoreInst *shadowStore = irbuilder.CreateAlignedStore(Elem, Slot, Align(sizeof(void*))); shadowStore->setOrdering(AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic); // TODO: shadowStore->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa, tbaa_gcframe); } return Ptrs.size(); } // turn a memcpy into a set of loads void LateLowerGCFrame::MaybeTrackDst(State &S, MemTransferInst *MI) { //Value *Dst = MI->getRawDest()->stripInBoundsOffsets(); //if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast(Dst)) { // Type *STy = AI->getAllocatedType(); // if (!AI->isStaticAlloca() || (isa(STy) && STy->getPointerAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Tracked) || S.ArrayAllocas.count(AI)) // return; // already numbered this // auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(STy); // unsigned nroots = tracked.count * cast(AI->getArraySize())->getZExtValue(); // if (nroots) { // assert(!tracked.derived); // if (!tracked.all) { // // materialize shadow LoadInst and StoreInst ops to make a copy of just the tracked values inside // //assert(MI->getLength() == DL.getTypeAllocSize(AI->getAllocatedType()) && !AI->isArrayAllocation()); // XXX: handle partial copy // Value *Src = MI->getSource(); // Src = new BitCastInst(Src, STy->getPointerTo(MI->getSourceAddressSpace()), "", MI); // auto &Shadow = S.ShadowAllocas[AI]; // if (!Shadow) // Shadow = new AllocaInst(ArrayType::get(T_prjlvalue, nroots), 0, "", MI); // AI = Shadow; // unsigned count = TrackWithShadow(Src, STy, true, AI, IRBuilder<>(MI)); // assert(count == tracked.count); (void)count; // } // S.ArrayAllocas[AI] = nroots; // } //} //// TODO: else??? } void LateLowerGCFrame::MaybeTrackStore(State &S, StoreInst *I) { Value *PtrBase = I->getPointerOperand()->stripInBoundsOffsets(); auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(I->getValueOperand()->getType()); if (!tracked.count) return; // nothing to track is being stored if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast(PtrBase)) { Type *STy = AI->getAllocatedType(); if (!AI->isStaticAlloca() || (isa(STy) && STy->getPointerAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Tracked) || S.ArrayAllocas.count(AI)) return; // already numbered this auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(STy); if (tracked.count) { assert(!tracked.derived); if (tracked.all) { // track the Alloca directly S.ArrayAllocas[AI] = tracked.count * cast(AI->getArraySize())->getZExtValue(); return; } } } else { return; // assume it is rooted--TODO: should we be more conservative? } // track the Store with a Shadow //auto &Shadow = S.ShadowAllocas[AI]; //if (!Shadow) // Shadow = new AllocaInst(ArrayType::get(T_prjlvalue, tracked.count), 0, "", MI); //AI = Shadow; //Value *Src = I->getValueOperand(); //unsigned count = TrackWithShadow(Src, Src->getType(), false, AI, MI, TODO which slots are we actually clobbering?); //assert(count == tracked.count); (void)count; S.TrackedStores.push_back(std::make_pair(I, tracked.count)); } /* * DataFlow equations: * LiveIn[BB] = UpExposedUses[BB] ∪ (LiveOut[BB] - Defs[BB]) * LiveOut[BB] = PhiUses[BB] ∪ ∪_{Succ} LiveIn[Succ] * * We'll perform textbook iterative dataflow to compute this. There are better * algorithms. If this starts becoming a problem, we should use one of them. */ void LateLowerGCFrame::ComputeLiveness(State &S) { bool Converged = false; /* Liveness is a reverse problem, so RPOT is a good way to * perform this iteration. */ ReversePostOrderTraversal RPOT(S.F); while (!Converged) { bool AnyChanged = false; for (BasicBlock *BB : RPOT) { // This could all be done more efficiently, by only updating what // changed - Let's get it working first though. BBState &BBS = S.BBStates[BB]; BitVector NewLiveOut = BBS.PhiOuts; for (BasicBlock *Succ : successors(BB)) { NewLiveOut |= S.BBStates[Succ].LiveIn; } if (NewLiveOut != BBS.LiveOut) { AnyChanged = true; BBS.LiveOut = NewLiveOut; MaybeResize(BBS, BBS.LiveOut.size() - 1); } BitVector NewLiveIn = BBS.LiveOut; BitVector FlippedDefs = BBS.Defs; FlippedDefs.flip(); NewLiveIn &= FlippedDefs; NewLiveIn |= BBS.UpExposedUses; if (NewLiveIn != BBS.LiveIn) { AnyChanged = true; BBS.LiveIn = NewLiveIn; } } Converged = !AnyChanged; } ComputeLiveSets(S); } // For debugging JL_USED_FUNC static void dumpSafepointsForBBName(Function &F, State &S, const char *BBName) { for (auto it : S.SafepointNumbering) { if (it.first->getParent()->getName() == BBName) { dbgs() << "Live at " << *it.first << "\n"; BitVector &LS = S.LiveSets[it.second]; for (int Idx = LS.find_first(); Idx >= 0; Idx = LS.find_next(Idx)) { dbgs() << "\t"; S.ReversePtrNumbering[Idx]->printAsOperand(dbgs()); dbgs() << "\n"; } } } } void LateLowerGCFrame::RefineLiveSet(BitVector &LS, State &S, const std::vector &CalleeRoots) { BitVector FullLS(S.MaxPtrNumber + 1, false); FullLS |= LS; // First expand the live set according to the refinement map // so that we can see all the values that are effectively live. for (auto Num: CalleeRoots) { // For callee rooted values, they are all kept alive at the safepoint. // Make sure they are marked (even though they probably are already) // so that other values can be refined to them. FullLS[Num] = 1; } bool changed; do { changed = false; for (auto &kv: S.Refinements) { int Num = kv.first; if (Num < 0 || HasBitSet(FullLS, Num) || kv.second.empty()) continue; bool live = true; for (auto &refine: kv.second) { if (refine < 0 || HasBitSet(FullLS, refine)) continue; live = false; break; } if (live) { changed = true; FullLS[Num] = 1; } } } while (changed); // Now remove all values from the LiveSet that's kept alive by other objects // This loop only mutate `LS` which isn't read from in the loop body so // a single pass is enough. for (int Idx = LS.find_first(); Idx >= 0; Idx = LS.find_next(Idx)) { if (!S.Refinements.count(Idx)) continue; const auto &RefinedPtr = S.Refinements[Idx]; if (RefinedPtr.empty()) continue; bool rooted = true; for (auto RefPtr: RefinedPtr) { if (RefPtr < 0 || HasBitSet(FullLS, RefPtr)) continue; rooted = false; break; } if (rooted) { LS[Idx] = 0; } } for (auto Num: CalleeRoots) { // Now unmark all values that are rooted by the callee after // refining other values to them. LS[Num] = 0; } } void LateLowerGCFrame::ComputeLiveSets(State &S) { // Iterate over all safe points. Add to live sets all those variables that // are now live across their parent block. for (auto it : S.SafepointNumbering) { int idx = it.second; Instruction *Safepoint = it.first; BasicBlock *BB = Safepoint->getParent(); BBState &BBS = S.BBStates[BB]; BitVector LiveAcross = BBS.LiveIn; LiveAcross &= BBS.LiveOut; BitVector &LS = S.LiveSets[idx]; LS |= LiveAcross; for (int Live : S.LiveIfLiveOut[idx]) { if (HasBitSet(BBS.LiveOut, Live)) LS[Live] = 1; } RefineLiveSet(LS, S, S.CalleeRoots[idx]); // If the function has GC preserves, figure out whether we need to // add in any extra live values. if (!S.GCPreserves.empty()) { if (!S.DT) { S.DT = &getAnalysis().getDomTree(); } for (auto it2 : S.GCPreserves) { if (!S.DT->dominates(it2.first, Safepoint)) continue; bool OutsideRange = false; for (const User *U : it2.first->users()) { // If this is dominated by an end, we don't need to add // the values to our live set. if (S.DT->dominates(cast(U), Safepoint)) { OutsideRange = true; break; } } if (OutsideRange) continue; for (unsigned Num : it2.second) { if (Num >= LS.size()) LS.resize(Num + 1); LS[Num] = 1; } } } } // Compute the interference graph for (int i = 0; i <= S.MaxPtrNumber; ++i) { SetVector Neighbors; BitVector NeighborBits(S.MaxPtrNumber); for (auto it : S.SafepointNumbering) { const BitVector &LS = S.LiveSets[it.second]; if ((unsigned)i >= LS.size() || !LS[i]) continue; NeighborBits |= LS; } for (int Idx = NeighborBits.find_first(); Idx >= 0; Idx = NeighborBits.find_next(Idx)) { // We explicitly let i be a neighbor of itself, to distinguish // between being the only value live at a safepoint, vs not // being live at any safepoint. Neighbors.insert(Idx); } S.Neighbors.push_back(Neighbors); } } /* For chordal interference graphs, this class gives the vertices in a (reverse * - depending on definition) perfect elimination ordering, in such a way that * greedy coloring gives an optimal coloring. Since our roots are in SSA form, * the interference should be chordal. */ struct PEOIterator { struct Element { unsigned weight; unsigned pos; }; std::vector Elements; std::vector> Levels; const std::vector> &Neighbors; PEOIterator(const std::vector> &Neighbors) : Neighbors(Neighbors) { // Initialize State std::vector FirstLevel; for (unsigned i = 0; i < Neighbors.size(); ++i) { FirstLevel.push_back(i); Element E{0, i}; Elements.push_back(E); } Levels.push_back(FirstLevel); } int next() { // Find the element in the highest bucket int NextElement = -1; while (NextElement == -1 && !Levels.empty()) { std::vector &LastLevel = Levels.back(); while (NextElement == -1 && !LastLevel.empty()) { NextElement = LastLevel.back(); LastLevel.pop_back(); } if (LastLevel.empty()) Levels.pop_back(); } if (NextElement == -1) return NextElement; // Make sure not to try to re-use this later. Elements[NextElement].weight = (unsigned)-1; // Raise neighbors for (int Neighbor : Neighbors[NextElement]) { if (Neighbor == NextElement) continue; Element &NElement = Elements[Neighbor]; // Already processed. Don't re-enqueue if (NElement.weight == (unsigned)-1) continue; // Kill old queue position Levels[NElement.weight][NElement.pos] = -1; // Raise the neighbor to the next level. NElement.weight += 1; if (NElement.weight >= Levels.size()) Levels.push_back(std::vector{}); Levels[NElement.weight].push_back(Neighbor); NElement.pos = Levels[NElement.weight].size()-1; } // As an enhancement, we might want to periodically compactify the whole // data structure. This could be done here. return NextElement; } }; JL_USED_FUNC static void dumpColorAssignments(const State &S, std::vector &Colors) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < Colors.size(); ++i) { if (Colors[i] == -1) continue; dbgs() << "\tValue "; S.ReversePtrNumbering.at(i)->printAsOperand(dbgs()); dbgs() << " assigned color " << Colors[i] << "\n"; } } std::vector LateLowerGCFrame::ColorRoots(const State &S) { std::vector Colors; Colors.resize(S.MaxPtrNumber + 1, -1); PEOIterator Ordering(S.Neighbors); int PreAssignedColors = 0; /* First assign permanent slots to things that need them due to returns_twice */ for (auto it : S.ReturnsTwice) { int Num = S.SafepointNumbering.at(it); const BitVector &LS = S.LiveSets[Num]; for (int Idx = LS.find_first(); Idx >= 0; Idx = LS.find_next(Idx)) { if (Colors[Idx] == -1) Colors[Idx] = PreAssignedColors++; } } /* Greedy coloring */ int MaxAssignedColor = -1; int ActiveElement = 1; BitVector UsedColors; while ((ActiveElement = Ordering.next()) != -1) { if (Colors[ActiveElement] != -1) continue; UsedColors.resize(MaxAssignedColor + 2, false); UsedColors.reset(); if (S.Neighbors[ActiveElement].empty()) { // No need to color a value not live at any safe point continue; } for (int Neighbor : S.Neighbors[ActiveElement]) { int NeighborColor = Colors[Neighbor]; if (NeighborColor == -1) continue; if (NeighborColor < PreAssignedColors) continue; UsedColors[NeighborColor - PreAssignedColors] = 1; } int NewColor = UsedColors.flip().find_first(); if (NewColor > MaxAssignedColor) MaxAssignedColor = NewColor; NewColor += PreAssignedColors; Colors[ActiveElement] = NewColor; } return Colors; } // Size of T is assumed to be `sizeof(void*)` Value *LateLowerGCFrame::EmitTagPtr(IRBuilder<> &builder, Type *T, Value *V) { assert(T == T_size || isa(T)); auto TV = cast(V->getType()); auto cast = builder.CreateBitCast(V, T->getPointerTo(TV->getAddressSpace())); return builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(T, cast, ConstantInt::get(T_size, -1)); } Value *LateLowerGCFrame::EmitLoadTag(IRBuilder<> &builder, Value *V) { auto addr = EmitTagPtr(builder, T_size, V); LoadInst *load = builder.CreateAlignedLoad(T_size, addr, Align(sizeof(size_t))); load->setOrdering(AtomicOrdering::Unordered); load->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa, tbaa_tag); MDBuilder MDB(load->getContext()); auto *NullInt = ConstantInt::get(T_size, 0); // We can be sure that the tag is larger than page size. // Hopefully this is enough to convince LLVM that the value is still not NULL // after masking off the tag bits auto *NonNullInt = ConstantExpr::getAdd(NullInt, ConstantInt::get(T_size, 4096)); load->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_range, MDB.createRange(NonNullInt, NullInt)); return load; } // Enable this optimization only on LLVM 4.0+ since this cause LLVM to optimize // constant store loop to produce a `memset_pattern16` with a global variable // that's initialized by `addrspacecast`. Such a global variable is not supported by the backend. // This is not a problem on 4.0+ since that transformation (in loop-idiom) is disabled // for NI pointers. static SmallVector *FindRefinements(Value *V, State *S) { if (!S) return nullptr; auto it = S->AllPtrNumbering.find(V); if (it == S->AllPtrNumbering.end()) return nullptr; auto rit = S->Refinements.find(it->second); return rit != S->Refinements.end() && !rit->second.empty() ? &rit->second : nullptr; } static bool IsPermRooted(Value *V, State *S) { if (isa(V)) return true; if (auto *RefinePtr = FindRefinements(V, S)) return RefinePtr->size() == 1 && (*RefinePtr)[0] == -2; return false; } static inline void UpdatePtrNumbering(Value *From, Value *To, State *S) { if (!S) return; auto it = S->AllPtrNumbering.find(From); if (it == S->AllPtrNumbering.end()) return; auto Num = it->second; S->AllPtrNumbering.erase(it); if (To) { S->AllPtrNumbering[To] = Num; } } MDNode *createMutableTBAAAccessTag(MDNode *Tag) { return MDBuilder(Tag->getContext()).createMutableTBAAAccessTag(Tag); } bool LateLowerGCFrame::CleanupIR(Function &F, State *S) { bool ChangesMade = false; // We create one alloca for all the jlcall frames that haven't been processed // yet. LLVM would merge them anyway later, so might as well save it a bit // of work size_t maxframeargs = 0; Instruction *StartOff = &*(F.getEntryBlock().begin()); PointerType *T_pprjlvalue = nullptr; AllocaInst *Frame = nullptr; if (T_prjlvalue) { T_pprjlvalue = T_prjlvalue->getPointerTo(); Frame = new AllocaInst(T_prjlvalue, 0, ConstantInt::get(T_int32, maxframeargs), "", StartOff); } std::vector write_barriers; for (BasicBlock &BB : F) { for (auto it = BB.begin(); it != BB.end();) { Instruction *I = &*it; // strip all constant alias information, as it might depend on the gc having // preserved a gc root, which stops being true after this pass (#32215) // similar to RewriteStatepointsForGC::stripNonValidData, but less aggressive if (I->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_invariant_load)) I->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_invariant_load, NULL); if (MDNode *TBAA = I->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa)) { if (TBAA->getNumOperands() == 4 && isTBAA(TBAA, {"jtbaa_const"})) { MDNode *MutableTBAA = createMutableTBAAAccessTag(TBAA); if (MutableTBAA != TBAA) I->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa, MutableTBAA); } } auto *CI = dyn_cast(&*it); if (!CI) { ++it; continue; } CallingConv::ID CC = CI->getCallingConv(); Value *callee = CI->getCalledOperand(); if (callee && (callee == gc_flush_func || callee == gc_preserve_begin_func || callee == gc_preserve_end_func)) { /* No replacement */ } else if (pointer_from_objref_func != nullptr && callee == pointer_from_objref_func) { auto *obj = CI->getOperand(0); auto *ASCI = new AddrSpaceCastInst(obj, T_pjlvalue, "", CI); ASCI->takeName(CI); CI->replaceAllUsesWith(ASCI); UpdatePtrNumbering(CI, ASCI, S); } else if (alloc_obj_func && callee == alloc_obj_func) { assert(CI->getNumArgOperands() == 3); // Initialize an IR builder. IRBuilder<> builder(CI); builder.SetCurrentDebugLocation(CI->getDebugLoc()); // Create a call to the `julia.gc_alloc_bytes` intrinsic, which is like // `julia.gc_alloc_obj` except it doesn't set the tag. auto allocBytesIntrinsic = getOrDeclare(jl_intrinsics::GCAllocBytes); auto newI = builder.CreateCall( allocBytesIntrinsic, { CI->getArgOperand(0), builder.CreateIntCast( CI->getArgOperand(1), allocBytesIntrinsic->getFunctionType()->getParamType(1), false) }); newI->takeName(CI); // LLVM alignment/bit check is not happy about addrspacecast and refuse // to remove write barrier because of it. // We pretty much only load using `T_size` so try our best to strip // as many cast as possible. #if JL_LLVM_VERSION >= 100000 auto tag = CI->getArgOperand(2)->stripPointerCastsAndAliases(); #else auto tag = CI->getArgOperand(2)->stripPointerCasts(); #endif if (auto C = dyn_cast(tag)) { if (C->getOpcode() == Instruction::IntToPtr) { tag = C->getOperand(0); } } else if (auto LI = dyn_cast(tag)) { // Make sure the load is correctly marked as aligned // since LLVM might have removed them. // We can't do this in general since the load might not be // a type in other branches. // However, it should be safe for us to do this on const globals // which should be the important cases as well. bool task_local = false; if (isLoadFromConstGV(LI, task_local) && getLoadValueAlign(LI) < 16) { Type *T_int64 = Type::getInt64Ty(LI->getContext()); auto op = ConstantAsMetadata::get(ConstantInt::get(T_int64, 16)); LI->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_align, MDNode::get(LI->getContext(), { op })); } } // As a last resort, if we didn't manage to strip down the tag // for LLVM, emit an alignment assumption. auto tag_type = tag->getType(); if (tag_type->isPointerTy()) { auto &DL = CI->getModule()->getDataLayout(); #if JL_LLVM_VERSION >= 110000 auto align = tag->getPointerAlignment(DL).value(); #elif JL_LLVM_VERSION >= 100000 auto align = tag->getPointerAlignment(DL).valueOrOne().value(); #else auto align = tag->getPointerAlignment(DL); #endif if (align < 16) { // On 5 <= LLVM < 12, it is illegal to call this on // non-integral pointer. This relies on stripping the // non-integralness from datalayout before this pass builder.CreateAlignmentAssumption(DL, tag, 16); } } // Set the tag. StoreInst *store = builder.CreateAlignedStore( tag, EmitTagPtr(builder, tag_type, newI), Align(sizeof(size_t))); store->setOrdering(AtomicOrdering::Unordered); store->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa, tbaa_tag); // Replace uses of the call to `julia.gc_alloc_obj` with the call to // `julia.gc_alloc_bytes`. CI->replaceAllUsesWith(newI); // Update the pointer numbering. UpdatePtrNumbering(CI, newI, S); } else if (typeof_func && callee == typeof_func) { assert(CI->getNumArgOperands() == 1); IRBuilder<> builder(CI); builder.SetCurrentDebugLocation(CI->getDebugLoc()); auto tag = EmitLoadTag(builder, CI->getArgOperand(0)); auto masked = builder.CreateAnd(tag, ConstantInt::get(T_size, ~(uintptr_t)15)); auto typ = builder.CreateAddrSpaceCast(builder.CreateIntToPtr(masked, T_pjlvalue), T_prjlvalue); typ->takeName(CI); CI->replaceAllUsesWith(typ); UpdatePtrNumbering(CI, typ, S); } else if (write_barrier_func && callee == write_barrier_func) { // The replacement for this requires creating new BasicBlocks // which messes up the loop. Queue all of them to be replaced later. assert(CI->getNumArgOperands() >= 1); write_barriers.push_back(CI); ChangesMade = true; ++it; continue; } else if (CC == JLCALL_F_CC || CC == JLCALL_F2_CC) { assert(T_prjlvalue); size_t nargs = CI->getNumArgOperands(); size_t nframeargs = nargs; if (CC == JLCALL_F_CC) nframeargs -= 1; else if (CC == JLCALL_F2_CC) nframeargs -= 2; SmallVector ReplacementArgs; auto arg_it = CI->arg_begin(); assert(arg_it != CI->arg_end()); ReplacementArgs.push_back(*(arg_it++)); if (CC != JLCALL_F_CC) { assert(arg_it != CI->arg_end()); ReplacementArgs.push_back(*(arg_it++)); } maxframeargs = std::max(maxframeargs, nframeargs); int slot = 0; IRBuilder<> Builder (CI); for (; arg_it != CI->arg_end(); ++arg_it) { Builder.CreateAlignedStore(*arg_it, Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(T_prjlvalue, Frame, ConstantInt::get(T_int32, slot++)), Align(sizeof(void*))); } ReplacementArgs.push_back(nframeargs == 0 ? (llvm::Value*)ConstantPointerNull::get(T_pprjlvalue) : (llvm::Value*)Frame); ReplacementArgs.push_back(ConstantInt::get(T_int32, nframeargs)); if (CC == JLCALL_F2_CC) { // move trailing arg to the end now Value *front = ReplacementArgs.front(); ReplacementArgs.erase(ReplacementArgs.begin()); ReplacementArgs.push_back(front); } FunctionType *FTy; if (CC == JLCALL_F_CC) // jl_fptr_args FTy = FunctionType::get(T_prjlvalue, {T_prjlvalue, T_pprjlvalue, T_int32}, false); else // CC == JLCALL_F2_CC // jl_invoke FTy = FunctionType::get(T_prjlvalue, {T_prjlvalue, T_pprjlvalue, T_int32, T_prjlvalue}, false); Value *newFptr = Builder.CreateBitCast(callee, FTy->getPointerTo()); CallInst *NewCall = CallInst::Create(FTy, newFptr, ReplacementArgs, "", CI); NewCall->setTailCallKind(CI->getTailCallKind()); auto old_attrs = CI->getAttributes(); NewCall->setAttributes(AttributeList::get(CI->getContext(), old_attrs.getFnAttributes(), old_attrs.getRetAttributes(), {})); NewCall->copyMetadata(*CI); CI->replaceAllUsesWith(NewCall); UpdatePtrNumbering(CI, NewCall, S); } else if (CI->getNumArgOperands() == CI->getNumOperands()) { /* No operand bundle to lower */ ++it; continue; } else { CallInst *NewCall = CallInst::Create(CI, None, CI); NewCall->takeName(CI); NewCall->copyMetadata(*CI); CI->replaceAllUsesWith(NewCall); UpdatePtrNumbering(CI, NewCall, S); } if (!CI->use_empty()) { CI->replaceAllUsesWith(UndefValue::get(CI->getType())); UpdatePtrNumbering(CI, nullptr, S); } it = CI->eraseFromParent(); ChangesMade = true; } } for (auto CI : write_barriers) { auto parent = CI->getArgOperand(0); if (std::all_of(CI->op_begin() + 1, CI->op_end(), [parent, &S](Value *child) { return parent == child || IsPermRooted(child, S); })) { CI->eraseFromParent(); continue; } IRBuilder<> builder(CI); builder.SetCurrentDebugLocation(CI->getDebugLoc()); auto parBits = builder.CreateAnd(EmitLoadTag(builder, parent), 3); auto parOldMarked = builder.CreateICmpEQ(parBits, ConstantInt::get(T_size, 3)); auto mayTrigTerm = SplitBlockAndInsertIfThen(parOldMarked, CI, false); builder.SetInsertPoint(mayTrigTerm); Value *anyChldNotMarked = NULL; for (unsigned i = 1; i < CI->getNumArgOperands(); i++) { Value *child = CI->getArgOperand(i); Value *chldBit = builder.CreateAnd(EmitLoadTag(builder, child), 1); Value *chldNotMarked = builder.CreateICmpEQ(chldBit, ConstantInt::get(T_size, 0)); anyChldNotMarked = anyChldNotMarked ? builder.CreateOr(anyChldNotMarked, chldNotMarked) : chldNotMarked; } assert(anyChldNotMarked); // handled by all_of test above MDBuilder MDB(parent->getContext()); SmallVector Weights{1, 9}; auto trigTerm = SplitBlockAndInsertIfThen(anyChldNotMarked, mayTrigTerm, false, MDB.createBranchWeights(Weights)); builder.SetInsertPoint(trigTerm); builder.CreateCall(getOrDeclare(jl_intrinsics::queueGCRoot), parent); CI->eraseFromParent(); } if (maxframeargs == 0 && Frame) { Frame->eraseFromParent(); } else if (Frame) { Frame->setOperand(0, ConstantInt::get(T_int32, maxframeargs)); } return ChangesMade; } static void AddInPredLiveOuts(BasicBlock *BB, BitVector &LiveIn, State &S) { bool First = true; std::set Visited; std::vector WorkList; WorkList.push_back(BB); while (!WorkList.empty()) { BB = &*WorkList.back(); WorkList.pop_back(); // Nothing is live at function entry if (BB == &S.F->getEntryBlock()) { LiveIn.reset(); return; } for (BasicBlock *Pred : predecessors(BB)) { if (!Visited.insert(Pred).second) continue; if (!S.BBStates[Pred].HasSafepoint) { WorkList.push_back(Pred); continue; } else { int LastSP = S.BBStates[Pred].Safepoints.front(); if (First) { LiveIn |= S.LiveSets[LastSP]; First = false; } else { LiveIn &= S.LiveSets[LastSP]; } if (LiveIn.empty()) // Just a compiler performance optimization return; } } } } void LateLowerGCFrame::PlaceGCFrameStore(State &S, unsigned R, unsigned MinColorRoot, const std::vector &Colors, Value *GCFrame, Instruction *InsertBefore) { // Get the slot address. auto slotAddress = CallInst::Create( getOrDeclare(jl_intrinsics::getGCFrameSlot), {GCFrame, ConstantInt::get(T_int32, Colors[R] + MinColorRoot)}, "", InsertBefore); Value *Val = GetPtrForNumber(S, R, InsertBefore); // Pointee types don't have semantics, so the optimizer is // free to rewrite them if convenient. We need to change // it back here for the store. if (Val->getType() != T_prjlvalue) Val = new BitCastInst(Val, T_prjlvalue, "", InsertBefore); new StoreInst(Val, slotAddress, InsertBefore); } void LateLowerGCFrame::PlaceGCFrameStores(State &S, unsigned MinColorRoot, const std::vector &Colors, Value *GCFrame) { for (auto &BB : *S.F) { const BBState &BBS = S.BBStates[&BB]; if (!BBS.HasSafepoint) { continue; } BitVector LiveIn; AddInPredLiveOuts(&BB, LiveIn, S); const BitVector *LastLive = &LiveIn; for(auto rit = BBS.Safepoints.rbegin(); rit != BBS.Safepoints.rend(); ++rit ) { const BitVector &NowLive = S.LiveSets[*rit]; for (int Idx = NowLive.find_first(); Idx >= 0; Idx = NowLive.find_next(Idx)) { if (!HasBitSet(*LastLive, Idx)) { PlaceGCFrameStore(S, Idx, MinColorRoot, Colors, GCFrame, S.ReverseSafepointNumbering[*rit]); } } LastLive = &NowLive; } } } void LateLowerGCFrame::PlaceRootsAndUpdateCalls(std::vector &Colors, State &S, std::map>) { auto F = S.F; int MaxColor = -1; for (auto C : Colors) if (C > MaxColor) MaxColor = C; // Insert instructions for the actual gc frame if (MaxColor != -1 || !S.Allocas.empty() || !S.ArrayAllocas.empty() || !S.TrackedStores.empty()) { // Create and push a GC frame. auto gcframe = CallInst::Create( getOrDeclare(jl_intrinsics::newGCFrame), {ConstantInt::get(T_int32, 0)}, "gcframe"); gcframe->insertBefore(&*F->getEntryBlock().begin()); auto pushGcframe = CallInst::Create( getOrDeclare(jl_intrinsics::pushGCFrame), {gcframe, ConstantInt::get(T_int32, 0)}); pushGcframe->insertAfter(ptlsStates); // Replace Allocas unsigned AllocaSlot = 2; // first two words are metadata auto replace_alloca = [this, gcframe, &AllocaSlot](AllocaInst *&AI) { // Pick a slot for the alloca. unsigned align = AI->getAlignment() / sizeof(void*); // TODO: use DataLayout pointer size assert(align <= 16 / sizeof(void*) && "Alignment exceeds llvm-final-gc-lowering abilities"); if (align > 1) AllocaSlot = LLT_ALIGN(AllocaSlot, align); Instruction *slotAddress = CallInst::Create( getOrDeclare(jl_intrinsics::getGCFrameSlot), {gcframe, ConstantInt::get(T_int32, AllocaSlot - 2)}); slotAddress->insertAfter(gcframe); slotAddress->takeName(AI); // Check for lifetime intrinsics on this alloca, we can't keep them // because we're changing the semantics std::vector ToDelete; RecursivelyVisit([&](Use &VU) { IntrinsicInst *II = cast(VU.getUser()); if ((II->getIntrinsicID() != Intrinsic::lifetime_start && II->getIntrinsicID() != Intrinsic::lifetime_end)) return; ToDelete.push_back(II); }, AI); for (CallInst *II : ToDelete) { II->eraseFromParent(); } if (slotAddress->getType() != AI->getType()) { // If we're replacing an ArrayAlloca, the pointer element type may need to be fixed up auto BCI = new BitCastInst(slotAddress, AI->getType()); BCI->insertAfter(slotAddress); slotAddress = BCI; } AI->replaceAllUsesWith(slotAddress); AI->eraseFromParent(); AI = NULL; }; for (AllocaInst *AI : S.Allocas) { auto ns = cast(AI->getArraySize())->getZExtValue(); replace_alloca(AI); AllocaSlot += ns; } for (auto AI : S.ArrayAllocas) { replace_alloca(AI.first); AllocaSlot += AI.second; } for (auto Store : S.TrackedStores) { auto SI = Store.first; auto Base = SI->getValueOperand(); //auto Tracked = TrackCompositeType(Base->getType()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < Store.second; ++i) { auto slotAddress = CallInst::Create( getOrDeclare(jl_intrinsics::getGCFrameSlot), {gcframe, ConstantInt::get(T_int32, AllocaSlot - 2)}); slotAddress->insertAfter(gcframe); auto ValExpr = std::make_pair(Base, isa(Base->getType()) ? -1 : i); auto Elem = MaybeExtractScalar(S, ValExpr, SI); if (Elem->getType() != T_prjlvalue) Elem = new BitCastInst(Elem, T_prjlvalue, "", SI); //auto Idxs = makeArrayRef(Tracked[i]); //Value *Elem = ExtractScalar(Base, true, Idxs, SI); Value *shadowStore = new StoreInst(Elem, slotAddress, SI); (void)shadowStore; // TODO: shadowStore->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa, tbaa_gcframe); AllocaSlot++; } } auto NRoots = ConstantInt::get(T_int32, MaxColor + 1 + AllocaSlot - 2); gcframe->setArgOperand(0, NRoots); pushGcframe->setArgOperand(1, NRoots); // Insert GC frame stores PlaceGCFrameStores(S, AllocaSlot - 2, Colors, gcframe); // Insert GCFrame pops for(Function::iterator I = F->begin(), E = F->end(); I != E; ++I) { if (isa(I->getTerminator())) { auto popGcframe = CallInst::Create( getOrDeclare(jl_intrinsics::popGCFrame), {gcframe}); popGcframe->insertBefore(I->getTerminator()); } } } } bool LateLowerGCFrame::doInitialization(Module &M) { // Initialize platform-agnostic references. initAll(M); return true; } bool LateLowerGCFrame::runOnFunction(Function &F) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "GC ROOT PLACEMENT: Processing function " << F.getName() << "\n"); // Check availability of functions again since they might have been deleted. initFunctions(*F.getParent()); if (!ptls_getter) return CleanupIR(F); ptlsStates = getPtls(F); if (!ptlsStates) return CleanupIR(F); State S = LocalScan(F); ComputeLiveness(S); std::vector Colors = ColorRoots(S); std::map> CallFrames; // = OptimizeCallFrames(S, Ordering); PlaceRootsAndUpdateCalls(Colors, S, CallFrames); CleanupIR(F, &S); return true; } char LateLowerGCFrame::ID = 0; static RegisterPass X("LateLowerGCFrame", "Late Lower GCFrame Pass", false, false); Pass *createLateLowerGCFramePass() { return new LateLowerGCFrame(); } extern "C" JL_DLLEXPORT void LLVMExtraAddLateLowerGCFramePass(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) { unwrap(PM)->add(createLateLowerGCFramePass()); }