\name{HLSMrandomEF} \alias{HLSMrandomEF} \alias{HLSMfixedEF} \alias{LSM} \alias{print.HLSM} \alias{print.summary.HLSM} \alias{summary.HLSM} \alias{getIntercept} \alias{getLS} \alias{getLikelihood} \alias{getBeta} \title{Function to run the MCMC sampler in random effects latent space model, HLSMfixedEF for fixed effects model, or LSM for single network latent space model) } \description{ Function to run the MCMC sampler to draw from the posterior distribution of intercept, slopes, and latent positions. HLSMrandomEF( ) fits random effects model; HLSMfixedEF( ) fits fixed effects model; LSM( ) fits single network model. } \usage{ HLSMrandomEF(Y,edgeCov=NULL, receiverCov = NULL, senderCov = NULL, FullX = NULL,initialVals = NULL, priors = NULL, tune = NULL, tuneIn = TRUE,dd=2, niter) HLSMfixedEF(Y,edgeCov=NULL, receiverCov = NULL, senderCov = NULL, FullX = NULL, initialVals = NULL, priors = NULL, tune = NULL, tuneIn = TRUE,dd=2, niter) LSM(Y,edgeCov=NULL, receiverCov = NULL, senderCov = NULL, FullX = NULL,initialVals = NULL, priors = NULL, tune = NULL, tuneIn = TRUE,dd=2, estimate.intercept=FALSE, niter) getBeta(object, burnin = 0, thin = 1) getIntercept(object, burnin = 0, thin = 1) getLS(object, burnin = 0, thin = 1) getLikelihood(object, burnin = 0, thin = 1) } \arguments{ \item{Y}{ input outcome for different networks. Y can either be (i). list of sociomatrices for \code{K} different networks (Y[[i]] must be a matrix with named rows and columns) (ii). list of data frame with columns \code{Sender}, \code{Receiver} and \code{Outcome} for \code{K} different networks (iii). a dataframe with columns named as follows: \code{id} to identify network, \code{Receiver} for receiver nodes, \code{Sender} for sender nodes and finally, \code{Outcome} for the edge outcome. } \item{edgeCov}{ data frame to specify edge level covariates with (i). a column for network id named \code{id}, (ii). a column for sender node named \code{Sender}, (iii). a column for receiver nodes named \code{Receiver}, and (iv). columns for values of each edge level covariates. } \item{receiverCov}{ a data frame to specify nodal covariates as edge receivers with (i.) a column for network id named \code{id}, (ii.) a column \code{Node} for node names, and (iii). the rest for respective node level covariates. } \item{senderCov}{ a data frame to specify nodal covariates as edge senders with (i). a column for network id named \code{id}, (ii). a column \code{Node} for node names, and (iii). the rest for respective node level covariates. } \item{FullX}{ list of numeric arrays of dimension \code{n} by \code{n} by \code{p} of covariates for K different networks. When FullX is provided to the function, edgeCov, receiverCov and senderCov must be specified as NULL. } \item{initialVals}{ an optional list of values to initialize the chain. If \code{NULL} default initialization is used, else \code{initialVals = list(ZZ, beta, intercept, alpha)}. For fixed effect model \code{beta} is a vector of length \code{p} and \code{intercept} is a vector of length 1. For random effect model \code{beta} is an array of dimension \code{K} by \code{p}, and \code{intercept} is a vector of length \code{K}, where \code{p} is the number of covariates and \code{K} is the number of network. \code{ZZ} is an array of dimension \code{NN} by \code{dd}, where \code{NN} is the sum of nodes in all \code{K} networks. } \item{priors}{ an optional list to specify the hyper-parameters for the prior distribution of the paramters. If priors = \code{NULL}, default value is used. Else, \code{priors=} \code{list(MuBeta,VarBeta,MuZ,VarZ,PriorA,PriorB)} \code{MuBeta} is a numeric vector of length PP + 1 specifying the mean of prior distribution for coefficients and intercept \code{VarBeta} is a numeric vector for the variance of the prior distribution of coefficients and intercept. Its length is same as that of MuBeta. \code{MuZ} is a numeric vector of length same as the dimension of the latent space, specifying the prior mean of the latent positions. \code{VarZ} is a numeric vector of length same as the dimension of the latent space, specifying diagonal of the variance covariance matrix of the prior of latent positions. \code{PriorA, PriorB} is a numeric variable to indicate the rate and scale parameters for the inverse gamma prior distribution of the hyper parameter of variance of slope and intercept } \item{tune}{ an optional list of tuning parameters for tuning the chain. If tune = \code{NULL}, default tuning is done. Else, \code{tune = list(tuneBeta, tuneInt,tuneZ)}. \code{tuneBeta} and \code{tuneInt} have the same structure as \code{beta} and \code{intercept} in \code{initialVals}. \code{ZZ} is a vector of length \code{NN}. } \item{tuneIn}{ a logical to indicate whether tuning is needed in the MCMC sampling. Default is \code{FALSE}. } \item{dd}{ dimension of latent space. } \item{estimate.intercept}{ When TRUE, the intercept will be estimated. If the variance of the latent positions are of interest, intercept=FALSE will allow users to obtain a unique variance. The intercept can also be inputed by the user. } \item{niter}{ number of iterations for the MCMC chain. } \item{object}{ object of class 'HLSM' returned by \code{HLSM()} or \code{HLSMfixedEF()} } \item{burnin}{ numeric value to burn the chain while extracting results from the 'HLSM'object. Default is \code{burnin = 0}. } \item{thin}{ numeric value by which the chain is to be thinned while extracting results from the 'HLSM' object. Default is \code{thin = 1}. } } \value{ Returns an object of class "HLSM". It is a list with following components: \item{draws}{ list of posterior draws for each parameters. } \item{acc}{ list of acceptance rates of the parameters. } \item{call}{ the matched call. } \item{tune}{ final tuning values } } \details{ The \code{HLSMfixedEF} and \code{HLSMrandomEF} functions will not automatically assess thinning and burn-in. To ensure appropriate inference, see \code{HLSMdiag}. See also \code{LSM} for fitting network data from a single network. } \author{ Sam Adhikari & Tracy Sweet } \references{Tracy M. Sweet, Andrew C. Thomas and Brian W. Junker (2013), "Hierarchical Network Models for Education Research: Hierarchical Latent Space Models", Journal of Educational and Behavorial Statistics. } \examples{ library(HLSM) #Set values for the inputs of the function priors = NULL tune = NULL initialVals = NULL niter = 10 #Fixed effect HLSM on Pitt and Spillane data fixed.fit = HLSMfixedEF(Y = ps.advice.mat, senderCov=ps.node.df, initialVals = initialVals,priors = priors, tune = tune,tuneIn = FALSE,dd = 2,niter = niter) summary(fixed.fit) lsm.fit = LSM(Y=School9Network,edgeCov=School9EdgeCov, senderCov=School9NodeCov, receiverCov=School9NodeCov, niter = niter) names(lsm.fit) }