% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/multivariance-functions.R \docType{data} \name{dep_struct_ring_15_100} \alias{dep_struct_ring_15_100} \title{example dataset for \code{\link{dependence.structure}}} \format{\code{matrix} 15 variables (columns), 100 independent samples (rows)} \usage{ dep_struct_ring_15_100 } \description{ It was generated by \preformatted{ set.seed(436646700) N = 100 n= 15 x=matrix(sample.int(2,N*n,replace = TRUE)-1,nrow =N) x[,4] = rowSums(x[,1:3]) %% 2 x[,7] = rowSums(x[,4:6]) %% 2 x[,10] = rowSums(x[,7:9]) %% 2 x[,13] = rowSums(x[,10:12]) %% 2 x[,15] = rowSums(x[,c(13,14,1)]) %% 2 dep_struct_ring_15_100 = x save(dep_struct_ring_15_100,file ="dep_struct_ring_15_100.rda") } } \details{ To avoid irritation, note that the seed is just a simple integer hash value of the variable name. } \keyword{datasets}