Raw File
\title{Area of a Window}
  Computes the area of a window 
  \item{w}{A window, whose area will be computed.
    This should be an object of class \code{\link{owin}},
    or can be given in any format acceptable to \code{\link{as.owin}()}.
  \item{x}{Object of class \code{\link{owin}}}
  A numerical value giving the area of the window. 
  If the window \code{w} is of type \code{"rectangle"} or \code{"polygonal"},
  the area of this rectangular window is computed by analytic geometry.
  If \code{w} is of type \code{"mask"} 
  the area of the discrete raster approximation of the window is
  computed by summing the binary image values and adjusting for
  pixel size.

  The function \code{volume.owin} is identical to \code{area.owin}
  except for the argument name. It is a method for the generic function
  w <- unit.square()
       # returns 1.00000

  k <- 6
  theta <- 2 * pi * (0:(k-1))/k
  co <- cos(theta)
  si <- sin(theta)
  mas <- owin(c(-1,1), c(-1,1), poly=list(x=co, y=si))
      # returns approx area of k-gon
  mas <- as.mask(square(2), eps=0.01)
  X <- raster.x(mas)
  Y <- raster.y(mas)
  mas$m <- ((X - 1)^2 + (Y - 1)^2 <= 1)
       # returns 3.14 approx     

\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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