import torch import numpy as np from typing import List import time def gen_grid(n=10): index = torch.arange(0, n ** 3) z = index % n xy = index // n y = xy % n x = xy // n pts = torch.stack([x, y, z], dim=1).float() pts = pts / n pts -= 0.5 pts *= 2 return pts def orient_center(pred): cent = pred[:, :3].mean(dim=0) ref = pred[:, :3] - cent flip_mask = (ref * pred[:, 3:]).sum(dim=-1) < 0 pred[flip_mask, 3:] *= -1 return pred def export_pc(pc, dest): txt = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: ' '.join(map(lambda y: str(y.item()), x)), pc.transpose(0, 1))) txt.strip() with open(dest, 'w+') as file: file.write(txt) def xyz2tensor(txt, append_normals=True): pts = [] for line in txt.split('\n'): line = line.strip() spt = line.split(' ') if 'nan' in line: continue if len(spt) == 6: pts.append(torch.tensor([float(x) for x in spt])) if len(spt) == 3: t = [float(x) for x in spt] if append_normals: t += [0.0 for _ in range(3)] pts.append(torch.tensor(t)) rtn = torch.stack(pts, dim=0) return rtn def divide_pc(pc_in: torch.Tensor, n_part: int, ranges=(-1.5, 1.5), min_patch=0) -> (List[torch.Tensor], List[torch.Tensor]): ''' divide a pc into voxel parts Args: pc_in: input pc (N X (3/6)) n_part: number of parts in each axis i.e. total num_parts ** 3 parts ranges: range of the bounding box the pc is in min_patch: join patches with less than min_path points Returns: List[torch.Tensor] a list of indices corresponding to each part ''' def mask_to_index(mask, n): return torch.arange(n)[mask] def bounds(t): l = edge_len * t + ranges[0] return l, l + edge_len pc = pc_in[:, :3] num_points = pc.shape[0] indices = [] ijk = [] edge_len = (ranges[1] - ranges[0]) / (n_part) for i in range(n_part + 1): x1, x2 = bounds(i) x_mask = (x1 < pc[:, 0]) * (pc[:, 0] <= x2) for j in range(n_part + 1): y1, y2 = bounds(j) y_mask = (y1 < pc[:, 1]) * (pc[:, 1] <= y2) for k in range(n_part + 1): z1, z2 = bounds(k) z_mask = (z1 < pc[:, 2]) * (pc[:, 2] <= z2) total_mask = x_mask * y_mask * z_mask if total_mask.long().sum() > 0: indices.append([mask_to_index(total_mask, num_points)]) ijk.append([torch.tensor([i, j, k])]) indices, ijk = merge_nodes(pc_in[:, :3], indices, ijk, min_patch) return indices def merge_nodes(pts, indices, ijk, min_patch): def find_dij(i, ijk1, ijks): min_ijks = -1 for other_index, ijk2 in enumerate(ijks): if other_index != i: for i_sub in range(len(ijk1)): for j_sub in range(len(ijk2)): dij = (ijk1[i_sub] - ijk2[j_sub]) # look for neighbors if (dij.abs() <= 1).all(): min_ijks = other_index break return min_ijks remaining_small_patches = True count = 0 max_recursive_merges = 10 while remaining_small_patches and count < max_recursive_merges: remaining_small_patches = False count += 1 for i in range(len(ijk)): if len(indices[i]) > 0 and len(indices[i][0]) < min_patch: if len(ijk[i]) > 0: min_j = find_dij(i, ijk[i], ijk) if min_j != -1: indices[min_j][0] =[indices[min_j][0], indices[i][0]]) for t in range(len(ijk[i])): ijk[min_j].append(ijk[i][t]) indices[i] = [] ijk[i] = [] if len(indices[min_j][0]) < min_patch: remaining_small_patches = True if count == max_recursive_merges: print('recursive merge failed to merge some patches') new_indices = [] new_ijk = [] for i in range(len(ijk)): if len(ijk[i]) > 0 and len(indices[i][0]) >= min_patch: new_indices.append([i])) new_ijk.append(ijk[i]) return new_indices, new_ijk def pca_eigen_values(x: torch.Tensor): temp = x[:, :3] - x.mean(dim=0)[None, :3] cov = (temp.transpose(0, 1) @ temp) / x.shape[0] e, v = torch.symeig(cov, eigenvectors=True) n = v[:, 0] return e[0:1], n def rotate_to_principle_components(x: torch.Tensor, scale=True): temp = x[:, :3] - x.mean(dim=0)[None, :3] cov = temp.transpose(0, 1) @ temp / x.shape[0] e, v = torch.symeig(cov, eigenvectors=True) # rotate xyz rotated = x[:, :3]@v if scale: # scale to unit var on for the larger eigen value rotated = rotated / torch.sqrt(e[2]) # if x contains normals rotate the normals as well if x.shape[1] == 6: rotated =[rotated, x[:, 3:]@v], dim=-1) return rotated def estimate_normals_torch(inputpc, max_nn): from torch_cluster import knn_graph knn = knn_graph(inputpc[:, :3], max_nn, loop=False) knn = knn.view(2, inputpc.shape[0], max_nn)[0] x = inputpc[knn][:, :, :3] temp = x[:, :, :3] - x.mean(dim=1)[:, None, :3] cov = temp.transpose(1, 2) @ temp / x.shape[0] e, v = torch.symeig(cov, eigenvectors=True) n = v[:, :, 0] return[inputpc[:, :3], n], dim=-1) def estimate_normals(inputpc, max_nn=30, keep_orientation=False): try: import open3d as o3d pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() xyz = np.array(inputpc[:, :3].cpu()) pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(xyz) pcd.estimate_normals(search_param=o3d.geometry.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius=0.1, max_nn=max_nn)) normals = np.array(pcd.normals) inputpc_unoriented =[:, :3], torch.Tensor(normals).to(inputpc.device)), dim=1) if keep_orientation: flip = (inputpc[:, 3:] * inputpc_unoriented[:, 3:]).sum(dim=-1) < 0 inputpc_unoriented[flip, 3:] *= -1 except ModuleNotFoundError: inputpc_unoriented = estimate_normals_torch(inputpc, max_nn) return inputpc_unoriented class Transform: def __init__(self, pc: torch.Tensor, ttype='reg'): if ttype == 'reg': = pc[:, :3].mean(dim=0) self.scale = (pc[:, :3].max(dim=0)[0] - pc[:, :3].min(dim=0)[0]).max() elif ttype == 'bb': = pc[:, :3].mean(dim=0) pc_tag = pc[:, :3] - d = pc[:, :3].sum(dim=-1) a, b = d.argmin(), d.argmax() line = pc_tag[b] - pc_tag[a] self.scale = line.norm() mid_points = (pc_tag[a] + pc_tag[b]) / 2 += mid_points def apply(self, pc: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: pc = pc.clone() pc[:, :3] -=[None, :] pc[:, :3] = pc[:, :3] / self.scale return pc def inverse(self, pc: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: pc = pc.clone() pc[:, :3] = pc[:, :3] * self.scale pc[:, :3] +=[None, :] return pc @staticmethod def trans(pc: torch.Tensor, ttype='reg'): T = Transform(pc, ttype=ttype) return T.apply(pc), T def timer_factory(): class MyTimer(object): total_count = 0 def __init__(self, msg='', count=True): self.msg = msg self.count = count def __enter__(self): self.start = time.clock() if self.msg: print(f'started: {self.msg}') return self def __exit__(self, typ, value, traceback): self.duration = time.clock() - self.start if self.count: MyTimer.total_count += self.duration if self.msg: print(f'finished: {self.msg}. duration: {MyTimer.convert_to_time_format(self.duration)}') @staticmethod def print_total_time(): print('\n ----- \n') print(f'total time: {MyTimer.convert_to_time_format(MyTimer.total_count)}') @staticmethod def convert_to_time_format(sec): sec = round(sec, 2) if sec < 60: return f'{sec} [sec]' minutes = int(sec / 60) remaining_seconds = sec - (minutes * 60) remaining_seconds = round(remaining_seconds, 2) return f'{minutes}:{remaining_seconds} [min:sec]' return MyTimer