import sys import rpyc from rpyc.utils.server import ThreadedServer from .common import getConfig, runSearch, runSearchCondensed, compose TIMEOUT = 120 TF_DONE = 'TF setup done.' def batchAround(nResults, position, batch): halfBatch = int((batch + 1) / 2) left = min(max(position - halfBatch, 1), nResults) right = max(min(position + halfBatch, nResults), 1) discrepancy = batch - (right - left + 1) if discrepancy != 0: right += discrepancy if right > nResults: right = nResults return (left, right) def makeTfServer(dataSource, locations, modules, port): config = getConfig(dataSource) if config is None: return None print(f'Setting up Text-Fabric service for {locations} / {modules}') extraApi = config.extraApi(locations, modules) extraApi.api.reset() cache = {} print(f'{TF_DONE}\nListening at port {port}') sys.stdout.flush() class TfService(rpyc.Service): def on_connect(self, conn): self.extraApi = extraApi pass def on_disconnect(self, conn): self.extraApi = None pass def exposed_header(self): extraApi = self.extraApi return extraApi.header() def exposed_css(self, appDir=None): extraApi = self.extraApi return extraApi.loadCSS() def exposed_search( self, query, condensed, batch, position=1, opened=set(), withNodes=False, linked=1, **options, ): extraApi = self.extraApi api = extraApi.api search = (queryResults, messages) = ( runSearchCondensed(search, query, cache, extraApi.condense) if condensed else runSearch(search, query, cache) ) if messages: queryResults = () total = len(queryResults) (start, end) = batchAround(total, position, batch) selectedResults = queryResults[start - 1:end] before = {n for n in opened if n > 0 and n < start} after = {n for n in opened if n > end and n <= len(queryResults)} beforeResults = tuple((n, queryResults[n - 1]) for n in sorted(before)) afterResults = tuple((n, queryResults[n - 1]) for n in sorted(after)) allResults = ( beforeResults + tuple((i + start, r) for (i, r) in enumerate(selectedResults)) + afterResults ) table = compose( extraApi, allResults, start, position, opened, withNodes=withNodes, linked=linked, **options, ) return (table, messages, start, total) return ThreadedServer(TfService, port=port, protocol_config={ 'allow_public_attrs': True, 'sync_request_timeout': TIMEOUT, }) def makeTfConnection(host, port): class TfConnection(object): def connect(self): connection = rpyc.connect(host, port) self.connection = connection return connection.root return TfConnection()