Raw File
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information.

#pragma once

#include "Basics.h"
#include "NetworkDescriptionLanguage.h"
#include "ComputationNetwork.h"
#include "NDLNetworkBuilder.h"
#include <string>
#include "Config.h"
#include <stdexcept>

using namespace std;

namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {

template <typename ElemType>
class NDLNodeEvaluatorImpl;

template <class ElemType>
class NDLUtil
    typedef shared_ptr<ComputationNode<ElemType>> ComputationNodePtr;

    ComputationNetworkPtr m_net;

    NDLUtil(ComputationNetworkPtr net)
        : m_net(net)

    // ProcessNDLConfig - Process the NDL script from a configuration string value
    // config - configuration string containing script
    void ProcessNDLConfig(const ConfigValue& config, bool fullValidate = false)
        NDLScript<ElemType> script(config);
        ProcessNDLScript(&script, ndlPassAll, nullptr, fullValidate);

    // ProcessNDLScript - Process the NDL script
    // netNdl - netNDL structure
    // ndlPassUntil - complete processing through this pass, all passes if ndlPassAll
    // fullValidate - validate as a complete network? (false if this might be a snippet of a full network)
    void ProcessNDLScript(NetNdl<ElemType>* netNdl, NDLPass ndlPassUntil = ndlPassAll, bool fullValidate = false)
        ProcessNDLScript(netNdl->ndl, ndlPassUntil, netNdl->lastNode, fullValidate);

    // ProcessNDLScript - Process the NDL script
    // script - NDL Script to process
    // ndlPassUntil - complete processing through this pass, all passes if ndlPassAll
    // skipThrough - [in/out] for iterative processing, a pointer to an array of NDLNode*, one for each pass
    //               the pointer will be updated to last node processed for that pass, can be NULL if all node processing is desired
    // fullValidate - validate as a complete network? (false if this might be a snippet of a full network)
    void ProcessNDLScript(NDLScript<ElemType>* script, NDLPass ndlPassUntil = ndlPassAll, NDLNode<ElemType>** skipThrough = nullptr, bool fullValidate = false, const std::wstring& dumpFileName = L"")
        // if we don't have a script yet, don't bother
        if (script == nullptr)

        // set the Computational network in the script, so we can do name lookup in the model

        // loop through the different passes, processing as we go
        // skipThrough (when not null) is a pointer to the following structure in the NetNdl class:
        //     NDLNode<ElemType>* lastNode[ndlPassMax]; // last node we evaluated for each pass
        NDLNode<ElemType>* lastNode = nullptr;
        for (NDLPass ndlPass = ndlPassInitial; ndlPass <= ndlPassUntil; ++ndlPass)
            NDLNode<ElemType>* skipThroughNode = skipThrough ? *skipThrough : nullptr;
            lastNode = ProcessPassNDLScript(script, ndlPass, skipThroughNode, fullValidate, dumpFileName);
            if (skipThrough)
                *skipThrough = lastNode;

    // ProcessPassNDLScript - Process a pass of the NDL script
    // script - NDL Script to process
    // ndlPass - complete processing for this pass, all passes if ndlPassAll
    // skipThrough - for iterative processing, skip through this node in the script (used for in-line MEL processing)
    // fullValidate - validate as a complete network? (false if this might be a snippet of a full network)
    // returns: last NDL node processed
    NDLNode<ElemType>* ProcessPassNDLScript(NDLScript<ElemType>* script, NDLPass ndlPass, NDLNode<ElemType>* skipThrough = nullptr, bool fullValidate = false, const std::wstring& dumpFileName = L"")
        if (ndlPass == ndlPassFinal)
            // make sure to clear the caches so we pick up the new nodes
            // if requested then dump the nodes
            // Note: This happens on the invalidated network.
            if (dumpFileName != L"")
                m_net->DumpAllNodesToFile(false, true, dumpFileName);
        NDLNodeEvaluatorImpl<ElemType> ndlEvaluator(m_net);
        NDLNode<ElemType>* lastNode = script->Evaluate(ndlEvaluator, L"", ndlPass, skipThrough);
        if (ndlPass == ndlPassResolve)
        return lastNode;

    // CheckOutputNodes - check output nodes
    // symbolName - name of the computation nodes we are collecting
    // compNodes - array of computation nodes
    void CheckOutputNodes(NDLScript<ElemType>* script, std::string symbolName, std::wstring groupTag)
        NDLNode<ElemType>* nodeArray = script->FindSymbol(symbolName);
        bool valid = m_net->FeatureNodes().size() > 0; // see if it's already valid
        if (!valid && nodeArray)                       // otherwise, see if we found a symbol
            NDLType outputType = nodeArray->GetType();
            // accept either an array of nodes, or a single node
            valid = (outputType == ndlTypeArray || outputType == ndlTypeFunction || outputType == ndlTypeMacroCall);
        if (!valid)
            RuntimeError("Invalid network node definition for '%s', nonexistant or wrong type", symbolName.c_str());
        if (nodeArray)
            vector<NDLNode<ElemType>*> nodes;
            if (nodeArray->GetType() == ndlTypeArray)
                nodes = nodeArray->GetParameters();

            for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
                // get the computation node
                auto cnNode = ComputationNode<ElemType>::FromVoidPtr(nodes[i]->GetEvalValue());

                // if no evaluation value exists throw an error
                if (!cnNode)
                    RuntimeError("Invalid node '%s' as a(n) %s node, nonexistant or wrong type", nodes[i]->GetName().c_str(), msra::strfun::utf8(groupTag).c_str());

                // add to the desired node group
                m_net->AddToNodeGroup(groupTag, cnNode);

    // SetOutputNodes - Set the output nodes for the Computational Network
    // NOTE: seems to be specific to NDLBuilderImpl, should be in a derived class for that execution engine
    void SetOutputNodes(NDLScript<ElemType>* script)
        // NOTE: all optional parameter nodes (i.e. tag="feature") have already been processed in ProcessOptionalParameters()

        // handle the alternate way of specifying nodes, the array of nodes method
        //                       parameter name    node-group tag
        CheckOutputNodes(script, "featureNodes"  , L"feature"   );
        CheckOutputNodes(script, "labelNodes"    , L"label"     );
        CheckOutputNodes(script, "criterionNodes", L"criterion" );
        CheckOutputNodes(script, "evalNodes"     , L"evaluation");
        CheckOutputNodes(script, "outputNodes"   , L"output"    );
        // legacy name:
        CheckOutputNodes(script, "criteriaNodes" , L"criterion" );

template class NDLUtil<float>;
template class NDLUtil<double>;

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