Tip revision: 1c62832ad7d6eab5b337f386955868c3ce9a54ea authored by Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider on 11 September 2021, 12:56:53 UTC
README: paper link, bibtex
README: paper link, bibtex
Tip revision: 1c62832
// Copyright (c) Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider
// All Rights Reserved. This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0
// License (found in the LICENSE file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include "backsubst.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "construction.hpp"
#include "hasher.hpp"
#include "permute.hpp"
#include "query.hpp"
#include "rocksdb/stop_watch.h"
#include "storage.hpp"
#include "thresh_compress.hpp"
#include <tlx/logger.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
namespace ribbon {
namespace {
template <typename Config>
// Base level filter is always *at least* 64-bit
struct BaseConfig : Config {
using CoeffRow = std::conditional_t<sizeof(typename Config::CoeffRow) < 8,
uint64_t, typename Config::CoeffRow>;
static constexpr typename Config::Index kBucketSize =
recommended_bucket_size<8u * sizeof(CoeffRow), Config::kThreshMode>;
// Ribbon base class
template <typename Config>
class ribbon_base {
using Hasher = ChooseThreshold<Config>;
using mhc_or_key_t = typename HashTraits<Hasher>::mhc_or_key_t;
ribbon_base() {}
ribbon_base(size_t num_slots, double slots_per_item, uint64_t seed) {
if constexpr (!Config::kUseMHC)
Init(num_slots, slots_per_item, seed);
// TODO make this invalid if !kUseMHC
ribbon_base(size_t num_slots, double slots_per_item, uint64_t seed,
uint32_t idx) {
if constexpr (Config::kUseMHC)
Init(num_slots, slots_per_item, seed, idx);
// Specialisation for Master Hash Code Hasher
template <typename C = Config>
std::enable_if_t<C::kUseMHC, void>
Init(size_t num_slots, double slots_per_item, uint64_t seed, uint32_t idx) {
sLOGC(Config::log) << "ribbon_base (MHC) called with" << num_slots
<< "slots and" << slots_per_item << "slots per item";
slots_per_item_ = slots_per_item;
hasher_.Seed(seed, idx);
if (num_slots > 0)
template <typename C = Config>
std::enable_if_t<!C::kUseMHC, void>
Init(size_t num_slots, double slots_per_item, uint64_t seed) {
sLOGC(Config::log) << "ribbon_base called with" << num_slots
<< "slots and" << slots_per_item << "slots per item";
static_assert(!Config::kUseMHC, "wat");
slots_per_item_ = slots_per_item;
if (num_slots > 0)
void Realloc(size_t num_slots, double slots_per_item) {
sLOGC(Config::log) << "Reallocating ribbon with a bigger size:" << num_slots
<< "slots," << slots_per_item << "slots per item";
slots_per_item_ = slots_per_item;
inline std::pair<bool, bool> QueryFilter(const Key &key) const {
if constexpr (!kIsFilter) {
return std::pair(true, false);
if constexpr (kUseInterleavedSol) {
// it can happen that a filter is empty but still gets queries
// because the prior filter would have bumped that key if it had
// been inserted
if (TLX_UNLIKELY(sol_.GetNumSlots() == 0))
return std::make_pair(false, false);
return InterleavedFilterQuery(key, hasher_, sol_);
} else if constexpr (kUseCacheLineStorage) {
if (TLX_UNLIKELY(sol_.GetNumSlots() == 0))
return std::make_pair(false, false);
return SimpleFilterQuery(key, hasher_, sol_);
} else {
if (TLX_UNLIKELY(storage_.GetNumSlots() == 0))
return std::make_pair(false, false);
return SimpleFilterQuery(key, hasher_, storage_);
template <typename C = Config>
inline std::enable_if_t<C::kUseMHC, std::pair<bool, bool>>
QueryFilterMHC(const mhc_or_key_t mhc) const {
if constexpr (!kIsFilter) {
return std::pair(true, false);
if constexpr (kUseInterleavedSol) {
// it can happen that a filter is empty but still gets queries
// because the prior filter would have bumped that key if it had
// been inserted
if (TLX_UNLIKELY(sol_.GetNumSlots() == 0))
return std::make_pair(false, false);
return InterleavedFilterQuery(mhc, hasher_, sol_);
} else if constexpr (kUseCacheLineStorage) {
if (TLX_UNLIKELY(sol_.GetNumSlots() == 0))
return std::make_pair(false, false);
return SimpleFilterQuery(mhc, hasher_, sol_);
} else {
if (TLX_UNLIKELY(storage_.GetNumSlots() == 0))
return std::make_pair(false, false);
return SimpleFilterQuery(mhc, hasher_, storage_);
template <typename Iterator>
bool AddRange(
Iterator begin, Iterator end,
kUseMHC, std::conditional_t<kIsFilter, mhc_or_key_t, std::pair<mhc_or_key_t, ResultRow>>,
typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type>> *bump_vec) {
const auto input_size = end - begin;
LOGC(Config::log) << "Constructing for " << storage_.GetNumSlots()
<< " slots, " << storage_.GetNumStarts() << " starts, "
<< storage_.GetNumBuckets() << " buckets";
rocksdb::StopWatchNano timer(true);
bool success;
if constexpr (kUseMHC) {
success = BandingAddRangeMHC(&storage_, hasher_, begin, end, bump_vec);
} else {
success = BandingAddRange(&storage_, hasher_, begin, end, bump_vec);
LOGC(Config::log) << "Insertion of " << input_size << " items took "
<< timer.ElapsedNanos(true) / 1e6 << "ms";
if (bump_vec == nullptr)
num_bumped = success ? 0 : input_size;
num_bumped = bump_vec->size();
empty_slots = static_cast<ssize_t>(storage_.GetNumSlots()) -
input_size + num_bumped;
sLOGC(Config::log) << "Bumped" << num_bumped << "out of" << input_size
<< "=" << (num_bumped * 100.0 / input_size)
<< "% with" << slots_per_item_ << "slots per item =>"
<< empty_slots << "empty slots ="
<< empty_slots * 100.0 / storage_.GetNumSlots() << "%";
return success;
void BackSubst() {
if (storage_.GetNumSlots() == 0)
rocksdb::StopWatchNano timer(true);
if constexpr (kUseInterleavedSol) {
InterleavedBackSubst(storage_, &sol_);
// move metadata by swapping pointers
} else if constexpr (kUseCacheLineStorage) {
SimpleBackSubst(storage_, &sol_);
// copy metadata one-by-one
for (Index bucket = 0; bucket < storage_.GetNumBuckets(); ++bucket) {
sol_.SetMeta(bucket, storage_.GetMeta(bucket));
} else {
SimpleBackSubst(storage_, &storage_);
LOGC(Config::log) << "Backsubstitution for " << storage_.GetNumSlots()
<< " slots took " << timer.ElapsedNanos(true) / 1e6
<< "ms";
inline std::pair<bool, ResultRow> QueryRetrieval(const Key &key) const {
if constexpr (kIsFilter || kUseMHC) {
return std::make_pair(true, 0);
if constexpr (kUseInterleavedSol) {
return InterleavedRetrievalQuery(key, hasher_, sol_);
} else if constexpr (kUseCacheLineStorage) {
return SimpleRetrievalQuery(key, hasher_, sol_);
} else {
return SimpleRetrievalQuery(key, hasher_, storage_);
inline std::pair<bool, ResultRow> QueryRetrievalMHC(const mhc_or_key_t mhc) const {
if constexpr (kIsFilter || !kUseMHC) {
return std::make_pair(true, 0);
if constexpr (kUseInterleavedSol) {
return InterleavedRetrievalQuery(mhc, hasher_, sol_);
} else if constexpr (kUseCacheLineStorage) {
return SimpleRetrievalQuery(mhc, hasher_, sol_);
} else {
return SimpleRetrievalQuery(mhc, hasher_, storage_);
std::tuple<ssize_t, ssize_t, double, ssize_t> GetStats() const {
double frac_empty =
static_cast<double>(empty_slots) / storage_.GetNumSlots();
ssize_t thresh_bytes = 0;
if constexpr (kThreshMode == ThreshMode::onebit) {
thresh_bytes = hasher_.Size();
return std::make_tuple(num_bumped, empty_slots, frac_empty, thresh_bytes);
size_t Size() const {
size_t sol_size, num_slots;
if constexpr (kUseInterleavedSol || kUseCacheLineStorage) {
sol_size = sol_.Size();
num_slots = sol_.GetNumSlots();
} else {
sol_size = storage_.Size();
num_slots = storage_.GetNumSlots();
size_t extra_bytes = 0, extra_count = 0;
if constexpr (kThreshMode == ThreshMode::onebit) {
extra_bytes = hasher_.Size();
extra_count = hasher_.NumEntries();
sLOGC(Config::log) << "Size:" << sol_size << "Bytes for" << num_slots
<< "slots +" << extra_bytes << "Bytes for"
<< extra_count << "thresholds";
return sol_size + extra_bytes;
void PrintStats() const {
if constexpr (Config::kThreshMode == ThreshMode::onebit) {
sLOG1 << hasher_.hits << "of" << hasher_.count
<< "filter hits =" << hasher_.hits * 100.0 / hasher_.count
<< "%, size" << hasher_.filter_.size() << "with"
<< hasher_.buffer_.size() << "potential 1s ="
<< hasher_.buffer_.size() * 100.0 / hasher_.filter_.size()
<< "%";
hasher_.hits = 0;
hasher_.count = 0;
void Prepare(size_t num_slots) {
if (num_slots == 0)
// round up to next multiple of kCoeffBits for interleaved storage
if constexpr (kUseInterleavedSol)
num_slots = ((num_slots + kCoeffBits - 1) / kCoeffBits) * kCoeffBits;
num_slots = std::max(num_slots, static_cast<size_t>(kCoeffBits));
hasher_.Prepare(num_slots, slots_per_item_);
template <typename Iterator, typename C = Config>
kIsFilter, mhc_or_key_t, std::pair<mhc_or_key_t, ResultRow>>[]>>
PrepareAddRangeMHC(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
// this is the top-level filter, transform from vector<Key> to vector<mhc_t>
rocksdb::StopWatchNano timer(true);
const auto input_size = end - begin;
using value_type =
std::conditional_t<kIsFilter, mhc_or_key_t, std::pair<mhc_or_key_t, ResultRow>>;
auto input = std::make_unique<value_type[]>(input_size);
auto it = begin;
for (ssize_t i = 0; i < input_size; i++, ++it) {
if constexpr (kIsFilter)
input[i] = hasher_.GetMHC(*it);
input[i] = std::make_pair(hasher_.GetMHC(it->first), it->second);
LOGC(Config::log) << "MHC input transformation took "
<< timer.ElapsedNanos() / 1e6 << "ms";
return input;
// statistics
ssize_t num_bumped;
ssize_t empty_slots;
// actual data
double slots_per_item_;
BasicStorage<Config> storage_;
template <bool /* cls */, bool /* int */, typename C>
struct sol_t {
// dummy
using type = sol_t<false, false, C>;
template <typename C>
struct sol_t<true, false, C> {
using type = CacheLineStorage<C>;
template <typename C>
struct sol_t<false, true, C> {
using type = InterleavedSolutionStorage<C>;
typename sol_t<kUseCacheLineStorage, kUseInterleavedSol, Config>::type sol_;
Hasher hasher_;
} // namespace
template <uint8_t depth, typename Config>
class ribbon_filter : public ribbon_base<Config> {
using Super = ribbon_base<Config>;
using Super::slots_per_item_;
using mhc_or_key_t = typename Super::mhc_or_key_t;
ribbon_filter() = default;
// MHC top-level constructor
template <typename C = Config>
ribbon_filter(size_t num_slots, double slots_per_item, uint64_t seed,
typename std::enable_if<C::kUseMHC>::type * = 0)
: Super(num_slots, slots_per_item, seed, 0),
child_ribbon_(0, slots_per_item, seed, 1) {}
// MHC child constructor
template <typename C = Config>
ribbon_filter(size_t num_slots, double slots_per_item, uint64_t seed,
uint32_t idx, typename std::enable_if<C::kUseMHC>::type * = 0)
: Super(num_slots, slots_per_item, seed, idx),
child_ribbon_(0, slots_per_item, seed, idx + 1) {}
// non-MHC top-level constructor
template <typename C = Config>
ribbon_filter(size_t num_slots, double slots_per_item, uint64_t seed,
typename std::enable_if<!C::kUseMHC>::type * = 0)
: Super(num_slots, slots_per_item, seed),
child_ribbon_(0, slots_per_item, seed + 1) {}
// non-MHC init
template <typename C = Config>
std::enable_if_t<!C::kUseMHC, void>
Init(size_t num_slots, double slots_per_item, uint64_t seed) {
Super::Init(num_slots, slots_per_item, seed);
child_ribbon_.Init(0, slots_per_item, seed + 1);
// MHC init
template <typename C = Config>
std::enable_if_t<C::kUseMHC, void>
Init(size_t num_slots, double slots_per_item, uint64_t seed, uint32_t idx) {
Super::Init(num_slots, slots_per_item, seed, idx);
child_ribbon_.Init(0, slots_per_item, seed, idx + 1);
template <typename Iterator, typename C = Config>
std::enable_if_t<!C::kUseMHC, bool> AddRange(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
const auto input_size = end - begin;
std::vector<std::conditional_t<kIsFilter, Key, std::pair<Key, ResultRow>>> bumped_items;
0l, static_cast<ssize_t>((1 - slots_per_item_) * input_size)));
if (!Super::AddRange(begin, end, &bumped_items))
return false;
if (bumped_items.size() == 0)
return true;
// child ribbon will round this up as needed
const size_t child_slots =
static_cast<size_t>(slots_per_item_ * bumped_items.size()));
return child_ribbon_.AddRange(, + bumped_items.size());
// MHC version
template <typename Iterator, typename C = Config>
std::enable_if_t<C::kUseMHC, bool> AddRange(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
auto input = Super::PrepareAddRangeMHC(begin, end);
return AddRangeMHCInternal(input.get(), input.get() + (end - begin));
void BackSubst() {
inline bool QueryFilter(const Key &key) const {
if constexpr (kUseMHC) {
const auto mhc = this->hasher_.GetMHC(key);
return QueryFilterMHC(mhc);
} else {
auto [was_bumped, found] = Super::QueryFilter(key);
if (was_bumped) {
return child_ribbon_.QueryFilter(key);
} else {
return found;
template <typename C = Config>
inline std::enable_if_t<C::kUseMHC, bool>
QueryFilterMHC(const mhc_or_key_t mhc) const {
auto [was_bumped, found] = Super::QueryFilterMHC(mhc);
if (was_bumped)
return child_ribbon_.QueryFilterMHC(mhc);
return found;
inline ResultRow QueryRetrieval(const Key &key) const {
if constexpr (kUseMHC) {
const auto mhc = this->hasher_.GetMHC(key);
return QueryRetrievalMHC(mhc);
} else {
auto [was_bumped, result] = Super::QueryRetrieval(key);
if (was_bumped) {
return child_ribbon_.QueryRetrieval(key);
} else {
return result;
template <typename C = Config>
inline std::enable_if_t<C::kUseMHC, ResultRow>
QueryRetrievalMHC(const mhc_or_key_t mhc) const {
auto [was_bumped, result] = Super::QueryRetrievalMHC(mhc);
if (was_bumped)
return child_ribbon_.QueryRetrievalMHC(mhc);
return result;
size_t Size() const {
return Super::Size() + child_ribbon_.Size();
void PrintStats() const {
template <typename C = Config, typename Iterator>
std::enable_if_t<C::kUseMHC, bool> AddRangeMHCInternal(Iterator begin,
Iterator end) {
const auto input_size = end - begin;
using value_type =
std::conditional_t<kIsFilter, mhc_or_key_t, std::pair<mhc_or_key_t, ResultRow>>;
std::vector<value_type> bumped_items;
0l, static_cast<ssize_t>((1 - slots_per_item_) * input_size)));
if (!Super::AddRange(begin, end, &bumped_items))
return false;
if (bumped_items.size() == 0)
return true;
// child ribbon will round this up as needed
const size_t child_slots =
static_cast<size_t>(slots_per_item_ * bumped_items.size()));
return child_ribbon_.AddRangeMHCInternal(, + bumped_items.size());
ribbon_filter<depth - 1, Config> child_ribbon_;
friend ribbon_filter<depth + 1, Config>;
friend Super;
// base case ribbon
template <typename Config>
class ribbon_filter<0u, Config> : public ribbon_base<BaseConfig<Config>> {
using Super = ribbon_base<BaseConfig<Config>>;
double base_slots_per_item_ = 1.0;
ribbon_filter() = default;
ribbon_filter(size_t num_slots, double parent_slots_per_item, uint64_t seed) {
if constexpr (!Config::kUseMHC) {
Init(num_slots, parent_slots_per_item, seed);
} else {
// assume top level -> hasher index 0
Init(num_slots, parent_slots_per_item, seed, 0);
ribbon_filter(size_t num_slots, double parent_slots_per_item, uint64_t seed,
uint32_t idx) {
if constexpr (Config::kUseMHC) {
Init(num_slots, parent_slots_per_item, seed, idx);
} else {
// you called the wrong constructor but we can just ignore it
LOG1 << "Warning: called MHC base ribbon constructor in non-MHC "
"configuration, check the number of arguments! Should be "
"3, not 4. Ignoring last argument which is only relevant "
"in MHC configurations";
Init(num_slots, parent_slots_per_item, seed);
template <typename C = Config>
std::enable_if_t<!C::kUseMHC, void>
Init(size_t num_slots, double parent_slots_per_item, uint64_t seed) {
parent_slots_per_item_ = parent_slots_per_item;
orig_num_slots_ = num_slots / parent_slots_per_item * base_slots_per_item_;
Super::Init(orig_num_slots_, base_slots_per_item_, seed);
template <typename C = Config>
std::enable_if_t<C::kUseMHC, void> Init(size_t num_slots,
double parent_slots_per_item,
uint64_t seed, uint32_t idx) {
parent_slots_per_item_ = parent_slots_per_item;
orig_num_slots_ = num_slots / parent_slots_per_item * base_slots_per_item_;
Super::Init(orig_num_slots_, base_slots_per_item_, seed, idx);
template <typename Iterator, typename C = Config>
std::enable_if_t<!C::kUseMHC, bool> AddRange(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
// there's really no distinction in the base case
return AddRangeMHCInternal(begin, end);
// MHC version
template <typename Iterator, typename C = Config>
std::enable_if_t<C::kUseMHC, bool> AddRange(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
auto input = Super::PrepareAddRangeMHC(begin, end);
return AddRangeMHCInternal(input.get(), input.get() + (end - begin));
inline bool QueryFilter(const Key &key) const {
if constexpr (kUseMHC) {
const auto mhc = this->hasher_.GetMHC(key);
return QueryFilterMHC(mhc);
} else {
auto [was_bumped, found] = Super::QueryFilter(key);
return found;
template <typename C = Config>
inline std::enable_if_t<C::kUseMHC, bool>
QueryFilterMHC(const typename Super::mhc_or_key_t mhc) const {
auto [was_bumped, found] = Super::QueryFilterMHC(mhc);
return found;
ResultRow QueryRetrieval(const Key &key) const {
auto [was_bumped, result] = Super::QueryRetrieval(key);
return result;
template <typename C = Config>
inline std::enable_if_t<C::kUseMHC, ResultRow>
QueryRetrievalMHC(const typename Super::mhc_or_key_t mhc) const {
auto [was_bumped, result] = Super::QueryRetrievalMHC(mhc);
return result;
void Prepare(size_t num_slots) {
orig_num_slots_ = num_slots / parent_slots_per_item_ * base_slots_per_item_;
// misnomer but needed for recursive construction
template <typename Iterator>
bool AddRangeMHCInternal(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
bool success;
do {
success = Super::AddRange(begin, end, nullptr);
if (!success) {
// increase epsilon and try again
base_slots_per_item_ += 0.05;
size_t new_num_slots = orig_num_slots_ * base_slots_per_item_;
Super::Realloc(new_num_slots, base_slots_per_item_);
} while (!success);
return success;
size_t orig_num_slots_;
double parent_slots_per_item_;
friend ribbon_filter<1, Config>;
friend Super;
} // namespace ribbon