import java.util.jar.JarEntry; apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'scala' apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'eclipse' apply plugin: 'war' def String getProjectProperty(String propertyName) { String propertyValue = "null" if (hasProperty(propertyName)) { propertyValue =[propertyName] } else { throw GradleScriptException("PropertyName " + propertyName + " is not defined in properties file") } return propertyValue } def projectName = "voldemort" def sourceDir = getProjectProperty('src.dir') def distDir = getProjectProperty('dist.dir') def classesDir = getProjectProperty('classes.dir') def javaDir = getProjectProperty('java.dir') def privateLibDir = getProjectProperty('private.lib.dir') def resourcesDir = getProjectProperty('resources.dir') def javaDocDir = getProjectProperty('javadoc.dir') def voldTestClassesDir = getProjectProperty('testclasses.dir') def commonTestSrcDir = getProjectProperty('commontestsrc.dir') def unitTestSrcDir = getProjectProperty('unittestsrc.dir') def intTestSrcDir = getProjectProperty('inttestsrc.dir') def longTestSrcDir = getProjectProperty('longtestsrc.dir') def contribClassesDir = getProjectProperty('contrib.classes.dir') def contribRootDir = getProjectProperty('contrib.root.dir') def voldVersion = getProjectProperty('curr.release') def javacVersion = getProjectProperty('javac.version') def scalaVersion = getProjectProperty('scalac.version') //This is the javaCompile variable version. Directly defining 'def version' will override this and cause nightmare version = voldVersion def archiveDirectoryName = projectName + '-' + version def archiveDirectoryPath = distDir + "/" + archiveDirectoryName def deleteDirectoryContents(directory) { project.file(directory).deleteDir() project.file(directory).mkdirs() } println 'java source target compatibility version ' + javacVersion sourceCompatibility = javacVersion targetCompatibility = javacVersion compileJava.options.debug = true // Using zinc scala compiler fails intermittently because of missing dependencies // Scala is not main stream so incremeental compilation is not worth the problem // it is causing. // tasks.withType(ScalaCompile) { scalaCompileOptions.useAnt = false } repositories { mavenCentral() flatDir { dirs privateLibDir } flatDir { dirs contribRootDir } } sourceSets { main { java { srcDirs = [javaDir]} scala { srcDirs = [sourceDir] include '**/*.scala' } resources { srcDirs = [javaDir] include '**/*.xsd' } output.classesDir = classesDir output.resourcesDir = resourcesDir } test { java { srcDirs = [ commonTestSrcDir , unitTestSrcDir, intTestSrcDir , longTestSrcDir ] } output.classesDir = voldTestClassesDir } contrib { java { srcDirs = [contribRootDir]} compileClasspath += sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath + sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath output.classesDir = contribClassesDir } } compileJava.doLast { project.copy { from (javaDir) { exclude '**/*.java','**/*.html','**/*.scala', '**/' } into classesDir } project.copy { // Theoretically this block can be replaced by including the in main resources. // But that causes the to be present in the voldJar . Not sure what is the // implication of this change, so avoiding it for now. from (javaDir) { include '' } into resourcesDir } } compileTestJava.doLast { project.copy { from (commonTestSrcDir) { exclude '**/*.java','**/*.html' } from (unitTestSrcDir) { exclude '**/*.java','**/*.html' } into voldTestClassesDir } } compileContribJava.doLast { project.copy { from (contribRootDir + '/ec2-testing/resources') into contribClassesDir } } task testJar(type: Jar) { baseName = projectName + "-test" from sourceSets.test.output destinationDir = project.file(distDir) } task voldJar(type:Jar) { baseName = projectName manifest { attributes 'Voldemort-Implementation-Version' : version, 'Implementation-Title': 'Voldemort', 'Implementation-Version': version, 'Implementation-Vendor' :'LinkedIn' } from sourceSets.main.output destinationDir = project.file(distDir) } war { from sourceSets.main.output webXml = project.file('web.xml') destinationDir = project.file(distDir) } task contribJar(type:Jar) { dependsOn voldJar, testJar, sourceSets.contrib.output baseName = projectName + "-contrib" from sourceSets.contrib.output destinationDir = project.file(distDir) } task srcJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) { classifier = 'src' from destinationDir = project.file(distDir) } artifacts { archives voldJar archives testJar archives contribJar archives srcJar } clean { delete(distDir) delete('lib') doLast { deleteDirectoryContents(javaDocDir) } } task copySources (type: Copy) { from ('.') { include 'bin/**' } from ('.') { include distDir + '/*.jar'} from ('.') { exclude distDir + '/**' ,'bin/**' , 'build/**', '.git/**' , '.gradle/**' } into archiveDirectoryPath } task zip (type: Zip) { dependsOn copySources baseName = projectName from(distDir) { include archiveDirectoryName + '/bin/**' fileMode = 0755 } from(distDir) { include archiveDirectoryName + '/**' exclude archiveDirectoryName + '/bin/**' } destinationDir = project.file(distDir) } task tar (type: Tar) { dependsOn copySources compression = Compression.GZIP baseName = projectName extension = "tar.gz" from(distDir) { include archiveDirectoryName + '/bin/**' fileMode = 0755 } from(distDir) { include archiveDirectoryName + '/**' exclude archiveDirectoryName + '/bin/**' } destinationDir = project.file(distDir) } task copyDeps(type: Copy) { from {configurations.compile } into "lib" } jar.dependsOn contribJar,srcJar, copyDeps compileContribJava.dependsOn voldJar copySources.dependsOn jar tasks.withType(Test) { // ant restarts jvm for each tests, If not restarted the test runs into outOfMemory even // if you set the JVM to 8gb. On inspecting most of the space is consumed by int[] of // Histogram in the NioSelectorManager. I believe this could be explained by // creating lots of client factory which creates lot of NIO threads. Did not proceed // further as I will be maintaining compatbility with ant. Also if you dont fork for each // tests JMX bean related tests will fail. // Do not set the max parallelism as there are tests that uses the same port and will // run into bind exceptions. maxHeapSize = "2g" forkEvery = 1 // If ignoreFailures is not set, then merged reports will not be generated // Gradle aborts further tasks on test failure. so if you run junitAll // which runs 3 tests, reports task will never be run on failure cases. ignoreFailures = true //ignoreFailures = gradle.startParameter.continueOnFailure useJUnit() testLogging { events "passed", "skipped", "failed" exceptionFormat = 'full' } afterTest { test, result -> logger.lifecycle("testFinished: $test, result: $result.resultType") } doFirst { def classesSize = candidateClassFiles.files.size() logger.lifecycle("{} starts executing {} test classes {}", path, classesSize, classesSize > 0? "(" + candidateClassFiles.files*.name[0] + ", ...)" : "") } //all standard error messages from tests will get routed to 'DEBUG' level messages. //logging.captureStandardError(LogLevel.DEBUG) //all standard output messages from tests will get routed to 'DEBUG' level messages. //logging.captureStandardOutput(LogLevel.DEBUG) //Set reasonable defaults for reports location reports.html.destination = file("$project.buildDir/reports/$name") reports.junitXml.destination = file("$project.buildDir/$name-results") //Set reasonable defaults classpath and classes dir. They can be reconfigured in an individual task. it.testClassesDir = sourceSets.test.output.classesDir classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath } task resetConfig() { doLast { def DirsToDelete = [".temp", ".version", "data"] def deleteRecursively deleteRecursively = { file -> file.eachFile() {f -> if( { if( DirsToDelete.contains(f.getName()) ) { println "deleting ${f.getAbsolutePath()}" delete f } else { deleteRecursively(f) } } } } deleteRecursively (new File("config")) } } task junit(dependsOn: test) Collection testClassesFrom(String dir, String include = '**/*Test.*') { //take all * files found in given dir, make the path relative and replace .java with .class fileTree(dir: dir, includes: [include]).collect { it.absolutePath.replace("\\", "/").replaceAll(file(dir).absolutePath.replace("\\", "/") + "/", "").replaceAll(".java\$", ".class") } } test { description = "Runs acceptance tests" include testClassesFrom(unitTestSrcDir) } task junitLong(type: Test) { description = "Runs long junit tests" include testClassesFrom(longTestSrcDir) } task junitRebalance(type: Test) { include testClassesFrom(unitTestSrcDir, '**/*Rebalance*') } task junitRebalanceLong(type: Test) { include testClassesFrom(longTestSrcDir, '**/*Rebalance*') } task contribJunit(type: Test) { description = "Run contrib junit tests except EC2 and Krati tests." it.testClassesDir = file(contribClassesDir) exclude '**/*PerformanceTest.class' exclude '**/*RemoteTest.class' exclude '**/Ec2*Test.class' exclude '**/Krati*Test.class' exclude '**/HadoopStoreBuilder*Test.class' classpath += sourceSets.contrib.runtimeClasspath + sourceSets.contrib.output } task junitAll(type: TestReport) { reportOn test, junitLong, contribJunit destinationDir = file("$project.buildDir/reports/$name") } task aggregatedJunit(type: TestReport) { destinationDir = file("$project.buildDir/reports/$name") } tasks.withType(Test) { finalizedBy aggregatedJunit doLast { aggregatedJunit.reportOn it.binResultsDir } } task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '2.0' } dependencies { // Avro serialization format compile 'org.apache.avro:avro:1.4.0' // INTERNAL_LIBS azkaban version not found // azkaban-common-0.05.jar // INTERNAL_LIBS Used for tomcat deployment, not sure if anyone uses it // catalina-ant.jar , version not found in maven central // coders decoders containing the Base64,binary encoding compile 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.4' // TRANSITIVE_DEPENDENCY Contrib jar depends on commons-configuration-1.6.jar // commons-configuration instead depends on commons-collection //compile 'commons-collections:commons-collections:3.2.1' // Used by MySql storage engine classes // The jar supports database connection pooling compile 'commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:1.2.2' // commons io is used at many places // IOUtils, FileUtils and ByteArrayOutputStream compile 'commons-io:commons-io:1.4' // LZF compression strategy for store and tests. compile 'com.ning:compress-lzf:0.9.1' // TRANSITIVE_DEPENDENCY tusk jar internally uses gson. compile '' // Used all over the place for collections compile '' // used for readonly store hdfs fetcher. compile 'org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-auth:2.0.5-alpha' // used at lots of places. Seems like there is some overlap between httpclient and core, but not clear compile 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.1.2' // contains both http server and client functionalities. Used for HttpResponse but could be used at more places. compile 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.1.2' // JSON mapping library from Java Objects to JSON compile 'org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-asl:1.4.0' // JSON processing library compile 'org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-core-asl:1.4.0' // Used for reading XML files and Document. compile 'jdom:jdom:1.1' // je- BDB je 5.0.88 is not available in maven central repository. // Could be possibly found in oracle maven repository, but not sure /* groupId>com.sleepycat je 3.3.75 groupId>com.sleepycat je 3.3.75 */ // Jetty is used for HttpService and tests. Jetty Util is used for QueuedThreadPool class. compile 'org.mortbay.jetty:jetty-util:6.1.18' compile 'org.mortbay.jetty:jetty:6.1.18' // A line processing library for command line. No compile time dependency // Used by Voldemort shell compile 'jline:jline:0.9.94' // jna is library for invoking native functions // used in the readonly store compile '' // joda time is replacement for Java Date and Time // used in readonly store code. compile 'joda-time:joda-time:1.6' // Used for argument command line parsing compile 'net.sf.jopt-simple:jopt-simple:4.6' // INTERNAL_LIBS thrift is one of the supported serialization format. // libthrift 0.5 version is not found in the maven central repository. // The closest version available is 0.6.1 // libthrift-0.5.0.jar // log4j - logger used in almost all files compile 'log4j:log4j:1.2.15' // used in readonly store and Co-ordinator compile 'javax.mail:mail:1.4.1' // Used in co-ordinator and rest services compile 'io.netty:netty:3.5.8.Final' // TRANSITIVE_DEPENDENCY Paranamer is a library that allows the parameter names of non-private methods and constructors to be accessed at runtime // Avro has a dependency on paranamer // compile 'com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer:2.1' // protobuf is a supported protocol format between voldemort client and server compile '' // Command line shell is also supported in scala compile 'org.scala-lang:scala-compiler:2.10.4' compile 'org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.10.4' compile 'org.scala-lang:scala-reflect:2.10.4' // Servlet compile 'javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5' // slf4j is another logging abstraction framework. // It is used by the apache.avro, apache.hadoop and r2 clients compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.5.6' compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:1.5.6' // snappy is one of the supported compression strategies in voldemort compile 'org.iq80.snappy:snappy:0.2' // could not locate tusk in maven central repository // tusk-0.0.2.jar // Velocity is a simple yet powerful Java-based template engine that renders data // from plain Java objects to text, xml, email, SQL, Post Script, HTML etc // Velocity is used for Http Server GUI compile 'org.apache.velocity:velocity:1.6.2' // TRANSITIVE_DEPENDENCY Apache XML Parser // used by jdom // compile 'xerces:xercesImpl:2.9.1' compile fileTree(dir: privateLibDir, includes: ['**/*.jar']) // cern library containing high performance Maps for int and double // Currently only used in the tests testCompile 'colt:colt:1.2.0' // Used in ec2 testing , is a wrapper over any logging framework testCompile 'commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.1' // Used in resource pool perf testing class testCompile 'commons-pool:commons-pool:1.5.2' testRuntime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.31' // Used for unit tests and other automated testing testCompile 'junit:junit:4.6' // Mockito is written by our beloved friend Szczepan Faber :) // Mocking framework used in some tests testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-all:1.8.5' contribCompile sourceSets.main.output contribCompile sourceSets.test.output // declaring contribCompile dependencies as compile dependencies // otherwise while copying dependencies to lib directory // conflict resolution is not done properly across sourceSets // and we end up with 2 versions of few jars like ( log4j, servlet etc. ) compile 'commons-configuration:commons-configuration:1.6' compile 'org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-core:1.0.4' compile 'com.linkedin.pegasus:r2:1.8.3' compile 'com.linkedin.pegasus:data:1.8.3' compile 'com.linkedin.pegasus:pegasus-common:1.8.3' compile '' compile 'com.sna-projects.krati:krati:0.4.9' } eclipse { project { buildCommand 'org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder' } jdt { // Currently the javac Version of jar is set to 1.5 // But @Override works differently between both, so overriding here sourceCompatibility = targetCompatibility = 1.6 } classpath { defaultOutputDir = project.file('classes') file { // SourceSets creates multiple src/java in .classpath with varying includes // But eclipse 4.3 is complaining about duplicate classpaths // If contrib root is included instead of the seperate projects, eclipse // expects the package to be different. ( contrib.restclient.test.voldemort.client // versus voldemort.client ). So removing all the src entries and adding the previous // src entries which used to work. whenMerged { classpath -> classpath.entries.removeAll { entry -> (entry.kind == 'src' ) } } withXml { def node = it.asNode() [ "src/java", "contrib/ec2-testing/resources", "contrib/ec2-testing/src/java", "contrib/ec2-testing/test", "contrib/hadoop-store-builder/test", "contrib/hadoop-store-builder/src/java", "test/unit", "test/integration", "test/common", "test/long", "example/java", "contrib/krati/src/java", "contrib/krati/test", "contrib/collections/src/java", "contrib/collections/test", "contrib/restclient/src/java", "contrib/restclient/test" ] .each{ node.appendNode('classpathentry', [kind: 'src', path: "$it"]) } } } } }