Raw File
package config

const (
	DefaultInlineDNSLink         = false
	DefaultDeserializedResponses = true
	DefaultDisableHTMLErrors     = false
	DefaultExposeRoutingAPI      = false

type GatewaySpec struct {
	// Paths is explicit list of path prefixes that should be handled by
	// this gateway. Example: `["/ipfs", "/ipns", "/api"]`
	Paths []string

	// UseSubdomains indicates whether or not this gateway uses subdomains
	// for IPFS resources instead of paths. That is: http://CID.ipfs.GATEWAY/...
	// If this flag is set, any /ipns/$id and/or /ipfs/$id paths in Paths
	// will be permanently redirected to http://$id.[ipns|ipfs].$gateway/.
	// We do not support using both paths and subdomains for a single domain
	// for security reasons (Origin isolation).
	UseSubdomains bool

	// NoDNSLink configures this gateway to _not_ resolve DNSLink for the FQDN
	// provided in `Host` HTTP header.
	NoDNSLink bool

	// InlineDNSLink configures this gateway to always inline DNSLink names
	// (FQDN) into a single DNS label in order to interop with wildcard TLS certs
	// and Origin per CID isolation provided by rules like https://publicsuffix.org
	InlineDNSLink Flag

	// DeserializedResponses configures this gateway to respond to deserialized
	// responses. Disabling this option enables a Trustless Gateway, as per:
	// https://specs.ipfs.tech/http-gateways/trustless-gateway/.
	DeserializedResponses Flag

// Gateway contains options for the HTTP gateway server.
type Gateway struct {
	// HTTPHeaders configures the headers that should be returned by this
	// gateway.
	HTTPHeaders map[string][]string // HTTP headers to return with the gateway

	// RootRedirect is the path to which requests to `/` on this gateway
	// should be redirected.
	RootRedirect string

	// REMOVED: modern replacement tracked in https://github.com/ipfs/specs/issues/375
	Writable Flag `json:",omitempty"`

	// PathPrefixes was removed: https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues/7702
	PathPrefixes []string

	// FIXME: Not yet implemented: https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/issues/8059
	APICommands []string

	// NoFetch configures the gateway to _not_ fetch blocks in response to
	// requests.
	NoFetch bool

	// NoDNSLink configures the gateway to _not_ perform DNS TXT record
	// lookups in response to requests with values in `Host` HTTP header.
	// This flag can be overridden per FQDN in PublicGateways.
	NoDNSLink bool

	// DeserializedResponses configures this gateway to respond to deserialized
	// requests. Disabling this option enables a Trustless only gateway, as per:
	// https://specs.ipfs.tech/http-gateways/trustless-gateway/. This can
	// be overridden per FQDN in PublicGateways.
	DeserializedResponses Flag

	// DisableHTMLErrors disables pretty HTML pages when an error occurs. Instead, a `text/plain`
	// page will be sent with the raw error message.
	DisableHTMLErrors Flag

	// PublicGateways configures behavior of known public gateways.
	// Each key is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
	PublicGateways map[string]*GatewaySpec

	// ExposeRoutingAPI configures the gateway port to expose
	// routing system as HTTP API at /routing/v1 (https://specs.ipfs.tech/routing/http-routing-v1/).
	ExposeRoutingAPI Flag
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