% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/warpArea.R \name{warpArea} \alias{warpArea} \title{Compute Warping Path Area} \usage{ warpArea(d) } \arguments{ \item{d}{an object of class \code{dtw}} } \value{ The area, not normalized by path length or else. } \description{ Compute the area between the warping function and the diagonal (no-warping) path, in unit steps. } \details{ Above- and below- diagonal unit areas all count \emph{plus} one (they do not cancel with each other). The "diagonal" goes from one corner to the other of the possibly rectangular cost matrix, therefore having a slope of \code{M/N}, not 1, as in \code{\link[=slantedBandWindow]{slantedBandWindow()}}. The computation is approximate: points having multiple correspondences are averaged, and points without a match are interpolated. Therefore, the area can be fractionary. } \note{ There could be alternative definitions to the area, including considering the envelope of the path. } \examples{ ds<-dtw(1:4,1:8); plot(ds);lines(seq(1,8,len=4),col="red"); warpArea(ds) ## Result: 6 ## index 2 is 2 while diag is 3.3 (+1.3) ## 3 3 5.7 (+2.7) ## 4 4:8 (avg to 6) 8 (+2 ) ## -------- ## 6 } \author{ Toni Giorgino } \keyword{ts}