% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/dataSets.R \docType{data} \name{coffee} \alias{coffee} \title{coffee data set} \format{A data frame with 30 observations and 7 variables.} \usage{ data(coffee) } \description{ 30 commercially available coffee samples of different origins. } \details{ \itemize{ \item{\code{sort }}{sort of coffee} \item{\code{acit }}{acetic acid } \item{\code{metpyr }}{methylpyrazine} \item{\code{furfu }}{furfural} \item{\code{furfualc }}{furfuryl alcohol} \item{\code{dimeth }}{2,6 dimethylpyrazine} \item{\code{met5 }}{5-methylfurfural} } In the original data set, 15 volatile compounds (descriptors of coffee aroma) were selected for a statistical analysis. We selected six compounds (compositional parts) on three sorts of coffee. } \examples{ data(coffee) str(coffee) summary(coffee) } \references{ M. Korhonov\'a, K. Hron, D. Klimc\'ikov\'a, L. Muller, P. Bedn\'ar, and P. Bart\'ak (2009). Coffee aroma - statistical analysis of compositional data. \emph{Talanta}, 80(2): 710--715. } \author{ Matthias Templ \email{matthias.templ@tuwien.ac.at}, Karel Hron } \keyword{data}