using HDF5 using Dates #using Images # # # #{TimeType,AbstractString} # # """ Version Commit 0.1 hf, first verion 0.2 hf, update API to follow upstream HDF5.jl v0.15.4 TODO: genrate thumb and fix timestamps add function to append image """ "Save 4D UInt16 Array(x,y,z,t) to .ims file" function save2ims(array, fname::String="myfile.ims"; subsamp=((1, 1, 1)), chunks=((128, 128, 5)), compression=2, thumbsize=256, dx=0.108, dz=0.5, dt_min=10) df = DateFormat("Y-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.sss") RecordingDate = DateTime(2020,5,7,14,19,22,0) nx, ny, nz, nt = size(array) nc = 1 nr = 1 #nr = length(subsamp) # GROUPS of Imaris file GROUPS = [ "DataSetInfo", "Thumbnail", "DataSetTimes", "DataSetInfo/Imaris", "DataSetInfo/Image", "DataSetInfo/TimeInfo" ] # Attributes of Imaris file o ATTRS = [ ("/", "ImarisDataSet", "ImarisDataSet"), ("/", "ImarisVersion", "5.5.0"), ("/", "DataSetInfoDirectoryName", "DataSetInfo"), ("/", "ThumbnailDirectoryName", "Thumbnail"), ("/", "DataSetDirectoryName", "DataSet"), ("DataSetInfo/Imaris", "Version", "9.5"), ("DataSetInfo/Imaris", "ThumbnailMode", "thumbnailMIP"), ("DataSetInfo/Imaris", "ThumbnailSize", thumbsize), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "X", nx), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "Y", ny), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "Z", nz), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "NumberOfChannels", nc), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "Noc", nc), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "Unit", "um"), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "Description", "Hi"), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "MicroscopeModality", "Inverted Microscope"), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "RecordingDate", Dates.format(RecordingDate, df)), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "Name", "qblab"), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "ExtMin0", "0"), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "ExtMin1", "0"), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "ExtMin2", "0"), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "ExtMax0", nx * dx), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "ExtMax1", ny * dx), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "ExtMax2", nz * dz), ("DataSetInfo/Image", "LensPower", "40x"), ("DataSetInfo/TimeInfo", "DatasetTimePoints", nt), ("DataSetInfo/TimeInfo", "FileTimePoints", nt) ]; COLORS = ("1 1 1", "1 0 1", "1 0 0", "0 0 1") for c in 0:nc-1 grp = "DataSetInfo/Channel $c" push!(GROUPS, grp) push!(ATTRS, (grp, "ColorOpacity", 1)) push!(ATTRS, (grp, "ColorMode", "BaseColor")) push!(ATTRS, (grp, "Color", COLORS[3])) push!(ATTRS, (grp, "GammaCorrection", 1)) push!(ATTRS, (grp, "ColorRange", "0 255")) push!(ATTRS, (grp, "Name", "Channel $c")) end for t in 0:nt-1 strr = Dates.format(RecordingDate + Dates.Minute(dt_min*t), df) #strr = "2020-05-07 {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.000".format(h, m, s) push!(ATTRS, ("DataSetInfo/TimeInfo", "TimePoint$t", strr)) #TODO: Imaris don't use these timestamps as time axis end h5open(fname, "w") do file for grp in GROUPS create_group(file, grp) end for info in ATTRS grp, key = info[1:2] value = "$(info[3])" h5a_write_S1(file[grp], key, value) end file["Thumbnail/Data"] = UInt8.(maximum(array[:,:, 1:20,1], dims=3).>>8) #file["Thumbnail/Data"] = UInt8.(maximum(rawview(array[:,:, 1:20,1]), dims=3).>>8) # add data for t in 0:nt-1 for c in 0:nc-1 data = array[:, :, :, t+1] for r in 0:nr-1 edges, count = build_histogram(data, 256) grp = create_group(file, "/DataSet/ResolutionLevel $r/TimePoint $t/Channel $c/") grp["Histogram"] = UInt64.(count[1:end]) h5a_write_S1(grp, "HistogramMin", "1000") h5a_write_S1(grp, "HistogramMax", "$(edges[end])") grp["Data", chunk= chunks , compress=compression] = data #grp["Data", "chunk", (256,256,4)] = data h5a_write_S1(grp, "ImageSizeX", "$(size(data)[1])") h5a_write_S1(grp, "ImageSizeY", "$(size(data)[2])") h5a_write_S1(grp, "ImageSizeZ", "$(size(data)[3])") end end end end fname end "Append image to exits imaris5 file" #= function ims_append(fname, img) # find orignal array size h5open(fname, "r+") do file # add data for t in 0:nt-1 for c in 0:nc-1 data = array[:, :, :, t+1] for r in 0:nr-1 edges, count = build_histogram(data, 256) grp = create_group(file, "/DataSet/ResolutionLevel $r/TimePoint $t/Channel $c/") grp["Histogram"] = UInt64.(count[1:end]) h5a_write_S1(grp, "HistogramMin", "1000") h5a_write_S1(grp, "HistogramMax", "$(edges[end])") grp["Data", chunk= chunks , compress=compression] = data #grp["Data", "chunk", (256,256,4)] = data h5a_write_S1(grp, "ImageSizeX", "$(size(data)[1])") h5a_write_S1(grp, "ImageSizeY", "$(size(data)[2])") h5a_write_S1(grp, "ImageSizeZ", "$(size(data)[3])") end end end end end =# "Encode string with ASCII S1" function h5a_write_S1(parent, key, value) # # dspace = HDF5.dataspace((length(value),)) try #attr = create_attribute(parent, key, datatype(HDF5.H5T_CSET_ASCII), dspace) #NOTE: datatype(obj) -> return the Datatype of obj # HDF5.Datatype(id) -> return Datatype responding to id attr = create_attribute(parent, key, HDF5.Datatype(HDF5.H5T_C_S1), dspace) #write(attr, "$value") write_attribute(attr, HDF5.Datatype(HDF5.H5T_C_S1), "$value") finally close(dspace) end nothing end function str2int(str) local tmp ="" for i in str tmp=tmp*i end parse(Int, tmp) end "Load imaris file to multi dimension image" function loadims(imsname::String) local attr_t_len = h5readattr(imsname, "DataSetInfo/TimeInfo")["DatasetTimePoints"]; local attr_x_len = h5readattr(imsname, "DataSetInfo/Image")["X"]; local attr_y_len = h5readattr(imsname, "DataSetInfo/Image")["Y"]; local attr_z_len = h5readattr(imsname, "DataSetInfo/Image")["Z"]; local t_len = str2int(attr_t_len) local x_depth = str2int(attr_x_len) local y_depth = str2int(attr_y_len) local z_depth = str2int(attr_z_len) #local img = zeros(Gray{N0f16}, x_depth, y_depth, z_depth, t_len); #local img = zeros(UInt16, x_depth, y_depth, z_depth, t_len); local img = Array{UInt16}(undef, x_depth, y_depth, z_depth, t_len); h5open(imsname, "r") do imsfile for i in 1:t_len data = read(imsfile, "DataSet/ResolutionLevel 0/TimePoint $(i-1)/Channel 0/Data") #img[:, :, :, i] = reinterpret(N0f16, data) img[:, :, :, i] = data end end return img end function loadims2(imsname::String) local attr_t_len = h5readattr(imsname, "DataSetInfo/TimeInfo")["DatasetTimePoints"]; local t_len = str2int(attr_t_len) local z_depth = 20 local img = zeros(Gray{N0f16}, 512, 512, t_len*z_depth); h5open(imsname) do imsfile for i in 0:t_len-1 data = imsfile["DataSet/ResolutionLevel 0/TimePoint $i/Channel 0/Data"] img[:, :, i*20+1:20*(i+1)] = reinterpret(N0f16,data[1:512,1:512,1:20]); end end img end