function Result = rest_ReadLutColorScheme(ALutFilename) %Read look up table of color scheme By Xiao-Wei Song according to MRIcro's help forum %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Copyright(c) 2007~2010 % State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning in Beijing Normal University % Written by Xiao-Wei Song % %20070918 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %Read a binary LUT file-format to construct a look-up-table / color scheme %Code is translated from MRIcron's LoadColorScheme in nifti_img.pas, 20070918 theLutFile = fopen(ALutFilename,'r'); if theLutFile>0, try fseek(theLutFile,0,'eof'); theSize =ftell(theLutFile); if any(theSize==[768, 800, 970]), fseek(theLutFile,theSize-768, 'bof'); Result =zeros(256,3); Result(:,1) =fread(theLutFile, 256, 'uint8'); Result(:,2) =fread(theLutFile, 256, 'uint8'); Result(:,3) =fread(theLutFile, 256, 'uint8'); Result =Result/max(Result(:)); else error('Non correct binary LUT file format that I don''t support currently'); end catch end fclose(theLutFile); else error(sprintf('Failed to open color file: %s', ALutFilename)); end % if (lZ =768) or (lZ = 800) or (lZ=970) then begin % //binary LUT % assignfile(lFdata,lStr); % Filemode := 0; % reset(lFdata,1); % seek(lFData,lZ-768); % GetMem( lBuff, 768); % BlockRead(lFdata, lBuff^, 768); % for lZ := 0 to 255 do begin % lHdr.LUT[lZ].rgbRed := lBuff^[lZ]; % lHdr.LUT[lZ].rgbGreen := lBuff^[lZ+256]; % lHdr.LUT[lZ].rgbBlue := lBuff^[lZ+512]; % lHdr.LUT[lZ].rgbReserved := kLUTalpha; % end;