Raw File
% fields, Tools for spatial data
% Copyright 2004-2007, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences
% University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
% Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html

\name{fields internal }
  Fields internal and secondary functions 
Listed below are supporting fucntions for the major methods in fields. 

D4transform.image(x, inv = FALSE, transpose = FALSE, cut.min = 8) 
Krig.df.to.lambda(df, D, guess = 1, tol = 1e-05) 
Krig.fdf (llam, info) 
Krig.fgcv (lam, obj) 
Krig.fgcv.model (lam, obj) 
Krig.fgcv.one (lam, obj) 
Krig.find.gcvmin (info, lambda.grid, gcv, gcv.fun, tol, verbose =FALSE, 
give.warnings = TRUE)
Krig.find.REML (info, lambda.grid, llike, llike.fun, tol, verbose = TRUE, 
give.warnings = FALSE)
Krig.flplike (lam, obj)
Krig.fs2hat (lam, obj) 
Krig.ftrace (lam, D) 
Krig.parameters (obj, mle.calc=obj$mle.calc)
Krig.replicates (out, verbose = FALSE) 
Krig.updateY (out, Y, verbose = FALSE, yM=NA) 
Krig.ynew (out, y=NULL, yM=NULL ) 

WD4 (x) 
WD42d (x) 
WD42di (x) 
WD4i (x) 
WQS (x) 
WQS.T (x) 
WQS.basis (N, cut.n = 8) 
WQS2d (x, transpose = FALSE) 
WQS2di (x, transpose = FALSE) 
WQSdi (x, transpose = FALSE) 
WQSi (x) 
WQSi.T (x) 
WQS.periodic.basis(N, cut.n = 8)
WQS2d.cylinder(x, transpose = FALSE, byX=TRUE)
WQS2di.cylinder(x, transpose = FALSE, byX=TRUE)

bisection.search (x1, x2, f, tol = 1e-07, niter = 25, f.extra = 
        NA, upcross.level = 0) 
bplot.obj (data, pos = NA, width = NULL, labels = NULL, las=NULL
            ,add = FALSE, space = 0.25, sort.names = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", 
              label.cex = 1, xaxt = "n", outlier = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE, 
cat.matrix (mat, digits = 8) 
cat.to.list (x, a) 
ceiling2 (m) 
conjugate.gradient (b, multAx, start, tol = 1e-05, kmax = 
             25, verbose = TRUE,    ...) 
describe (x) 
describe.bplot (temp, style = "tukey", outlier = TRUE) 


dyadic.2check( m,n,cut.p=2)
dyadic.check( n,cut.p=2) 

draw.bplot (temp, width, xpos, outlier = TRUE, style = "tukey") 
draw.bplot.obj (obj, width, xpos, outlier = TRUE, 
             horizontal = FALSE,lwd=NA,col=NA) 
Exp.earth.cov (x1, x2, theta = 1) 
fast.1way  (lev, y, w = rep(1, length(y))) 
find.upcross (fun, fun.info, upcross.level = 0, guess = 1, tol = 
gauss.cov (...) 

golden.section.search (ax, bx, cx, f, niter = 25, f.extra = NA, 
     tol = 1e-05) 
grey.level (n=256) 
image.plot.info (...) 
image.plot.plt(x, add=FALSE,  legend.shrink = 0.9, legend.width = 1, 
horizontal = FALSE, legend.mar=NULL, bigplot = NULL, smallplot = NULL,...)

image.smooth.setup (x,nrow = 64, ncol = 64, dx = 1, dy = 1, 
     kernel.function = double.exp, 
     theta = 1, Mwidth = nrow, Nwidth = ncol, ...) 
in.poly (xd, xp, convex.hull = FALSE, inflation=1e-7) 
krig.image.parameters (out) 
lonlat2xy (lnlt, miles = FALSE) 
make.surface.grid (grid.list)

minimax.crit (obj, des = TRUE, R) 
periodic.cov.1d (x1, x2, a, b) 
periodic.cov.cyl (x1, x2, a = 0, b = 365, theta = 1) 
periodic.plane.3d (x1, x2, a = 0, b = 365, theta = 1) 
\method{plot}{krig.image}(x, main = NA, digits = 4, which = rep(TRUE, 4), 
      graphics.reset = TRUE, ...) 
\method{plot}{qsreg}(x, pch = "*", main = NA,...) 
\method{predict}{interp.surface}(object, loc,...) 
\method{predict}{krig.image}(object, x, ...) 
\method{predict}{qsreg}(object, x, derivative = 0, model = object$ind.cv.ps,...)
\method{predict}{sreg}(object, x, derivative = 0, model = 1,...) 
\method{print}{qsreg} (x, ...) 
\method{print}{spatial.design} (x,...) 
\method{print}{sreg}(x, ...) 
\method{print}{summary.Krig} (x, ...) 
\method{print}{summary.krig.image} (x, ...) 
\method{print}{summary.spatial.design} (x, digits = 4,...) 
\method{print}{summary.sreg} (x, ...) 
qr.q2ty (qr, y) 
qr.yq2 (qr, y) 
qsreg.fit (x, y, lam, maxit = 50, maxit.cv = 10, tol = 1e-04, 
    offset = 0, sc = sqrt(var(y)) * 1e-07, alpha = 0.5, wt = rep(1, 
    length(x)), cost = 1)
qsreg.psi ( r,alpha=.5,C=1) 
qsreg.rho ( r,alpha=.5,C=1)
qsreg.trace (x, y, lam, maxit = 50, maxit.cv = 10, tol = 1e-04, 
    offset = 0, sc = sqrt(var(y)) * 1e-07, alpha = 0.5, 
    wt = rep(1, length(x)), cost = 1) 

radbas.constant (m, d) 
replace.args.function (fun, ...) 
sim.krig.image (out, nreps = 10) 
sreg.df.to.lambda (df, x, wt, guess = 1, tol = 1e-05) 
sreg.fdf (h, info) 
sreg.fgcv (lam, obj) 
sreg.fgcv.model (lam, obj) 
sreg.fgcv.one (lam, obj) 
sreg.fit (lam, obj, verbose=FALSE) 
sreg.fs2hat (lam, obj) 
sreg.trace (h, info) 

stats.bplot (x, by, style = "tukey", outlier = TRUE) 
stats.sim.krig.image (obj) 
summary.gcv.Krig(object, lambda, cost = 1, verbose = FALSE, 
                offset = 0, y = NULL, ...)
summary.gcv.sreg (object, lambda, cost = 1, nstep.cv = 20, 
        offset = 0, verbose = TRUE,...) 
\method{summary}{krig.image} (object, digits = 4, ...) 
\method{summary}{qsreg} (object, ...) 
\method{summary}{spatial.design} (object, digits = 4, ...) 
\method{summary}{sreg} (object, digits = 4, ...) 

surface(obj , ...) 
\method{surface}{default} (obj, ...) 
\method{surface}{krig.image}(obj, grid.list = NA, extrap = TRUE, 
      graphics.reset = FALSE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL,
      zlab = NULL,zlim = NULL,levels = NULL, ptype = "I", ...) 
\method{surface}{surface} (obj, ...)

unscale (x, x.center, x.scale) 

% docclass is function
% Converted by Sd2Rd version 1.21.
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