Tip revision: 7719b2fd81ed3c17419b73b60aeb71b7fd83840c authored by fangda-cu on 01 June 2016, 22:45:13 UTC
Merge pull request #1 from tysonbrochu/master
Merge pull request #1 from tysonbrochu/master
Tip revision: 7719b2f
MultiTracker is a test program accompanying Multimaterial Mesh-Based Surface
Tracking, Da, F., Batty, C., and Grinspun, E. 2014, ACM Trans. on Graphics
(SIGGRAPH 2014), including the multimaterial mesh-based surface tracking
library LosTopo.
This program is built by standard procedures using CMAKE (
The following external libraries are required:
Eigen (
OpenGL and GLUT (
Running the executables without command line arguments will display usage
information. All the data files for testing are located in the assets folder.