Raw File
2005-02-16 Rene Locher
           SwissAir V1.0.5
	help improved

2005-10-05 Rene Locher
	   SwissAir V1.0.6
	* AirQual: additional examples, using functions ipairs() and

2005-12-05 Rene Locher
	   SwissAir V1.0.7
	* AirQual: additional example, using S4 plot for rose objects

2007-10-02 Rene Locher
	   SwissAir V1.0.8
	* AirQual: variable start has been changed from a factor to an
	  ordinary character vector, which reduces (together with the
	  new 'automatic' rownames of data.frame since R V 2.5.0) memory
	  capacity by a factor of 4.6.
	. Additional specification entry for variable start:
	  GMT+1h, no day saving time
	. Examples adapted to new defined start variable
	. Again another example using plot.rose()
	* DESCRIPTION: Authors E-mail address changed
	. 'SaveImage: TRUE' replaced by 'LazyData: TRUE'

2007-10-03 Rene Locher
	   SwissAir V1.0.9
	* DESCRIPTION: 'Encoding: latin1' added

2009-08-03 Rene Locher
	   SwissAir V1.1.00
	* DESCRIPTION: 'Encoding: latin1' removed
	* non-english letters removed from source code and help files

2011-11-09 Rene Locher
	   SwissAir V1.1.01
	* AirQual squeezed.

2012-10-30 Rene Locher
	   SwissAir V1.1.2
	* Description: LazyData removed
	* Namespace introduced

2012-11-01 Rene Locher
	   SwissAir V1.1.3
	* .onAttach hook added

2012-11-02 Rene Locher
	   SwissAir V1.1.4
	* Description: LazyData added
	* .onAttach hook removed

2018-10-02 Rene Locher
	   SwissAir V1.1.5
	* examples
	Datasets downsized to reduce execution time for
	testing package. require(grid) added.
	X11() call could be removed by adding another call to pushViewport()

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