# options(warn=0);library(RandomFields);source("~/article/R/NEW.RF/RandomFields/R/getNset.R");source("~/article/R/NEW.RF/RandomFields/R/rf.R");source("RandomFields/R/ShowModels.R"); ShowModels(x=1:100, y=1:100, model=list(list(model="exp", var=1, aniso=c(1,0,0,1))), method="ci"); ShowModels <- function(x, y=NULL, covx=ifelse(is.null(empirical),diff(range(x))/5, max(empirical$c)), fixed.rs=TRUE, method=NULL, empirical=NULL, model=NULL, param=NULL, all.param=NULL,## var, nugg, scale legends = TRUE, register=0, Mean=NULL, erase=TRUE, x.fraction=0.60, cex.names=1, covx.default = 100, link.fct=NULL, Zlim=NULL, Col.rect="red", Col.bg="blue", Col.sep="grey", Col.line="red", Col.txt="black", Col.flash="red", Col.vario="blue", Col.main="black", Col.model=c("red", "black"), ## rf, transformed, ## vario vario.lty=c(1,2), ## main axis, sec. axis cex.leg =0.7 * cex.names, cex.eval=0.8 * cex.names, update=TRUE, screen.new=TRUE, use.outer.RFparameters=FALSE, debug=FALSE, ...){ stopifnot(!missing(x)) if (any(diff(x) <= 0)) stop("x should be a sequence of increasing numbers") if (!is.null(y) && any(diff(y) <= 0)) stop("y should be a sequence of increasing numbers") parent.screen <- screen() ENVIR <- environment() linkfctlist <- c("MaxStable") warn.orig <- options()$warn options(warn=2) bg.save <- par()$bg par(bg="white") oldRFparameters <- RFparameters(no.readonly=TRUE) if (debug) { print1 <- print0 <- 5 RFparameters(Print=print1) } else { print1 <- 1 print0 <- 0 } if (!use.outer.RFparameters) RFparameters(PracticalRange=FALSE, Print=print1, maxstable.maxGauss=2, CE.force=TRUE, CE.trials=1, CE.mmin=-4, CE.userfft=TRUE ) runif(1) assign("save.seed", get(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE), envir=ENVIR) dim <- 2 - is.null(y) maxangle <- 180 varioangle <- NA ## if NA, than the varioangle follows the angle of the model if (!(missing.zlim <- is.null(Zlim)) && !is.list(Zlim)) Zlim <- list(Zlim, if (!is.null(link.fct)) link.fct(Zlim)) ## if (!(missing.zlim <- (sum(index <- (opts==2))!=1))) zlim <- ll[index][[1]] ####################################################################### ## diverse ####################################################################### ## set limits for the steps in parameter choice ## check of empirical variogram if (variogram <- !is.null(empirical)) { if (is.matrix(empirical$e) && ncol(empirical$e)==1) empirical$e <- is.double(empirical$e) if (is.matrix(empirical$e)) { if (dim==1) stop("anisotropic variogram but 1d simulations indicated by missing y") if (is.null(empirical$T)) { if (ncol(empirical$e) %% 2 !=0) stop("no orthogonal direction in empirical variogram (ncol is odd)") empirical$e <- cbind(empirical$e[ , 1 + c(0, ncol( empirical$e)/2)]) if (!is.null(empirical$phi)) varioangle <- empirical$phi[1] else if (is.null(empirical$theta)) varioangle <- empirical$theta[1] else stop("puzzled about both empirical$phi and $theta being null") } else { maxangle <- 0 empirical$e <- cbind(empirical$e[,1], empirical$e[1,]) } } else if (is.array(empirical$e)) stop("anisotropic variograms of higher are not allowed") m.vario <- mean(empirical$e, na.rm=TRUE) m.lag <- diff(range(empirical$c)) ## mean var nugg scale add. par. maxstep <- c( c(sqrt(m.vario), m.vario, m.vario, m.lag)/5, 1) minscale <- min(diff(empirical$c)) / 10000 } else { m.lag <- diff(range(x))/10 maxstep <- c(1, 1, 1, m.lag, 1) minscale <- min(diff(x)) / 10000 } if (!is.null(Mean) && !is.na(Mean) && (Mean!=0)) maxstep[1] <- abs(Mean) / 2 ## prepare initial model if there is any anisotropy <- FALSE if (is.null(model)) { if (is.null(Mean)) Mean <- 0 } else { Model <- PrepareModel(model=model, param=param, timespacedim=dim, method=method) covnr <- Model$covnr + 1 anisotropy <- ((model.aniso <- Model$anisotropy) && (dim!=1) || is.matrix(empirical$e)) Model <- convert.to.readable(Model, allowed="list") if (is.null(Mean)) Mean <- Model$mean err.mess <- "complicated models are not allowed yet" if (length(Model$model)>3) stop(err.mess) if (length(Model$model)==3) { if (Model$model[[2]] != "+") stop(err.mess) if (Model$model[[1]]$model=="nugget") { swap <- Model$model[[1]] Model$model[[1]] <- Model$model[[3]] Model$model[[3]] <- swap if (!anisotropy && model.aniso) { Model$model[[1]]$scale <- abs(1 / Model$model[[1]]$aniso) Model$model[[1]]$aniso <- NULL } covnr <- covnr[2] } else { if (Model$model[[3]]$model!="nugget") stop(err.mess) covnr <- covnr[1] } } else { stopifnot(length(Model$model)==1) if (!anisotropy && model.aniso) { Model$model[[1]]$scale <- abs(1 / Model$model[[1]]$aniso) Model$model[[1]]$aniso <- NULL } Model$model[[2]] <- "+" Model$model[[3]] <- list(model="nugget", var=0) } model <- Model } if (anisotropy) { model$model[[3]]$scale <- NULL model$model[[3]]$aniso <- diag(2) # model[[3]] : nugget !! model$model[[1]]$aniso <- if (model.aniso) matrix(model$model[[1]]$aniso, ncol=dim) else diag(model$model[[1]]$scale, dim) } else { model$model[[3]]$scale <- 1 model$model[[3]]$aniso <- NULL } ####################################################################### ## preparation of the models ####################################################################### namen <- GetModelNames() n <- length(namen) ################### kappa -- parameter values ########################### cur.par <-list() cur.par[[n + 1]] <- NA if (unknown.par <- is.null(all.param)) { if (is.null(empirical)) all.param <- c(1, 0, diff(range(x))/5) else all.param <- c(Mean, 0.75 * m.vario, m.lag/5) } else stopifnot(length(all.param)==3) ## var, nugg, scale npar <- as.list(.C("GetNrParameters", as.integer(0:(n-1)), as.integer(n), k=integer(n), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$k) npar <- lapply(npar, function(x) x <- rep(1,x)) type <- lapply(npar, function(x) rep("real", length(x))) ## models: models where vaslid starting values of the parameters cannont be ## easily be guessed ## (goal is that at starting point, user always gets a set of valid # parameter values) m.par.except <- list("cone", "cauchy", "cauchytbm", "power", "gengneiting", "lgd1", "FD", ) npar.except <- list(c(0.5,0.5,0.5), 2, c(1,1,2), 2, c(1,3), c(0.45, 1), 0) ## models with discrete parameters: m.type.except <- list("gengneiting", "nsst", "nsst2") type.except <- ## which parameters take only discrete values? list(c("discrete","real"), c("real", "discrete", "real", "real", "discrete", "real"), c("real", "real", "discrete", "real", "real", "discrete", "real"), ) scale <- rep(all.param[3], n) m.scale.except <- list("bessel", "wave", "gengneiting") scale.except <- c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3) ## user readable function names turned into covariance numbers ## for the exceptions for (i in 1:length(m.par.except)) npar[[.C("GetModelNr", m.par.except[[i]], as.integer(1), nr=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr + 1]] <- npar.except[[i]] for (i in 1:length(m.type.except)) type[[.C("GetModelNr", m.type.except[[i]], as.integer(1), nr=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr + 1]] <- type.except[[i]] for (i in 1:length(m.scale.except)) { j <- .C("GetModelNr", m.scale.except[[i]], as.integer(1), nr=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr + 1 scale[j] <- scale[j] * scale.except[i] } ####################################################################### ## auxiliary functions ####################################################################### ## interactive menue to choose the name of a class of variogram models col.choose <- rep(Col.txt, n) choose.model <- function(nr=NA) { screen(name.dev) par(mar=name.mar) col.choose[nr] <- Col.flash plot(-Inf, -Inf, xlim=c(0,ncol), ylim=c(1,top+1), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="") title(main=maintitle, col.main="black") text(as.integer(((1:n)-1) / maxrow), top - ((1:n)-1) %% maxrow, labels=paste(namen), adj=c(0,0), cex=cex.names, col=col.choose) repeat { if (length(loc <- Locator(1))==0) { return(NA) } loc <- floor(unlist(loc)) covnr <- (1+top-loc[2]) + maxrow * loc[1] if ((covnr>0) && (covnr<=n) && (loc[2]>=0) && (loc[2]<=top)) { col.choose[nr] <- Col.txt return(covnr) } } } ## used in menue plot to define non-linear changings by user quadratic <- function(d, v, a, mini=0, maxi=Inf) { d <- pmin(1, pmax(0, d)) - 0.5 d <- ((d>0) * 2 - 1) * d^2 * a * 4 if (missing(v)) d else pmax(mini, pmin(maxi, v + d)) } ## simulates Gaussian random field according to the users choice of ## parameters (cp) and calculates the variogram simulate <- function(cp, param=c("vario", "field", "simu", "rs")) { ## "rs" only active if fixed.rs, and new random seed required ## "vario" : refresh of variogram plot ## "field" : refresh of simulation plot ## "simu" : new simulation and recalculation of variogram model if (cp$PracticalRange != RFparameters()$PracticalRange) { DeleteRegister(register) RFparameters(PracticalRange=cp$PracticalRange) } if (any(param %in% c("field", "simu"))) { screen(simu.dev, new=screen.new) if (!is.null(y)) { plot(Inf, Inf, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="") text(0.5, 0.5, lab="calculating...", adj=c(0.5, 0.5), cex=2) } } if (any("vario" == param) || !is.null(link.fct)) { screen(model.dev) par(mar=model.mar) if (anisotropy) { f <- pi / 180 * cp$angle u <- matrix(c(cos(f), sin(f), -sin(f), cos(f)), ncol=2) cp$model[[1]]$aniso <- u %*% (1/cp$diag * t(u)) if (is.finite(cp$varioangle)) { f <- pi / 180 * cp$varioangle uu <- matrix(c(cos(f), -sin(f), +sin(f), cos(f)), ncol=2) } else uu <- t(u) covxx <- ## works ! try out by: ## matrix(outer(c(10,20,30), matrix(1:4, ncol=2), "+"), ncol=2) matrix(outer(covx, uu, "*"), ncol=2) # $v : dir in each row } else { covxx <- covx } RFparameters(Print=print0) covvalue <- eval(parse(text=paste(c("CovarianceFct", "Variogram")[cp$variogram + 1], "(covxx, model=cp, dim=dim)"))) link.cov <- NULL linkname <- "transf." if (!is.na(covvalue[1]) && !is.null(link.fct)) { if (cp$variogram) { corvalue <- CovarianceFct(covxx, model=cp, dim=dim) if (is.na(corvalue[1])) { linkname <- "* trafo" corvalue <- Variogram(covxx, model=cp, dim=dim) corvalue <- max(corvalue) - corvalue } } else corvalue <- covvalue if (!is.na(sd <- corvalue[1])) { corvalue <- if (sd > 0) corvalue / sd else rep(1, length(corvalue)) sd <- sqrt(sd) xx <- rnorm(10000, 0, sd) ## create 10000 bivariate norms with mean mn, sd, and corvalue ## and calculate covariance empirically for link.fct if (is.function(link.fct)) { link.cov <- apply(link.fct(cp$mean + outer(xx, corvalue, "*") + outer(rnorm(10000, 0, sd), sqrt(1-corvalue^2),"*")), 2, cov, y=link.fct(cp$mean + xx), use="complete.obs") if (cp$variogram) link.cov <- link.cov[1] - link.cov } else { switch(pmatch(link.fct, linkfctlist), { link.cov <- if (cp$mean==0) sqrt((1 - corvalue)/2) else rep(NA, length(corvalue)) linkname <- "theta-1" }, stop("unknown link function") ) } link.cov <- matrix(link.cov, ncol=1 + anisotropy) } } # !is.na(covvalue[1]) && !is.null(link.fct) if (!any(z.f <- is.finite(z <- c(covvalue, if (cp$variogram) empirical$e, link.cov)))){ plot(0,0,col=0,axes=FALSE) text(0,0,label="plot not available", adj=c(0.5,0.5), col=Col.flash) } else { Ylim <- range(z[z.f]) covvalue <- matrix(covvalue, ncol=1 + anisotropy) plot(covx[1], covvalue[1,1], type="p", xlim=range(covx), ylim=Ylim, col=Col.model) if (!is.null(link.cov)) points(covx[1], link.cov[1,1], col=Col.model[2]) if (any(is.finite(covvalue[-1, ]))) matplot(covx[-1], covvalue[-1, , drop=FALSE], col=Col.model[1], lty=vario.lty, type="l", add=TRUE) if (!is.null(link.cov) && any(is.finite(link.cov[-1, ]))) matplot(covx[-1], link.cov[-1, , drop=FALSE], col=Col.model[2], lty=vario.lty, type="l", add=TRUE) if (!is.null(empirical) && (cp$variogram)) { vario.pch <- if (is.matrix(empirical$e)) c(16, 1) else 16 matplot(empirical$c, empirical$e, col=Col.vario, pch=vario.pch, add=TRUE) } else vario.pch <- -1 if (!is.null(link.fct) || anisotropy) { if(is.null(link.fct)) { leg <- c("1st", "2nd") llty <- vario.lty lcol <- Col.model[1] } else { lcol <- Col.model leg <- c("Gauss", linkname) llty <- rep(vario.lty, each= 1 + anisotropy) if (anisotropy) leg <- as.vector(outer(leg, c("1st", "2nd"), paste, sep=", ")) } legend(x=covx[length(covx)], y=Ylim[2 - cp$variogram], leg=leg, pch=vario.pch, lty=llty, col=lcol, xj=1, yj=1 - cp$variogram, cex=cex.leg) } } } RFparameters(Print=print1) if (any(param %in% c("simu", "field"))) { if ("simu" %in% param) { ## always calculated, even if not used in the plot ## (in case of max-stable "link"-function) ## in that case it does not cost too much more ... if (!fixed.rs || ("rs" %in% param)) assign("save.seed", get(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE), envir=ENVIR) else assign(".Random.seed", save.seed, envir=.GlobalEnv) z <- GaussRF(x, y, model=cp, grid=TRUE, register=register) assign("zsimu", z, envir=ENVIR) assign("ztrafo", NULL, envir=ENVIR) } else z <- zsimu if (cp$link) { ## if TRUE then also !is.null(link.fct) if (is.null(ztrafo)) { ## either simuparam, or user has swapped ## presentation if (is.function(link.fct)) z <- link.fct(z) else switch(pmatch(link.fct, linkfctlist), { assign(".Random.seed", save.seed, envir=.GlobalEnv) z <- MaxStableRF(x, y, model=cp, maxstable='extremalGauss', grid=TRUE, register=register) }, stop("unknown link function") ) assign("ztrafo", z, envir=ENVIR) } else z <- ztrafo } screen(simu.dev) par(mar=simu.mar) if (is.null(z) || all(is.na(z))) { plot(0, 0, col=0, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="") text(0, 0, label="image not available", adj=c(0.5, 0.5)) } else { if (any(is.na(z))) warning("some z-values are NA") if (is.null(y)) { plot(x, z, ylim=Zlim[[cp$link + 1]], ...) if (legends) { text(txt.x, max(z, na.rm=TRUE), adj=c(0.5,1), cex=1.5, if (cp$link) if (is.character(link.fct)) link.fct else "transformed" else "Gaussian", col=Col.main); } } else { zlim <- if (missing.zlim) range(z) else Zlim[[cp$link + 1]] image(x, y, z, zlim=zlim, ...) if (legends) { if (big.legend) ml <- c(format(mean(zlim), dig=2),filler) else ml <- NULL text(txt.x, txt.y, adj=c(0.5,1), cex=1.5, if (cp$link) if (is.character(link.fct)) link.fct else "transformed" else "Gaussian", col=Col.main); legend(lu.x, lu.y, y.i=y.i, x.i=0.1, yj=0, legend=c(format(zlim[2],dig=2),filler, ml, format(zlim[1],dig=2)), lty=1, lwd=lwd, col=col[length(col):1], cex=cex.leg) } } } # is.null(z) } # c("simu", "field") return(cp) ## return required by function eval.param } ####################################################################### ## recognized formulae for covariance functions ####################################################################### covlist <- c("bessel","cauchy","cauchytbm","circular", "cone","cubic","dampedcosine","exponential", "FD", "fractgauss", "gauss", "gencauchy","gengneiting","gneiting", "hyperbolic", "lgd1", "nsst", "nsst2", "nugget", "penta","power", "qexponential","spherical","stable","wave", "whittlematern", "fractalB" ) see.manual <- "formula see help page of CovarianceFct" exprlist <- c(expression(2^a *Gamma(a+1)*x^{-a}* J[a](x)), expression((1+x^2)^{-a}), expression((1+(1-b/c)*x^a)*(1+x^a)^{-b/a-1}), expression((1-2/pi*(x *sqrt(1-x^2)+asin(x))) * (x<1)), # "cone",... expression("C(x) not available"), expression((1-7*x^2 + 8.75 *x^3 - 3.5* x^4+0.75 *x^6)*(x<1)), expression(e^{-a* x}* cos(x)), expression(e^{-x}), # "FD",... expression((-1)^x * Gamma(1-a)^2/(Gamma(1-a+x) * Gamma(1-a-x)) * " x=integer"), expression(0.5 * (abs(x+1)^a - 2 * abs(x)^a + abs(x-1)^a)), expression(exp(-x^2)), # "gencauchy",... expression((1+x^a)^{-b/a}), expression(see.manual), expression((1 + 8 *s *x + 25* s^2* x^2 + 32* s^3 *x^3)*(1-s* x)^8 * (x<1)), # "hyperbolic",... expression(const[a][b][c] * (c^2 +x^2)^{b/2} * K[b](sqrt(a(c^2 + x^2)))), expression({1- b * (a+b)^{-1} * x^a} * (x <= 1) + a * (a+b)^{-1} *x ^b * (x>1)), expression(see.manual), expression(see.manual), expression((x==0)), # "penta",... expression(( 1 - 22*x^2/3 +33 *x^4 - 77*x^5/2 + 33* x^7/2 - 11* x^9/2 + 5 *x^11 /6)*(x<1)), expression((1-x)^a * (x<1)), # "qexponential",... expression((2*e^{-x}-a*e^{-2*x})/(2-a)), expression((1 - 1.5* x + 0.5* x^3)*(x<1)), expression(exp(-x^a)), expression(sin(x)/x), # "whittlematern",... expression(2^{1-a}* Gamma(a)^{-1}* x^a * K[a](x)), expression(x^a) ) expr <- rep(expression("C(x) unknown"), n) idx <- pmatch(covlist, namen) if (any(is.na(idx))) stop("programming error -- inform maintainer") expr[idx] <- exprlist DeleteRegister(register) ####################################################################### ## graphical preparations ####################################################################### ## check x coordinates for the plot of variogram models stopifnot(all(covx>=0)) if (length(covx)>1) { covx <- covx[covx>0] covx <- c(0, sort(c(max(covx)/100000, covx))) } else { covx <- c(0,seq(covx/100000, covx, l=covx.default)) } covx <- covx[is.finite(covx)] ## preparation of legend for 2-dim image plot if (dim==2) { ll <- list(...) opts <- lapply(names(ll), pmatch, c("col" # ,"zlim" ), no=0) if (length(opts)==0) opts <- 0 else opts <- as.integer(opts) if (sum(index <- (opts==1))==1) col <- ll[index][[1]] else { eval(parse(text = paste("col <-", paste(as.character(as.list(args(image.default))$col), collapse="("),")"))) } cn <- length(col) if (cn==1) stop ("more than one colour must be given!") lwd <- 1 y.i <- 0.03 if (big.legend <- (cn>50)) { filler <- vector("character",length=(cn-3)/2) if (cn>80) y.i <- 2.4 / cn } else { filler <- vector("character",length=cn-2) if (cn==2) { lwd <- 5 y.i <- 1 } else if (cn<30) { y.i <- 0.9 / (cn-2) lwd <- 1 + 10/(cn-2) } } lu.x <- min(x) lu.y <- min(y) } txt.x <- sum(range(x))/2 if (!is.null(y)) txt.y <- max(y) ## preparation of screens open.screen <- function() { if (is.numeric(parent.screen)) screen(parent.screen) assign("scr", split.screen(figs=rbind( c(0.01,x.fraction,0.01,0.49), c(x.fraction+0.02,0.99,0.01,1), c(0.01,x.fraction,0.51,0.99), c(x.fraction+0.02,0.99,0.01,0.99)), erase=erase), envir=ENVIR) assign("name.dev", scr[4], envir=ENVIR) assign("simu.dev", scr[1], envir=ENVIR) assign("model.dev", scr[3], envir=ENVIR) assign("par.dev", scr[2], envir=ENVIR) assign("model.mar", c(2,2,0,0), envir=ENVIR) assign("name.mar", c(0,0,2,0), envir=ENVIR) assign("simu.mar", c(2,2,0,0), envir=ENVIR) } open.screen() on.exit({ close.screen(scr); options(warn=warn.orig); RFparameters(oldRFparameters); par(bg=bg.save) }) screen(name.dev) par(mar=name.mar) maxrow <- 20 ncol <- 1 + as.integer( (n-1) / maxrow) top <- min(maxrow+1,n,na.rm=TRUE) maintitle <- "Models" ## initialization of model, choosing first model if (is.null(model$model[[1]])) { if (!is.null(empirical)) { screen(model.dev) par(mar=model.mar) Ylim <- range(empirical$e, na.rm=TRUE) matplot(empirical$c, empirical$e,xlim=range(covx, na.rm=TRUE), col=Col.vario, pch=c(16,1)) } if (is.na(covnr <- choose.model())) return(NULL) cur.par[[covnr]] <- list(model=list(model=list(model=namen[covnr], var=all.param[2], kappas=npar[[covnr]]), "+", model=list(model="nugget", var=all.param[2]))) if (anisotropy) { cur.par[[covnr]]$model[[1]]$aniso <- diag(1/scale[covnr], 2) cur.par[[covnr]]$model[[3]]$aniso <- diag(2) } else { cur.par[[covnr]]$model[[1]]$scale <- scale[covnr] cur.par[[covnr]]$model[[3]]$scale <- 1 } } else { cur.par[[covnr]] <- model if (anisotropy) { SVD <- svd(cur.par[[covnr]]$model[[1]]$aniso) u <- SVD$u[,1] if (u[1] < 0) u <- -u cur.par[[covnr]]$diag <- 1 / SVD$d if (is.na(varioangle)) { # no empirical variogram with 2 directions cur.par[[covnr]]$angle <- acos(u[1]) / pi * 180 if (u[2]<0) cur.par[[covnr]]$angle <- 180 - cur.par[[covnr]]$angle } else cur.par[[covnr]]$angle <- (varioangle + 360) %% 180 } } # else, is.null(model$model[[1]] cur.par[[covnr]]$varioangle <- NA ## default: varioangle follows angle cur.par[[covnr]]$PracticalRange <- RFparameters()$PracticalRange cur.par[[covnr]]$variogram <- variogram cur.par[[covnr]]$mean <- Mean cur.par[[covnr]]$link <- FALSE oldnr <- covnr ## preparation of menues if (anisotropy) { model.entry <- list( list(name="Anisotropy Parameters", var=NULL, val="simulate", param=c("simu", "rs")), list(name="first axis scale", var="diag[1]", delta=TRUE, val=function(d, v) {quadratic(d=d, v=v, a=maxstep[4], mini=minscale) }), list(name="second axis scale", var="diag[2]", delta=TRUE, val=function(d, v){quadratic(d=d, v=v, a=maxstep[4], mini=minscale) }), list(name="angle (degrees)", var="angle", delta=FALSE, val=function(d, v) pmin(maxangle, pmax(0,d * maxangle))), ) } else model.entry <- NULL model.entry <- c(list( if (!anisotropy) list(name="scale", var="model[[1]]$scale", delta=TRUE, val=function(d, v) {quadratic(d=d, v=v, a=maxstep[4],mini=minscale)}), list(name="variance", var="model[[1]]$var", delta=TRUE, val=function(d, v) {quadratic(d=d, v=v, a=maxstep[2]) }), list(name="nugget", var="model[[3]]$var", delta=TRUE, val=function(d, v) {quadratic(d=d, v=v, a=maxstep[3]) }), ), model.entry, list( list(name="Global Parameters", var=NULL, val="simulate", param=c("simu", "rs")), list(name="mean", var="mean", delta=TRUE, val=function(d, v) {quadratic(d=d, v=v, a=maxstep[1], mini=-Inf)}, param="simu"), list(name="practical range", var="PracticalRange", val=TRUE), list(name="variogram", var="variogram", val=TRUE, param="vario"), if (anisotropy) list(name="variogram angle (degrees)", var="varioangle", delta=FALSE, val=function(d, v) pmin(180, pmax(0,d * 180)), param="vario" ), if (!is.null(link.fct)) list(name="show transformed field", var="link", val=TRUE, param="field"), ), ) ####################################################################### ## the graphical interface itself ####################################################################### repeat { ## is the chosen model class chosen for the first time? ## if so copy "standard" values from former choices if (is.null(cur.par[[covnr]])) { cur.par[[covnr]] <- cur.par[[oldnr]] ## var, nugget, (scale/aniso,) mean cur.par[[covnr]]$model[[1]]$model <- namen[covnr] ## event fall unterscheidung npar[[covr]] == / != 0 cur.par[[covnr]]$model[[1]]$kappas <- npar[[covnr]] if (!cur.par[[covnr]]$PracticalRange) { if (anisotropy) { cur.par[[covnr]]$model[[1]]$aniso <- diag(1/scale[covnr], 2) cur.par[[covnr]]$angle <- 0 cur.par[[covnr]]$diag <- rep(scale[covnr], 2) } else cur.par[[covnr]]$model[[1]]$scale <- scale[covnr] } } else { cur.par[[covnr]]$PracticalRange <- cur.par[[oldnr]]$PracticalRange cur.par[[covnr]]$variogram <- cur.par[[oldnr]]$variogram cur.par[[covnr]]$mean <- cur.par[[oldnr]]$mean } ## define menue points that depend on the choice of the model kappa.entry <- NULL if ((l <- length(cur.par[[covnr]]$model[[1]]$kappas)) > 0) { for (i in 1:l) { rd <- pmatch(type[[covnr]][i], c("real","discrete")) kappa.entry[[l + 1 -i]] <- list(name=letters[i], var=paste("model[[1]]$kappas[",i,"]"), delta=TRUE, val=switch(rd, function(d, v) {quadratic(d=d, v=v, a=maxstep[5], mini=-Inf)}, function(d, v) {if (missing(v)) v<-rep(0, length(d)); v[d>0.5] <- v[d>0.5] + 1; v[d<0.5] <- v[d<0.5] - 1; v}, ), col=if (rd==1) "blue" else "lightblue" ) } } entry <- c(list( if (!update) list(name="simulate", val="simulate", param=c("simu", "rs")), list(name=cur.par[[covnr]]$model[[1]]$model, var=NULL, col=Col.flash, cex=0.8, val="simulate", param=c("simu", "rs")), list(name=expr[covnr], var=NULL, col=Col.txt, cex=0.8, val="simulate", param=c("simu", "rs")) ), kappa.entry, model.entry) ## the bad side of having simpler expression for the entries, is ## that NULLs might have been introduced... entry <- entry[!sapply(entry, is.null)] if (!is.null(y)) { screen(simu.dev) par(mar=simu.mar) plot(Inf, Inf, xlim=range(x), ylim=range(y), axes=FALSE) } simulate(cp=cur.par[[covnr]]) options(warn=-1) cur.par[[covnr]] <- ## menu call eval.parameters("cp", entry, update=update, simulate=simulate, dev = par.dev, cp=cur.par[[covnr]], col.rect=Col.rect, col.bg=Col.bg, col.sep=Col.sep, col.line = Col.line, col.txt=Col.txt, sep=NULL, cex=cex.eval, cex.i=cex.eval, param=c("field", "simu", "vario") ) oldnr <- covnr if (is.na(covnr <- choose.model(oldnr))) break close.screen(scr) open.screen() } if (anisotropy && !update) { f <- cur.par[[oldnr]]$angle * pi / 180 u <- matrix(c(cos(f), sin(f), -sin(f), cos(f)), ncol=2) cur.par[[oldnr]]$model[[1]]$aniso <- u %*% (1/cur.par[[oldnr]]$diag * t(u)) } return(convert.to.readable(PrepareModel(cur.par[[oldnr]], timespace=dim))) }