Raw File
Subset of four variables and interviewer number from the 
European Social Survey, round 4 (2008) Danish sample. 
	Consists of indices of political and social trust, political efficacy, and 
	fear of crime. The interviewer number was also recorded. 
	The ESS round 4 in Denmark was a face-to-face probability survey 
	with simple random sampling.
  A data frame with 1546 observations of 6 variables.
    \item{\code{idno}}{Respondent identifier}
    \item{\code{intnum}}{Interviewer identifier}
    \item{\code{socialTrust}}{Sum of three 0-10 social trust items.}
    \item{\code{efficacy}}{Sum of two 1-5 items measuring "internal political efficacy".}
    \item{\code{systemTrust}}{Sum of three 0-10 political trust items.}
    \item{\code{fearCrime}}{Sum of three 1-4 items measuring fear of crime.}
This dataset was retrieved from \url{http://ess.nsd.uib.no/ess/round4/} and converted to an R dataset.
	Jowell, R., Roberts, C., Fitzgerald, R., & Eva, G. (2007). 
		Measuring attitudes cross-nationally: Lessons from the european social survey. SAGE.
  Oberski, D.L. (2014). lavaan.survey: An R Package for Complex Survey Analysis
    of Structural Equation Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 57(1), 1-27.

# A saturated model with reciprocal effects from Saris & Gallhofer (2007)
dk.model <- "
  socialTrust ~ 1 + systemTrust + fearCrime
  systemTrust ~ 1 + socialTrust + efficacy
  socialTrust ~~ systemTrust
lavaan.fit <- lavaan(dk.model, data=ess.dk, auto.var=TRUE, estimator="MLM")

# Create a survey design object with interviewer clustering
survey.design <- svydesign(ids=~intnum, prob=~1, data=ess.dk)

survey.fit <- lavaan.survey(lavaan.fit=lavaan.fit, survey.design=survey.design)
  Daniel Oberski - \url{http://daob.org} - \email{daniel.oberski@gmail.com}
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