Latest ------ * The ++ and -- operators have been deprecated, and are slated to be removed in Swift 3.0. As a replacement, please use "x += 1" on integer or floating point types, and "x = x.successor()" on Index types. * The operator identifier lexer grammar has been revised to simplify the rules for operators that start with a dot ("."). The new rule is that an operator that starts with a dot may contain other dots in it, but operators that start with some other character may not contain dots. For example: ``` --> "x" "...." "foo" x&%^.foo --> "x" "&%^" ".foo" ``` This eliminates a special case for the ..< operator, folding it into a simple and consistent rule. * The "C-style for loop", which is spelled `for init; comparison; increment {}` has been deprecated and is slated for removal in Swift 3.0. See [SE-0007]( for more information. * Three new doc comment fields, namely `- keyword:`, `- recommended:` and `- recommendedover:`, allow Swift users to cooperate with code completion engine to deliver more effective code completion results. The `- keyword:` field specifies concepts that are not fully manifested in declaration names. `- recommended:` indicates other declarations are preferred to the one decorated; to the contrary, `- recommendedover:` indicates the decorated declaration is preferred to those declarations whose names are specified. * Designated class initializers declared as failable or throwing may now return nil or throw an error, respectively, before the object has been fully initialized. For example: ```swift class Widget : Gadget { let complexity: Int init(complexity: Int, elegance: Int) throws { if complexity > 3 { throw WidgetError.TooComplex } self.complexity = complexity try super.init(elegance: elegance) } } ``` * All slice types now have `removeFirst()` and `removeLast()` methods. * `ArraySlice.removeFirst()` now preserves element indices. * Global `anyGenerator()` functions have been changed into initializers on `AnyGenerator`, making the API more intuitive and idiomatic. They have been deprecated in Swift 2.2, and will be removed in Swift 3. * Closures appearing inside generic types and generic methods can now be converted to C function pointers as long as no generic type parameters are referenced in the closure's argument list or body. A conversion of a closure that references generic type parameters now produces a diagnostic instead of crashing. **(rdar://problem/22204968)** * Anonymously-typed members of C structs and unions can now be accessed from Swift. For example, given the following struct 'Pie', the 'crust' and 'filling' members are now imported: ```swift struct Pie { struct { bool crispy; } crust; union { int fruit; } filling; } ``` Since Swift does not support anonymous structs, these fields are imported as properties named `crust` and `filling` having nested types named `Pie.__Unnamed_crust` and `Pie.__Unnamed_filling`. **(rdar://problem/21683348)** * Argument labels and parameter names can now be any keyword except `var`, `let`, or `inout`. For example: NSURLProtectionSpace(host: "", port: 443, protocol: "https", realm: "Some Domain", authenticationMethod: "Basic") would previously have required `protocol` to be surrounded in back-ticks. For more information, see [SE-0001]( * Tuples (up to arity 6) whose elements are all `Comparable` or `Equatable` now implement the full set of comparison/equality operators. The comparison operators are defined in terms of [lexicographical order][]. See [SE-0015][] for more information. [lexicographical order]: [SE-0015]: * The `@objc(SomeName)` attribute is now supported on enums and enum cases to rename the generated Objective-C declaration. **(rdar://problem/21930334)** * When referencing a function or initializer, one can provide the complete name, including argument labels. For example: let fn1 = someView.insertSubview(_:at:) let fn2 = someView.insertSubview(_:aboveSubview:) let buttonFactory = UIButton.init(type:) For more information, see [SE-0021]( 2015-09-17 [Xcode 7.1, Swift 2.1] ---------- * Enums imported from C now automatically conform to the `Equatable` protocol, including a default implementation of the `==` operator. This conformance allows you to use C enum pattern matching in switch statements with no additional code. **(17287720)** * The `NSNumber.unsignedIntegerValue` property now has the type `UInt` instead of `Int`, as do other methods and properties that use the `NSUInteger` type in Objective-C and whose names contain `unsigned..`. Most other uses of `NSUInteger` in system frameworks are imported as `Int` as they were in Xcode 7. **(19134055)** * Field getters and setters are now created for named unions imported from C. In addition, an initializer with a named parameter for the field is provided. For example, given the following Objective-C `typedef`: ```objc typedef union IntOrFloat { int intField; float floatField; } IntOrFloat; ``` Importing this `typedef` into Swift generates the following interface: ```swift struct IntOrFloat { var intField: Int { get set } init(intField: Int) var floatField: Float { get set } init(floatField: Float) } ``` **(19660119)** * Bitfield members of C structs are now imported into Swift. **(21702107)** * The type `dispatch_block_t` now refers to the type `@convention(block) () -> Void`, as it did in Swift 1.2. This change allows programs using `dispatch_block_create` to work as expected, solving an issue that surfaced in Xcode 7.0 with Swift 2.0. **Note:** Converting to a Swift closure value and back is not guaranteed to preserve the identity of a `dispatch_block_t`. **(22432170)** * Editing a file does not trigger a recompile of files that depend upon it if the edits only modify declarations marked private. **(22239821)** * Expressions interpolated in strings may now contain string literals. For example, `My name is \(attributes["name"]!)` is now a valid expression. **(14050788)** * Error messages produced when the type checker cannot solve its constraint system continue to improve in many cases. For example, errors in the body of generic closures (for instance, the argument closure to `map`) are much more usefully diagnosed. **(18835890)** * Conversions between function types are supported, exhibiting covariance in function result types and contravariance in function parameter types. For example, it is legal to assign a function of type `Any -> Int` to a variable of type `String -> Any`. **(19517003)** 2015-09-17 [Xcode 7.0, Swift 2] ---------- ## Swift Language Features * New `defer` statement. This statement runs cleanup code when the scope is exited, which is particularly useful in conjunction with the new error handling model. For example: ```swift func xyz() throws { let f = fopen("x.txt", "r") defer { fclose(f) } try foo(f) // f is closed if an error is propagated. let f2 = fopen("y.txt", "r") defer { fclose(f2) } try bar(f, f2) // f2 is closed, then f is closed if an error is propagated. } // f2 is closed, then f is closed on a normal path ``` **(17302850)** * Printing values of certain `enum` types shows the enum `case` and payload, if any. This is not supported for `@objc` enums or certain enums with multiple payloads. **(18334936)** * You can specify availability information on your own declarations with the `@available()` attribute. For example: ```swift @available(iOS 8.0, OSX 10.10, *) func startUserActivity() -> NSUserActivity { ... } ``` This code fragment indicates that the `startUserActivity()` method is available on iOS 8.0+, on OS X v10.10+, and on all versions of any other platform. **(20938565)** * A new `@nonobjc` attribute is introduced to selectively suppress ObjC export for instance members that would otherwise be `@objc`. **(16763754)** * Nongeneric classes may now inherit from generic classes. **(15520519)** * Public extensions of generic types are now permitted. ```swift public extension Array { … } ``` **(16974298)** * Enums now support multiple generic associated values, for example: ```swift enum Either { case Left(T), Right(U) } ``` **(15666173)** * **Protocol extensions**: Extensions can be written for protocol types. With these extensions, methods and properties can be added to any type that conforms to a particular protocol, allowing you to reuse more of your code. This leads to more natural caller side "dot" method syntax that follows the principle of "fluent interfaces" and that makes the definition of generic code simpler (reducing "angle bracket blindness"). **(11735843)** * **Protocol default implementations**: Protocols can have default implementations for requirements specified in a protocol extension, allowing "mixin" or "trait" like patterns. * **Availability checking**. Swift reports an error at compile time if you call an API that was introduced in a version of the operating system newer than the currently selected deployment target. To check whether a potentially unavailable API is available at runtime, use the new `#available()` condition in an if or guard statement. For example: ```swift if #available(iOS 8.0, OSX 10.10, *) { // Use Handoff APIs when available. let activity = NSUserActivity(activityType:"com.example.ShoppingList.view") activity.becomeCurrent() } else { // Fall back when Handoff APIs not available. } ``` **(14586648)** * Native support for C function pointers: C functions that take function pointer arguments can be called using closures or global functions, with the restriction that the closure must not capture any of its local context. For example, the standard C qsort function can be invoked as follows: ```swift var array = [3, 14, 15, 9, 2, 6, 5] qsort(&array, array.count, sizeofValue(array[0])) { a, b in return Int32(UnsafePointer(a).memory - UnsafePointer(b).memory) } print(array) ``` **(16339559)** * **Error handling**. You can create functions that `throw`, `catch`, and manage errors in Swift. Using this capability, you can surface and deal with recoverable errors, such as "file-not-found" or network timeouts. Swift's error handling interoperates with `NSError`. **(17158652)** * **Testability**: Tests of Swift 2.0 frameworks and apps are written without having to make internal routines public. Use `@testable import {ModuleName}` in your test source code to make all public and internal routines usable. The app or framework target needs to be compiled with the `Enable Testability` build setting set to `Yes`. The `Enable Testability` build setting should be used only in your Debug configuration, because it prohibits optimizations that depend on not exporting internal symbols from the app or framework. **(17732115)** * if statements can be labeled, and labeled break statements can be used as a jump out of the matching if statement. An unlabeled break does not exit the if statement. It exits the enclosing loop or switch statement, or it is illegal if none exists. (19150249) * A new `x?` pattern can be used to pattern match against optionals as a synonym for `.Some(x)`. **(19382878)** * Concatenation of Swift string literals, including across multiple lines, is now a guaranteed compile-time optimization, even at `-Onone`. **(19125926)** * Nested functions can now recursively reference themselves and other nested functions. **(11266246)** * Improved diagnostics: - A warning has been introduced to encourage the use of let instead of var when appropriate. - A warning has been introduced to signal unused variables. - Invalid mutation diagnostics are more precise. - Unreachable switch cases cause a warning. - The switch statement "exhaustiveness checker" is smarter. **(15975935,20130240)** * Failable convenience initializers are allowed to return `nil` before calling `self.init`. Designated initializers still must initialize all stored properties before returning `nil`; this is a known limitation. **(20193929)** * A new `readLine()` function has been added to the standard library. **(15911365)** * **SIMD Support**: Clang extended vectors are imported and usable in Swift. This capability enables many graphics and other low-level numeric APIs (for example, `simd.h`) to be usable in Swift. * New `guard` statement: This statement allows you to model an early exit out of a scope. For example: ```swift guard let z = bar() else { return } use(z) ``` The `else` block is required to exit the scope (for example, with `return`, `throw`, `break`, `continue`, and so forth) or end in a call to a `@noreturn` function. **(20109722)** * Improved pattern matching: `switch`/`case` pattern matching is available to many new conditional control flow statements, including `if`/`case`, `while`/`case`, `guard`/`case`, and `for-in`/`case`. `for-in` statements can also have `where` clauses, which combine to support many of the features of list comprehensions in other languages. * A new `do` statement allows scopes to be introduced with the `do` statement. For example: ```swift do { //new scope do { //another scope } } ``` ## Swift Enhancements and Changes * A new keyword `try?` has been added to Swift. `try?` attempts to perform an operation that may throw. If the operation succeeds, the result is wrapped in an optional; if it fails (that is, if an error is thrown), the result is `nil` and the error is discarded. For example: ```swift func produceGizmoUsingTechnology() throws -> Gizmo { … } func produceGizmoUsingMagic() throws -> Gizmo { … } if let result = try? produceGizmoUsingTechnology() { return result } if let result = try? produceGizmoUsingMagic() { return result } print("warning: failed to produce a Gizmo in any way") return nil ``` `try?` always adds an extra level of `Optional` to the result type of the expression being evaluated. If a throwing function's normal return type is `Int?`, the result of calling it with `try?` will be `Int??`, or `Optional>`. **(21692467)** * Type names and enum cases now print and convert to `String` without qualification by default. `debugPrint` or `String(reflecting:)` can still be used to get fully qualified names. For example: ```swift enum Fruit { case Apple, Banana, Strawberry } print(Fruit.Apple) // "Apple" debugPrint(Fruit.Apple) // "MyApp.Fruit.Apple") ``` **(21788604)** * C `typedef`s of block types are imported as `typealias`s for Swift closures. The primary result of this is that `typedef`s for blocks with a parameter of type `BOOL` are imported as closures with a parameter of type `Bool` (rather than `ObjCBool` as in the previous release). This matches the behavior of block parameters to imported Objective-C methods. **(22013912)** * The type `Boolean` in `MacTypes.h` is imported as `Bool` in contexts that allow bridging between Swift and Objective-C types. In cases where the representation is significant, `Boolean` is imported as a distinct `DarwinBoolean` type, which is `BooleanLiteralConvertible` and can be used in conditions (much like the `ObjCBool` type). **(19013551)** * Fields of C structs that are marked `__unsafe_unretained` are presented in Swift using `Unmanaged`. It is not possible for the Swift compiler to know if these references are really intended to be strong (+1) or unretained (+0). **(19790608)** * The `NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT` macro can be used to move an Objective-C declaration aside to provide a better version of the same API in Swift, while still having the original implementation available. (For example, an Objective-C API that takes a `Class` could offer a more precise parameter type in Swift.) The `NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT` macro operates differently on different declarations: - `init` methods will be imported with the resulting Swift initializer having `__` prepended to its first external parameter name. ```objc // Objective-C - (instancetype)initWithClassName:(NSString *)name NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT; ``` ```swift // Swift init(__className: String) ``` - Other methods will be imported with `__` prepended to their base name. ```objc // Objective-C - (NSString *)displayNameForMode:(DisplayMode)mode NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT; ``` ```swift // Swift func __displayNameForMode(mode: DisplayMode) -> String ``` - Subscript methods will be treated like any other methods and will not be imported as subscripts. - Other declarations will have `__` prepended to their name. ```objc // Objective-C @property DisplayMode mode NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT; ``` ```swift // Swift var __mode: DisplayMode { get set } ``` **(20070465)** * Xcode provides context-sensitive code completions for enum elements and option sets when using the shorter dot syntax. **(16659653)** * The `NSManaged` attribute can be used with methods as well as properties, for access to Core Data's automatically generated Key-Value-Coding-compliant to-many accessors. ```swift @NSManaged var employees: NSSet @NSManaged func addEmployeesObject(employee: Employee) @NSManaged func removeEmployeesObject(employee: Employee) @NSManaged func addEmployees(employees: NSSet) @NSManaged func removeEmployees(employees: NSSet) ``` These can be declared in your `NSManagedObject` subclass. **(17583057)** * The grammar has been adjusted so that lines beginning with '.' are always parsed as method or property lookups following the previous line, allowing for code formatted like this to work: ```swift foo .bar .bas = 68000 ``` It is no longer possible to begin a line with a contextual static member lookup (for example, to say `.staticVar = MyType()`). **(20238557)** * Code generation for large `struct` and `enum` types has been improved to reduce code size. **(20598289)** * Nonmutating methods of structs, enums, and protocols may now be partially applied to their self parameter: ```swift let a: Set = [1, 2, 3] let b: [Set] = [[1], [4]] // => [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4]] ``` **(21091944)** * Swift documentation comments recognize a new top-level list item: `- Throws: ...` This item is used to document what errors can be thrown and why. The documentation appears alongside parameters and return descriptions in Xcode QuickHelp. **(21621679)** * Unnamed parameters now require an explicit `_:` to indicate that they are unnamed. For example, the following is now an error: ```swift func f(Int) { } ``` and must be written as: ```swift func f(_: Int) { } ``` This simplifies the argument label model and also clarifies why cases like `func f((a: Int, b: Int))` do not have parameters named `a` and `b`. **(16737312)** * It is now possible to append a tuple to an array. **(17875634)** * The ability to refer to the 0 element of a scalar value (producing the scalar value itself) has been removed. **(17963034)** * Variadic parameters can now appear anywhere in the parameter list for a function or initializer. For example: ```swift func doSomethingToValues(values: Int... , options: MyOptions = [], fn: (Int) -> Void) { … } ``` **(20127197)** * Generic subclasses of Objective-C classes are now supported. **(18505295)** * If an element of an enum with string raw type does not have an explicit raw value, it will default to the text of the enum's name. For example: ```swift enum WorldLayer : String { case Ground, BelowCharacter, Character } ``` is equivalent to: ```swift enum WorldLayer : String { case Ground = "Ground" case BelowCharacter = "BelowCharacter" case Character = "Character" } ``` **(15819953)** * The `performSelector` family of APIs is now available for Swift code. **(17227475)** * When delegating or chaining to a failable initializer (for example, with `self.init(…)` or `super.init(…)`), one can now force-unwrap the result with `!`. For example: ```swift extension UIImage { enum AssetIdentifier: String { case Isabella case William case Olivia } convenience init(assetIdentifier: AssetIdentifier) { self.init(named: assetIdentifier.rawValue)! } } ``` **(18497407)** * Initializers can now be referenced like static methods by referring to `.init` on a static type reference or type object. For example: ```swift let x = String.init(5) let stringType = String.self let y = stringType.init(5) let oneTwoThree = [1, 2, 3].map(String.init).reduce("", combine: +) ``` `.init` is still implicit when constructing using a static type, as in `String(5)`. `.init` is required when using dynamic type objects or when referring to the initializer as a function value. **(21375845)** * Enums and cases can now be marked indirect, which causes the associated value for the enum to be stored indirectly, allowing for recursive data structures to be defined. For example: ```swift enum List { case Nil indirect case Cons(head: T, tail: List) } indirect enum Tree { case Leaf(T) case Branch(left: Tree, right: Tree) } ``` **(21643855)** * Formatting for Swift expression results has changed significantly when using `po` or `expr -O`. Customization that was introduced has been refined in the following ways: - The formatted summary provided by either `debugDescription` or `description` methods will always be used for types that conform to `CustomDebugStringConvertible` or `CustomStringConvertible` respectively. When neither conformance is present, the type name is displayed and reference types also display the referenced address to more closely mimic existing behavior for Objective-C classes. - Value types such as enums, tuples, and structs display all members indented below the summary by default, while reference types will not. This behavior can be customized for all types by implementing `CustomReflectable`. These output customizations can be bypassed by using `p` or `expr` without the `-O` argument to provide a complete list of all fields and their values. **(21463866)** * Properties and methods using `Unmanaged` can now be exposed to Objective-C. **(16832080)** * Applying the `@objc` attribute to a class changes that class's compile-time name in the target's generated Objective-C header as well as changing its runtime name. This applies to protocols as well. For example: ```swift // Swift @objc(MyAppDelegate) class AppDelegate : NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate { // ... } ``` ```objc // Objective-C @interface MyAppDelegate : NSObject // ... @end ``` **(17469485)** * Collections containing types that are not Objective-C compatible are no longer considered Objective-C compatible types themselves. For example, previously `Array` was permitted as the type of a property marked `@objc`; this is no longer the case. **(19787270)** * Generic subclasses of Objective-C classes, as well as nongeneric classes that inherit from such a class, require runtime metadata instantiation and cannot be directly named from Objective-C code. When support for generic subclasses of Objective-C classes was first added, the generated Objective-C bridging header erroneously listed such classes, which, when used, could lead to incorrect runtime behavior or compile-time errors. This has been fixed. The behavior of the `@objc` attribute on a class has been clarified such that applying `@objc` to a class which cannot appear in a bridging header is now an error. Note that this change does not result in a change of behavior with valid code because members of a class are implicitly `@objc` if any superclass of the class is an `@objc` class, and all `@objc` classes must inherit from NSObject. **(21342574)** * The performance of `-Onone` (debug) builds has been improved by using prespecialized instances of generics in the standard library. It produces significantly faster executables in debug builds in many cases, without impacting compile time. **(20486658)** * `AnyObject` and `NSObject` variables that refer to class objects can be cast back to class object types. For example, this code succeeds: ```swift let x: AnyObject = NSObject.self let y = x as! NSObject.Type ``` Arrays, dictionaries, and sets that contain class objects successfully bridge with `NSArray`, `NSDictionary`, and `NSSet` as well. Objective-C APIs that provide `NSArray *` objects, such as `-[NSURLSessionConfiguration protocolClasses]`, now work correctly when used in Swift. **(16238475)** * `print()` and reflection via Mirrors is able to report both the current case and payload for all enums with multiple payload types. The only remaining enum types that do not support reflection are `@objc` enums and enums imported from C. **(21739870)** * Enum cases with payloads can be used as functions. For example: ```swift enum Either { case Left(T), Right(U) } let lefts: [Either] = [1, 2, 3].map(Either.Left) let rights: [Either] = ["one", "two", "three"].map(Either.Right) ``` **(19091028)** * `ExtensibleCollectionType` has been folded into `RangeReplaceableCollectionType`. In addition, default implementations have been added as methods, which should be used instead of the free Swift module functions related to these protocols. **(18220295)** ## Swift Standard Library * The standard library moved many generic global functions (such as `map`, `filter`, and `sort`) to be methods written with protocol extensions. This allows those methods to be pervasively available on all sequence and collection types and allowed the removal of the global functions. * Deprecated enum elements no longer affect the names of nondeprecated elements when an Objective-C enum is imported into Swift. This may cause the Swift names of some enum elements to change. **(17686122)** * All enums imported from C are `RawRepresentable`, including those not declared with `NS_ENUM` or `NS_OPTIONS`. As part of this change, the value property of such enums has been renamed `rawValue`. **(18702016)** * Swift documentation comments use a syntax based on the Markdown format, aligning them with rich comments in playgrounds. - Outermost list items are interpreted as special fields and are highlighted in Xcode QuickHelp. - There are two methods of documenting parameters: parameter outlines and separate parameter fields. You can mix and match these forms as you see fit in any order or continuity throughout the doc comment. Because these are parsed as list items, you can nest arbitrary content underneath them. - Parameter outline syntax: ```swift - Parameters: - x: ... - y: ... ``` - Separate parameter fields: ```swift - parameter x: ... - parameter y: ... ``` - Documenting return values: ```swift - returns: ... ``` Other special fields are highlighted in QuickHelp, as well as rendering support for all of Markdown. (20180161) * The `CFunctionPointer U>` type has been removed. C function types are specified using the new `@convention(c)` attribute. Like other function types, `@convention(c) T -> U` is not nullable unless made optional. The `@objc_block` attribute for specifying block types has also been removed and replaced with `@convention(block)`. * Methods and functions have the same rules for parameter names. You can omit providing an external parameter name with `_`. To further simplify the model, the shorthand `#` for specifying a parameter name has been removed, as have the special rules for default arguments. ```swift // Declaration func printFunction(str: String, newline: Bool) func printMethod(str: String, newline: Bool) func printFunctionOmitParameterName(str: String, _ newline: Bool) // Call printFunction("hello", newline: true) printMethod("hello", newline: true) printFunctionOmitParameterName("hello", true) ``` **(17218256)** * `NS_OPTIONS` types get imported as conforming to the `OptionSetType` protocol, which presents a set-like interface for options. Instead of using bitwise operations such as: ```swift // Swift 1.2: object.invokeMethodWithOptions(.OptionA | .OptionB) object.invokeMethodWithOptions(nil) if options @ .OptionC == .OptionC { // .OptionC is set } ``` Option sets support set literal syntax, and set-like methods such as contains: ```swift object.invokeMethodWithOptions([.OptionA, .OptionB]) object.invokeMethodWithOptions([]) if options.contains(.OptionC) { // .OptionC is set } ``` A new option set type can be written in Swift as a struct that conforms to the `OptionSetType` protocol. If the type specifies a `rawValue` property and option constants as `static let` constants, the standard library will provide default implementations of the rest of the option set API: ```swift struct MyOptions: OptionSetType { let rawValue: Int static let TuringMachine = MyOptions(rawValue: 1) static let LambdaCalculus = MyOptions(rawValue: 2) static let VonNeumann = MyOptions(rawValue: 4) } let churchTuring: MyOptions = [.TuringMachine, .LambdaCalculus] ``` **(18069205)** * Type annotations are no longer allowed in patterns and are considered part of the outlying declaration. This means that code previously written as: ```swift var (a : Int, b : Float) = foo() ``` needs to be written as: ```swift var (a,b) : (Int, Float) = foo() ``` if an explicit type annotation is needed. The former syntax was ambiguous with tuple element labels. **(20167393)** * The `do`/`while` loop is renamed to `repeat`/`while` to make it obvious whether a statement is a loop from its leading keyword. In Swift 1.2: ```swift do { ... } while In Swift 2.0: repeat { ... } while ``` **(20336424)** * `forEach` has been added to `SequenceType`. This lets you iterate over elements of a sequence, calling a body closure on each. For example: ```swift (0..<10).forEach { print($0) } ``` This is very similar to the following: ```swift for x in 0..<10 { print(x) } ``` But take note of the following differences: - Unlike for-in loops, you can't use `break` or `continue` to exit the current call of the body closure or skip subsequent calls. - Also unlike for-in loops, using `return` in the body closure only exits from the current call to the closure, not any outer scope, and won't skip subsequent calls. **(18231840)** * The `Word` and `UWord` types have been removed from the standard library; use `Int` and `UInt` instead. **(18693488)** * Most standard library APIs that take closures or `@autoclosure` parameters now use `rethrows`. This allows the closure parameters to methods like `map` and `filter` to throw errors, and allows short-circuiting operators like `&&`, `||`, and `??` to work with expressions that may produce errors. **(21345565)** * SIMD improvements: Integer vector types in the simd module now only support unchecked arithmetic with wraparound semantics using the `&+`, `&-`, and `&*` operators, in order to better support the machine model for vectors. The `+`, `-`, and `*` operators are unavailable on integer vectors, and Xcode automatically suggests replacing them with the wrapping operators. Code generation for vector types in the simd module has been improved to better utilize vector hardware, leading to dramatically improved performance in many cases. **(21574425)** * All `CollectionType` objects are now sliceable. `SequenceType` now has a notion of `SubSequence`, which is a type that represents only some of the values but in the same order. For example, the `ArraySubSequence` type is `ArraySlice`, which is an efficient view on the `Array` type's buffer that avoids copying as long as it uniquely references the `Array` from which it came. The following free Swift functions for splitting/slicing sequences have been removed and replaced by method requirements on the `SequenceType` protocol with default implementations in protocol extensions. `CollectionType` has specialized implementations, where possible, to take advantage of efficient access of its elements. ```swift /// Returns the first `maxLength` elements of `self`, /// or all the elements if `self` has fewer than `maxLength` elements. prefix(maxLength: Int) -> SubSequence /// Returns the last `maxLength` elements of `self`, /// or all the elements if `self` has fewer than `maxLength` elements. suffix(maxLength: Int) -> SubSequence /// Returns all but the first `n` elements of `self`. dropFirst(n: Int) -> SubSequence /// Returns all but the last `n` elements of `self`. dropLast(n: Int) -> SubSequence /// Returns the maximal `SubSequence`s of `self`, in order, that /// don't contain elements satisfying the predicate `isSeparator`. split(maxSplits maxSplits: Int, allowEmptySlices: Bool, @noescape isSeparator: (Generator.Element) -> Bool) -> [SubSequence] ``` The following convenience extension is provided for `split`: ```swift split(separator: Generator.Element, maxSplit: Int, allowEmptySlices: Bool) -> [SubSequence] ``` Also, new protocol requirements and default implementations on `CollectionType` are now available: ```swift /// Returns `self[startIndex.. SubSequence /// Returns `self[start.. SubSequence /// Returns `prefixUpTo(position.successor())` prefixThrough(position: Index) -> SubSequence ``` **(21663830)** * The `print` and `debugPrint` functions are improved: - Both functions have become variadic, and you can print any number of items with a single call. - `separator: String = " "` was added so you can control how the items are separated. - `terminator: String = "\n"` replaced `appendNewline: bool = true.` With this change, `print(x, appendNewline: false)` is expressed as `print(x, terminator: "")`. - For the variants that take an output stream, the argument label `toStream` was added to the stream argument. The `println` function from Swift 1.2 has been removed. **(21788540)** * For consistency and better composition of generic code, `ArraySlice` indices are no longer always zero-based but map directly onto the indices of the collection they are slicing and maintain that mapping even after mutations. Before: ```swift var a = Array(0..<10) var s = a[5..<10] s.indices // 0..<5 s[0] = 111 s // [111, 6, 7, 8, 9] s.removeFirst() s.indices // 1..<5 ``` After: ```swift var a = Array(0..<10) var s = a[5..<10] s.indices // 5..<10 s[5] = 99 s // [99, 6, 7, 8, 9] s.removeFirst() s.indices // 6..<10 ``` Rather than define variants of collection algorithms that take explicit subrange arguments, such as `a.sortSubrangeInPlace(3..<7)`, the Swift standard library provides "slicing," which composes well with algorithms. This enables you to write `a[3..<7].sortInPlace()`, for example. With most collections, these algorithms compose naturally. For example, before this change was incorporated: ```swift extension MyIntCollection { func prefixThroughFirstNegativeSubrange() -> SubSequence { // Find the first negative element let firstNegative = self.indexOf { $0 < 0 } ?? endIndex // Slice off non-negative prefix let startsWithNegative = self.suffixFrom(firstNegative) // Find the first non-negative position in the slice let end = startsWithNegative.indexOf { $0 >= 0 } ?? endIndex return self[startIndex..`. Unfortunately, when array slice indices are zero-based, the last two lines of the method need to change to: ```swift let end = startsWithNegative.indexOf { $0 >= 0 } ?? startsWithNegative.endIndex return self[startIndex..() { } // error: generic parameter 'T' is not used in function signature ``` * The `Dictionary.removeAtIndex(_:)` method now returns the key-value pair being removed as a two-element tuple (rather than returning `Void`). Similarly, the `Set.removeAtIndex(_:)` method returns the element being removed. **(20299881)** * Generic parameters on types in the Swift standard library have been renamed to reflect the role of the types in the API. For example, `Array` became `Array`, `UnsafePointer` became `UnsafePointer`, and so forth. **(21429126)** * The `SinkType` protocol and `SinkOf` struct have been removed from the standard library in favor of `(T) -> ()` closures. **(21663799)** 2015-04-08 [Xcode 6.3, Swift 1.2] ---------- ## Swift Language Changes * The notions of guaranteed conversion and "forced failable" conversion are now separated into two operators. Forced failable conversion now uses the `as!` operator. The `!` makes it clear to readers of code that the cast may fail and produce a runtime error. The `as` operator remains for upcasts (e.g. `someDerivedValue as Base`) and type annotations (`0 as Int8`) which are guaranteed to never fail. **(19031957)** * Immutable (`let`) properties in `struct` and `class` initializers have been revised to standardize on a general "`let`s are singly initialized but never reassigned or mutated" model. Previously, they were completely mutable within the body of initializers. Now, they are only allowed to be assigned to once to provide their value. If the property has an initial value in its declaration, that counts as the initial value for all initializers. **(19035287)** * The implicit conversions from bridged Objective-C classes (`NSString`/`NSArray`/`NSDictionary`) to their corresponding Swift value types (`String`/`Array`/`Dictionary`) have been removed, making the Swift type system simpler and more predictable. This means that the following code will no longer work: ```swift import Foundation func log(s: String) { println(x) } let ns: NSString = "some NSString" // okay: literals still work log(ns) // fails with the error // "'NSString' is not convertible to 'String'" ``` In order to perform such a bridging conversion, make the conversion explicit with the as keyword: ```swift log(ns as String) // succeeds ``` Implicit conversions from Swift value types to their bridged Objective-C classes are still permitted. For example: ```swift func nsLog(ns: NSString) { println(ns) } let s: String = "some String" nsLog(s) // okay: implicit conversion from String to NSString is permitted ``` Note that these Cocoa types in Objective-C headers are still automatically bridged to their corresponding Swift type, which means that code is only affected if it is explicitly referencing (for example) `NSString` in a Swift source file. It is recommended you use the corresponding Swift types (for example, `String`) directly unless you are doing something advanced, like implementing a subclass in the class cluster. **(18311362)** * The `@autoclosure` attribute is now an attribute on a parameter, not an attribute on the parameter's type. Where before you might have used: ```swift func assert(predicate : @autoclosure () -> Bool) {...} you now write this as: func assert(@autoclosure predicate : () -> Bool) {...} ``` **(15217242)** * The `@autoclosure` attribute on parameters now implies the new `@noescape` attribute. * Curried function parameters can now specify argument labels. For example: ```swift func curryUnnamed(a: Int)(_ b: Int) { return a + b } curryUnnamed(1)(2) func curryNamed(first a: Int)(second b: Int) -> Int { return a + b } curryNamed(first: 1)(second: 2) ``` **(17237268)** * Swift now detects discrepancies between overloading and overriding in the Swift type system and the effective behavior seen via the Objective-C runtime. For example, the following conflict between the Objective-C setter for `property` in a class and the method `setProperty` in its extension is now diagnosed: ```swift class A : NSObject { var property: String = "Hello" // note: Objective-C method 'setProperty:' // previously declared by setter for // 'property' here } extension A { func setProperty(str: String) { } // error: method 'setProperty' // redeclares Objective-C method //'setProperty:' } Similar checking applies to accidental overrides in the Objective-C runtime: class B : NSObject { func method(arg: String) { } // note: overridden declaration // here has type '(String) -> ()' } class C : B { func method(arg: [String]) { } // error: overriding method with // selector 'method:' has incompatible // type '([String]) -> ()' } as well as protocol conformances: class MyDelegate : NSObject, NSURLSessionDelegate { func URLSession(session: NSURLSession, didBecomeInvalidWithError: Bool){ } // error: Objective-C method 'URLSession:didBecomeInvalidWithError:' // provided by method 'URLSession(_:didBecomeInvalidWithError:)' // conflicts with optional requirement method // 'URLSession(_:didBecomeInvalidWithError:)' in protocol // 'NSURLSessionDelegate' } ``` **(18391046, 18383574)** * The precedence of the Nil Coalescing Operator (`??`) has been raised to bind tighter than short-circuiting logical and comparison operators, but looser than as conversions and range operators. This provides more useful behavior for expressions like: ```swift if allowEmpty || items?.count ?? 0 > 0 {...} ``` * The `&/` and `&%` operators were removed, to simplify the language and improve consistency. Unlike the `&+`, `&-`, and `&*` operators, these operators did not provide two's-complement arithmetic behavior; they provided special case behavior for division, remainder by zero, and `Int.min/-1`. These tests should be written explicitly in the code as comparisons if needed. **(17926954)** * Constructing a `UInt8` from an ASCII value now requires the ascii keyword parameter. Using non-ASCII unicode scalars will cause this initializer to trap. **(18509195)** * The C `size_t` family of types are now imported into Swift as `Int`, since Swift prefers sizes and counts to be represented as signed numbers, even if they are non-negative. This change decreases the amount of explicit type conversion between `Int` and `UInt`, better aligns with `sizeof` returning `Int`, and provides safer arithmetic properties. **(18949559)** * Classes that do not inherit from `NSObject` but do adopt an `@objc` protocol will need to explicitly mark those methods, properties, and initializers used to satisfy the protocol requirements as `@objc`. For example: ```swift @objc protocol SomethingDelegate { func didSomething() } class MySomethingDelegate : SomethingDelegate { @objc func didSomething() { … } } ``` ## Swift Language Fixes * Dynamic casts (`as!`, `as?` and `is`) now work with Swift protocol types, so long as they have no associated types. **(18869156)** * Adding conformances within a Playground now works as expected. For example: ```swift struct Point { var x, y: Double } extension Point : Printable { var description: String { return "(\(x), \(y))" } } var p1 = Point(x: 1.5, y: 2.5) println(p1) // prints "(1.5, 2.5)" ``` * Imported `NS_ENUM` types with undocumented values, such as `UIViewAnimationCurve`, can now be converted from their raw integer values using the `init(rawValue:)` initializer without being reset to `nil`. Code that used `unsafeBitCast` as a workaround for this issue can be written to use the raw value initializer. For example: ```swift let animationCurve = unsafeBitCast(userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey].integerValue, UIViewAnimationCurve.self) can now be written instead as: let animationCurve = UIViewAnimationCurve(rawValue: userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey].integerValue)! ``` **(19005771)** * Negative floating-point literals are now accepted as raw values in enums. **(16504472)** * Unowned references to Objective-C objects, or Swift objects inheriting from Objective-C objects, no longer cause a crash if the object holding the unowned reference is deallocated after the referenced object has been released. **(18091547)** * Variables and properties with observing accessors no longer require an explicit type if it can be inferred from the initial value expression. **(18148072)** * Generic curried functions no longer produce random results when fully applied. **(18988428)** * Comparing the result of a failed `NSClassFromString` lookup against `nil` now behaves correctly. **(19318533)** * Subclasses that override base class methods with co- or contravariance in Optional types no longer cause crashes at runtime. For example: ```swift class Base { func foo(x: String) -> String? { return x } } class Derived: Base { override func foo(x: String?) -> String { return x! } } ``` **(19321484)** ## Swift Language Enhancements * Swift now supports building targets incrementally, i.e. not rebuilding every Swift source file in a target when a single file is changed. The incremental build capability is based on a conservative dependency analysis, so you may still see more files rebuilding than absolutely necessary. If you find any cases where a file is not rebuilt when it should be, please file a bug report. Running Clean on your target afterwards should allow you to complete your build normally. **(18248514)** * A new `Set` data structure is included which provides a generic collection of unique elements with full value semantics. It bridges with `NSSet`, providing functionality analogous to `Array` and `Dictionary`. **(14661754)** * The `if-let` construct has been expanded to allow testing multiple optionals and guarding conditions in a single `if` (or `while`) statement using syntax similar to generic constraints: ```swift if let a = foo(), b = bar() where a < b, let c = baz() { } ``` This allows you to test multiple optionals and include intervening boolean conditions, without introducing undesirable nesting (for instance, to avoid the optional unwrapping _"pyramid of doom"_). Further, `if-let` now also supports a single leading boolean condition along with optional binding `let` clauses. For example: ```swift if someValue > 42 && someOtherThing < 19, let a = getOptionalThing() where a > someValue { } ``` **(19797158, 19382942)** * The `if-let` syntax has been extended to support a single leading boolean condition along with optional binding `let` clauses. For example: ```swift if someValue > 42 && someOtherThing < 19, let a = getOptionalThing() where a > someValue { } ``` **(19797158)** * `let` constants have been generalized to no longer require immediate initialization. The new rule is that a `let` constant must be initialized before use (like a `var`), and that it may only be initialized: not reassigned or mutated after initialization. This enables patterns such as: ```swift let x: SomeThing if condition { x = foo() } else { x = bar() } use(x) ``` which formerly required the use of a `var`, even though there is no mutation taking place. **(16181314)** * `static` methods and properties are now allowed in classes (as an alias for `class final`). You are now allowed to declare static stored properties in classes, which have global storage and are lazily initialized on first access (like global variables). Protocols now declare type requirements as static requirements instead of declaring them as class requirements. **(17198298)** * Type inference for single-expression closures has been improved in several ways: - Closures that are comprised of a single return statement are now type checked as single-expression closures. - Unannotated single-expression closures with non-`Void` return types can now be used in `Void` contexts. - Situations where a multi-statement closure's type could not be inferred because of a missing return-type annotation are now properly diagnosed. * Swift enums can now be exported to Objective-C using the `@objc` attribute. `@objc` enums must declare an integer raw type, and cannot be generic or use associated values. Because Objective-C enums are not namespaced, enum cases are imported into Objective-C as the concatenation of the enum name and case name. For example, this Swift declaration: ```swift // Swift @objc enum Bear: Int { case Black, Grizzly, Polar } ``` imports into Objective-C as: ```objc // Objective-C typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, Bear) { BearBlack, BearGrizzly, BearPolar }; ``` **(16967385)** * Objective-C language extensions are now available to indicate the nullability of pointers and blocks in Objective-C APIs, allowing your Objective-C APIs to be imported without `ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional`. (See items below for more details.) **(18868820)** * Swift can now partially import C aggregates containing unions, bitfields, SIMD vector types, and other C language features that are not natively supported in Swift. The unsupported fields will not be accessible from Swift, but C and Objective-C APIs that have arguments and return values of these types can be used in Swift. This includes the Foundation `NSDecimal` type and the `GLKit` `GLKVector` and `GLKMatrix` types, among others. **(15951448)** * Imported C structs now have a default initializer in Swift that initializes all of the struct's fields to zero. For example: ```swift import Darwin var devNullStat = stat() stat("/dev/null", &devNullStat) ``` If a structure contains fields that cannot be correctly zero initialized (i.e. pointer fields marked with the new `__nonnull` modifier), this default initializer will be suppressed. **(18338802)** * New APIs for converting among the `Index` types for `String`, `String.UnicodeScalarView`, `String.UTF16View`, and `String.UTF8View` are available, as well as APIs for converting each of the `String` views into `String`s. **(18018911)** * Type values now print as the full demangled type name when used with `println` or string interpolation. ```swift toString(Int.self) // prints "Swift.Int" println([Float].self) // prints "Swift.Array<Swift.Float>" println((Int, String).self) // prints "(Swift.Int, Swift.String)" ``` **(18947381)** * A new `@noescape` attribute may be used on closure parameters to functions. This indicates that the parameter is only ever called (or passed as an `@noescape` parameter in a call), which means that it cannot outlive the lifetime of the call. This enables some minor performance optimizations, but more importantly disables the `self.` requirement in closure arguments. This enables control-flow-like functions to be more transparent about their behavior. In a future beta, the standard library will adopt this attribute in functions like `autoreleasepool()`. ```swift func autoreleasepool(@noescape code: () -> ()) { pushAutoreleasePool() code() popAutoreleasePool() } ``` **(16323038)** * Performance is substantially improved over Swift 1.1 in many cases. For example, multidimensional arrays are algorithmically faster in some cases, unoptimized code is much faster in many cases, and many other improvements have been made. * The diagnostics emitted for expression type check errors are greatly improved in many cases. **(18869019)** * Type checker performance for many common expression kinds has been greatly improved. This can significantly improve build times and reduces the number of "expression too complex" errors. **(18868985)** * The `@autoclosure` attribute has a second form, `@autoclosure(escaping)`, that provides the same caller-side syntax as `@autoclosure` but allows the resulting closure to escape in the implementation. For example: ```swift func lazyAssertion(@autoclosure(escaping) condition: () -> Bool, message: String = "") { lazyAssertions.append(condition) // escapes } lazyAssertion(1 == 2, message: "fail eventually") ``` **(19499207)** ## Swift Performance * A new compilation mode has been introduced for Swift called Whole Module Optimization. This option optimizes all of the files in a target together and enables better performance (at the cost of increased compile time). The new flag can be enabled in Xcode using the `Whole Module Optimization` build setting or by using the `swiftc` command line tool with the flag `-whole-module-optimization`. **(18603795)** ## Swift Standard Library Enhancements and Changes * `flatMap` was added to the standard library. `flatMap` is the function that maps a function over something and returns the result flattened one level. `flatMap` has many uses, such as to flatten an array: ```swift [[1,2],[3,4]].flatMap { $0 } ``` or to chain optionals with functions: ```swift [[1,2], [3,4]].first.flatMap { find($0, 1) } ``` **(19881534)** * The function `zip` was added. It joins two sequences together into one sequence of tuples. **(17292393)** * `utf16Count` is removed from `String`. Instead use count on the `UTF16` view of the `String`. For example: ```swift count(string.utf16) ``` **(17627758)** 2014-12-02 [Xcode 6.1.1] ---------- * Class methods and initializers that satisfy protocol requirements now properly invoke subclass overrides when called in generic contexts. For example: ```swift protocol P { class func foo() } class C: P { class func foo() { println("C!") } } class D: C { override class func foo() { println("D!") } } func foo(x: T) { } foo(C()) // Prints "C!" foo(D()) // Used to incorrectly print "C!", now prints "D!" ``` **(18828217)** 2014-10-09 [Xcode 6.1 Release Notes, Swift 1.1] ---------- * Values of type `Any` can now contain values of function type. **(16406907)** * Documentation for the standard library (displayed in quick help and in the synthesized header for the Swift module) is improved. **(16462500)** * Class properties don't need to be marked final to avoid `O(n)` mutations on value semantic types. **(17416120)** * Casts can now be performed between `CF` types (such as `CFString`, `CGImage`, and `SecIdentity`) and AnyObject. Such casts will always succeed at run-time. For example: ```swift var cfStr: CFString = ... var obj: AnyObject = cfStr as AnyObject var cfStr = obj as CFString ``` **(18088474)** 2014-10-09 [Roughly Xcode 6.1, and Swift 1.1] ---------- * `HeapBuffer`, `HeapBufferStorage`, and `OnHeap` were never really useful, because their APIs were insufficiently public. They have been replaced with a single class, `ManagedBuffer`. See also the new function `isUniquelyReferenced(x)` which is often useful in conjunction with `ManagedBuffer`. * The `Character` enum has been turned into a struct, to avoid exposing its internal implementation details. * The `countElements` function has been renamed `count`, for better consistency with our naming conventions. * Mixed-sign addition and subtraction operations, that were unintentionally allowed in previous versions, now cause a compilation error. * OS X apps can now apply the `@NSApplicationMain` attribute to their app delegate class in order to generate an implicit `main` for the app. This works like the `@UIApplicationMain` attribute for iOS apps. * Objective-C `init` and factory methods are now imported as failable initializers when they can return `nil`. In the absence of information about a potentially-`nil` result, an Objective-C `init` or factory method will be imported as `init!`. As part of this change, factory methods that have NSError** parameters, such as `+[NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:encoding:error:]`, will now be imported as (failable) initializers, e.g., ```swift init?(contentsOfFile path: String, encoding: NSStringEncoding, error: NSErrorPointer) ``` * Nested classes explicitly marked `@objc` will now properly be included in a target's generated header as long as the containing context is also (implicitly or explicitly) `@objc`. Nested classes not explicitly marked `@objc` will never be printed in the generated header, even if they extend an Objective-C class. * All of the `*LiteralConvertible` protocols, as well as `StringInterpolationConvertible`, now use initializers for their requirements rather than static methods starting with `convertFrom`. For example, `IntegerLiteralConvertible` now has the following initializer requirement: ```swift init(integerLiteral value: IntegerLiteralType) ``` Any type that previously conformed to one of these protocols will need to replace its `convertFromXXX` static methods with the corresponding initializer. 2014-09-15 ---------- * Initializers can now fail by returning `nil`. A failable initializer is declared with `init?` (to return an explicit optional) or `init!` (to return an implicitly-unwrapped optional). For example, you could implement `String.toInt` as a failable initializer of `Int` like this: ```swift extension Int { init?(fromString: String) { if let i = fromString.toInt() { // Initialize self = i } else { // Discard self and return 'nil'. return nil } } } ``` The result of constructing a value using a failable initializer then becomes optional: ```swift if let twentytwo = Int(fromString: "22") { println("the number is \(twentytwo)") } else { println("not a number") } ``` In the current implementation, struct and enum initializers can return nil at any point inside the initializer, but class initializers can only return nil after all of the stored properties of the object have been initialized and `self.init` or `super.init` has been called. If `self.init` or `super.init` is used to delegate to a failable initializer, then the `nil` return is implicitly propagated through the current initializer if the called initializer fails. * The `RawRepresentable` protocol that enums with raw types implicitly conform to has been redefined to take advantage of failable initializers. The `fromRaw(RawValue)` static method has been replaced with an initializer `init?(rawValue: RawValue)`, and the `toRaw()` method has been replaced with a `rawValue` property. Enums with raw types can now be used like this: ```swift enum Foo: Int { case A = 0, B = 1, C = 2 } let foo = Foo(rawValue: 2)! // formerly 'Foo.fromRaw(2)!' println(foo.rawValue) // formerly 'foo.toRaw()' ``` 2014-09-02 ---------- * Characters can no longer be concatenated using `+`. Use `String(c1) + String(c2)` instead. 2014-08-18 --------- * When force-casting between arrays of class or `@objc` protocol types using `a as [C]`, type checking is now deferred until the moment each element is accessed. Because bridging conversions from NSArray are equivalent to force-casts from `[NSArray]`, this makes certain Array round-trips through Objective-C code `O(1)` instead of `O(N)`. 2014-08-04 ---------- * `RawOptionSetType` now implements `BitwiseOperationsType`, so imported `NS_OPTIONS` now support the bitwise assignment operators `|=`, `&=`, and `^=`. It also no longer implements `BooleanType`; to check if an option set is empty, compare it to `nil`. * Types implementing `BitwiseOperationsType` now automatically support the bitwise assignment operators `|=`, `&=`, and `^=`. * Optionals can now be coalesced with default values using the `??` operator. `??` is a short-circuiting operator that takes an optional on the left and a non-optional expression on the right. If the optional has a value, its value is returned as a non-optional; otherwise, the expression on the right is evaluated and returned: ```swift var sequence: [Int] = [] sequence.first ?? 0 // produces 0, because sequence.first is nil sequence.append(22) sequence.first ?? 0 // produces 22, the value of sequence.first ``` * The optional chaining `?` operator can now be mutated through, like `!`. The assignment and the evaluation of the right-hand side of the operator are conditional on the presence of the optional value: ```swift var sequences = ["fibonacci": [1, 1, 2, 3, 4], "perfect": [6, 28, 496]] sequences["fibonacci"]?[4]++ // Increments element 4 of key "fibonacci" sequences["perfect"]?.append(8128) // Appends to key "perfect" sequences["cubes"]?[3] = 3*3*3 // Does nothing; no "cubes" key ``` Note that optional chaining still flows to the right, so prefix increment operators are *not* included in the chain, so this won't type-check: ```swift ++sequences["fibonacci"]?[4] // Won't type check, can't '++' Int? ``` 2014-07-28 ---------- * The swift command line interface is now divided into an interactive driver `swift`, and a batch compiler `swiftc`: ``` swift [options] input-file [program-arguments] Runs the script 'input-file' immediately, passing any program-arguments to the script. Without any input files, invokes the repl. swiftc [options] input-filenames The familiar swift compiler interface: compiles the input-files according to the mode options like -emit-object, -emit-executable, etc. ``` * For greater clarity and explicitness when bypassing the type system, `reinterpretCast` has been renamed `unsafeBitCast`, and it has acquired a (required) explicit type parameter. So ```swift let x: T = reinterpretCast(y) ``` becomes ```swift let x = unsafeBitCast(y, T.self) ``` * Because their semantics were unclear, the methods `asUnsigned` (on the signed integer types) and `asSigned` (on the unsigned integer types) have been replaced. The new idiom is explicit construction of the target type using the `bitPattern:` argument label. So, ```swift myInt.asUnsigned() ``` has become ```swift UInt(bitPattern: myInt) ``` * To better follow Cocoa naming conventions and to encourage immutability, The following pointer types were renamed: | Old Name | New Name | |---------------------------------|----------------------------------------| | `UnsafePointer` | `UnsafeMutablePointer` | | `ConstUnsafePointer` | `UnsafePointer` | | `AutoreleasingUnsafePointer` | `AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer` | Note that the meaning of `UnsafePointer` has changed from mutable to immutable. As a result, some of your code may fail to compile when assigning to an `UnsafePointer.memory` property. The fix is to change your `UnsafePointer` into an `UnsafeMutablePointer`. * The optional unwrapping operator `x!` can now be assigned through, and mutating methods and operators can be applied through it: ```swift var x: Int! = 0 x! = 2 x!++ // Nested dictionaries can now be mutated directly: var sequences = ["fibonacci": [1, 1, 2, 3, 0]] sequences["fibonacci"]![4] = 5 sequences["fibonacci"]!.append(8) ``` * The `@auto_closure` attribute has been renamed to `@autoclosure`. * There is a new `dynamic` declaration modifier. When applied to a method, property, subscript, or initializer, it guarantees that references to the declaration are always dynamically dispatched and never inlined or devirtualized, and that the method binding can be reliably changed at runtime. The implementation currently relies on the Objective-C runtime, so `dynamic` can only be applied to `@objc-compatible` declarations for now. `@objc` now only makes a declaration visible to Objective-C; the compiler may now use vtable lookup or direct access to access (non-dynamic) `@objc` declarations. ```swift class Foo { // Always accessed by objc_msgSend dynamic var x: Int // Accessed by objc_msgSend from ObjC; may be accessed by vtable // or by static reference in Swift @objc var y: Int // Not exposed to ObjC (unless Foo inherits NSObject) var z: Int } ``` `dynamic` enables KVO, proxying, and other advanced Cocoa features to work reliably with Swift declarations. * Clang submodules can now be imported: ```swift import UIKit.UIGestureRecognizerSubclass ``` * The numeric optimization levels `-O[0-3]` have been removed in favor of the named levels `-Onone` and `-O`. * The `-Ofast` optimization flag has been renamed to `-Ounchecked`. We will accept both names for now and remove `-Ofast` in a later build. * An initializer that overrides a designated initializer from its superclass must be marked with the `override` keyword, so that all overrides in the language consistently require the use of `override`. For example: ```swift class A { init() { } } class B : A { override init() { super.init() } } ``` * Required initializers are now more prominent in several ways. First, a (non-final) class that conforms to a protocol that contains an initializer requirement must provide a required initializer to satisfy that requirement. This ensures that subclasses will also conform to the protocol, and will be most visible with classes that conform to `NSCoding`: ```swift class MyClass : NSObject, NSCoding { required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder!) { /*... */ } func encodeWithCoder(aCoder: NSCoder!) { /* ... */ } } ``` Second, because `required` places a significant requirement on all subclasses, the `required` keyword must be placed on overrides of a required initializer: ```swift class MySubClass : MyClass { var title: String = "Untitled" required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder!) { /*... */ } override func encodeWithCoder(aCoder: NSCoder!) { /* ... */ } } ``` Finally, required initializers can now be inherited like any other initializer: ```swift class MySimpleSubClass : MyClass { } // inherits the required init(coder:). ``` 2014-07-21 ---------- * Access control has been implemented. - `public` declarations can be accessed from any module. - `internal` declarations (the default) can be accessed from within the current module. - `private` declarations can be accessed only from within the current file. There are still details to iron out here, but the model is in place. The general principle is that an entity cannot be defined in terms of another entity with less accessibility. Along with this, the generated header for a framework will only include public declarations. Generated headers for applications will include public and internal declarations. * `CGFloat` is now a distinct floating-point type that wraps either a `Float` (on 32-bit architectures) or a `Double` (on 64-bit architectures). It provides all of the same comparison and arithmetic operations of Float and Double, and can be created using numeric literals. * The immediate mode `swift -i` now works for writing `#!` scripts that take command line arguments. The `-i` option to the swift driver must now come at the end of the compiler arguments, directly before the input filename. Any arguments that come after `-i` and the input filename are treated as arguments to the interpreted file and forwarded to `Process.arguments`. * Type inference for `` loops has been improved to consider the sequence along with the element pattern. For example, this accepts the following loops that were previously rejected: ```swift for i: Int8 in 0..<10 { } for i: Float in 0.0...10.0 { } ``` * Introduced the new `BooleanLiteralConvertible` protocol, which allows user-defined types to support Boolean literals. `true` and `false` are now `Boolean` constants and keywords. * The `@final`, `@lazy`, `@required` and `@optional` attributes are now considered to be declaration modifiers - they no longer require (or allow) an `@` sign. * The `@prefix`, `@infix`, and `@postfix` attributes have been changed to declaration modifiers, so they are no longer spelled with an `@` sign. Operator declarations have been rearranged from `operator prefix +` to `prefix operator +` for consistency. 2014-07-03 ---------- * C function pointer types are now imported as `CFunctionPointer`, where `T` is a Swift function type. `CFunctionPointer` and `COpaquePointer` can be explicitly constructed from one another, but they do not freely convert, nor is `CFunctionPointer` compatible with Swift closures. Example: `int (*)(void)` becomes `CFunctionPointer<(Int) -> Void>`. * The interop model for pointers in C APIs has been simplified. Most code that calls C functions by passing arrays, UnsafePointers, or the addresses of variables with `&x` does not need to change. However, the `CConstPointer` and `CMutablePointer` bridging types have been removed, and functions and methods are now imported as and overridden by taking UnsafePointer and `ConstUnsafePointer` directly. `Void` pointers are now imported as `(Const)UnsafePointer`; `COpaquePointer` is only imported for opaque types now. * `Array` types are now spelled with the brackets surrounding the element type. For example, an array of `Int` is written as: ```swift var array: [Int] ``` * `Dictionary` types can now be spelled with the syntax `[K : V]`, where `K` is the key type and `V` is the value type. For example: ```swift var dict: [String : Int] = ["Hello" : 1, "World" : 2] ``` The type `[K : V]` is syntactic sugar for `Dictionary`; nothing else has changed. * The `@IBOutlet` attribute no longer implicitly (and invisibly) changes the type of the declaration it is attached to. It no longer implicitly makes variables be an implicitly unwrapped optional and no longer defaults them to weak. * The `\x`, `\u` and `\U` escape sequences in string literals have been consolidated into a single and less error prone `\u{123456}` syntax. 2014-06-23 --------- * The half-open range operator has been renamed from `..` to `..<` to reduce confusion. The `..<` operator is precedented in Groovy (among other languages) and makes it much more clear that it doesn't include the endpoint. * Class objects such as `NSObject.self` can now be converted to `AnyObject` and used as object values. * Objective-C protocol objects such as `NSCopying.self` can now be used as instances of the `Protocol` class, such as in APIs such as XPC. * Arrays now have full value semantics: both assignment and initialization create a logically-distinct object * The `sort` function and array method modify the target in-place. A new `sorted` function and array method are non-mutating, creating and returning a new collection. 2014-05-19 ---------- * `sort`, `map`, `filter`, and `reduce` methods on `Array`s accept trailing closures: ```swift let a = [5, 6, 1, 3, 9] a.sort{ $0 > $1 } println(a) // [9, 6, 5, 3, 1] println({ $0 * 2 }) // [18, 12, 10, 6, 2] println({ $0 * 2 }.filter{ $0 < 10}) // [6, 2] println(a.reduce(1000){ $0 + $1 }) // 1024 (no kidding) ``` * A lazy `map()` function in the standard library works on any `Sequence`. Example: ```swift class X { var value: Int init(_ value: Int) { self.value = value println("created X(\(value))") } } // logically, this sequence is X(0), X(1), X(2), ... X(50) let lazyXs = map(0..50){ X($0) } // Prints "created X(...)" 4 times for x in lazyXs { if x.value == 4 { break } } ``` * There's a similar lazy `filter()` function: ```swift // 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 let tens = filter(0..50) { $0 % 10 == 0 } let tenX = map(tens){ X($0) } // 5 lazy Xs let tenXarray = Array(tenX) // Actually creates those Xs ``` * Weak pointers of classbound protocol type work now. * `IBOutlets` now default to weak pointers with implicit optional type (`T!`). * `NSArray*` parameters and result types of Objective-C APIs are now imported as `AnyObject[]!`, i.e., an implicitly unwrapped optional array storing `AnyObject` values. For example, `NSView`'s constraints property ```objc @property (readonly) NSArray *constraints; ``` is now imported as ```swift var constraints: AnyObject[]! ``` Note that one can implicitly convert between an `AnyObject[]` and an `NSArray` (in both directions), so (for example) one can still explicitly use `NSArray` if desired: ```swift var array: NSArray = view.constraints ``` Swift arrays bridge to `NSArray` similarly to the way Swift strings bridge to `NSString`. * `ObjCMutablePointer` has been renamed `AutoreleasingUnsafePointer`. * `UnsafePointer` (and `AutoreleasingUnsafePointer`)'s `set()` and `get()` have been replaced with a property called `memory`. - Previously you would write: ```swift val = p.get() p.set(val) ``` - Now you write: ```swift val = p.memory p.memory = val ``` * Removed shorthand `x as T!`; instead use `(x as T)!` - `x as T!` now means "x as implicitly unwrapped optional". * Range operators `..` and `...` have been switched. - `1..3` now means 1,2 - `1...3` now means 1,2,3 * The pound sign (`#`) is now used instead of the back-tick (\`) to mark an argument name as a keyword argument, e.g., ```swift func moveTo(#x: Int, #y: Int) { ... } moveTo(x: 5, y: 7) ``` * Objective-C factory methods are now imported as initializers. For example, `NSColor`'s `+colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha` becomes ```swift init(red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat) ``` which allows an `NSColor` to be created as, e.g., ```swift NSColor(red: 0.5, green: 0.25, blue: 0.25, alpha: 0.5) ``` Factory methods are identified by their kind (class methods), name (starts with words that match the words that end the class name), and result type (`instancetype` or the class type). * Objective-C properties of some `CF` type are no longer imported as `Unmanaged`. * REPL mode now uses LLDB, for a greatly-expanded set of features. The colon prefix now treats the rest of the line as a command for LLDB, and entering a single colon will drop you into the debugging command prompt. Most importantly, crashes in the REPL will now drop you into debugging mode to see what went wrong. If you do have a need for the previous REPL, pass `-integrated-repl`. * In a UIKit-based application, you can now eliminate your 'main.swift' file and instead apply the `@UIApplicationMain` attribute to your `UIApplicationDelegate` class. This will cause the `main` entry point to the application to be automatically generated as follows: ```swift UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass(YourApplicationDelegate.self)) ``` If you need nontrivial logic in your application entry point, you can still write out a `main.swift`. Note that `@UIApplicationMain` and `main.swift` are mutually exclusive. 2014-05-13 ---------- * weak pointers now work with implicitly unchecked optionals, enabling usecases where you don't want to `!` every use of a weak pointer. For example: ```swift weak var myView : NSView! ``` of course, they still work with explicitly checked optionals like `NSView?` * Dictionary subscripting now takes/returns an optional type. This allows querying a dictionary via subscripting to gracefully fail. It also enables the idiom of removing values from a dictionary using `dict[key] = nil`. As part of this, `deleteKey` is no longer available. * Stored properties may now be marked with the `@lazy` attribute, which causes their initializer to be evaluated the first time the property is touched instead of when the enclosing type is initialized. For example: ```swift func myInitializer() -> Int { println("hello\n"); return 42 } class MyClass { @lazy var aProperty = myInitializer() } var c = MyClass() // doesn't print hello var tmp = c.aProperty // prints hello on first access tmp = c.aProperty // doesn't print on subsequent loads. c = MyClass() // doesn't print hello c.aProperty = 57 // overwriting the value prevents it from ever running ``` Because lazy properties inherently rely on mutation of the property, they cannot be `let`s. They are currently also limited to being members of structs and classes (they aren't allowed as local or global variables yet) and cannot be observed with `willSet`/`didSet` yet. * Closures can now specify a capture list to indicate with what strength they want to capture a value, and to bind a particular field value if they want to. Closure capture lists are square-bracket delimited and specified before the (optional) argument list in a closure. Each entry may be specified as `weak` or `unowned` to capture the value with a weak or unowned pointer, and may contain an explicit expression if desired. Some examples: ```swift takeClosure { print(self.title) } // strong capture takeClosure { [weak self] in print(self!.title) } // weak capture takeClosure { [unowned self] in print(self.title) } // unowned capture ``` You can also bind arbitrary expression to named values in the capture list. The expression is evaluated when the closure is formed, and captured with the specified strength. For example: ```swift // weak capture of "self.parent" takeClosure { [weak tmp = self.parent] in print(tmp!.title) } ``` The full form of a closure can take a signature (an argument list and optionally a return type) if needed. To use either the capture list or the signature, you must specify the context sensitive `in` keyword. Here is a (weird because there is no need for `unowned`) example of a closure with both: ```swift myNSSet.enumerateObjectsUsingBlock { [unowned self] (obj, stop) in self.considerWorkingWith(obj) } ``` * The word `with` is now removed from the first keyword argument name if an initialized imported from Objective-C. For example, instead of building `UIColor` as: ```swift UIColor(withRed: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: a) ``` it will now be: ```swift UIColor(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: a) ``` * `Dictionary` can be bridged to `NSDictionary` and vice versa: - `NSDictionary` has an implicit conversion to `Dictionary`. It bridges in O(1), without memory allocation. - `Dictionary` has an implicit conversion to `NSDictionary`. `Dictionary` bridges to `NSDictionary` iff both `K` and `V` are bridged. Otherwise, a runtime error is raised. Depending on `K` and `V` the operation can be `O(1)` without memory allocation, or `O(N)` with memory allocation. * Single-quoted literals are no longer recognized. Use double-quoted literals and an explicit type annotation to define `Characters` and `UnicodeScalars`: ```swift var ch: Character = "a" var us: UnicodeScalar = "a" ``` 2014-05-09 ---------- * The use of keyword arguments is now strictly enforced at the call site. For example, consider this method along with a call to it: ```swift class MyColor { func mixColorWithRed(red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float) { /* ... */ } } func mix(color: MyColor, r: Float, g: Float, b: Float) { color.mixColorWithRed(r, g, b) } ``` The compiler will now complain about the missing `green:` and `blue:` labels, with a Fix-It to correct the code: ``` color.swift:6:24: error: missing argument labels 'green:blue:' in call color.mixColorWithRed(r, g, b) ^ green: blue: ``` The compiler handles missing, extraneous, and incorrectly-typed argument labels in the same manner. Recall that one can make a parameter a keyword argument with the back-tick or remove a keyword argument with the underscore. ```swift class MyColor { func mixColor(`red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float) { /* ... */ } func mixColorGuess(red: Float, _ green: Float, _ blue: Float) { /* ... */ } } func mix(color: MyColor, r: Float, g: Float, b: Float) { color.mixColor(red: r, green: g, blue: b) // okay: all keyword arguments color.mixColorGuess(r, g, b) // okay: no keyword arguments } ``` Arguments cannot be re-ordered unless the corresponding parameters have default arguments. For example, given: ```swift func printNumber(`number: Int, radix: Int = 10, separator: String = ",") { } ``` The following three calls are acceptable because only the arguments for defaulted parameters are re-ordered relative to each other: ```swift printNumber(number: 256, radix: 16, separator: "_") printNumber(number: 256, separator: "_") printNumber(number: 256, separator: ",", radix: 16) ``` However, this call: ```swift printNumber(separator: ",", radix: 16, number: 256) ``` results in an error due to the re-ordering: ``` printnum.swift:7:40: error: argument 'number' must precede argument 'separator' printNumber(separator: ",", radix: 16, number: 256) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~ ``` * `;` can no longer be used to demarcate an empty case in a switch statement, use `break` instead. 2014-05-07 ---------- * The compiler's ability to diagnose many common kinds of type check errors has improved. (`expression does not type-check` has been retired.) * Ranges can be formed with floating point numbers, e.g. `0.0 .. 100.0`. * Convenience initializers are now spelled as `convenience init` instead of with the `-> Self` syntax. For example: ```swift class Foo { init(x : Int) {} // designated initializer convenience init() { self.init(42) } // convenience initializer } ``` You still cannot declare designated initializers in extensions, only convenience initializers are allowed. * Reference types using the CoreFoundation runtime are now imported as class types. This means that Swift will automatically manage the lifetime of a `CFStringRef` the same way that it manages the lifetime of an `NSString`. In many common cases, this will just work. Unfortunately, values are returned from `CF`-style APIs in a wide variety of ways, and unlike Objective C methods, there simply isn't enough consistency for Swift to be able to safely apply the documented conventions universally. The framework teams have already audited many of the most important `CF`-style APIs, and those APIs should be imported without a hitch into Swift. For all the APIs which haven't yet been audited, we must import return types using the `Unmanaged` type. This type allows the programmer to control exactly how the object is passed. For example: ```swift // CFBundleGetAllBundles() returns an Unmanaged. // From the documentation, we know that it returns a +0 value. let bundles = CFBundleGetAllBundles().takeUnretainedValue() // CFRunLoopCopyAllModes() returns an Unmanaged. // From the documentation, we know that it returns a +1 value. let modes = CFRunLoopCopyAllModes(CFRunLoopGetMain()).takeRetainedValue() ``` You can also use `Unmanaged` types to pass and return objects indirectly, as well as to generate unbalanced retains and releases if you really require them. The API of the Unmanaged type is still in flux, and your feedback would be greatly appreciated. 2014-05-03 ---------- * The `@NSManaged` attribute can be applied to the properties of an `NSManagedObject` subclass to indicate that they should be handled by CoreData: ```swift class Employee : NSManagedObject { @NSManaged var name: String @NSManaged var department: Department } ``` * The `@weak` and `@unowned` attributes have become context sensitive keywords instead of attributes. To declare a `weak` or `unowned` pointer, use: ```swift weak var someOtherWindow : NSWindow? unowned var someWindow : NSWindow ``` ... with no `@` on the `weak`/`unowned`. 2014-04-30 ---------- * Swift now supports a `#elseif` form for build configurations, e.g.: ```swift #if os(OSX) typealias SKColor = NSColor #elseif os(iOS) typealias SKColor = UIColor #else typealias SKColor = Green #endif ``` * You can now use the `true` and `false` constants in build configurations, allowing you to emulate the C idioms of `#if 0` (but spelled `#if false`). * `break` now breaks out of switch statements. * It is no longer possible to specify `@mutating` as an attribute, you may only use it as a keyword, e.g.: ```swift struct Pair { var x, y : Int mutating func nuke() { x = 0; y = 0 } } ``` The former `@!mutating` syntax used to mark setters as non-mutating is now spelled with the `nonmutating` keyword. Both mutating and nonmutating are context sensitive keywords. * `NSLog` is now available from Swift code. * The parser now correctly handles expressions like `var x = Int[]()` to create an empty array of integers. Previously you'd have to use syntax like `Array()` to get this. Now that this is all working, please prefer to use `Int[]` consistently instead of `Array`. * `Character` is the new character literal type: ```swift var x = 'a' // Infers 'Character' type ``` You can force inference of `UnicodeScalar` like this: ```swift var scalar: UnicodeScalar = 'a' ``` `Character` type represents a Unicode extended grapheme cluster (to put it simply, a grapheme cluster is what users think of as a character: a base plus any combining marks, or other cases explained in [Unicode Standard Annex #29]( 2014-04-22 ---------- * Loops and switch statements can now carry labels, and you can `break`/`continue` to those labels. These use conventional C-style label syntax, and should be dedented relative to the code they are in. An example: ```swift func breakContinue(x : Int) -> Int { Outer: for a in 0..1000 { Switch: switch x { case 42: break Outer case 97: continue Outer case 102: break Switch case 13: continue // continue always works on loops. case 139: break // break will break out of the switch (but see below) } } } ``` * We are changing the behavior of `break` to provide C-style semantics, to allow breaking out of a switch statement. Previously, break completely ignored switches so that it would break out of the nearest loop. In the example above, `case 139` would break out of the `Outer` loop, not the `Switch`. In order to avoid breaking existing code, we're making this a compile time error instead of a silent behavior change. If you need a solution for the previous behavior, use labeled break. This error will be removed in a week or two. * Cocoa methods and properties that are annotated with the `NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER` attribute, including `-[NSData bytes]` and `-[{NS,UI}Color CGColor]`, are now safe to use and follow the same lifetime extension semantics as ARC. 2014-04-18 ---------- * Enabling/disabling of asserts ```swift assert(condition, msg) ``` is enabled/disabled dependent on the optimization level. In debug mode at `-O0` asserts are enabled. At higher optimization levels asserts are disabled and no code is generated for them. However, asserts are always type checked even at higher optimization levels. Alternatively, assertions can be disabled/enabled by using the frontend flag `-assert-config Debug`, or `-assert-config Release`. * Added optimization flag `-Ofast`. It disables all assertions (`assert`), and runtime overflow and type checks. * The "selector-style" function and initializer declaration syntax is being phased out. For example, this: ``` init withRed(red: CGFloat) green(CGFloat) blue(CGFloat) alpha(CGFloat) ``` will now be written as: ```swift init(withRed red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat) ``` For each parameter, one can have both an argument API name (i.e., `withRed`, which comes first and is used at the call site) and an internal parameter name that follows it (i.e. `red`, which comes second and is used in the implementation). When the two names are the same, one can simply write the name once and it will be used for both roles (as with `green`, `blue`, and `alpha` above). The underscore (`_`) can be used to mean "no name", as when the following function/method: ``` func murderInRoom(room:String) withWeapon(weapon: String) ``` is translated to: ```swift func murderInRoom(_ room: String, withWeapon weapon: String) ``` The compiler now complains when it sees the selector-style syntax and will provide Fix-Its to rewrite to the newer syntax. Note that the final form of selector syntax is still being hammered out, but only having one declaration syntax, which will be very close to this, is a known. * Stored properties can now be marked with the `@NSCopying` attribute, which causes their setter to be synthesized with a copy to `copyWithZone:`. This may only be used with types that conform to the `NSCopying` protocol, or option types thereof. For example: ```swift @NSCopying var myURL : NSURL ``` This fills the same niche as the (`copy`) attribute on Objective-C properties. 2014-04-16 ---------- * Optional variables and properties are now default-initialized to `nil`: ```swift class MyClass { var cachedTitle: String? // "= nil" is implied } ``` * `@IBOutlet` has been improved in a few ways: - `IBOutlets` can now be `@unchecked` optional. - An `IBOutlet` declared as non-optional, i.e., ```swift @IBOutlet var button: NSButton ``` will be treated as an `@unchecked` optional. This is considered to be the best practice way to write an outlet, unless you want to explicitly handle the null case - in which case, use `NSButton?` as the type. Either way, the `= nil` that was formerly required is now implicit. * The precedence of `is` and `as` is now higher than comparisons, allowing the following sorts of things to be written without parens: ```swift if x is NSButton && y is NSButtonCell { ... } if 3/4 as Float == 6/8 as Float { ... } ``` * Objective-C blocks are now transparently bridged to Swift closures. You never have to write `@objc_block` when writing Objective-C-compatible methods anymore. Block parameters are now imported as unchecked optional closure types, allowing `nil` to be passed. 2014-04-09 ---------- * `Dictionary` changes: - `Elements` are now tuples, so you can write ```swift for (k, v) in d { // ... } ``` - `keys` and `values` properties, which are `Collections` projecting the corresponding aspect of each element. `Dictionary` indices are usable with their `keys` and `values` properties, so: ```swift for i in indices(d) { let (k, v) = d[i] assert(k == d.keys[i]) assert(v == d.values[i]) } ``` * Semicolon can be used as a single no-op statement in otherwise empty cases in `switch` statements: ```swift switch x { case 1, 2, 3: print("x is 1, 2 or 3") default: ; } ``` * `override` is now a context sensitive keyword, instead of an attribute: ```swift class Base { var property: Int { return 0 } func instanceFunc() {} class func classFunc() {} } class Derived : Base { override var property: Int { return 1 } override func instanceFunc() {} override class func classFunc() {} } ``` 2014-04-02 ---------- * Prefix splitting for imported enums has been revised again due to feedback: - If stripping off a prefix would leave an invalid identifier (like `10_4`), leave one more word in the result than would otherwise be there (`Behavior10_4`). - If all enumerators have a `k` prefix (for `constant`) and the enum doesn't, the `k` should not be considered when finding the common prefix. - If the enum name is a plural (like `NSSomethingOptions`) and the enumerator names use the singular form (`NSSomethingOptionMagic`), this is considered a matching prefix (but only if nothing follows the plural). * Cocoa APIs that take pointers to plain C types as arguments now get imported as taking the new `CMutablePointer` and `CConstPointer` types instead of `UnsafePointer`. These new types allow implicit conversions from Swift `inout` parameters and from Swift arrays: ```swift let rgb = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB() // CGColorRef CGColorCreate(CGColorSpaceRef, const CGFloat*); let white = CGColorCreate(rgb, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) var s = 0.0, c = 0.0 // void sincos(double, double*, double*); sincos(M_PI/2, &s, &c) ``` Pointers to pointers to ObjC classes, such as `NSError**`, get imported as `ObjCMutablePointer`. This type doesn't work with arrays, but accepts inouts or `nil`: ```swift var error: NSError? = nil let words = NSString.stringWithContentsOfFile("/usr/share/dict/words", encoding: .UTF8StringEncoding, error: &error) ``` `Void` pointer parameters can be passed an array or inout of any type: ```swift // + (NSData*)dataWithBytes:(const void*)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length; let data = NSData.dataWithBytes([1.5, 2.25, 3.125], length: sizeof(Double.self) * 3) var fromData = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] // - (void)getBytes:(void*)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length; data.getBytes(&fromData, length: sizeof(Double.self) * 3) ``` Note that we don't know whether an API reads or writes the C pointer, so you need to explicitly initialize values (like `s` and `c` above) even if you know that the API overwrites them. This pointer bridging only applies to arguments, and only works with well- behaved C and ObjC APIs that don't keep the pointers they receive as arguments around or do other dirty pointer tricks. Nonstandard use of pointer arguments still requires `UnsafePointer`. * Objective-C pointer types now get imported by default as the `@unchecked T?` optional type. Swift class types no longer implicitly include `nil`. A value of `@unchecked T?` can be implicitly used as a value of `T`. Swift will implicitly cause a reliable failure if the value is `nil`, rather than introducing undefined behavior (as in Objective-C ivar accesses or everything in C/C++) or silently ignoring the operation (as in Objective-C message sends). A value of `@unchecked T?` can also be implicitly used as a value of `T?`, allowing you explicitly handle the case of a `nil` value. For example, if you would like to just silently ignore a message send a la Objective-C, you can use the postfix `?` operator like so: ```swift fieldsForKeys[kHeroFieldKey]?.setEditable(true) ``` This design allows you to isolate and handle `nil` values in Swift code without requiring excessive "bookkeeping" boilerplate to use values that you expect to be non-`nil`. For now, we will continue to import C pointers as non-optional `UnsafePointer` and `C*Pointer` types; that will be evaluated separately. We intend to provide attributes for Clang to allow APIs to opt in to importing specific parameters, return types, etc. as either the explicit optional type `T?` or the simple non-optional type `T`. * The "separated" call syntax, i.e., ``` NSColor.colorWithRed(r) green(g) blue(b) alpha(a) UIColor.init withRed(r) green(g) blue(b) alpha(a) ``` is being removed. The compiler will now produce an error and provide Fix-Its to rewrite calls to the "keyword-argument" syntax: ```swift NSColor.colorWithRed(r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: a) UIColor(withRed: r, green:g, blue:b, alpha: a) ``` * The `objc` attribute now optionally accepts a name, which can be used to provide the name for an entity as seen in Objective-C. For example: ```swift class MyType { var enabled: Bool { @objc(isEnabled) get { // ... } } } ``` The `@objc` attribute can be used to name initializers, methods, getters, setters, classes, and protocols. * Methods, properties and subscripts in classes can now be marked with the `@final` attribute. This attribute prevents overriding the declaration in any subclass, and provides better performance (since dynamic dispatch is avoided in many cases). 2014-03-26 ---------- * Attributes on declarations are no longer comma separated. Old syntax: ``` @_silgen_name("foo"), @objc func bar() {} ``` New syntax: ```swift @_silgen_name("foo") @objc ``` The `,` was vestigial when the attribute syntax consisted of bracket lists. * `switch` now always requires a statement after a `case` or `default`. Old syntax: ```swift switch x { case .A: case .B(1): println(".A or .B(1)") default: // Ignore it. } ``` New syntax: ```swift switch x { case .A, .B(1): println(".A or .B(1)") default: () // Ignore it. } ``` The following syntax can be used to introduce guard expressions for patterns inside the `case`: ```swift switch x { case .A where isFoo(), .B(1) where isBar(): ... } ``` * Observing properties can now `@override` properties in a base class, so you can observe changes that happen to them. ```swift class MyAwesomeView : SomeBasicView { @override var enabled : Bool { didSet { println("Something changed") } } ... } ``` Observing properties still invoke the base class getter/setter (or storage) when accessed. * An `as` cast can now be forced using the postfix `!` operator without using parens: ```swift class B {} class D {} let b: B = D() // Before let d1: D = (b as D)! // After let d2: D = b as D! ``` Casts can also be chained without parens: ```swift // Before let b2: B = (((D() as B) as D)!) as B // After let b3: B = D() as B as D! as B ``` * `as` can now be used in `switch` cases to match the result of a checked cast: ```swift func printHand(hand: Any) { switch hand { case 1 as Int: print("ace") case 11 as Int: print("jack") case 12 as Int: print("queen") case 13 as Int: print("king") case let numberCard as Int: print("\(numberCard)") case let (a, b) as (Int, Int) where a == b: print("two ") printHand(a) print("s") case let (a, b) as (Int, Int): printHand(a) print(" and a ") printHand(b) case let (a, b, c) as (Int, Int, Int) where a == b && b == c: print("three ") printHand(a) print("s") case let (a, b, c) as (Int, Int, Int): printHand(a) print(", ") printHand(b) print(", and a ") printHand(c) default: print("unknown hand") } } printHand(1, 1, 1) // prints "three aces" printHand(12, 13) // prints "queen and a king" ``` * Enums and option sets imported from C/Objective-C still strip common prefixes, but the name of the enum itself is now taken into consideration as well. This keeps us from dropping important parts of a name that happen to be shared by all members. ```objc // NSFileManager.h typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions) { NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsSubdirectoryDescendants = 1UL << 0, NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsPackageDescendants = 1UL << 1, NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles = 1UL << 2 } NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0); ``` ```swift // Swift let opts: NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions = .SkipsPackageDescendants ``` * `init` methods in Objective-C protocols are now imported as initializers. To conform to `NSCoding`, you will now need to provide ```swift init withCoder(aDecoder: NSCoder) { ... } ``` rather than ```swift func initWithCoder(aDecoder: NSCoder) { ... } ``` 2014-03-19 ---------- * When a class provides no initializers of its own but has default values for all of its stored properties, it will automatically inherit all of the initializers of its superclass. For example: ```swift class Document { var title: String init() -> Self { self.init(withTitle: "Default title") } init withTitle(title: String) { self.title = title } } class VersionedDocument : Document { var version = 0 // inherits 'init' and 'init withTitle:' from Document } ``` When one does provide a designated initializer in a subclass, as in the following example: ```swift class SecureDocument : Document { var key: CryptoKey init withKey(key: CryptoKey) -> Self { self.init(withKey: key, title: "Default title") } init withKey(key: CryptoKey) title(String) { self.key = key super.init(withTitle: title) } } ``` the compiler emits Objective-C method stubs for all of the designated initializers of the parent class that will abort at runtime if called, and which indicate which initializer needs to be implemented. This provides memory safety for cases where an Objective-C initializer (such as `-[Document init]` in this example) appears to be inherited, but isn't actually implemented. * `nil` may now be used as a Selector value. This allows calls to Cocoa methods that accept `nil` selectors. * `[]` and `[:]` can now be used as the empty array and dictionary literal, respectively. Because these carry no information about their element types, they may only be used in a context that provides this information through type inference (e.g. when passing a function argument). * Properties defined in classes are now dynamically dispatched and can be overridden with `@override`. Currently `@override` only works with computed properties overriding other computed properties, but this will be enhanced in coming weeks. 2014-03-12 ---------- * The `didSet` accessor of an observing property now gets passed in the old value, so you can easily implement an action for when a property changes value. For example: ```swift class MyAwesomeView : UIView { var enabled : Bool = false { didSet(oldValue): if oldValue != enabled { self.needsDisplay = true } } ... } ``` * The implicit argument name for set and willSet property specifiers has been renamed from `(value)` to `(newValue)`. For example: ```swift var i : Int { get { return 42 } set { // defaults to (newValue) instead of (value) print(newValue) } } ``` * The magic identifier `__FUNCTION__` can now be used to get the name of the current function as a string. Like `__FILE__` and `__LINE__`, if `__FUNCTION__` is used as a default argument, the function name of the caller is passed as the argument. ```swift func malkovich() { println(__FUNCTION__) } malkovich() // prints "malkovich" func nameCaller(name: String = __FUNCTION__) -> String { return name } func foo() { println(nameCaller()) // prints "foo" } func foo(x: Int) bar(y: Int) { println(nameCaller()) // prints "foo:bar:" } ``` At top level, `__FUNCTION__` gives the module name: ```swift println(nameCaller()) // prints your module name ``` * Selector-style methods can now be referenced without applying arguments using member syntax ``, for instance, to test for the availability of an optional protocol method: ```swift func getFrameOfObjectValueForColumn(ds: NSTableViewDataSource, tableView: NSTableView, column: NSTableColumn, row: Int) -> AnyObject? { if let getObjectValue = ds.tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row: { return getObjectValue(tableView, column, row) } return nil } ``` * The compiler now warns about cases where a variable is inferred to have `AnyObject`, `AnyClass`, or `()` type, since type inference can turn a simple mistake (e.g. failing to cast an `AnyObject` when you meant to) into something with ripple effects. Here is a simple example: ``` t.swift:4:5: warning: variable 'fn' inferred to have type '()', which may be unexpected var fn = abort() ^ t.swift:4:5: note: add an explicit type annotation to silence this warning var fn = abort() ^ : () ``` If you actually did intend to declare a variable of one of these types, you can silence this warning by adding an explicit type (indicated by the Fixit). See **rdar://15263687 and rdar://16252090** for more rationale. * `x.type` has been renamed to `x.dynamicType`, and you can use `type` as a regular identifier again. 2014-03-05 ---------- * C macros that expand to a single constant string are now imported as global constants. Normal string literals are imported as `CString`; `NSString` literals are imported as `String`. * All values now have a `self` property, exactly equivalent to the value itself: ```swift let x = 0 let x2 = x.self ``` Types also have a `self` property that is the type object for that type: ```swift let theClass = NSObject.self let theObj = theClass() ``` References to type names are now disallowed outside of a constructor call or member reference; to get a type object as a value, `T.self` is required. This prevents the mistake of intending to construct an instance of a class but forgetting the parens and ending up with the class object instead: ```swift let x = MyObject // oops, I meant MyObject()... return x.description() // ...and I accidentally called +description // instead of -description ``` * Initializers are now classified as **designated initializers**, which are responsible for initializing the current class object and chaining via `super.init`, and **convenience initializers**, which delegate to another initializer and can be inherited. For example: ```swift class A { var str: String init() -> Self { // convenience initializer self.init(withString: "hello") } init withString(str: String) { // designated initializer self.str = str } } ``` When a subclass overrides all of its superclass's designated initializers, the convenience initializers are inherited: ```swift class B { init withString(str: String) { // designated initializer super.init(withString: str) } // inherits A.init() } ``` Objective-C classes that provide `NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER` annotations will have their init methods mapped to designated initializers or convenience initializers as appropriate; Objective-C classes without `NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER` annotations have all of their `init` methods imported as designated initializers, which is safe (but can be verbose for subclasses). Note that the syntax and terminology is still somewhat in flux. * Initializers can now be marked as `required` with an attribute, meaning that every subclass is required to provide that initializer either directly or by inheriting it from a superclass. To construct ```swift class View { @required init withFrame(frame: CGRect) { ... } } func buildView(subclassObj: View.Type, frame: CGRect) -> View { return subclassObj(withFrame: frame) } class MyView : View { @required init withFrame(frame: CGRect) { super.init(withFrame: frame) } } class MyOtherView : View { // error: must override init withFrame(CGRect). } ``` * Properties in Objective-C protocols are now correctly imported as properties. (Previously the getter and setter were imported as methods.) * Simple enums with no payloads, including `NS_ENUM`s imported from Cocoa, now implicitly conform to the Equatable and Hashable protocols. This means they can be compared with the `==` and `!=` operators and can be used as `Dictionary` keys: ```swift enum Flavor { case Lemon, Banana, Cherry } assert(Flavor.Lemon == .Lemon) assert(Flavor.Banana != .Lemon) struct Profile { var sweet, sour: Bool } let flavorProfiles: Dictionary = [ .Lemon: Profile(sweet: false, sour: true ), .Banana: Profile(sweet: true, sour: false), .Cherry: Profile(sweet: true, sour: true ), ] assert(flavorProfiles[.Lemon].sour) ``` * `val` has been removed. Long live `let`! * Values whose names clash with Swift keywords, such as Cocoa methods or properties named `class`, `protocol`, `type`, etc., can now be defined and accessed by wrapping reserved keywords in backticks to suppress their builtin meaning: ```swift let `class` = 0 let `type` = 1 let `protocol` = 2 println(`class`) println(`type`) println(`protocol`) func foo(Int) `class`(Int) {} foo(0, `class`: 1) ``` 2014-02-26 ---------- * The `override` attribute is now required when overriding a method, property, or subscript from a superclass. For example: ```swift class A { func foo() { } } class B : A { @override func foo() { } // 'override' is required here } ``` * We're renaming `val` back to `let`. The compiler accepts both for this week, next week it will just accept `let`. Please migrate your code this week, sorry for the back and forth on this. * Swift now supports `#if`, `#else` and `#endif` blocks, along with target configuration expressions, to allow for conditional compilation within declaration and statement contexts. Target configurations represent certain static information about the compile-time build environment. They are implicit, hard-wired into the compiler, and can only be referenced within the conditional expression of an `#if` block. Target configurations are tested against their values via a pseudo-function invocation expression, taking a single argument expressed as an identifier. The argument represents certain static build-time information. There are currently two supported target configurations: `os`, which can have the values `OSX` or `iOS` `arch`, which can have the values `i386`, `x86_64`, `arm` and `arm64` Within the context of an `#if` block's conditional expression, a target configuration expression can evaluate to either `true` or `false`. For example: ```swift #if arch(x86_64) println("Building for x86_64") #else println("Not building for x86_64") #endif class C { #if os(OSX) func foo() { // OSX stuff goes here } #else func foo() { // non-OSX stuff goes here } #endif } ``` The conditional expression of an `#if` block can be composed of one or more of the following expression types: - A unary expression, using `!` - A binary expression, using `&&` or `||` - A parenthesized expression - A target configuration expression For example: ```swift #if os(iOS) && !arch(I386) ... #endif ``` Note that `#if`/`#else`/`#endif` blocks do not constitute a preprocessor, and must form valid and complete expressions or statements. Hence, the following produces a parser error: ```swift class C { #if os(iOS) func foo() {} } #else func bar() {} func baz() {} } #endif ``` Also note that "active" code will be parsed, typechecked and emitted, while "inactive" code will only be parsed. This is why code in an inactive `#if` or `#else` block will produce parser errors for malformed code. This allows the compiler to detect basic errors in inactive regions. This is the first step to getting functionality parity with the important subset of the C preprocessor. Further refinements are planned for later. * Swift now has both fully-closed ranges, which include their endpoint, and half-open ranges, which don't. ```swift (swift) for x in 0...5 { print(x) } ; print('\n') // half-open range 01234 (swift) for x in 0..5 { print(x) } ; print('\n') // fully-closed range 012345 ``` * Property accessors have a new brace-based syntax, instead of using the former "label like" syntax. The new syntax is: ```swift var computedProperty: Int { get { return _storage } set { _storage = value } } var implicitGet: Int { // This form still works. return 42 } var storedPropertyWithObservingAccessors: Int = 0 { willSet { ... } didSet { ... } } ``` * Properties and subscripts now work in protocols, allowing you to do things like: ```swift protocol Subscriptable { subscript(idx1: Int, idx2: Int) -> Int { get set } var prop: Int { get } } func foo(s: Subscriptable) { return s.prop + s[42, 19] } ``` These can be used for generic algorithms now as well. * The syntax for referring to the type of a type, `T.metatype`, has been changed to `T.Type`. The syntax for getting the type of a value, `typeof(x)`, has been changed to `x.type`. * `DynamicSelf` is now called `Self`; the semantics are unchanged. * `destructor` has been replaced with `deinit`, to emphasize that it is related to `init`. We will refer to these as `deinitializers`. We've also dropped the parentheses, i.e.: ```swift class MyClass { deinit { // release any resources we might have acquired, etc. } } ``` * Class methods defined within extensions of Objective-C classes can now refer to `self`, including using `instancetype` methods. As a result, `NSMutableString`, `NSMutableArray`, and `NSMutableDictionary` objects can now be created with their respective literals, i.e., ```swift var dict: NSMutableDictionary = ["a" : 1, "b" : 2] ``` 2014-02-19 ---------- * The `Stream` protocol has been renamed back to `Generator,` which is precedented in other languages and causes less confusion with I/O streaming. * The `type` keyword was split into two: `static` and `class`. One can define static functions and static properties in structs and enums like this: ```swift struct S { static func foo() {} static var bar: Int = 0 } enum E { static func foo() {} } ``` `class` keyword allows one to define class properties and class methods in classes and protocols: ```swift class C { class func foo() {} class var bar: Int = 0 } protocol P { class func foo() {} class var bar: Int = 0 } ``` When using `class` and `static` in the extension, the choice of keyword depends on the type being extended: ```swift extension S { static func baz() {} } extension C { class func baz() {} } ``` * The `let` keyword is no longer recognized. Please move to `val`. * The standard library has been renamed to `Swift` (instead of `swift`) to be more consistent with other modules on our platforms. * `NSInteger` and other types that are layout-compatible with Swift standard library types are now imported directly as those standard library types. * Optional types now support a convenience method named "cache" to cache the result of a closure. For example: ```swift class Foo { var _lazyProperty: Int? var property: Int { return _lazyProperty.cache { computeLazyProperty() } } } ``` 2014-02-12 ---------- * We are experimenting with a new message send syntax. For example: ```swift SKAction.colorizeWithColor(SKColor.whiteColor()) colorBlendFactor(1.0) duration(0.0) ``` When the message send is too long to fit on a single line, subsequent lines must be indented from the start of the statement or declaration. For example, this is a single message send: ```swift SKAction.colorizeWithColor(SKColor.whiteColor()) colorBlendFactor(1.0) duration(0.0) ``` while this is a message send to colorizeWithColor: followed by calls to `colorBlendFactor` and `duration` (on self or to a global function): ```swift SKAction.colorizeWithColor(SKColor.whiteColor()) colorBlendFactor(1.0) // call to 'colorBlendFactor' duration(0.0) // call to 'duration' ``` * We are renaming the `let` keyword to `val`. The `let` keyword didn't work out primarily because it is not a noun, so "defining a let" never sounded right. We chose `val` over `const` and other options because `var` and `val` have similar semantics (making syntactic similarity useful), because `const` has varied and sordid connotations in C that we don't want to bring over, and because we don't want to punish the "preferred" case with a longer keyword. For migration purposes, the compiler now accepts `let` and `val` as synonyms, `let` will be removed next week. * Selector arguments in function arguments with only a type are now implicitly named after the selector chunk that contains them. For example, instead of: ```swift func addIntsWithFirst(first : Int) second(second : Int) -> Int { return first+second } ``` you can now write: ```swift func addIntsWithFirst(first : Int) second(Int) -> Int { return first+second } ``` if you want to explicitly want to ignore an argument, it is recommended that you continue to use the `_` to discard it, as in: ```swift func addIntsWithFirst(first : Int) second(_ : Int) -> Int {...} ``` * The `@inout` attribute in argument lists has been promoted to a context-sensitive keyword. Where before you might have written: ```swift func swap(a : @inout T, b : @inout T) { (a,b) = (b,a) } ``` You are now required to write: ```swift func swap(inout a : T, inout b : T) { (a,b) = (b,a) } ``` We made this change because `inout` is a fundamental part of the type system, which attributes are a poor match for. The inout keyword is also orthogonal to the `var` and `let` keywords (which may be specified in the same place), so it fits naturally there. * The `@mutating` attribute (which can be used on functions in structs, enums, and protocols) has been promoted to a context-sensitive keyword. Mutating struct methods are now written as: ```swift struct SomeStruct { mutating func f() {} } ``` * Half-open ranges (those that don't include their endpoint) are now spelled with three `.`s instead of two, for consistency with Ruby. ```swift (swift) for x in 0...5 { print(x) } ; print('\n') // new syntax 01234 ``` Next week, we'll introduce a fully-closed range which does include its endpoint. This will provide: ```swift (swift) for x in 0..5 { print(x) } ; print('\n') // coming soon 012345 ``` These changes are being released separately so that users have a chance to update their code before its semantics changes. * Objective-C properties with custom getters/setters are now imported into Swift as properties. For example, the Objective-C property ```swift @property (getter=isEnabled) BOOL enabled; ``` was previously imported as getter (`isEnabled`) and setter (`setEnabled`) methods. Now, it is imported as a property (`enabled`). * `didSet`/`willSet` properties may now have an initial value specified: ```swift class MyAwesomeView : UIView { var enabled : Bool = false { // Initial value. didSet: self.needsDisplay = true } ... } ``` they can also be used as non-member properties now, e.g. as a global variable or a local variable in a function. * Objective-C instancetype methods are now imported as methods that return Swift's `DynamicSelf` type. While `DynamicSelf` is not generally useful for defining methods in Swift, importing to it eliminates the need for casting with the numerous `instancetype` APIs, e.g., ```swift let tileNode: SKSpriteNode = SKSpriteNode.spriteNodeWithTexture(tileAtlas.textureNamed("tile\(tileNumber).png"))! ``` becomes ```swift let tileNode = SKSpriteNode.spriteNodeWithTexture(tileAtlas.textureNamed("tile\(tileNumber).png")) ``` `DynamicSelf` will become more interesting in the coming weeks. 2014-02-05 ---------- * `if` and `while` statements can now conditionally bind variables. If the condition of an `if` or `while` statement is a `let` declaration, then the right-hand expression is evaluated as an `Optional` value, and control flow proceeds by considering the binding to be `true` if the `Optional` contains a value, or `false` if it is empty, and the variables are available in the true branch. This allows for elegant testing of dynamic types, methods, nullable pointers, and other Optional things: ```swift class B : NSObject {} class D : B { func foo() { println("we have a D") } } var b: B = D() if let d = b as D { } var id: AnyObject = D() if let foo = { foo() } ``` * When referring to a member of an `AnyObject` (or `AnyClass`) object and using it directly (such as calling it, subscripting, or accessing a property on it), one no longer has to write the `?` or `!`. The run-time check will be performed implicitly. For example: ```swift func doSomethingOnViews(views: NSArray) { for view in views { view.updateLayer() // no '!' needed } } ``` Note that one can still test whether the member is available at runtime using `?`, testing the optional result, or conditionally binding a variable to the resulting member. * The `swift` command line tool can now create executables and libraries directly, just like Clang. Use `swift main.swift` to create an executable and `swift -emit-library -o foo.dylib foo.swift` to create a library. * Object files emitted by Swift are not debuggable on their own, even if you compiled them with the `-g` option. This was already true if you had multiple files in your project. To produce a debuggable Swift binary from the command line, you must compile and link in a single step with `swift`, or pass object files AND swiftmodule files back into `swift` after compilation. (Or use Xcode.) * `import` will no longer import other source files, only built modules. * The current directory is no longer implicitly an import path. Use `-I .` if you have modules in your current directory. 2014-01-29 ---------- * Properties in structs and classes may now have `willSet:` and `didSet:` observing accessors defined on them: For example, where before you may have written something like this in a class: ```swift class MyAwesomeView : UIView { var _enabled : Bool // storage var enabled : Bool { // computed property get: return _enabled set: _enabled = value self.needDisplay = true } ... } ``` you can now simply write: ```swift class MyAwesomeView : UIView { var enabled : Bool { // Has storage & observing methods didSet: self.needDisplay = true } ... } ``` Similarly, if you want notification before the value is stored, you can use `willSet`, which gets the incoming value before it is stored: ```swift var x : Int { willSet(value): // value is the default and may be elided, as with set: println("changing from \(x) to \(value)") didSet: println("we've got a value of \(x) now.\n") } ``` The `willSet`/`didSet` observers are triggered on any store to the property, except stores from `init()`, destructors, or from within the observers themselves. Overall, a property now may either be "stored" (the default), "computed" (have a `get:` and optionally a `set:` specifier), or an observed (`willSet`/`didSet`) property. It is not possible to have a custom getter or setter on an observed property, since they have storage. Two known-missing bits are: - **(rdar://problem/15920332) didSet/willSet variables need to allow initializers** - **(rdar://problem/15922884) support non-member didset/willset properties** Because of the first one, for now, you need to explicitly store an initial value to the property in your `init()` method. * Objective-C properties with custom getter or setter names are (temporarily) not imported into Swift; the getter and setter will be imported individually as methods instead. Previously, they would appear as properties within the Objective-C class, but attempting to use the accessor with the customized name would result in a crash. The long-term fix is tracked as **(rdar://problem/15877160)**. * Computed 'type' properties (that is, properties of types, rather than of values of the type) are now permitted on classes, on generic structs and enums, and in extensions. Stored 'type' properties in these contexts remain unimplemented. The implementation of stored 'type' properties is tracked as **(rdar://problem/15915785)** (for classes) and **(rdar://problem/15915867)** (for generic types). * The following command-line flags have been deprecated in favor of new spellings. The old spellings will be removed in the following week's build: | Old Spelling | New Spelling | |--------------------------|-------------------------------| | `-emit-llvm` | `-emit-ir` | | `-triple` | `-target` | | `-serialize-diagnostics` | `-serialize-diagnostics-path` | * Imported `NS_OPTIONS` types now have a default initializer which produces a value with no options set. They can also be initialized to the empty set with `nil`. These are equivalent: ```swift var x = NSMatchingOptions() var y: NSMatchingOptions = nil ``` 2014-01-22 ---------- * The swift binary no longer has an SDK set by default. Instead, you must do one of the following: - pass an explicit `-sdk /path/to/sdk` - set `SDKROOT` in your environment - run `swift` through `xcrun`, which sets `SDKROOT` for you * `let` declarations can now be used as struct/class properties. A `let` property is mutable within `init()`, and immutable everywhere else. ```swift class C { let x = 42 let y : Int init(y : Int) { self.y = y // ok, self.y is mutable in init() } func test() { y = 42 // error: 'y' isn't mutable } } ``` * The immutability model for structs and enums is complete, and arguments are immutable by default. This allows the compiler to reject mutations of temporary objects, catching common bugs. For example, this is rejected: ```swift func setTo4(a : Double[]) { a[10] = 4.0 // error: 'a' isn't mutable } ... setTo4(someArray) ``` since `a` is semantically a copy of the array passed into the function. The proper fix in this case is to mark the argument is `@inout`, so the effect is visible in the caller: ```swift func setTo4(a : @inout Double[]) { a[10] = 4.0 // ok: 'a' is a mutable reference } ... setTo4(&someArray) ``` Alternatively, if you really just want a local copy of the argument, you can mark it `var`. The effects aren't visible in the caller, but this can be convenient in some cases: ```swift func doStringStuff(var s : String) { s += "foo" print(s) } ``` * Objective-C instance variables are no longer imported from headers written in Objective-C. Previously, they would appear as properties within the Objective-C class, but trying to access them would result in a crash. Additionally, their names can conflict with property names, which confuses the Swift compiler, and there are no patterns in our frameworks that expect you to access a parent or other class's instance variables directly. Use properties instead. * The `NSObject` protocol is now imported under the name `NSObjectProtocol` (rather than `NSObjectProto`). 2014-01-15 ---------- * Improved deallocation of Swift classes that inherit from Objective-C classes: Swift destructors are implemented as `-dealloc` methods that automatically call the superclass's `-dealloc`. Stored properties are released right before the object is deallocated (using the same mechanism as ARC), allowing properties to be safely used in destructors. * Subclasses of `NSManagedObject` are now required to provide initial values for each of their stored properties. This permits initialization of these stored properties directly after +alloc to provide memory safety with CoreData's dynamic subclassing scheme. * `let` declarations are continuing to make slow progress. Curried and selector-style arguments are now immutable by default, and `let` declarations now get proper debug information. 2014-01-08 ---------- * The `static` keyword changed to `type`. One can now define "type functions" and "type variables" which are functions and variables defined on a type (rather than on an instance of the type), e.g., ```swift class X { type func factory() -> X { ... } type var version: Int } ``` The use of `static` was actively misleading, since type methods on classes are dynamically dispatched (the same as Objective-C `+` methods). Note that `type` is a context-sensitive keyword; it can still be used as an identifier. * Strings have a new native UTF-16 representation that can be converted back and forth to `NSString` at minimal cost. String literals are emitted as UTF-16 for string types that support it (including Swift's `String`). * Initializers can now delegate to other initializers within the same class by calling `self.init`. For example: ```swift class A { } class B : A { var title: String init() { // note: cannot access self before delegating self.init(withTitle: "My Title") } init withTitle(title: String) { self.title = title super.init() } } ``` * Objective-C protocols no longer have the `Proto` suffix unless there is a collision with a class name. For example, `UITableViewDelegate` is now imported as `UITableViewDelegate` rather than `UITableViewDelegateProto`. Where there is a conflict with a class, the protocol will be suffixed with `Proto`, as in `NSObject` (the class) and `NSObjectProto` (the protocol). 2014-01-01 ---------- * Happy New Year * Division and remainder arithmetic now trap on overflow. Like with the other operators, one can use the "masking" alternatives to get non-trapping behavior. The behavior of the non-trapping masking operators is defined: ```swift x &/ 0 == 0 x &% 0 == 0 SIGNED_MIN_FOR_TYPE &/ -1 == -1 // i.e. Int8: -0x80 / -1 == -0x80 SIGNED_MIN_FOR_TYPE &% -1 == 0 ``` * Protocol conformance checking for `@mutating` methods is now implemented: an `@mutating` struct method only fulfills a protocol requirement if the protocol method was itself marked `@mutating`: ```swift protocol P { func nonmutating() @mutating func mutating() } struct S : P { // Error, @mutating method cannot implement non-@mutating requirement. @mutating func nonmutating() {} // Ok, mutating allowed, but not required. func mutating() {} } ``` As before, class methods never need to be marked `@mutating` (and indeed, they aren't allowed to be marked as such). 2013-12-25 ---------- * Merry Christmas * The setters of properties on value types (structs/enums) are now `@mutating` by default. To mark a setter non-mutating, use the `@!mutating` attribute. * Compiler inserts calls to `super.init()` into the class initializers that do not call any initializers explicitly. * A `map` method with the semantics of Haskell's `fmap` was added to `Array`. Map applies a function `f: T->U` to the values stored in the array and returns an Array. So, ```swift (swift) func names(x: Int[]) -> String[] { return { "<" + String($0) + ">" } } (swift) names(Array()) // r0 : String[] = [] (swift) names([3, 5, 7, 9]) // r1 : String[] = ["<3>", "<5>", "<7>", "<9>"] ``` 2013-12-18 ---------- * Global variables and static properties are now lazily initialized on first use. Where you would use `dispatch_once` to lazily initialize a singleton object in Objective-C, you can simply declare a global variable with an initializer in Swift. Like `dispatch_once`, this lazy initialization is thread safe. Unlike C++ global variable constructors, Swift global variables and static properties now never emit static constructors (and thereby don't raise build warnings). Also unlike C++, lazy initialization naturally follows dependency order, so global variable initializers that cross module boundaries don't have undefined behavior or fragile link order dependencies. * Swift has the start of an immutability model for value types. As part of this, you can now declare immutable value bindings with a new `let` declaration, which is semantically similar to defining a get-only property: ```swift let x = foo() print(x) // ok x = bar() // error: cannot modify an immutable value swap(&x, &y) // error: cannot pass an immutable value as @inout parameter x.clear() // error: cannot call mutating method on immutable value getX().clear() // error: cannot mutate a temporary ``` In the case of bindings of class type, the bound object itself is still mutable, but you cannot change the binding. ```swift let r = Rocket() r.blastOff() // Ok, your rocket is mutable. r = Rocket() // error: cannot modify an immutable binding. ``` In addition to the `let` declaration itself, `self` on classes, and a few other minor things have switched to immutable bindings. A pivotal part of this is that methods of value types (structs and enums) need to indicate whether they can mutate self - mutating methods need to be disallowed on let values (and get-only property results, temporaries, etc) but non-mutating methods need to be allowed. The default for a method is that it does not mutate `self`, though you can opt into mutating behavior with a new `@mutating` attribute: ```swift struct MyWeirdCounter { var count : Int func empty() -> Bool { return count == 0 } @mutating func reset() { count = 0 } ... } let x = MyWeirdCounter() x.empty() // ok x.reset() // error, cannot mutate immutable 'let' value ``` One missing piece is that the compiler does not yet reject mutations of self in a method that isn't marked `@mutating`. That will be coming soon. Related to methods are properties. Getters and setters can be marked mutating as well: ```swift extension MyWeirdCounter { var myproperty : Int { get: return 42 @mutating set: count = value*2 } } ``` The intention is for setters to default to mutating, but this has not been implemented yet. There is more to come here. * A `map` method with the semantics of Haskell's `fmap` was added to `Optional`. Map applies a function `f: T->U` to any value stored in an `Optional`, and returns an `Optional`. So, ```swift (swift) func nameOf(x: Int?) -> String? { return { "<" + String($0) + ">" } } (swift) (swift) var no = nameOf(.None) // Empty optional in... // no : String? = (swift) no ? "yes" : "no" // ...empty optional out // r0 : String = "no" (swift) (swift) nameOf(.Some(42)) // Non-empty in // r1 : String? = (swift) nameOf(.Some(42))! // Non-empty out // r2 : String = "<42>" ``` * Cocoa types declared with the `NS_OPTIONS` macro are now available in Swift. Like `NS_ENUM` types, their values are automatically shortened based on the common prefix of the value names in Objective-C, and the name can be elided when type context provides it. They can be used in `if` statements using the `&`, `|`, `^`, and `~` operators as in C: ```swift var options: NSJSONWritingOptions = .PrettyPrinted if options & .PrettyPrinted { println("pretty-printing enabled") } ``` We haven't yet designed a convenient way to author `NS_OPTIONS`-like types in Swift. 2013-12-11 ---------- * Objective-C `id` is now imported as `AnyObject` (formerly known as `DynamicLookup`), Objective-C `Class` is imported as `AnyClass`. * The casting syntax `x as T` now permits both implicit conversions (in which case it produces a value of type `T`) and for runtime-checked casts (in which case it produces a value of type `T?` that will be `.Some(casted x)` on success and `.None` on failure). An example: ```swift func f(x: AnyObject, y: NSControl) { var view = y as NSView // has type 'NSView' var maybeView = x as NSView // has type NSView? } ``` * The precedence levels of binary operators has been redefined, with a much simpler model than C's. This is with a goal to define away classes of bugs such as those caught by Clang's `-Wparentheses` warnings, and to make it actually possible for normal humans to reason about the precedence relationships without having to look them up. We ended up with 6 levels, from tightest binding to loosest: ``` exponentiative: <<, >> multiplicative: *, /, %, & additive: +, -, |, ^ comparative: ==, !=, <, <=, >=, > conjunctive: && disjunctive: || ``` * The `Enumerable` protocol has been renamed `Sequence`. * The `Char` type has been renamed `UnicodeScalar`. The preferred unit of string fragments for users is called `Character`. * Initialization semantics for classes, structs and enums init methods are now properly diagnosed by the compiler. Instance variables now follow the same initialization rules as local variables: they must be defined before use. The initialization model requires that all properties with storage in the current class be initialized before `super.init` is called (or, in a root class, before any method is called on `self,` and before the final return). For example, this will yield an error: ```swift class SomeClass : SomeBase { var x : Int init() { // error: property 'self.x' not initialized at super.init call super.init() } } ``` A simple fix for this is to change the property definition to `var x = 0`, or to explicitly assign to it before calling `super.init()`. * Relatedly, the compiler now diagnoses incorrect calls to `super.init()`. It validates that any path through an initializer calls `super.init()` exactly once, that all ivars are defined before the call to super.init, and that any uses which require the entire object to be initialized come after the `super.init` call. * Type checker performance has improved considerably (but we still have much work to do here). 2013-12-04 ---------- * The "slice" versus "array" subtlety is now dead. `Slice` has been folded into `Array` and `T[]` is just sugar for `Array`. 2013-11-20 ---------- * Unreachable code warning has been added: ```swift var y: Int = 1 if y == 1 { // note: condition always evaluates to true return y } return 1 // warning: will never be executed ``` * Overflows on integer type conversions are now detected at runtime and, when dealing with constants, at compile time: ```swift var i: Int = -129 var i8 = Int8(i) // error: integer overflows when converted from 'Int' to 'Int8' var si = Int8(-1) var ui = UInt8(si) // error: negative integer cannot be converted to unsigned type 'UInt8' ``` * `def` keyword was changed back to `func`. 2013-11-13 ---------- * Objective-C-compatible protocols can now contain optional requirements, indicated by the `@optional` attribute: ```swift @class_protocol @objc protocol NSWobbling { @optional def wobble() } ``` A class that conforms to the `NSWobbling` protocol above can (but does not have to) implement `wobble`. When referring to the `wobble` method for a value of type `NSWobbling` (or a value of generic type that is bounded by `NSWobbling`), the result is an optional value indicating whether the underlying object actually responds to the given selector, using the same mechanism as messaging `id`. One can use `!` to assume that the method is always there, `?` to chain the optional, or conditional branches to handle each case distinctly: ```swift def tryToWobble(w : NSWobbling) { w.wobble() // error: cannot call a value of optional type w.wobble!() // okay: calls -wobble, but fails at runtime if not there w.wobble?() // okay: calls -wobble only if it's there, otherwise no-op if w.wobble { // okay: we know -wobble is there } else { // okay: we know -wobble is not there } } ``` * Enums from Cocoa that are declared with the `NS_ENUM` macro are now imported into Swift as Swift enums. Like all Swift enums, the constants of the Cocoa enum are scoped as members of the enum type, so the importer strips off the common prefix of all of the constant names in the enum when forming the Swift interface. For example, this Objective-C declaration: ```objc typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSComparisonResult) { NSOrderedAscending, NSOrderedSame, NSOrderedDescending, }; ``` shows up in Swift as: ```swift enum NSComparisonResult : Int { case Ascending, Same, Descending } ``` The `enum` cases can then take advantage of type inference from context. In Objective-C, you would write: ```objc NSNumber *foo = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1]; NSNumber *bar = [NSNumber numberWithInt: 2]; switch ([foo compare: bar]) { case NSOrderedAscending: NSLog(@"ascending\n"); break; case NSOrderedSame: NSLog(@"same\n"); break; case NSOrderedDescending: NSLog(@"descending\n"); break; } ``` In Swift, this becomes: ```swift var foo: NSNumber = 1 var bar: NSNumber = 2 switch { case .Ascending: println("ascending") case .Same: println("same") case .Descending: println("descending") } ``` * Work has begun on implementing static properties. Currently they are supported for nongeneric structs and enums. ```swift struct Foo { static var foo: Int = 2 } enum Bar { static var bar: Int = 3 } println( println( ``` 2013-11-06 ---------- * `func` keyword was changed to `def`. * Implicit conversions are now allowed from an optional type `T?` to another optional type `U?` if `T` is implicitly convertible to `U`. For example, optional subclasses convert to their optional base classes: ```swift class Base {} class Derived : Base {} var d: Derived? = Derived() var b: Base? = d ``` 2013-10-30 ---------- * Type inference for variables has been improved, allowing any variable to have its type inferred from its initializer, including global and instance variables: ```swift class MyClass { var size = 0 // inferred to Int } var name = "Swift" ``` Additionally, the arguments of a generic type can also be inferred from the initializer: ```swift // infers Dictionary var dict: Dictionary = ["Hello": 1, "World": 2] ``` 2013-10-23 ---------- * Missing return statement from a non-`Void` function is diagnosed as an error. * `Vector` has been replaced with `Array`. This is a complete rewrite to use value-semantics and copy-on-write behavior. The former means that you never need to defensively copy again (or remember to attribute a property as "copy") and the latter yields better performance than defensive copying. `Dictionary` is next. * `switch` can now pattern-match into structs and classes, using the syntax `case Type(property1: pattern1, property2: pattern2, ...):`. ```swift struct Point { var x, y: Double } struct Size { var w, h: Double } struct Rect { var origin: Point; var size: Size } var square = Rect(Point(0, 0), Size(10, 10)) switch square { case Rect(size: Size(w: var w, h: var h)) where w == h: println("square") case Rect(size: Size(w: var w, h: var h)) where w > h: println("long rectangle") default: println("tall rectangle") } ``` Currently only stored properties ("ivars" in ObjC terminology) are supported by the implementation. * Array and dictionary literals allow an optional trailing comma: ```swift var a = [ 1, 2, ] var d = [ "a": 1, "b": 2, ] ``` 2013-10-16 ---------- * Unlike in Objective-C, objects of type `id` in Swift do not implicitly convert to any class type. For example, the following code is ill-formed: ```swift func getContentViewBounds(window : NSWindow) -> NSRect { var view : NSView = window.contentView() // error: 'id' doesn't implicitly convert to NSView return view.bounds() } ``` because `contentView()` returns an `id`. One can now use the postfix `!` operator to allow an object of type `id` to convert to any class type, e.g., ```swift func getContentViewBounds(window : NSWindow) -> NSRect { var view : NSView = window.contentView()! // ok: checked conversion to NSView return view.bounds() } ``` The conversion is checked at run-time, and the program will fail if the object is not an NSView. This is shorthand for ```swift var view : NSView = (window.contentView() as NSView)! ``` which checks whether the content view is an `NSView` (via the `as NSView`). That operation returns an optional `NSView` (written `NSView?`) and the `!` operation assumes that the cast succeeded, i.e., that the optional has a value in it. * The unconditional checked cast syntax `x as! T` has been removed. Many cases where conversion from `id` is necessary can now be handled by postfix `!` (see above). Fully general unconditional casts can still be expressed using `as` and postfix `!` together, `(x as T)!`. * The old "square bracket" attribute syntax has been removed. * Overflows on construction of integer and floating point values from integer literals that are too large to fit the type are now reported by the compiler. Here are some examples: ```swift var x = Int8(-129) // error: integer literal overflows when stored into 'Int8' var y : Int = 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_F // error: integer literal overflows when stored into 'Int' ``` Overflows in constant integer expressions are also reported by the compiler. ```swift var x : Int8 = 125 var y : Int8 = x + 125 // error: arithmetic operation '125 + 125' (on type 'Int8') results in // an overflow ``` * Division by zero in constant expressions is now detected by the compiler: ```swift var z: Int = 0 var x = 5 / z // error: division by zero ``` * Generic structs with type parameters as field types are now fully supported. ```swift struct Pair { var first: T var second: U } ``` 2013-10-09 ---------- * Autorelease pools can now be created using the `autoreleasepool` function. ```swift autoreleasepool { // code } ``` Note that the wrapped code is a closure, so constructs like `break` and `continue` and `return` do not behave as they would inside an Objective-C `@autoreleasepool` statement. * Enums can now declare a "raw type", and cases can declare "raw values", similar to the integer underlying type of C enums: ```swift // Declare the underlying type as in Objective-C or C++11, with // ': Type' enum AreaCode : Int { // Assign explicit values to cases with '=' case SanFrancisco = 415 case EastBay = 510 case Peninsula = 650 case SanJose = 408 // Values are also assignable by implicit auto-increment case Galveston // = 409 case Baltimore // = 410 } ``` This introduces `fromRaw` and `toRaw` methods on the enum to perform conversions from and to the raw type: ```swift /* As if declared: extension AreaCode { // Take a raw value, and produce the corresponding enum value, // or None if there is no corresponding enum value static func fromRaw(raw:Int) -> AreaCode? // Return the corresponding raw value for 'self' func toRaw() -> Int } */ AreaCode.fromRaw(415) // => .Some(.SanFrancisco) AreaCode.fromRaw(111) // => .None AreaCode.SanJose.toRaw() // => 408 ``` Raw types are not limited to integer types--they can additionally be character, floating-point, or string values: ```swift enum State : String { case CA = "California" case OR = "Oregon" case WA = "Washington" } enum SquareRootOfInteger : Float { case One = 1.0 case Two = 1.414 case Three = 1.732 case Four = 2.0 } ``` Raw types are currently limited to simple C-like enums with no payload cases. The raw values are currently restricted to simple literal values; expressions such as `1 + 1` or references to other enum cases are not yet supported. Raw values are also currently required to be unique for each case in an enum. Enums with raw types implicitly conform to the `RawRepresentable` protocol, which exposes the fromRaw and toRaw methods to generics: ```swift protocol RawRepresentable { typealias RawType static func fromRaw(raw: RawType) -> Self? func toRaw() -> RawType } ``` * Attribute syntax has been redesigned (see **(rdar://10700853)** and **(rdar://14462729)**) so that attributes now precede the declaration and use the `@` character to signify them. Where before you might have written: ```swift func [someattribute=42] foo(a : Int) {} ``` you now write: ```swift @someattribute=42 func foo(a : Int) {} ``` This flows a lot better (attributes don't push the name for declarations away), and means that square brackets are only used for array types, collection literals, and subscripting operations. * The `for` loop now uses the Generator protocol instead of the `Enumerator` protocol to iterate a sequence. This protocol looks like this: ```swift protocol Generator { typealias Element func next() -> Element? } ``` The single method `next()` advances the generator and returns an Optional, which is either `.Some(value)`, wrapping the next value out of the underlying sequence, or `.None` to signal that there are no more elements. This is an improvement over the previous Enumerator protocol because it eliminates the separate `isEmpty()` query and better reflects the semantics of ephemeral sequences like un-buffered input streams. 2013-10-02 ---------- * The `[byref]` attribute has been renamed to `[inout]`. When applied to a logical property, the getter is invoked before a call and the setter is applied to write back the result. `inout` conveys this better and aligns with existing Objective-C practice better. * `[inout]` arguments can now be captured into closures. The semantics of a inout capture are that the captured variable is an independent local variable of the callee, and the inout is updated to contain the value of that local variable at function exit. In the common case, most closure arguments do not outlive the duration of their callee, and the observable behavior is unchanged. However, if the captured variable outlives the function, you can observe this. For example, this code: ```swift func foo(x : [inout] Int) -> () -> Int { func bar() -> Int { x += 1 return x } // Call 'bar' once while the inout is active. bar() return bar } var x = 219 var f = foo(&x) // x is updated to the value of foo's local x at function exit. println("global x = \(x)") // These calls only update the captured local 'x', which is now independent // of the inout parameter. println("local x = \(f())") println("local x = \(f())") println("local x = \(f())") println("global x = \(x)") ``` will print: ``` global x = 220 local x = 221 local x = 222 local x = 223 global x = 220 ``` In no case will you end up with a dangling pointer or other unsafe construct. * `x as T` now performs a checked cast to `T?`, producing `.Some(t)` if the cast succeeds, or `.None` if the cast fails. * The ternary expression (`x ? y : z`) now requires whitespace between the first expression and the question mark. This permits `?` to be used as a postfix operator. * A significant new piece of syntactic sugar has been added to ease working with optional values. The `?` postfix operator is analogous to `!`, but instead of asserting on None, it causes all the following postfix operators to get skipped and return `None`. In a sense, this generalizes (and makes explicit) the Objective-C behavior where message sends to `nil` silently produce the zero value of the result. For example, this code ```swift object?.parent.notifyChildEvent?(object!, .didExplode) ``` first checks whether `object` has a value; if so, it drills to its parent and checks whether that object implements the `notifyChildEvent` method; if so, it calls that method. (Note that we do not yet have generalized optional methods.) This code: ```swift var titleLength = object?.title.length ``` checks whether `object` has a value and, if so, asks for the length of its title. `titleLength` will have type `Int?`, and if `object` was missing, the variable will be initialized to None. * Objects with type `id` can now be used as the receiver of property accesses and subscript operations to get (but not set) values. The result is of optional type. For example, for a variable `obj` of type `id`, the expression ```swift obj[0] ``` will produce a value of type `id`, which will either contain the result of the message send objectAtIndexedSubscript(0) (wrapped in an optional type) or, if the object does not respond to `objectAtIndexedSubscript:`, an empty optional. The same approach applies to property accesses. * `_` can now be used not only in `var` bindings, but in assignments as well, to ignore elements of a tuple assignment, or to explicitly ignore values. ```swift var a = (1, 2.0, 3) var x = 0, y = 0 _ = a // explicitly load and discard 'a' (x, _, y) = a // assign a.0 to x and a.2 to y ``` 2013-09-24 ---------- * The `union` keyword has been replaced with `enum`. Unions and enums are semantically identical in swift (the former just has data associated with its discriminators) and `enum` is the vastly more common case. For more rationale, please see [docs/proposals/Enums.rst]( * The Optional type `T?` is now represented as an `enum`: ```swift enum Optional { case None case Some(T) } ``` This means that, in addition to the existing Optional APIs, it can be pattern-matched with switch: ```swift var x : X?, y : Y? switch (x, y) { // Both are present case (.Some(var a), .Some(var b)): println("both") // One is present case (.Some, .None): case (.None, .Some): println("one") // Neither is present case (.None, .None): println("neither") } ``` * Enums now allow multiple cases to be declared in a comma-separated list in a single `case` declaration: ```swift enum Color { case Red, Green, Blue } ``` * The Objective-C `id` and `Class` types now support referring to methods declared in any class or protocol without a downcast. For example, given a variable `sender` of type `id`, one can refer to `-isEqual: with:` ```swift sender.isEqual ``` The actual object may or may not respond to `-isEqual`, so this expression returns result of optional type whose value is determined via a compiler-generated `-respondsToSelector` send. When it succeeds, the optional contains the method; when it fails, the optional is empty. To safely test the optional, one can use, e.g., ```swift var senderIsEqual = sender.isEqual if senderIsEqual { // this will never trigger an "unrecognized selector" failure var equal = senderIsEqual!(other) } else { // sender does not respond to -isEqual: } ``` When you *know* that the method is there, you can use postfix `!` to force unwrapping of the optional, e.g., ```swift sender.isEqual!(other) ``` This will fail at runtime if in fact sender does not respond to `-isEqual:`. We have some additional syntactic optimizations planned for testing an optional value and handling both the success and failure cases concisely. Watch this space. * Weak references now always have optional type. If a weak variable has an explicit type, it must be an optional type: ```swift var [weak] x : NSObject? ``` If the variable is not explicitly typed, its type will still be inferred to be an optional type. * There is now an implicit conversion from `T` to `T?`. 2013-09-17 ---------- * Constructor syntax has been improved to align better with Objective-C's `init` methods. The `constructor` keyword has been replaced with `init`, and the selector style of declaration used for func declarations is now supported. For example: ```swift class Y : NSObject { init withInt(i : Int) string(s : String) { super.init() // call superclass initializer } } ``` One can use this constructor to create a `Y` object with, e.g., ```swift Y(withInt:17, string:"Hello") ``` Additionally, the rules regarding the selector corresponding to such a declaration have been revised. The selector for the above initializer is `initWithInt:string:`; the specific rules are described in the documentation. Finally, Swift initializers now introduce Objective-C entry points, so a declaration such as: ```swift class X : NSObject { init() { super.init() } } ``` Overrides `NSObject`'s `-init` method (which it calls first) as well as introducing the 'allocating' entry point so that one can create a new `X` instance with the syntax `X()`. * Variables in top-level code (i.e. scripts, but not global variables in libraries) that lack an initializer now work just like local variables: they must be explicitly assigned-to sometime before any use, instead of being default constructed. Instance variables are still on the TODO list. * Generic unions with a single payload case and any number of empty cases are now implemented, for example: ```swift union Maybe { case Some(T) case None } union Tristate { case Initialized(T) case Initializing case Uninitialized } ``` Generic unions with multiple payload cases are still not yet implemented. 2013-09-11 ---------- * The implementation now supports partial application of class and struct methods: ```swift (swift) class B { func foo() { println("B") } } (swift) class D : B { func foo() { println("D") } } (swift) var foo = B().foo // foo : () -> () = (swift) foo() B (swift) foo = D().foo (swift) foo() D ``` Support for partial application of Objective-C class methods and methods in generic contexts is still incomplete. 2013-09-04 ---------- * Local variable declarations without an initializer are no longer implicitly constructed. The compiler now verifies that they are initialized on all paths leading to a use of the variable. This means that constructs like this are now allowed: ```swift var p : SomeProtocol if whatever { p = foo() } else { p = bar() } ``` where before, the compiler would reject the definition of `p` saying that it needed an initializer expression. Since all local variables must be initialized before use, simple things like this are now rejected as well: ```swift var x : Int print(x) ``` The fix is to initialize the value on all paths, or to explicitly default initialize the value in the declaration, e.g. with `var x = 0` or with `var x = Int()` (which works for any default-constructible type). * The implementation now supports unions containing protocol types and weak reference types. * The type annotation syntax, `x as T`, has been removed from the language. The checked cast operations `x as! T` and `x is T` still remain. 2013-08-28 ---------- * `this` has been renamed to `self`. Similarly, `This` has been renamed to `Self`. * Swift now supports unions. Unlike C unions, Swift's `union` is type-safe and always knows what type it contains at runtime. Union members are labeled using `case` declarations; each case may have a different set of types or no type: ```swift union MaybeInt { case Some(Int) case None } union HTMLTag { case A(href:String) case IMG(src:String, alt:String) case BR } ``` Each `case` with a type defines a static constructor function for the union type. `case` declarations without types become static members: ```swift var br = HTMLTag.BR var a = HTMLTag.A(href:"") // 'HTMLTag' scope deduced for '.IMG' from context var img : HTMLTag = .IMG(src:"", alt:"The new Mac Pro") ``` Cases can be pattern-matched using `switch`: ```swift switch tag { case .BR: println("
") case .IMG(var src, var alt): println("\"\(escape(alt))\"") case .A(var href): println("") } ``` Due to implementation limitations, recursive unions are not yet supported. * Swift now supports autolinking, so importing frameworks or Swift libraries should no longer require adding linker flags or modifying your project file. 2013-08-14 ---------- * Swift now supports weak references by applying the `[weak]` attribute to a variable declaration. ```swift (swift) var x = NSObject() // x : NSObject = (swift) var [weak] w = x // w : NSObject = (swift) w == nil // r2 : Bool = false (swift) x = NSObject() (swift) w == nil // r3 : Bool = true ``` Swift also supports a special form of weak reference, called `[unowned]`, for references that should never be nil but are required to be weak to break cycles, such as parent or sibling references. Accessing an `[unowned]` reference asserts that the reference is still valid and implicitly promotes the loaded reference to a strong reference, so it does not need to be loaded and checked for nullness before use like a true `[weak]` reference. ```swift class Parent { var children : Array func addChild(c:Child) { c.parent = this children.append(c) } } class Child { var [unowned] parent : Parent } ``` 2013-07-31 ---------- * Numeric literals can now use underscores as separators. For example: ```swift var billion = 1_000_000_000 var crore = 1_00_00_000 var MAXINT = 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF var SMALLEST_DENORM = 0x0.0000_0000_0000_1p-1022 ``` * Types conforming to protocols now must always declare the conformance in their inheritance clause. * The build process now produces serialized modules for the standard library, greatly improving build times. 2013-07-24 ---------- * Arithmetic operators `+`, `-`, `*`, and `/` on integer types now do overflow checking and trap on overflow. A parallel set of masking operators, `&+`, `&-`, `&*`, and `&/`, are defined to perform two's complement wrapping arithmetic for all signed and unsigned integer types. * Debugger support. Swift has a `-g` command line switch that turns on debug info for the compiled output. Using the standard lldb debugger this will allow single-stepping through Swift programs, printing backtraces, and navigating through stack frames; all in sync with the corresponding Swift source code. An unmodified lldb cannot inspect any variables. Example session: ``` $ echo 'println("Hello World")' >hello.swift $ swift hello.swift -c -g -o hello.o $ ld hello.o "-dynamic" "-arch" "x86_64" "-macosx_version_min" "10.9.0" \ -framework Foundation lib/swift/libswift_stdlib_core.dylib \ lib/swift/libswift_stdlib_posix.dylib -lSystem -o hello $ lldb hello Current executable set to 'hello' (x86_64). (lldb) b top_level_code Breakpoint 1: where = hello`top_level_code + 26 at hello.swift:1, addre... (lldb) r Process 38592 launched: 'hello' (x86_64) Process 38592 stopped * thread #1: tid = 0x1599fb, 0x0000000100000f2a hello`top_level_code + ... frame #0: 0x0000000100000f2a hello`top_level_code + 26 at hello.shi... -> 1 println("Hello World") (lldb) bt * thread #1: tid = 0x1599fb, 0x0000000100000f2a hello`top_level_code + ... frame #0: 0x0000000100000f2a hello`top_level_code + 26 at hello.shi... frame #1: 0x0000000100000f5c hello`main + 28 frame #2: 0x00007fff918605fd libdyld.dylib`start + 1 frame #3: 0x00007fff918605fd libdyld.dylib`start + 1 ``` Also try `s`, `n`, `up`, `down`. 2013-07-17 ---------- * Swift now has a `switch` statement, supporting pattern matching of multiple values with variable bindings, guard expressions, and range comparisons. For example: ```swift func classifyPoint(point:(Int, Int)) { switch point { case (0, 0): println("origin") case (_, 0): println("on the x axis") case (0, _): println("on the y axis") case (var x, var y) where x == y: println("on the y = x diagonal") case (var x, var y) where -x == y: println("on the y = -x diagonal") case (-10..10, -10..10): println("close to the origin") case (var x, var y): println("length \(sqrt(x*x + y*y))") } } ``` 2013-07-10 ---------- * Swift has a new closure syntax. The new syntax eliminates the use of pipes. Instead, the closure signature is written the same way as a function type and is separated from the body by the `in` keyword. For example: ```swift sort(fruits) { (lhs : String, rhs : String) -> Bool in return lhs > rhs } ``` When the types are omitted, one can also omit the parentheses, e.g., ```swift sort(fruits) { lhs, rhs in lhs > rhs } ``` Closures with no parameters or that use the anonymous parameters (`$0`, `$1`, etc.) don't need the `in`, e.g., ```swift sort(fruits) { $0 > $1 } ``` * `nil` can now be used without explicit casting. Previously, `nil` had type `NSObject`, so one would have to write (e.g.) `nil as! NSArray` to create a `nil` `NSArray`. Now, `nil` picks up the type of its context. * `POSIX.EnvironmentVariables` and `swift.CommandLineArguments` global variables were merged into a `swift.Process` variable. Now you can access command line arguments with `Process.arguments`. In order to access environment variables add `import POSIX` and use `Process.environmentVariables`.