\name{chunksAdd} \alias{chunksAdd} \alias{chunksDrop} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Manage counts of text chunks } \description{ Perl subroutines are used to add and delete chunks of text to tables of their counts. } \usage{ chunksAdd(table, data, convert) chunksDrop(table, data, convert) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{table}{A proxy reference to a Perl hash containing counts, as returned from a previous call to \code{chunksAdd()} or \code{chunksDrop()}. On the initial call to \code{chunksAdd()} , this argument will be omitted, and initialized as an empty table.} \item{data}{A vector of items to be added or dropped from the counts in the table. Typically a character vector but any mix of scalar items can be supplied.} \item{convert}{ Should the result be returned as a proxy reference to the table (a Perl hash), or converted to a named vector in R? By default, the table is converted if the \code{data} argument is omitted or of zero length. } } \value{ A proxy reference to a Perl hash, if \code{convert} is \code{FALSE}; otherwise a named vector (the conversion is done by the Perl interface in package \code{RSPerl}, and will be a named vector of counts. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.net/RSPerl/} for the \code{RSPerl} interface.} \author{John M. Chambers } \examples{ \dontrun{ if(require(RSPerl)){ set.seed(314) someLetters <- sample(letters, 100, TRUE) tbl <- chunksAdd(data = someLetters[1:50]) tbl <- chunksAdd(tbl, someLetters[51:100]) tbl <- chunksDrop(tbl, someLetters[1:10]) chunksAdd(tbl) # to convert the table } } } \keyword{programming }