[metadata] description-file = README.md [aliases] test=pytest [tool:pytest] addopts = --ignore=scripts [flake8] ignore = E501, W503 per-file-ignores = pyuvdata/tests/*.py: D docs/*.py: D setup.py: D # remove the following lines as they get converted to numpy style docstrings: pyuvdata/aipy_extracts.py: D pyuvdata/ms.py: D pyuvdata/uvbase.py: D pyuvdata/uvcal.py: D pyuvdata/uvdata.py: D pyuvdata/uvfits.py: D pyuvdata/uvflag.py: D pyuvdata/version.py: D docstring-convention = numpy select = C,E,W,T4,B9,F,D # List of other checks to consider adding: # move to a max line length rather than ignoring E501 # max-line-length = 88 # it's recommended to have max-complexity ~ 18 # max-complexity = 18 # flake8-quotes # flake8-comprehensions # flake8-black # flake8-builtins # flake8-eradicate # pep8-naming # flake8-isort # flake8-rst-docstrings # flake8-rst # darglint # flake8-copyright # flake8-ownership