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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/plotTuneMultiCritResult.R
\title{Plots multi-criteria results after tuning using ggplot2.}
  path = TRUE,
  col = NULL,
  shape = NULL,
  pointsize = 2,
  pretty.names = TRUE
Result of \link{tuneParamsMultiCrit}.}

Visualize all evaluated points (or only the non-dominated pareto front)?
For the full path, the size of the points on the front is slightly increased.
Default is \code{TRUE}.}

Which column of \code{res$opt.path} should be mapped to ggplot2 color?
Default is \code{NULL}, which means none.}

Which column of \code{res$opt.path} should be mapped to ggplot2 shape?
Default is \code{NULL}, which means none.}

Point size for ggplot2 \link[ggplot2:geom_point]{ggplot2::geom_point} for data points.
Default is 2.}

Whether to use the ID of the measures instead of their name in labels. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.}
ggplot2 plot object.
Visualizes the pareto front and possibly the dominated points.
# see tuneParamsMultiCrit
Other tune_multicrit: 
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