# Namespace for lsmeans package # Imports # From default packages (new req from CRAN, July 2015) importFrom("graphics", "pairs") importFrom("stats", "as.formula", "coef", "complete.cases", "confint", "cov", "cov2cor", "delete.response", "deriv", "family", "lm", "make.link", "model.frame", "model.matrix", "na.omit", "na.pass", "p.adjust", "p.adjust.methods", "pchisq", "pf", "poly", "predict", "pt", "ptukey", "qbeta", "qf", "qt", "qtukey", "reformulate", "terms", "uniroot", "update", "vcov") importFrom("utils", "head", "installed.packages", "str") importFrom("nlme", "fixef") # Others import(methods) import(mvtnorm) import(estimability) # 'requireNamespace' block below allows me to put multcomp in # Imports instead of Depends. if (requireNamespace("multcomp", quietly = TRUE)) { importFrom(multcomp, cld, glht, modelparm) export(cld) # need user to see it even if multcomp not loaded S3method(cld, ref.grid) S3method(cld, lsm.list) S3method(glht, lsmlf) S3method(glht, ref.grid) S3method(modelparm, lsmwrap) } if (requireNamespace("plyr", quietly = TRUE)) { importFrom(plyr, alply) } if (requireNamespace("coda", quietly = TRUE)) { importFrom(coda, as.mcmc) export(as.mcmc) S3method(as.mcmc, ref.grid) } # When xtable>=1.8-2 is on CRAN, we can uncomment this and remove the xtable support from Rbuildignore #if (requireNamespace("xtable", quietly = TRUE)) { # importFrom(xtable, xtable, xtableList) #} # Visible exports exportPattern("*.lsmc") #all contrast fcns export( as.glht, contrast, defaults, get.lsm.option, get.pmm.option, lsm, lsm.basis, lsmeans, lsmeans.character, lsmobj, lsmip, lsm.options, lstrends, pmm, pmmeans, pmmobj, pmmip, pmm.options, pmtrends, ###rbind, # my own version that overrides one in methods recover.data, ref.grid, regrid, test ) # hidden functions of possible use to other package developers export( .all.vars, .aovlist.dffun, .diag, .get.offset, .my.vcov ) # S3 methods for recover.data and lsm.basis that are needed by other packages S3method(recover.data, call) S3method(recover.data, aovlist) S3method(lsm.basis, aovlist) S3method(recover.data, lm) S3method(lsm.basis, lm) S3method(recover.data, lme) S3method(lsm.basis, lme) S3method(recover.data, merMod) S3method(lsm.basis, merMod) S3method(lsm.basis, mlm) # recover.data for mlm uses lm # S3 methods - # For clarity, I'm showing them all # but commenting out the ones used only interally S3method("[", ref.grid) S3method(as.glht, ref.grid) S3method(as.glht, lsm.list) S3method(confint, ref.grid) S3method(confint, lsm.list) S3method(contrast, ref.grid) S3method(contrast,lsm.list) #S3method(glht, lsmlf) # in namespace block above #S3method(glht, ref.grid) S3method(lsmeans, character) S3method(lsmeans.character, default) S3method(lsmeans.character, ref.grid) S3method(lsmeans, default) S3method(lsmeans, formula) S3method(lsmeans, list) S3method(lsmip, default) #S3method(modelparm, lsmwrap) # in namespace block above S3method(pairs, ref.grid) S3method(pairs, lsm.list) S3method(plot, lsmobj) S3method(plot, summary.ref.grid) S3method(predict, ref.grid) S3method(print, ref.grid) S3method(print, summary.ref.grid) S3method(print, lsm.list) S3method(rbind, ref.grid) S3method(str, ref.grid) S3method(str, lsm.list) S3method(summary, ref.grid) S3method(summary, glht.list) S3method(summary, lsm.list) S3method(test, ref.grid) S3method(test, lsm.list) S3method(update, ref.grid) S3method(vcov, ref.grid) #S3method(xtable, ref.grid) #S3method(xtable, summary.ref.grid) # interim support for old lsmeans function # removed at version 2.14 # export(.old.lsmeans) # S3method(print, lsm) # S3method(print, data.frame.lsm)