import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from nanonet.tb import get_k_coords import nanonet.tb as tb # --------------------- vectors (in Angstroms) -------------------- lat_const = 1.42 a1 = 0.5 * lat_const * 3 a2 = 0.5 * lat_const * np.sqrt(3) period = np.array([[a1, a2, 0.0], [a1, -a2, 0.0]]) # --------------------------- wave vectors ------------------------- lat_const_rec = 2 * np.pi / (3 * np.sqrt(3) * lat_const) special_k_points = { 'GAMMA': [0, 0, 0], 'K': [lat_const_rec * np.sqrt(3), lat_const_rec, 0], 'K_prime': [lat_const_rec * np.sqrt(3), -lat_const_rec, 0], 'M': [lat_const_rec * np.sqrt(3), 0, 0] } sym_points = ['GAMMA', 'M', 'K', 'GAMMA'] num_points = [25, 25, 25] k_points = get_k_coords(sym_points, num_points, special_k_points) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ fig_counter = 1 def graphene_first_nearest_neighbour(): coords = """2 Graphene C1 0.00 0.00 0.00 C2 {} 0.00 0.00 """.format(lat_const) # --------------------------- Basis set -------------------------- s_orb = tb.Orbitals('C') s_orb.add_orbital("pz", energy=0, orbital=1, magnetic=0, spin=0) # ------------------------ set TB parameters---------------------- t = 2.8 tb.set_tb_params(PARAMS_C_C={'pp_pi': t}) # --------------------------- Hamiltonian ------------------------- h = tb.Hamiltonian(xyz=coords, nn_distance=1.5) h.initialize() h.set_periodic_bc(period) band_structure = np.zeros((sum(num_points), h.h_matrix.shape[0])) for jj, item in enumerate(k_points): band_structure[jj, :], _ = h.diagonalize_periodic_bc(item) # visualize global fig_counter plt.figure(fig_counter) fig_counter += 1 ax = plt.axes() ax.set_title(r'Band structure of graphene, 1st NN') ax.set_ylabel('Energy (eV)') ax.plot(np.sort(band_structure), 'k') ax.plot([0, band_structure.shape[0]], [0, 0], '--', color='k', linewidth=0.5) plt.xticks(np.insert(np.cumsum(num_points) - 1, 0, 0), labels=sym_points) ax.xaxis.grid() def radial_dep(coords): """ Step-wise radial dependence function """ norm_of_coords = np.linalg.norm(coords) if norm_of_coords < 1.5: return 1 elif 2.5 > norm_of_coords > 1.5: return 2 elif 3.0 > norm_of_coords > 2.5: return 3 else: return 100 def graphene_third_nearest_neighbour_with_overlaps(): """ All parameters are taken from Reich et al, Phys. Rev. B 66, 035412 (2002) Returns ------- """ coords = """2 Graphene C1 0.00 0.00 0.00 C2 {} 0.00 0.00 """.format(lat_const) # --------------------------- Basis set -------------------------- s_orb = tb.Orbitals('C') s_orb.add_orbital("pz", energy=-0.28, orbital=1, magnetic=0, spin=0) # ------------------------ set TB parameters---------------------- gamma0 = -2.97 gamma1 = -0.073 gamma2 = -0.33 s0 = 0.073 s1 = 0.018 s2 = 0.026 tb.set_tb_params(PARAMS_C_C1={'pp_pi': gamma0}, PARAMS_C_C2={'pp_pi': gamma1}, PARAMS_C_C3={'pp_pi': gamma2}, OV_C_C1={'pp_pi': s0}, OV_C_C2={'pp_pi': s1}, OV_C_C3={'pp_pi': s2}) # --------------------------- Hamiltonian ------------------------- h = tb.Hamiltonian(xyz=coords, nn_distance=[1.5, 2.5, 3.1], comp_overlap=True) h.initialize() h.set_periodic_bc(period) band_structure = np.zeros((sum(num_points), h.h_matrix.shape[0])) for jj, item in enumerate(k_points): band_structure[jj, :], _ = h.diagonalize_periodic_bc(item) # visualize global fig_counter plt.figure(fig_counter) fig_counter += 1 ax = plt.axes() ax.set_title('Band structure of graphene, 3d NN \n after Reich et al, Phys. Rev. B 66, 035412 (2002)') ax.set_ylabel('Energy (eV)') ax.plot(np.sort(band_structure), 'k') ax.plot([0, band_structure.shape[0]], [0, 0], '--', color='k', linewidth=0.5) plt.xticks(np.insert(np.cumsum(num_points) - 1, 0, 0), labels=sym_points) ax.xaxis.grid() def graphene_nanoribbons_zigzag(): from import graphene_nanoribbon from ase.visualize.plot import plot_atoms atoms = graphene_nanoribbon(11, 1, type='zigzag') period = np.array([list(atoms.get_cell()[2])]) period[:, [1, 2]] = period[:, [2, 1]] coord = atoms.get_positions() coord[:, [1, 2]] = coord[:, [2, 1]] coords = [] coords.append(str(len(coord))) coords.append('Nanoribbon') for j, item in enumerate(coord): coords.append('C' + str(j+1) + ' ' + str(item[0]) + ' ' + str(item[1]) + ' ' + str(item[2])) coords = '\n'.join(coords) s_orb = tb.Orbitals('C') s_orb.add_orbital("pz", energy=-0.28, orbital=1, magnetic=0, spin=0) # ------------------------ set TB parameters---------------------- gamma0 = -2.97 gamma1 = -0.073 gamma2 = -0.33 s0 = 0.073 s1 = 0.018 s2 = 0.026 tb.set_tb_params(PARAMS_C_C1={'pp_pi': gamma0}, PARAMS_C_C2={'pp_pi': gamma1}, PARAMS_C_C3={'pp_pi': gamma2}, OV_C_C1={'pp_pi': s0}, OV_C_C2={'pp_pi': s1}, OV_C_C3={'pp_pi': s2}) # --------------------------- Hamiltonian ------------------------- h = tb.Hamiltonian(xyz=coords, nn_distance=[1.5, 2.5, 3.1], comp_overlap=True) h.initialize() h.set_periodic_bc(period) k_points = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi/period[0][1], 20) band_structure = np.zeros((len(k_points), h.h_matrix.shape[0])) for jj, item in enumerate(k_points): band_structure[jj, :], _ = h.diagonalize_periodic_bc([0.0, item, 0.0]) # visualize ax = plt.axes() ax.set_title('Graphene nanoribbon, zigzag 11') ax.set_ylabel('Energy (eV)') ax.set_xlabel(r'Wave vector ($\frac{\pi}{a}$)') ax.plot(k_points, np.sort(band_structure), 'k') ax.xaxis.grid() ax1 = plot_atoms(atoms, show_unit_cell=2, rotation='90x,0y,00z') ax1.axis('off') def graphene_nanoribbons_armchair(): from import graphene_nanoribbon from ase.visualize.plot import plot_atoms atoms = graphene_nanoribbon(11, 1, type='armchair') period = np.array([list(atoms.get_cell()[2])]) period[:, [1, 2]] = period[:, [2, 1]] coord = atoms.get_positions() coord[:, [1, 2]] = coord[:, [2, 1]] coords = [] coords.append(str(len(coord))) coords.append('Nanoribbon') for j, item in enumerate(coord): coords.append('C' + str(j+1) + ' ' + str(item[0]) + ' ' + str(item[1]) + ' ' + str(item[2])) coords = '\n'.join(coords) s_orb = tb.Orbitals('C') s_orb.add_orbital("pz", energy=-0.28, orbital=1, magnetic=0, spin=0) # ------------------------ set TB parameters---------------------- gamma0 = -2.97 gamma1 = -0.073 gamma2 = -0.33 s0 = 0.073 s1 = 0.018 s2 = 0.026 tb.set_tb_params(PARAMS_C_C1={'pp_pi': gamma0}, PARAMS_C_C2={'pp_pi': gamma1}, PARAMS_C_C3={'pp_pi': gamma2}, OV_C_C1={'pp_pi': s0}, OV_C_C2={'pp_pi': s1}, OV_C_C3={'pp_pi': s2}) # --------------------------- Hamiltonian ------------------------- h = tb.Hamiltonian(xyz=coords, nn_distance=[1.5, 2.5, 3.1], comp_overlap=True) h.initialize() h.set_periodic_bc(period) k_points = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi/period[0][1], 20) band_structure = np.zeros((len(k_points), h.h_matrix.shape[0])) for jj, item in enumerate(k_points): band_structure[jj, :], _ = h.diagonalize_periodic_bc([0.0, item, 0.0]) # visualize ax = plt.axes() ax.set_title('Graphene nanoribbon, armchair 11') ax.set_ylabel('Energy (eV)') ax.set_xlabel(r'Wave vector ($\frac{\pi}{a}$)') ax.plot(k_points, np.sort(band_structure), 'k') ax.xaxis.grid() ax1 = plot_atoms(atoms, show_unit_cell=2, rotation='90x,0y,00z') ax1.axis('off') def graphene_nanotube(): from import nanotube from ase.visualize.plot import plot_atoms n = 10 m = 10 atoms = nanotube(n, m) atoms.wrap() period = np.array([list(atoms.get_cell()[2])]) period[:, [1, 2]] = period[:, [2, 1]] coord = atoms.get_positions() coord[:, [1, 2]] = coord[:, [2, 1]] coords = [] coords.append(str(len(coord))) coords.append('Nanoribbon') for j, item in enumerate(coord): coords.append('C' + str(j + 1) + ' ' + str(item[0]) + ' ' + str(item[1]) + ' ' + str(item[2])) coords = '\n'.join(coords) # --------------------------- Basis set -------------------------- s_orb = tb.Orbitals('C') s_orb.add_orbital("pz", energy=0, orbital=1, magnetic=0, spin=0) # s_orb.add_orbital("py", energy=0, orbital=1, magnetic=1, spin=0) # s_orb.add_orbital("px", energy=0, orbital=1, magnetic=-1, spin=0) # ------------------------ set TB parameters---------------------- t = 2.8 tb.set_tb_params(PARAMS_C_C={'pp_pi': t}) # --------------------------- Hamiltonian ------------------------- h = tb.Hamiltonian(xyz=coords, nn_distance=1.7, comp_angular_dep=False) h.initialize() h.set_periodic_bc(period) k_points = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi/period[0][1], 20) band_structure = np.zeros((len(k_points), h.h_matrix.shape[0])) for jj, item in enumerate(k_points): band_structure[jj, :], _ = h.diagonalize_periodic_bc([0.0, item, 0.0]) # visualize ax = plt.axes() ax.set_title('Band structure of carbon nanotube, ({0}, {1}) \n 1st nearest neighbour approximation'.format(n, m)) ax.set_ylabel('Energy (eV)') ax.set_xlabel(r'Wave vector ($\frac{\pi}{a}$)') ax.plot(k_points, np.sort(band_structure), 'k') ax.xaxis.grid() ax1 = plot_atoms(atoms, show_unit_cell=2, rotation='10x,50y,30z') ax1.axis('off') if __name__ == '__main__': graphene_first_nearest_neighbour() graphene_third_nearest_neighbour_with_overlaps() graphene_nanoribbons_zigzag() graphene_nanoribbons_armchair() graphene_nanotube()