## Calculates the advective velocities assuming steady state compaction
setup.compaction.1D <- function(v.0 = NULL, v.inf = NULL,
por.0, por.inf, por.grid) {
## check input
gn <- names(por.grid)
if (! "mid" %in% gn)
stop("error in setup.prop: porosity should be a list that contains mid")
if (! "int" %in% gn)
stop("error in setup.prop: porosity should be a list that contains int")
if (is.null(v.0) && is.null(v.inf))
stop("error in setup.advection: either the sedimentation velocity <v.0> or the burial velocity <v.inf> should be specified")
## calculate velocities at infinity
if (is.null(v.inf)) { # sedimentation velocity is specified
v.factor <- v.0*(1-por.0)
v.inf <- v.factor/(1-por.inf)
u.inf <- v.inf
u.factor <- u.inf*por.inf
} else { # burial velocity is specified
v.factor <- v.inf*(1-por.inf)
v.0 <- v.factor/(1-por.0)
u.inf <- v.inf
u.factor <- u.inf*por.inf
v.mid <- v.factor/(1-por.grid$mid) <- v.factor/(1-por.grid$int)
u.mid <- u.factor/por.grid$mid <- u.factor/por.grid$int
Res <- list(u = list(mid=u.mid,, v=list(mid=v.mid,
class(Res) <- "compaction.1D"